Sailor DKC, back again with an 11th story, featuring the couple Kunzite and Mina. On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center was attacked and destroyed. Being a New Yorker, it was a very terrifying week for me. Writing this story helped me get through this horrible event. I'll be mostly using Kunzite's DIC name, Malachite, in this story. The picture which inspired me is from Megumi, and it can be found in the website, Generals Love. When you see this *, I am describing the scene of Megumi's picture in the story. Rated PG and entertainment only. My other stories are also at Generals Love, A Sailor Moon Romance, Lalala Land, Lovers That Never Were, and a site just for Kunzite and Mina called Two Lonely Hearts. Word of good advice: When you are ready for intimacy, be responsible. Dedicated to Megumi. Your picture is so touching! In memory of the victims, deceased or alive, of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. Famous Quotes: "Give peace a chance." "Make love, not war." Please e-mail me at for comments. I DON"T KNOW WHY By Sailor DKC Lying on the bed awake, Mina breathed softly. She stared up at the ceiling, admiring the structure, then turned on her side and faced the window. It was not yet dawn, but light was beginning to fade in. Hearing a morning bird sing followed by its companion, Mina smiled and imagined herself and her love as the birds, flying and singing happily together. She then heard a sound of someone moaning in his sleep. Turning onto her other side, she snuggled and hugged her pillow as she stared lovingly at the sleeping man by her side. Sleeping face up, Malachite, a.k.a. General Kunzite, looked so much younger even though he was in his early 20's. Mina's eyes roved over his strong face framed by his shocking white hair. They went further down his smooth throat, across his bare muscular chest, to his firm stomach where the blue satin sheet covered the rest of him. Biting her lip softly, Mina blushed at what happened on this bed last night. Turning to lie on her back again, she tucked the sheet around her nudity. 'I can't believe we made love!' she thought, pulling the sheet over her nose as if to hide. Giggling, she recalled the events that led to this perfect morning. FLASHBACK "What is your problem?" "The problem is -SAILOR VENUS- " Kunzite started, putting emphasis on her name, "is that your princess is a spoiled girl who takes unnecessary risks!" "For your information -GENERAL KUNZITE- " Venus retorted, putting emphasis on his name, "she is in love! She would face danger to see her love. Although I admit, he seems to be without a personality." "What?" Kunzite asked, in a low deadly tone. "No offense, Kunz, but your prince? Except around my princess, he is a total insensitive bore!" Eyes blazed, fists clenched, Kunzite took a menacing step toward Venus who faced him, arms crossed and unwilling to cringe. "You-you -you-," he sputtered. "What?" she dared. Unclenching and raising his hands as if to grab her, he said, "I'm going to-" "GENERAL!" Kunzite stopped and assumed his position. "Your highness?" Prince Endymion looked at him, an eyebrow raised, then at Mina. "I hope no trouble is brewing here." "No trouble, sire. We were having a discussion." "Oh, really?" Princess Serenity approached them. "Before I arrived, it sounded like an argument." She gave a knowing eye of disapproval toward Venus. Placing her hands on her hips, Venus huffed. "He started it!" Kunzite was about to retort when the prince held up his hand for silence. "Now I understand that you two don't agree on anything, but there is only one thing you both do agree. You are both our bodyguards." "At least try to pretend you like each other," the princess suggested. "And try to keep your opinions about us at a lower level." Turning red, Kunzite and Mina turned and went their separate ways. Sighing, Serenity leaned against Endymion's shoulder. "Oh, dear! I wonder if we will ever get on each other's nerves." Chuckling, he caressed her yellow hair buns. "If we do, let's give each other code names. I'll call you Meatball Head!" Giggling, she finger played on his chest. "And I'll call you Mr. Zero-Personality!" The weeks went on, and Kunzite and Venus still bicker every chance they were constantly together. Until at one event in a garden party, feelings are discovered. Kunzite, as Malachite in civilian form, walked through the gardens, occasionally greeting passer-bys. So far, he managed not to have encountered Venus; however, he felt a little disappointed. Taking a glass of fruit punch from a waiter, he looked around sipping his drink. Then he realized something. 'Why am I looking for her?' he thought. 'I must be going crazy!' He thumped the side of his head with an open hand and shook his head. Then he saw her in the form of the princess Mina. She was wearing a light red dress and was looking very lovely. But that's not all that attracted her to him. She was talking to one of the male guests who seemed to be gaining her attention by an occasional touch of her arm and brushing her hair lightly with his fingers. Malachite felt his face tightening, teeth clenching, hands gripping the...CRACK! Startled, he looked down at the remains of his glass falling and juice dripping from his fingers. "Oh, dear!" a female voice said, behind him. "Are you all right?" Malachite turned to see a pretty lady, grabbing a napkin from a passing waiter and proceeding to dry his hand. "I'm fine! No need to-" "It's OK! I don't mind, really. You are kind of cute." Malachite smiled, very flattered at her compliment. 'I don't know why,' he thought. 'But I wish she was Mina.' "I would like to see you more if you'll let me," the guy said, caressing Mina's hair lightly. "Well, I-" she began, then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kunzite, as Malachite. She thought how different he looked in dark gray pants and a light blue long-sleeved shirt. Then her eyes opened wide, and her mouth dropped in shock. He was talking to a girl, and they're holding hands! 'How could he!' she thought, then became startled. 'Why did I think that? It sounds like I'm jealous!' "Hello?" the guy asked, waving his hand in front of her face. "I'm not!" Mina said, aloud. "What?" "Oh, excuse me," Mina said, blushing. "I was thinking out loud." Nodding in understanding, the guy proceeded to try and win her with promises of courting. All Mina could do was stare at Malachite and the girl. 'I don't know why,' she thought. 'But I wish Malachite was this guy!' Since then, their bouts had changed from blasting rage to simmering boils. But it didn't stop them from thinking about each other. Malachite was in the training room, polishing his boots. It puzzled him that he had these feelings for Mina. 'Could it be love?' he thought. 'How can it be? I mean, she gets me so wound up with her passionate lifestyle. I can't help it if things should be in order. How can I be as passionate and lively as she is. I don't think I have it in me. Or do I?' "Having a lot to think about, Mal?" Zoicite said, as he sat next to him on the bench, with his own boots. "Hmmm? Uh, yeah. Lots." There was silence for awhile as both guys polished their boots. "Zoicite, I want to ask you something." "Yeah?" "Well, I noticed that you have been escorting lately the Princess of Mercury to the evening balls on the Moon." "That's true." "What do you think of her?" Pausing, Zoicite looked at him, puzzled. "Think of her? Malachite, what's this all about?" "It's, ah, kind of embarrassing." Malachite looked around to make sure no one is around, then said in a low voice, "I think I feel something for the Princess of Venus." Dropping his boot, Zoicite looked at him in shock. "The bodyguard of Princess Serenity? Wow! I didn't think she was your type." "I thought the same about you and Mercury." Malachite gave him a frown. "I was wrong. That's why I want to know how you manage to see past your differences and how you know what you felt about her." "Hmmm." Picking up his boot again, Zoicite leaned back a little on the bench, thinking. As he resumed polishing, he spoke up, "I guess it was the way Amy treated me like a real person, despite my portrayal of a conceited swinger who thought he could win any girl." He smiled as he kept on polishing. "Amy is so attractive because she accepts anyone in her life whom she finds worthy. I guess that's what she saw in me. Worthiness." Finished with his boots, he got up to leave. "Try to see why your princess attracts you so, Mal. Who knows? It might be something you long for." Malachite was left alone, deep in his thoughts. In her bedroom, Mina was putting the final touches of perfume and thinking about Malachite. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she straightened her red bow. A knock sounded on her door. It was Amy. "Hi! Are you ready for the party?" she asked. "Yes, ummm." Mina looked around. "Amy, can I speak with you for a moment?" When they sat on the bed, Mina blurted out, "What's it like to be with Zoicite?" "What!" Amy blushed furiously. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be forward like that. It's just, well-" She leaned forward to whisper, "I think I'm falling for Malachite!" "You're in love? Oh, Mina, I'm so happy for you!" Amy took her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. "But why?" Mina snatched her hands away, startling her friend. "Why do I feel for him this way? All we ever do is argue!" Amy thought for awhile. "Maybe there could be something within him that you like about. When I first met Zoicite, he swore he would conquer my heart first. As it turned out, I was first to capture his because I looked past his outer shelf and found something wonderful in him. Maybe that'll work for you." "But how? He's so strict, so stern, so must-have-everything-in- order. If anything seems to be out of place, he won't stand it! That's all I ever see in him!" Mina sighed heavily. Smiling, Amy slid off the bed, pulling Mina off by the hand. "It seems you want to find something that he has yet is unaware of it. Look deeper into him. That's how I found out what a caring and sensitive person Zoicite is. Deep down under his conceited shell lies someone who feels shy in expressing his true feelings." As they left her room for the party, Mina thought, 'What is it that I'm looking for? Do I want him to do or say something? And what is that something? Can he be affectionate? If only he wasn't so uptight and closed up, I could see what's he like inside.' The evening ball was entertaining. Music flowed throughout the room. Couples danced, guests ate, and many chatted. Everyone was enjoying the evening, except for two people. Fuming, Malachite watched as Mina danced with the same guy from the garden party. When he saw her enter the room with the Princess Mercury, he thought she looked exquisite wearing a satin yellow-orange dress with a matching ribbon necklace. He stood frozen in his spot, staring at her beauty. Then, suddenly, the garden guy came up and offered a dance to her. At that moment, Malachite could have sworn her eyes met his and held. Assured that she wanted him to come to her, he smiled smugly and stepped forward but stopped when she accepted the guy's hand and whirled onto the dance floor with him. 'How could she?' he thought, watching them dance. 'She knew I was coming to her, yet she went with him. She just went ahead and did it! So unpredictable!' Then he realized that's what made him attractive to her in the first place. Her unpredictability! 'Could I be like that, too? Maybe. I'll wait until this dance is over-' He paused. "NO!" he said to himself. "I'm going to cut in!" When Mina locked eyes with Malachite, she thought he looked so handsome in one of his uniforms. Instead of the usual royal blue ones, he was wearing a regular blue shirt, dark gray pants, black boots and a dark maroon cape. He looked so regal, yet formal. Then she noticed his smug smile as he started to step forward, expecting for her to wait for him. This made her mad. 'Well tough!' she thought as she accepted the guy's hand. 'Not everything goes in your order of things, Malachite!' As she danced onto the floor with him, she observed Malachite's shocked look which later turned to fury. Gasping quietly, she thought, 'Is he jealous? I don't believe it! Does this mean he has feelings for me, too? Oh, if only he proves it if he comes over here and-' "May I cut in?" Malachite felt his courage rise more as he saw the surprised look on Mina's face. He continued, "I believe my dance card is open." The guy was disappointed, but he sensed something between the two. "Be my guest." He bowed out politely. As he watched them dance away, he sighed, then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a pretty lady standing there. "I guess Malachite prefers her, huh?" she said. "I guess so," he replied. "You know him?" "Well, briefly. I cleaned his hand when he spilled his drink at another party. I was hoping to dance with him here, but I guessed wrong." "Well, it seems my dance card is open now." He offered his arm. "Care to? My name is Alan." "Thank you," she replied, taking his arm. "I'm Katerina." Mina stared widely into Malachite's cool gray eyes as he held her while they danced. She cannot believe that he cut in! 'Usually he waits until the dance is over. This is a side of him I never saw before,' she thought. Malachite felt hypnotized by Mina's bright blue eyes as she stared at him, fascinated. As he pulled her closer, he gave the small of her back a slight caress. Hearing her gasp in surprise, he found he enjoyed his capability of being unpredictable. 'Is this what I'm looking for?' he thought. 'Have I always had this but kept it in because of my duty?' Still staring at her as they danced, he leaned closer as if to kiss her. Mina realized what his intentions are as he came closer to her lips. "Malachite," she protested, as she slightly pushed him. "Mina," he whispered softly as he held her tighter and tried to kiss her. Suddenly, she gave him a shove that broke them apart. "Do you mind?" she asked, angrily. Malachite realized the position they are in as some dancers slowed to watch. An anger then formed in him. 'Now she's acting like me!' he thought as he grabbed her arm and led her off the dance floor into a secluded corner. "What's with you?" he asked, furiously. "For starters, you cut in on my dancing partner, then you hold me like there's no tomorrow, and to top it off, you try to kiss me in front of everyone!" she said, flailing her arms at every example. "Since when do you care how things should go? You always get on my back when I do things that must go in proper order." "Well, I don't mind if you are a little unpredictable, but can't you do it where there's a little privacy!" "Fine! I don't know why but you get on my nerves with your unpredictability!" "That goes the same for me with your everything-must-be-in-place! I don't know why, but you drive me crazy!" Eyes blazed, teeth clenched, Malachite grabbed Mina by the arms and yanked her towards him. Stiffening, but holding her ground, she stared back at him, defiant. After a moment, their lips meshed into each other. Releasing her arms, Malachite's arms went around her waist while Mina's arms wrapped around his neck. He lifted her as one of her legs rose up in a delicate pose. Making exotic sounds of urgency, they kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed. After a long while, they broke apart, breathing heavily. Malachite gasped, "I want you." Nodding, Mina breathed, "I want you." Placing her down, he felt her shivering. "Are you cold?" "No." She gave him a knowing look. Gulping loudly, he placed an arm around her. Feeling her arms go around his waist, he grabbed a corner of his cape. "We're going to my quarters on Earth." With that, he flung his cape over them and used his teleportation powers. A waiter passed the corner and stopped when he thought he saw remnants of star sparkles. It faded quickly so he shrugged and resumed his duty. FLASHBACK ENDS Turning on her side, Mina faced the window again. Smiling, she recalled Malachite undressing her, kissing every bare spot revealed to him. Hearing the morning birds again, she laid still to hear their songs. Sleepily, Malachite opened his eyes, turned his head, and grinned seeing the beautiful form of light blonde hair resting on his pillow. Reaching out, he sliced through her hair with one finger and trailed it down her nude back. Hearing her slight gasp, his eyes closed again. Mina waited a beat until she heard him slightly snoring. Then she got up and dressed while she watched him sleep. When she finished, she noticed his blue shirt on the floor and picked it up. She held it close to her nose and inhaled his masculine scent. Walking out of the bedroom, she went into the main room which had a lit fireplace. Still holding the shirt, she sat down in front of the fireplace and relaxed. Malachite awoke again and looked for Mina. She wasn't in the room. Quickly, he got up and dressed. Noticing his missing blue shirt, he grabbed and put on a light blue uniform shirt with gold trimmings. Walking out of the bedroom, he was relieved to find Mina by the fireplace. She turned to look at him, smiled, and motioned for him to sit next to her. When he did, he sat in a position so Mina can sit into the curve of his legs. * As she leaned back with her head against his right cheek, Mina caressed his blue shirt on her cheek, one eye shut. Malachite draped his arms around her, resting his hands on her arm which is on her knees, drawn up. * As they stared into the fire, they held each other very close. Then Malachite spoke up. "I should take you back soon." "Oh? Is it because I have a training session in a few hours?" Mina implied. "Yeah, that. Plus I have to go over some royal business with the Prince, then I have my own training to do, then-" "Why you-!" Mina threw the shirt over his head. Laughing, he pulled it off and held her again. "Or I could take a holiday today and spend it with you." Mina snuggled more into his arms. "That sounds better." As the sun rose through the windows, they stared at the fire, marveling over the fact whey they are together. 'I'm in love,' they both thought. THE END 9/01