Author: Minako Story: Love Goddess and The City Part: 6 email: Length 22 pages Quick Note: This is chapter six of LGTC, but I want you all to know that if you’ve been here before and read the sections called “Part 6a” and “Part 6b” then you’ve probably read most of this already. I’d sugesst that if you have start at the section that says “Love Goddess and the City Part 6b” From there on you’ll be able to read what I’ve added on to finish this chapter. As a warning I’m putting up a rating of R-light NC-17 for the content of this last part of the chapter. It gets a little nasty and I don’t want little kids reading it. So just a pre-caution. Love Goddess and the City Part 6 Minako sat at the large dining table in the center of the kitchen peeling potatoes and Nathan sat next to her chopping green onions. She looked over to him feeling regretful for the first time in a long time. She had yelled at him several weeks ago in the airport and now she'd lost a very valuable friend and college. He'd stayed out of her mind as promise and she checked frequently to make sure. (Checking meaning that she had starting thinking about the nastiest thing she could with him and watched his face for any sign that he'd started listening in.) He never did. She looked to Makoto as she stirred the contents of several pots and pans. Ami was in the next room deciding on plans of actions against any weak points in Tokyo. It had been the senshi's duty however to make sure that any weak points had been found before even reaching America and meeting the men that now occupied the large house left to her by her father. Ami had thought that checking up on their work once and while wouldn't be to horrible an idea. Minako couldn't disagree. She looked into the living room just across the threshold where Mamoru, Kenneth, Zachary and Jack watching some taped episodes of Buffy the vampire Slayer. They said it would help in the training. Minako scoffed. Well, now that all the unpacking was done she'd start them all on a training expedition that they wouldn't soon forget. She looked back to Nathan and sighed. He looked up at her smiled. "What is it Minako-chan?" he asked. She smiled briefly and looked back to her potatoes and start to chop them into small squares. "I'm sorry about yelling at you in the air port." She looked back at him as he snickered and slid the onions into a small corner of the chopping block and took up some tomatoes. "It's alright Minako-chan I know your sorry." He looked up to Makoto and then leaned in closer to whisper into her ear. "But I do enjoy your fantasies." She grew beet red and slugged him on the shoulder closest and wished she had a mask to wear just about then. "Baka," She whispered. "I can't believe you really where looking into my mind." Nathan laughed. "Once but I knew what you where up to. Don't worry I won't tell a soul." "Better not." Nathan looked up and saw that Kenny was looking at them. He sneaked a peek at Minako who continued to chop the potatoes and slipped them into a plastic container and went into the kitchen. Nathan looked back to Kenny and shrugged. There's nothing I can do Kenny. Sorry. *** Makoto lay in the rather large tub and soaked in the bath bubbles until her body felt slippery as a frog in a pond. Minako sure lived in a nice place! Well they all did now. She'd gotten out of her apartment anyways and took what little stuff she'd had in storage into the house a week and a half ago. She shared a room with Nathan (she smiled to herself devilishly) oh yeah like she was the only senshi to sleep with her general. Come to think of it...she kinda was. Besides Usagi and Mamoru she didn't know of anyone else doing the big nasty. Well maybe Rei and Jack but anyone else was a mystery to her. Nathan waltzed in and instantly curled herself into a ball to cover up the parts she didn't want seen. But it took her a moment to ease out into her own six foot frame in the overly huge Jacuzzi like bath tub. "You scared me." Nathan smiled and looked down at her. "Sorry." "Did you talk to Minako-chan?" He nodded his head solemnly and looked to the door as if expecting her to come waltzing through at any moment. She wouldn't, of course, Makoto knew that Minako was outside continuing to exhaust herself in her training. That was where she was before she'd gotten into this huge luxury bath. Nathan took some time in grabbing the coke he'd left on the counter and popping it open. "What no beer?" Nathan smiled looking at her and shaking his head again. "No, no beer." I was just thinking that Kenny went out the door." "He did I didn't hear anything!" Nathan smiled. "I'm sure that you didn't. I just felt his mind as he slipped out. I'm sure that right about now Minako is going to kick him thinking he's an intruder." Sure enough a thud was heard two seconds later. Nathan looked down at her and smiled, well grinned. "See." "Jerk." *** "What the hell!?" Minako yelled quickly trying to help who ever she'd kicked in some way. Although there really wasn't any way she could help. She'd just knocked the stuffing out of whoever it was. "Cripes! Minako did you have to knock the wind out of me?" It was Kenneth and she begrudgingly helped him to his feet. "Well you should have been looking little boy." Minako said turning to the kicking dummy and starting her exercises again. She wore lose warm ups and a tight fitting controlling tank to with her long hair tied into a braid. He watched for a few seconds until she asked him a question he didn't hear. "What?" "I said what... did... you... want?" He scowled a bit and looked at her in a harsh way. "I just thought it would be nice to come out here and train with you." Minako audibly scoffed and declined his offer. "What is your problem anyways, Minako?" Minako spun around and stared at him harshly. "My problem?" "Yes you know you and I were really hitting it off until you found out who I was." Minako quickly thought back. Yes they had been hitting it off quite nicely until all reality hit her like a ton of bricks. What could she do? It wasn't that she held old feelings of hatred for him. What she held was old feelings of love for him. That she supposed was what made her so mad. "Is it because of the silver millennium? I don't really remember what happened but..." "No. It's not that." "Then what?" Minako started to unwrap her hands with the training gauze and sat down on the soft grass. She wasn't sure what to say. "It's not that you killed me that is the problem. It's the fact that I put my feelings for you before my princess. That is what makes me so angry." Kenneth's face eased up and he sat down next to her calmly. Beginning to unwrap her feet. "I can't allow that to happen again." "Beryl is no longer alive. Metallia is dead. What could have you so spooked that you'd treat me so distantly." "My mother told me: "something is growing inside me and soon it will be born." Whatever that is I need to be prepared for it. I can't allow my feelings for anyone to get in the way of protecting my princess." She didn't speak for sometime and he finally filled the emptied space with some words of his own. "What could that thing be?" She shook her head. "I don't know. I hope it is something we can fight." Without really thinking Kenneth did something so wild that it caught both of them off guard. He pinned her down and kissed her. She wanted to fight but at the same time she couldn't. She felt like her body was weighed down by lead and she felt her arms beginning to wrap themselves around his neck. She didn't know what she was doing. What was she doing? She was allowing herself to fall for this man again! He would only hurt her! Only harm in ways that she could even fathom. She was playing to the old 'history repeats itself' thing and possibly leading up to the destruction of this world! But the taste of his lips, the feel of his body close to hers. She finally gave up her initial fight against herself. She thought, one night wouldn't be so bad. *** Ami Mizuno stood at the same balcony she had when she'd held onto the letter that told her that her mother was missing from everyone. She knew, though, that it was her life as a former senshi that made her disappear from the world. She'd been working with this patch of the sun that had been bothering her for some time now. The sun, the same reason that the Silver Millennium had collapsed, was showing activity that she'd never seen before. She was stuck with news that meant the destruction of her world. Worse then that the world that she shared with her newest love, Zack and her princess was coming to an end. *** "OH MY GOD!" Usagi yelled jumping up and running from her bedroom into the kitchen where two other occupants where even alive at seven in the morning. Usagi stood in a small tank top with tiny blue boxers on. Ami had to stare for a minute before she jumped up with Zack to see Usagi's white blonde hair spilling out onto the floor. "Usagi-chan?" Ami yelled looking at her. She turned: "Wait let me get the others." She ran off to bang on doors and finally opened up the last one leading too Kenneths. She opened it, screamed, and everyone jumped and ran to Kenneth's door. Inside was Minako laying on the bed, naked, and wondering why every one was staring at her so strangely. She looked down to her sheets and realized these where not her sheets. "Minako-chan what's this...?" Kenneth, with the worse timing of the world, walked in with his terry cloth robe and boxers on. "HOLY CRAP what the hell are you all doing in my room?" "What are we doing here?" Mamoru yelled. "What the hell is she doing in here? Naked none the less? Minako-chan what happened?" Minako glared at him and point out the door. "I'd feel better talking about this with my clothing ON! Hey Usagi-chan did you die your hair?" Usagi started shooing everyone out and she turned winking at the two. "Tell ya' when your showered and changed. THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU! All of you BRUSH YOUR DAMN TEETH!" Minako turned to Kenneth, who stared at her, holding the sheet up to her chest. Her look saying 'what in God's name happened last night' and his saying 'alright!'. "Jerk." Minako growled. Kenneth smirked and sat on the bed. "What did you need with the..." she looked at what was in his hand. "the hairdyer?" He held it up. "Is that what this is? Wow I thought it was well something else." Minako snatched it up. "Shut up and had me my robe. I need a shower and a bottle of Aspirin. A huge bottle." *** "They slept together?" Mamoru yelled looking down unbelieving at the floor and the rest of the group sat shaking their heads and sipping on the two pots of coffee brewing. "Yes how many times must you ask that question?" Makoto said rubbing her forehead with her right hand. She was wondering why the heck Mamoru would react so harshly to the news. She looked to Nathan and smiled. If only he knew. "Besides it's not like your not sleeping with Usagi-chan." Usagi turned red and looked down, clearing her throat. "That's true Mamo-chan," Usagi said. She smiled at Mako, then stuck her tongue out. "But..but your all like my little sisters! This is way too much reality," he finally sat down. Ami started laughing and Minako was staring at them all from the doorway. "Geez Mamoru-kun you'd think you where my father or something." Kenneth stood utterly embarrassed by the way that Mamoru had taken the news. She grabbed a bottle of aspirin form the cabinet. She took three and grabbed a bagel and the cup of coffee left for her at the table. Kenneth sat down nibbling on another bagel and drinking orange juice. "I mean I am twenty." "Has it been a year already?" Minako nodded. "October 22 tomorrow. Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna and Hotaru will be meeting us at noon. At the Nightlife Aquarium. Everyone be ready, that's in two hours." **** "So do you think that the generals will be helpful?" Haruka asked her lover Michiru. She gently ran her hand through Michiru's soft wavy hair. They still lay in bed and the only sounds where the soft pattering of Setsuna and Hotaru's walking in the hallway and kitchen. The two where making breakfast. Or lunch the two couldn't really tell. She kissed Michiru's forehead, she cradled the women's head on her breast and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. Michiru breathed in and sighed quite loudly. "I don't know. Last we saw the senshi you told Ami not to really trust them." Haruka smiled. "Did I really?" "Yes." Haruka stared at the little popcorn like creases of the roof. "I suppose I did. Well perhaps I was wrong. It's been almost a year since the senshi have known the generals. Nothing has happened." "Ami thinks different. You remember what she told us." "The disappearances of the elder senshi mark an occurrence in the making of Crystal Tokyo. Yes, I know. What that means I think even Ami-chan does not know." "History repeats itself." "Perhaps it won't this time. This time the falling of a kingdom will not happen, the birth of a new one will." Michiru giggled and pulled the warm comforter around them even closer. "Maybe. Come on we need to go meet the others in an hour." **** The women with white blonde hair stood next to four other women. Another women that could have been her twin with her shorter wavy hair cropped into a boyish way. A women with purpleish-black hair tied into a bun conversed with a women that had light brown hair and gray-green eyes. Next to her sat a women with soft blue hair pulled back into a slight bun. A troop of children passed and a young girl with pigtails that formed into two large Shirley Temple-like curls around her ears. The women with short cropped hair knelt to smile at the young girl. "Hello dear aren't you cute?" The little girl smiled and showed her space in front of her mouth. "See I loss my tooth yesterday!" The women with short cropped hair smiled. "Really and what is your name little girl?" "Ku'iko." "You mean Kumiko?" The girl nodded very enthusiastically. "Hai! What is you name?" "My name is Charis." "Chairs?" The women nodded. "It means 'to rejoice'. Your name is very beautiful I used to have a daughter named Kumiko, she looked just like you when she was your age." "Kumiko! Come on quit bothering that women!" The little girl bowed quickly and left. The women who was like her twin grinned at the women, at the second look the women held a small bundle of a child in her arms. "Charis-chan you really should stop that." "What? I like kids! You shouldn't be the one to talk, Thalia." "Serene-sama perhaps it is time to leave I do not believe that they are coming." The women with white blonde hair looked to the child in Thalia's arms and grinned at her. "They will come." **** Minako was walking behind the flock of twenty year olds in front of her. She was also twenty and loving every moment of her new grown up age. It didn't matter to her. She was now able to drink and smoke legally, not that she didn't already anyway!, but when she felt the warm clasp of Kenneth's hands on her own she had to smile. It wasn't that she was able to drink without breaking a hundred laws. It was that she finally was able to freely hold someone she loved without thinking constantly about her princess' safety and well being. She smiled for a brief moment in Kenneths arms she had let herself go. She had lost her worries and pains and even forgot that she was even apart of the senshi team. But it was fairy tale to think that things could stay that way forever. She just thought, well as long as I can retreat to his arms and bed at night all the worries can stay until morning. Everyone in front of her peeked into the back of their group to see her. Finally, she spot another couple ahead of them. Only the senshi and Zack recognized them. "Haruka, Michiru!" Usagi squealed hugging both her protectors with enthusiasm. "We missed you guys," Setsuna said holding Hotaru's hand. The young girl was seven the last time they had seen her. Or was it ten? Anyways she seemed to be at least fourteen now. She hugged all the senshi ending with Minako. Minako almost cried seeing all her old friends. "These are the generals?" Hotaru asked looking up at Kenneth. She smiled and for once Minako saw a crack of grin on Kenneth's face since they'd moved to Japan. Well, except last night. "Hi Hotaru, My name is Kenneth." "Hey ya, you can call me Hotaru-chan. These are my parents." She introduced her trio parentage. "Harkua-papa, Michiru-mama and Setsuna-mama." No one even tried to ask. They simply grinned and shook hands in greeting. Smiling and saying their hellos. "So nice to see everyone enjoying themselves." Minako spun around at the voice that she barely recognized but upon seeing the five women she felt even more confused. "Hello earth generals, hello moon soldiers." The women with long white blonde hair and such light blue eyes that they seemed white. Minako caught her breath and looked to Usagi. Everyone was quiet, speechless. "Queen Serenity," Haruka looked to Setsuna for confirmation. Setsuna nodded and bowed to the women. "Hello Pluto-san," she said giggling. "Please no formalities I don't need a scene." Pluto looked to the women that surrounded the former queen of the silver millennium. "The elder senshi of the moon." Minako looked all around the entrance to the aquarium. No one seemed to take notice of their little (err large) family reunion. "I don't understand we never meet the elder senshi of the moon kingdoms court. Unlike this life the elder senshi were not our parents. So how is it that you are alive now?" "That my dear child is left to a more private place." **** Chapter 6b "So your telling me that you are the elder senshi and Queen Serenity reborn?" Minako asked. The women known as Charis nodded and the women known as Selene smiled bobbing the bundle of a child in to sleep. "You are wondering about our names are you not?" Minako nodded. "Well they are the names of the four Graces in Greek mythology. Mine means "to rejoice". The women next to me with the rosey brown hair is called Thalia meaning "the blossoming one." The women with black purple hair is called Euphrosyne meaning "cheerful one" quite the contradiction if you ask me." "Quit that Charis!" "And the women with the long blue hair in a bun is called Aglaia meaning "brightness"." Rei interjected here. "Wait who is that child in your arms?" Selene smiled quaintly and uncovered the younger child's face. The glistening of white blonde hair and small snowy face shone underneath. Minako cooed and was instantly talking to the child. "Hey Kenny watch out Minako-san here seems to want kids." Kenneth growled under his breath at Jack and turned to Selene and the others. "Why are you even here?" Kenneth asked in a Kunzite-like manner Minako almost scolded him for talking to their elders that way. And the incarnations of their parents past lives. Though if their mothers had been reincarnated won't their fathers be so as well? "As I told Minako-chan many months before there was something growing in my womb and now she has been born." Minako felt chills down her spine and looked up at her mother. "Then this is my baby sister?" Charis smiled and shook her head. "I may have birthed this child but she is definitely not your younger sister. This child only grew in my womb she is the creation of the sperm form the general of the earth and the senshi of the moon. More specifically the child of the strongest general and senshi. You and Kenneth are the parents of this child." Minako flopped onto the ground and held her arms with her worn rough hands. "My child?" Selene smiled comfortingly and hugged Minako. "Don't worry child," Selene said. "We will raise her." "You never knew did you?" Everyone looked to Euphrosyne and she looked back at them with an icy stare that could only be Rei. "You are not just generals. You are angels, an order of the Father was sent down to help the Earthians with the threat of war so near. That every time it was needed the generals would be reincarnated to work and care for the king of that planet. " "Your not telling it right Euphrosyne." Thalia growled. "Your totally confusing them, start from the beginning." Then she turned to the rest of the group. "In the beginning there where angels and God, then there where humans. Then God gave the humans two things that the angels did not have. A soul and the ability to decide on belief in the Lord or not. The many religions out there have their own variations of the story but God is universal correct? "Well, during the time of the Silver Millennium Earth decided to not align with the rest of the planets. God seeing this decided to send those with the power of the senshi to Earth to protect His children. Upon doing this the four generals where born into mortal bodies. In essence you are all born with angelic powers. "In this every time you four are reincarnated it is when God finds a need for his angels to protect his children. He never expected that the angels and the senshi would fall in love." "You mean it's happened before?" Ami asked. Thalia nodded. "For many millennia what did you think you were special? Because of this though the generals and senshi cannot have children it would only be wrong...and wrong. So this is really a first. This means that the cycle has ended." "Wait we felt a new evil coming. There is evil isn't there?" Rei yelled. "Why yes, but it is none of your concern." Selene smiled. "No it is,” Minako yelled. “…And I am not the strongest senshi. Saturn is. She is the only one out of all of us that can take away life and give life." Selene looked down to the child in her arms, cooed at it, and turned to Thalia. Thalia then flipped her rose-brown hair and turned to the women with blue hair, Aglaia. She was the one who spoke. "Saturn is strong, as the outer senshi are strong, but it was the senshi of the moon whom we were referring to. The ones of the inner planets. Out of them you are the strongest. You are able to attack even wounded, you are able to fight on even when those you loved have died, you are able forgive those who trespass against you, and above all you would put your life ahead of everyone else in this room. You think as a solider, with tactics in your head, you are able to do all this while in the heat of battle. Something not all your senshi can do. Sailor Moon is not a senshi there never was one before this time. Nor can she work with magical powers save her silver crystal. She needs equipment to fight and even then she needs you all by her side. "You say you are not the strongest of all senshi. But look at you now. You are able to sense the evil in this room and still put your life in the front lines. You know don't you Minako-chan?" Minako nodded and swallowed. "Of course I did. Not at first but now my worries have been confirmed. Metallia has taken your bodies and your souls. What fools we were to believe that a essence so great could never attack us again. Such fools. The same essence that lived so many centuries kept quiet only to take the chance to resurrect you. Even Queen Serenity." Usagi stood. "It not true is it mother?" Queen Serenity looked to her daughter and smiled. "It is daughter, but these sham bodies made from Metallia's powers can not keep us alive. So we have come here to take yours moon senshi. Everyone stood, Minako raised her hand. "I will not have a fight in my home!" Minako yelled. "I will go on the account that you will not attack in my home. The others will make their own decisions." Serenity nodded and looked to Charis. Charis walked up to Minako grasping her by the throat and readying herself for entrance into her new body. But Minako was ripped from her grasp and she found herself inside male arms and warmth along her back. "Please don't go! What will happen when you leave?" "You have learned all I could teach you. You know now that you must protect the Earth at all costs. Now let me go." She knew he didn't want to but reluctantly he did. She felt the cold lips of her capture and she felt sleep over take her. Now it would be her mother that controlled her body. Kenneth watched as she awoke her warm cheerful face replaced with a serious one. Her smiles gone just like her soul. The woman once known as Charis was in there. He watched as the rest of the inner senshi allow their souls to be taken. Jack actually asked Rei why she was leaving. She did not reply. Then the woman who was Usagi's mother bid her farewells to everyone and they were all alone. Haruka screamed in anger. "How could she do that?" Michiru knelt to her lover and hugged her. "You yourself have given your body to the enemy. You know her reasons are the same." "She can not possibly keep her consciousness from fading in that state. Michiru we're against our own senshi and now even Queen Serenity has been placed into Metallia's grasp." "I never thought that our queen would lose all her powers. I never thought that she would succumb to Metallia." Michiru began to cry and Haruka comforted her. Setsuna and Hotaru looked to each other. Then to Usagi who had to be restrained from attacking the door and leaving to get back her senshi. **** Back With Queen Serenity The women with silver blonde hair smiled, the pink lipstick that stuck to her thin lips creating a round border along her white teeth. "What about your body mistress?" Charis asked. Her daughter, so many names and yet she loved this one the most, Minako. "You cannot live much longer without the body of her daughter to keep you alive." Serenity smiled and nodded. "Yes it is true but my daughter is strong-willed and will not openly give me usage of her body. She would fight me until the bitter end. Why these senshi would give you full access to their bodies makes me wonder as well." "Our daughters are strong willed and perhaps think that if your daughter is still protected with Prince Endymion's guard and outer senshi she will be fine." Queen Serenity smiled at this looked to her followers. They where underground, in a place that hadn't been used in many years. The same place that Queen Beryal had tried many times to stop her daughter. That women failed each time. "Are your daughters ready yet?" She asked them. The women smiled and nodded. "Good. Let them through then and go to sleep until I call you." "Yes Ma'm." **** The club's loud pounding was incessant in Kenneth's ears. He looked to Mamoru and the other men around the table. Usagi had stayed behind with her own guardians. It had been a month since the other senshi had been taken away and each night since the men had left to see if any ruckuses had been made in the entire Tokyo area. Sadly not one and last place to look was in this club where rumors of people getting in fights elevated into the real world. It was like having to work into the wee hours of the morning and waking up an hour later. News like this happens very rarely and never in twos. So the boys all decided that it was best to go off and visit the club, in a vain attempt to find their lost friends and lovers. "It's not fair you know," Jack said a little drunk into Kenneth's ears. "What's not fair." Kenneth said a bit drunk and tired. "That we've lost the only loves of our lives and now have to look for them in the slums of Tokyo." Kenneth looked over to a fat man that had walked in and sat a table with several fourteen-year-old children, all women and all without much of a sense of dignity. Kenneth had to agree. It was true. Look at where they were. But it wasn't like a loss from a divorce where the women had chosen to leave without any idea or worry as to the boy’s sakes. No. They had left with a good sense of what they were doing for their princess.... and for them. What they were looking for would easily kill the men that sat around him. Would take away the prince that they had protected for the year in this life and for twenty in the last. Take him away from the princess that the women they loved had protected since ten years ago and millennia before that. The women he loved had worked even three years before that. "HEY Kenny!" Zack yelled in ears. Kenneth spun to see the boys looking at him strangely. "You okay bud?!" Kenneth smiled swallowed another gulp of whiskey and water and looked up to see the karaoke machine being put away and the lovely hostess with blue teeth step up to announce that any men interested could make a party of their own with one of their 'bunny' girls. Then the girls where showcased and several men stood up to meet them. This was supposed to be a strip club but in Japan a bit more happened that would happen in any country. Girls needed money, and that was the way things happened. In Japan or in America things happened that everyone wished didn't. Except those who got something out of it. Although through all this, the girls hadn't been found. Wherever they are they were certainly keeping things to themselves. Rumiko, their waitress, was dressed in a bunny suit but with cute kitty ears and a fake tail from her waist. It was quite arousing in some strange way. Kenneth shook his head to clear it. He sighed. It was hopeless, they were lost. *** Minako smiled as table 67 got drunker and drunker. The man with black ebony hair was familiar. All the men where, especially the man with white blonde hair. She frowned in concentration, stared, and spun around at the tap on her shoulder. The young waitress, Rumiko she thought, was smiling and holding out a credit card. Minako smiled and took it, slipping her a good amount of money that made Rumiko’s other tips pocket change. Rumiko bowed and said something out taking another round of drinks to table 67. “Make the round on the house, Rumiko-chan.” Rumiko smiled again bowed and left. That table was amusing and she would have her computer genius look at the credit card. She began walking to her office the sounds of music blaring in her ears and the quick quiet of the office made her adjust herself before handing the girl with navy blue hair the VISA platinum card with Stanfield Nathaniel on it. She noticed that the navy haired girl had been caught up in her own affairs when she looked up in surprise to Minako. She smiled and didn’t even have to ask who’s card it was when she said, “Table 67?” “Yep, it seems we may have found them. Selene-sama will be pleased. We’ve finally found our prey.” Ami pointed to Table 54 on the screen. “That man is bring his trash into our club again.” Minako looked down and frowned. “All of them 14.” Ami finished. Minako began walking away from the office turning and smiling at Ami. “Ask Makoto-chan to meet me at table 54 in 3 minutes. That man lost the election last week he is no longer a treat to us. It’ll make my day to kick his fat ass out the door. Ami grinned and called both Makoto and Rei to come and turn off the music and turn up the lights. The second Minako walked down the stairs everyone was looking at her and wondering what the hell was going on. Minako smiled. She had waited for many months to kill this man. But since that was out of the question at this moment humiliating this man in front of his peers and calling the cops to take his trash whores with him would do. The best part was that her boss’ prey was there as well. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. The fat man with stinking breath looked up from his small parade of 14 year olds and Makoto, a women with rose-brown hair tied up, and Rei, a women with purple-black hair braided to her mid back, had made it to back her up. “Hello Ishimoto-san,” Minako said quietly, but in the echoing room all could hear her. “I see you have brought your whores to my club. You know I do not like that.” “Shut up Aino-san, I am what keeps your company alive am I not?” Minako smiled and through down last Tuesdays copy of Tokyo Express. Ishimoto smiled before he looked down and then that smile was the last that Minako would see in her club. The deafened silence made her happy and the hunger for the attention made her want to rip this man throat out even more. “I believe that it is not you whom we can relay on anymore Ishimoto-san did you believe me a stupid women?” Ishimoto looked up at her and then all around the club. She smiled again. “You have exactly 48 seconds until the police come into my club to arrest you for soliciting 14 year olds in a public place. Then these whores of yours will be sent to jail as well. I believe that a disgrace like that will destroy you forever, and I believe that your daughter and wife will not like that at all.” “You wouldn’t!” Ishimoto yelled a bit a spit landing on her cheek. “You will lose your company! You would lose everything!” “You really do believe me a stupid women don’t you Ishimoto?” Minako smiled kindly. “Look around. I do nothing illegal here. No underage minors drinking. Everything has a permit and all is accounted for. Nothing is wrong with my company except for you. Oh times up.” With that three squad cars could be heard rounding the corner and stopping in front of her door. She smiled. “Good bye Ishimoto-san, thank you so much for your kind contributations to my business. But it seems that you have violated the law.” The fourteen-year-old girls shrieked as the police came in taking them into custody and Ishimoto, a fat man with nothing more for him then his fame yelled loudly and cursed until he was dragged out of the club. Minako yelled: “Lights!” and all were back to normal. She took a quick glace to table 67 then left with her businesswomen behind her. In the office again Ami was ready with a print out of the credit card owners. Makoto took it and read the contents out loud. A rich man, a man with more then that, a man with connections to the other men at table. All Americans except for the man named Chiba Mamoru who was a native to Japan. It seemed each were enrolled into classes at Tokyo’s most prestigious University and had quite high GPA’s. All going into different fields. “It seems they have been paying visits to several places in Tokyo; almost all places that consisted of clubs or social gatherings. Even the library,” Ami smirked before saying the rest. “You think they are looking for something?” “Let us hope we are right.” Makoto said. “I do not wish to have to deal with fakes.” “Yes that was so messy last time.” Rei added growling quiet again. “Now now girls Selene-sama wishes to have her daughter back if these are really the men that kidnapped her we need to be on our guard. We don’t want Selene-sama waiting any longer then possible.” “I miss Usagi-chan,” Ami said whimsically. “I’ll be happy to have her back.” “Just remember girls we don’t talk about her any more possible. If these are the men we are looking for then they will return then we begin making contact. After that it’s just a process of getting them to trust us and into our company. We will find Usagi-chan soon. Those boys will lead us to her.” *** “That was them alright.” Nathan yelled. Rumiko returned with a tray full of drinks, which all the boys prompt said they hadn’t ordered. Rumiko pointed up the the catwalk were Minako stood, smiling and staring out to the Karaoke machine. “Aino-san said they are on the house.” Rumiko said, bowing, then she left. Minako began walking down the catwalk again, to the stairs and finally tapping Rumiko on the shoulder. She said something to her flashing the credit card. Rumiko nodded taking the computer in front of her and swiping a card. Minako tapped on it then smiled taking a receipt that popped out seconds later. Then Rumiko ran off after bowing to Minako and Minako turned to the boys. Each felt a flash of energy surge through them all. How strange, Kenneth thought, that her mear look would startle us all so much. She began walking to them then. A microphone resting on her ear connected to the business suit she wore. A pale gray with a matching shirt beneath. Then a gray skirt that covered her knees and high heel shoes that where actually loafers. When she arrived to the table and leaned down to speak to them Kenneth smelt the scent of perfume, violets and roses, that he remember smelling on her the last day she had been with him. “Hello gentlemen my name is Aino Minako, I own this club.” After that the conversation lead to the boys agreeing to stay after hours to speak with all four of the owners of the club. When asked, Minako later on said that she was the only to really be on the floor. Her kitchen manager, Kino Makoto, almost never came out of the back room. Her security manager, Hino Rei, was always outside and making sure her girls were not harmed or harassed. Then there was Mizuno Ami who never left the office no matter what. She was in charge of the finances and computer tech work. Minako, well she was in charge of the rest. Basicly floor stuff, hiring, and keeping things in order. They all owned the company, but because Minako was practically the only one to be scene she was always assumed the owner. So it stayed that way. Only in times of emergency where Rei and Makoto asked to come, like to night, but besides that nothing else. In the quiet of the club, empty now and filled only with about 20-30 girls in bunny or kitty suits, were the six engaged in conversation. The floor was being swept and the bartender, the only one besides her, and after all of them there were maybe five security men sitting at a smaller table and five cooks which accompanied the security men. “As you can see gentlemen, I have a very small amount of workers. We are very closed because of our reputation only the highest of society get in. Those with money, power, or fame are the only allowed. Which is why I am amazed that you five were allowed in. Stanfield, you come from a rich family. Chiba-san you come from an orphanage, but with quite a large sum your bank account. So I see why you were allowed. But the last three I fail to see the reason.” “How is it, Aino-san, that you know so much about us?” Mamoru said quietly. “It doesn’t seem fair that you know who we are, but we do not know who you are outside this club.” Smart, Minako thought, very smart man. They are who we are looking for. “That is all you need to know for what I am about to propose.” Minako took a deep breath and smiled her own tiger-like grin. “Would you like a place in our company? We pay well, although for you Chiba-san and Stanfield-san that is no ideal reason, and we promise much for men with much to offer. We may need more security as times get harder now that Ishimoto has been evicted. Many will try to attack my small company, and I cannot have that. You will be security for us, the other tree girls I have mentioned, and with the intelligence you all posses I believe that you will all be great assets to us in more ways then one.” The men all looked to each other, the man with white blonde hair smiled. “We will need time to think about this.” Minako nodded. “Hai, take all the time you need until tomorrow night.” She began to walk away, “But if you do decide on joining believe me your whole lives will change.” **** She’s damn good I’ll give her that. Ami was staring at the television monitor watching how the boys were fidgeting at Minako’s presence. Well, that was why she was chosen was it not? She was best when it came to strategically working people into her web, and the best a manipulation. Ami hadn’t liked that about her. But she also hadn’t liked that what she did brought them that much closer to their childhood friend and companion, Usagi. That was why they were all here wasn’t it? To save Usagi and bring her back from the men who had kidnapped her. To bring her to the safety of her mother and friends. They had nothing else, if not their friendship and comrades. Minako stepped in just as Ami was tying up lose ends with the finances. “Well?” Minako asked. “We’ve got them.” *** “They have no memories of the past! Nothing. They all think they own this club and work it. Damn well may I add, and they know who we are.” Jack yelled flailing his arms about the place like a mad man. The outer senshi and Usagi looked to each other gravely. Brainwashing was a trademark or the Dark Kingdom. Usagi felt like she’d lost them. It hurt her too, and she almost cried when Mamrou slipped his arms around her waist and back soothing her. “It’s ok Usagi-chan I don’t think they know exactly who we really are yet. So we’re lucky that we have that much advantage. Zack’s working on a plan now to make sure they don’t.” Mamoru took a deep breath before continuing. “Usa-ko don’t worry we’ll have them back soon. Queen Selenity won’t…” “That wasn’t my mother!” Usagi yelled at him. “My mother would never do these things. That is Metallia!” “Usagi-chan you know that Metallia is strong. In the Dark Kingdom she was trapped alongside Metallia,” Nathan said. “I remember something of that. When Beryl would speak to Metallia I saw a cave like thing that was separated. On the bottom was Metallia, I know that because it was orange and alive. On top was this light that beckoned to me. That light I knew was Selenity trapped by Metallia. Usagi-chan you have to at least try to understand that that women that has Minako and the others can be Selenity.” “Queen Selenity did send us to the future with sadness in her heart.” Hotaru said quietly. “It can be possible that she was trapped by Metallia. That the sadness in her heart could have allowed Metallia to corrupt her in some way.” “No! It’s not true. Just get my friends back Nathan, all of you are my only hopes. You five are the only ones that can bring back my friends. You just do that. Nothing else.” Nathan looked to Kenneth who nodded and left the room. Zack followed quickly. Outside the door he’d called Kenneth’s name. “It is Queen Selenity isn’t it?” Zack said when Kenneth had stopped and he’d caught up. “You know that there is no better way of destroying the royal moon family then to attack the inner guard. That was what Beryl had tried to do in the past. Back then though, Metallia only had us, and we were not enough. So she tried again and failed. Now Metallia has the inner guard themselves and Queen Selenity.” “Do you think that she’s won Kunzite?” “No Zoicite. I’ve seen Usagi-chan at her best and at her worst,” Kenneth sighed. “I think that she’ll be able to defeat Metallia. Whether she’ll be able to do it against her mother and friends I don’t know. We’ll just have to see. Neh? - - - - - - - - - - - - - Author Notes: Coming up Next? Chapter 7 Wow I actually hit 22 pages. Yeah! Sigh:::I suppose just don’t have the comedy spirit. I really suck at that. But at least I’ve got this chapter done. (It will probably get all dramatic and dark from here on out.) I’ll try to get the next one out by the end of the month or a bit before. Now that school is in full swing I won’t have the time. Plus I’ve some other fanfiction in my head. Please Review! Review! Love you all who have. Love you all if you will. Oh any for those who have been going to my website lately there has been a update but probably won’t be another one for a while. Sorry! School and all. But all Fanfiction will be placed in for the time being and not my website. Just here. And I’ll soon be writing other types of fanfiction for your viewing pleasure. Cool huh? Well enjoy anyways. Oh and if it’s a little confusing tell me! I know I can be confusing. I’ll even be happy to email any of you who wish me too answer you directly. I’m just happy someone reads my fanfiction! Once again: “Review! Review!” ßshameless self promoter.