Title: Love Goddess and The City Part: 7 Author: Minako Email: venus_blossom@hotmail.com Length 12 pages Love Goddess and the City Part 7 Selenity lay in the bed that was hers. She hated having to feel so weak but it was all she could do to not expend too much energy. Metallia kept her on a short leash, and that short leash was the only thing that made her become the enemy of her daughter. Selenity sighed inwardly thinking about her child, the only thing that had made her entire world worth protecting. But now, she was the slave to the worst entity in the world. Every day and night that she was alone and without the company of her daughter’s senshi she thought about the past. She thought about the only things that made her happy. She was sorry and prayed each night until her girls came back inside and hugged her. She always felt better then. God why was she here, stuck in a body she didn’t want. And quietly wishing that she had died and wasn’t the puppet of Metallia. But she was and the more she kept her daughters senshi away from her the more she felt the need to keep Minako and the others around her. But the more Selenity thought about her daughter the more she wanted to just cry profusely into her pillow. “Selenity-sama!” Minako called into her room. Selenity brushed some stray tears until she was satisfied that she was presentable. Minako and the other girls were grinning holding soup and crackers to eat. “Oh my girls you came!” Selenity grinned hugging Ami and Rei before Minako placed a napkin around her waist and Makoto put the tray of food before her. Selenity happily listened to all news that her girls had to say. Instantly her fears and worries gone from her mind. A kind of energy surging into her body, and Selenity remembered her happiness in the Silver Millenium. This was what made her days everyday. This was what she needed in her life, and all that she would need until her daughter was returned to her. *** “You didn’t tell her about the boys.” Rei’s stony voice traveled into the atmosphere. The hallway registered all the clicks of their respective shoes. Minako only sighed inwardly. She hated it when arguments started this way. Rei’s quiet voice was almost just as scary as her loud, irritated one. But, when Minako answered her violet haired friend she just as much cold in her voice as Rei’s. “Selenity-san is getting weaker by the moment. We don’t need to start getting her hopes up if they may be false.” “But if she can be saved with the hope that we can give her…” Rei was cut in by Ami. “Whether or not we give her hope will make no difference if it is false.” Ami quieted when all the girls looked to her. Ami had hardly spoken outside the quiet office in the club. “We do that, and I don’t think I’d like to find Usagi-chan then.” Makoto added on. Minako frowned, she was late. They all were. Those boys would be coming soon and she would have to train them before night finally came. The girls had decided that the only contact at this point would come from Minako. Rei and Makoto would only then be contacted when the boys had been hired. *** “This is stupid!” Mamoru yelled at Usagi. He didn’t normally raise his voice at Usa-ko but this time he was going to, and a lot. The second that Jack had told Usagi about the club and the sightings of Rei, Makoto and Minako Usagi instantly decided that she needed a spot in the club too. “They are my senshi! I want to be there. I miss them Mamo-chan!” Usagi screamed back in her high-pitched voice. Kenneth and Haruka stood at the doorframe listening to every word. They where the leaders and it was them that decided what ultimately happened, both were completely against it. But, Haruka couldn’t tell Usagi not to get in. Haruka and Michiru were too well known to get a gig in that sleazy club and Hotaru was too young. Setsuna was, and always would be, working with the time gate trying to find out answers as to why Queen Selenity had been taking in by Metallia. “Just because you miss them doesn’t give you the right to jump into such a dangerous situation.” “You will be there. So will Kenny and the others! I want to be there, too!” She got him there. And Kenneth wasn’t exactly sure that the senshi would hurt Usagi. The chances were slim, unless they were ordered by Selenity to do so. That was a long shot as well. Usagi adjusted the pink lipstick on her thin lips and straightened her shorter, shoulder length hair, turned brown by the Luna Pen and her green contacts made her look even more un-Usagi-like. The Luna Pen did a wonder that was for sure but the Luna Pen didn’t change personalities. Plus what the girls did at the club made Mamrou worry even more and that much more angry at Usagi for even suggesting it. “I don’t want you doing those things that the waitresses do there!” “Oh Mamo-chan there is no sex involved in the first place. Second of all I’ll I would be doing is giving drinks and what little food people actually served.” “No is no Usagi.” This made Usagi shut up, fast. She looked extremely hurt and upset but didn’t cry. “I’m leaving to work there and you won’t stop me.” With that Usagi left, slamming the door and stomping away. By the time Mamoru had gotten out the door she’d hailed a cab and had gone in a cloud of smoke. “Damn it why does she have to be so damn stubborn?” Kenneth snickered. “She’s the princess what else did you expect? She had Minako and the others teaching her independence since she could crawl.” Haruka laughed at this. “Oh yeah that is so true!” “What is?” Zach said walking out of the room where he slept with Nathan. “Usagi just took off to sign up for work at Minako’s club.” Zack didn’t even look surprised. “Oh so that was all the arguments. Sucks for you huh Mamrou?” “Doesn’t anyone care where my wife is going?” “WIFE?” The trio chorused. “What who’s married?!” Jack popped out of his room, which he shared with Kenneth. “Marriage! Who?” Nathan popped out of the only bathroom in the apartment that worked today. “Mamoru and Usagi! They got married,” Kenneth yelled. Haruka was just staring at him with wide eyes. Thank God Hotaru was at school right now. “No we’re not.” Mamrou stammered. He was so lying. “Yes you did! You just said WIFE! You are so married.” Kenneth said. Then after a short pause of quiet refection he looked up with just as wide eyes as Haruka. Then they looked to each other quickly spitting out: “What a minute Usagi-chan isn’t pregnant?” “I don’t know.” Mamoru said looking as embarrassed as, well let’s just say if he was butt naked, in a room full of super models, and couldn’t get it up you’d get the idea. “Hey aren’t you guys supposed to be at a interview right about now?” Mamoru finally got out. The boys quickly looked to each other then burned rubber to grab a cab. *** “They’re going to late in two minutes.” Ami quietly said not looking up from her paper work and Minako was leaning on her own desk next to Ami’s. “I suppose it wasn’t them after all. Men with money like they wouldn’t take a job here if it wasn’t them.” “They could be doing it for the beautiful women.” Minako began to laugh at that. It was true. But that hadn’t happened, yet. Minako’s phone rang and she picked it up. “Moushi moushi.” “Aino-san there is a women here wishing to speak with you about a job. I believe you may wish to speak with her.” It was Kasumi her overseer of her hostess when she was doing paper work upstairs. After that Kasumi trained the girls with the supervision of Minako. “Alright Kasumi-chan I’ll be there in a moment.” Minako dropped the reciver on the hanger and rubbed her temples when the phone rang again. “Oh yea Aino-san those boys you were thinking of hiring are here too. Sorry about that.” *** “Mamoru-san is really pissed Usa- I mean,” Jack stopped a moment before asking. “What are you going by again?” “Youko Yamada. Remember it.” Usagi hissed in a low growl. At least the boys weren’t giving her crap about being here. “Right well we have a question for you Youko-chan,” Zack leaned in. “Are you and Mamoru married?” “What?!” “Hello so glad to see you are on time.” Minako’s voice rang and Usagi snuck a quick look to Kenneth (who was stone faced mind you) then sat down on a chair next to the women who had greeted her. Minako turned to her and smiled a warm but fake smile. “I’ll be with you in moment. Please Kasumi-chan get her the paper work she’ll need and talk to her about her options. You five will follow me.” The boys did so and she finally noticed that the man with black hair and blue eyes wasn’t there. “Where is your friend?” “You mean Mamoru? Nah he couldn’t join up, but we could. He’s got to much on his plate already.” “Your Zackary right? Zackary Bryce?” Zack looked to Minako and smiled. “Yep,” Zack wondered quickly how she knew that. “Well you will all be working as body guards. My fellow co-owners and I have been needed some for a while now. The things that happen around here leave my girls vulnerable to men and I need to make sure no one is hurt. Besides,” She stopped in front of a door in the back of the club. “Whatever happens beyond this point you are under strict contracts to never speak of it to anyone outside of this firm. If you do the consequences are going to be harsh.” “We understand,” Nathan said quietly. Minako smiled pointing to a security camera. “You’ve all just been put under contract.” Zack immediately waved and smiled into the camera. “HI!” *** Ami immediately flushed bright crimson underneath the gaze of the young man waving in the security camera. Then she snapped off the sound labeling the tape and hiding into the fireproof safe alongside all other papers of employment. “For some reason,” She said into the empty room. “I have flutter bugs in my tummy.” *** “Alright!” Inside the spacious room were half naked women running around in cat suits, bunny suits and hose and heels. Zack was in heaven. So were all the boys, except for Kenneth who felt wrong staring at half naked women with Minako Aino still around. He did love her after all. She stood there right now, in the same gray suit that she had worn that night he had seen her and her hair down and cropped at her waist. “This is where our girls change,” Minako said over the loud hum of chattering and girls talking about hair and make up. “It’s 6 o’clock so we will be opening soon. In that room,” Here she pointed to a black door with no other markings but a bunny doll that hung on a nail. “This is were high paying customers get to have private shows. Only three or four per night, after that we stop.” “Why,” Kenneth asked. “When you only have three or four slots people tend to pay more money.” The she pointed to another room locked with a door that was painted gray. “That is were you and the other two security guards will be able to have breaks and such. Besides the kitchen there isn’t much else for you to see. All the rooms stay locked, you will all be issued keys to this room and the other two you just saw. As well as doors all around the premise.” “Do you have an office?” Jack asked. Minako smiled, a smile that didn’t seem to be friendly or menceing. “Yes but only three people are allowed into the office. That is where our security cameras are. We communicate through radio headphones. Basically you’ll being seeing more of me then my other two co-owners, Hino-san and Kino-san.” “Who watches the cameras?” “That will be none of your concern. You will never see her anyways.” Minako unlocked the door with the gray paint. Showed the four identical black headphones and small attachments that held the rest of the radio. “These are already placed on a frequency that allows me to communicate with you and everyone else needed. Like Hino-san and Kino-san, also to yourselves and Kasumi-chan who is my head hostess and allows people in. My other hostess and bartender have small buttons that they may press when they feel that they are in trouble. There I will tell you immediately where you will be needed. Is there anything else you need to know?” The boys stayed quiet. “Alright then. Change into the suits I have laid out for you. Tomorrow though I expect you to all be dressed in suits like mine. Gray all around and if you intend on keeping you long hair tie it back. You never know what kind of crap new comers will pull. You start tonight. We open at nine. No guns. Only I will issue you some if it is needed.” *** “Does the interview always take this long Kasumi-chan?” Usagi asked the women who had been going thorough paper work with her for about tree hours now. “It’s only been an hour now Youko-chan!” An hour! “Oh,” that was when she noticed that Minako had started back to the front of the club. Minako stopped next then and Kasumi-chan stood and bowed in greeting. “Hello Aino-san!” Kasumi said cheerily. “Is everything done, Kasumi-chan?” Kasumi nodded and Usagi stood. “This is Youko Yamada. She’s almost done with all her paper work now. She just needs to sign the last page.” Once Usagi had done that Kasumi smiled and straightened the papers. “All done!” She promptly handed them all to Minako in a yellow folder “Come along Youko-chan it’s time for your tour.” *** “What do you think?” Zack said already in his suit that was perfect fitting. “These suits are great!” Nathan exclaimed. “No idiot! About Minako being so secretive about all this.” “I think we shouldn’t talk about this here.” Kenneth said. He looked to Zack. “Well there aren’t any security cameras but bugging is very possible so I agree.” “Well I can’t wait to see Kino-san and Hino-san.” Kenneth said quietly. “We shouldn’t call them by their first names we don’t know them very well.” “True that, true that.” Jack said nodding his head as if he was very important. Nathan ended up slapping him upside his head with a backhand. “Shut up Jack!” At about eight thirty that night all the workers had gathering in the dinning hall for a quick meeting. As Minako had promised the boys didn’t see much of Rei or Makoto even though Rei was in charge of the security of the joint she was usually too busy to make more demands then conversations. That was certainly Rei if anyone really knew her. Makoto always worked in the back. Even though hardly anyone ordered more food then booze Makoto’s food was well loved and only at night when the club was open could people order or take out food. So she had two other cooks helping her make at least a hundred dishes a night. Then a man would take the food to the front where it could be picked up. Kenneth was assigned to follow Aino-san whose normal activates didn’t consist of a puppy to guard her. But considering last nights episode the extra precautions were necessary. Zack was assigned to follow Rei who just grumbled and groaned but accepted the duty of teaching him the ropes. (Minako called it that but really she was worried for Rei’s sake.) Makoto was in no danger since Makoto almost never left the kitchen and those doors were always under guard. Nathan and Jack were then assigned to guard the hostess. The other two guards were assigned to do the same. The basic idea was to keep walking and watch for fights. When Minako and Kenneth were alone and the club already in full swing Kenneth began to ask questions. “How come security wasn’t there to help you with Ishimoto?” Kenneth asked quietly. In the corner of his eye he saw Minako smile a bit before answering. “Because Ishimoto did not start a fight. What I did was in pure hatred for that perverted man. I had to put up with him for months and now that he didn’t hold any power on us I wanted to humiliate him.” “Then why did you call Kino-san and Hino-san?” “They are my friends and co-owners of this club. Besides we all hated Ishimoto. I hated putting up with his damn fourteen year old whores and was happy they were sent to jail.” Minako looked to where Usagi was. “That new girl Youko-chan she’s pretty good with the alcohol isn’t she?” Kenneth looked and smiled. “That comes from several months of intense drinking at our dorms.” Minako looked to Kenneth and smiled. “You know her?” Kenneth nodded. “We all live together now in a apartment with the other man you meet the other night, Mamoru. He didn’t want her to apply for a job here so that was why he didn’t come.” “I see.” Minako looked to that girl again. “I’ll be right back.” She began walking to the office up the catwalk. Kenneth followed her until she made it to the office. That was were she walked in. “Ami-chan I think we need to run a background checks on Youko-chan.” Ami looked up from her laptop. “I’ve already done that. It’s all a ring around the crapper here. I can’t even find a birth certificate on her. She doesn’t exist. Yet Kenneth just said she does and lives with him. “Well there are several people living there. Last night a Chiba Mamoru sent in papers to validate a marriage license to a woman named Tusakino. Her first name isn’t here; I suppose it isn’t important until the marriage has been approved.” “Why would her first name be missing?” Minako suddenly smiled. “How many Tusakino’s are there?” “Hundreds but I put a search on any with Usagi in the name. Only thirty showed up, and only one put her name on an apartment recently. Her address is the same as Chiba Mamoru’s. That means we have our evidence that Youko-chan is really Usagi.” Ami smiled happily. “We have our friend back. Selenity will be pleased. Only you could have done this Ami-chan.” “I’m the best.” *** “Well how was last night?” Mamoru ask everyone who was awake at 12 noon. Kenneth sipped on coffee and was perfectly awake and talking to Usagi. She looked up at him with anger burned in her sapphire blues. Mamoru faltered a bit but kept walking to the kitchen anyways. “Fine,” Kenneth said. “Minako is the only who’s made physical contact with all of us. And Rei has only made physical contact with Zack as of this point.” “Yea why did you get to be with Rei anyways?” Zack just rolled his eyes at the figure of Jack brushing his teeth. Zack just continued scrambling some eggs with Mamoru cutting up a melon. “Oh shut up Jack. Minako made the arrangements not me,” Kenneth growled. “Anyways as far as everyone else is concerned they are simply ghosts. The only person anyone sees a lot of is Minako. Rei just commands her security guards and that’s it. Minako deals with employee contacts and such. There is even a office that no one but those three are allowed to go into. The windows tainted black and everything is locked all the time. “Isn’t that a fire hazard?” Usagi asked. “No in case of fire Minako told me that all locks will become disabled and everyone will be able to get out quickly. Besides, she has that place tied up so tight that I can’t see any fires happening anytime soon.” Kenneth breathed in and sighed deeply before going on. “I don’t even think that we can keep Youko-chan here a secret for very long. If Ami hasn’t by now she’s probably already got a background check on you. When she finds out you don’t exist problems will start to arise.” “Do you think that they would for a little hostess like me?” Usagi asked quietly. A clang of dishes and Kenneth knew that Mamoru was already getting mad. Usagi just gave him a glare and motioned for Kenny to continue. “Well maybe. I mean they’re really a mystery. Besides the club is something else too. They may be looking for you just to kill you off. I mean they are in with the evil side now Usagi-chan you have to see that.” “I know.” Usagi’s eyes went glassy and tired. “Well do you think I should quit?” “No too suspicious. Well you’ll have us and I wanted Mamoru to stay out of the club anyway that way Haruka, Michiru and Hotaru could have someone there to help out. In case anything happens to us, ya’ know.” “Fine by me.” Mamoru said. “You know she’s a bartender Mamoru-kun.” Zack quietly whispered. “I don’t care!” Mamoru growled. Then he stormed out. “That was so wonderful,” Zack stated. In the bathroom Jack was singing N’Sync’s song “POP”. Kenny got up and banged on the door. “Shut the f*** up! Damn it pottser!” Usagi looked at him funny. “Someone who does pot.” “Oh,” Usagi smiled drinking some more of her own rose tea. It was Makoto’s favorite. “That’s not what it means,” Zack interjected. “Besides you stole that from those Kevin Smith movies.” “It’s just a stupid word! Now shut up we have more important things to worry about!” Usagi sighed. It just wasn’t the same without Minako and the others. “Shut up, shut up!” Artemis yelled from the floor. “It’s bad enough Luna doesn’t want to get out of bed we don’t need you making noise.” “Oh Artemis we didn’t even remember about you.” Jack dead panned from the bath room door that was at present spewing out steam form his shower. Usagi screamed “EEK!” and Kenny threw a couch pillow yelling: “Put on some damn clothes you streaker!” “Hey I’m wearing a towel!” *** “You’ve found her then?” Selenity-sama was holding a picture of the girl called Youko. Yes she was different but she would know her daughter anywhere. Those eyes where one thing that could never be changed no matter the intensity of the moon’s power. She smiled to her girls. Makoto with her hair down and in light curls. She was so much like her mother. The women who now gone from Selenity-sama’s mind, save the brief moments she remembered. Ami whose mind was exemplified by the glasses she owned and librarian like clothing she wore. Different from the business attire that her other girls wore. Rei whose stern beauty made for many Japanese geisha as it were, in the older time Rei would have been the best and highest paid geisha. Selenity thought if they had been reborn just before the war they could have done just that. Why was she thinking such things? “Selenity-sama are you alright?” Minako asked testing her to see if a fever had broken out. Selenity smiled. Minako her bravest child. The girl whom was the best leader that the senshi had ever taken on, even now. They had no memories of being senshi though. They simply believed what Selenity had given them, what Metalllia had given them. “I am fine my girls. Come there is much to prepare for.” The girls followed. Finally, Minako thought smiling, her childhood friend will be released from the men that had taken her away from them all. Finally Minako would have her back. *** An: The inspiration bug has finally hit me! Another chapter out and ready! Yea! (Everyone groans.) What! No happiness to see a new chapter? (cries into her Dr.Pepper) Oh no! It seems my review boards are dying. No one is really reviewing. (feels un-loved) Well I suppose I shouldn’t be doing this for the reviews but…I need them! I want them! Please review! For those of you who don’t know my website has gone under hiatus. Only my new blog Deprived Angel will be open. And I will also always be writing fanfiction. When my website will go back up? I don’t know. I’m sorry! I’m just burnt out and tired and I always had trouble with tripod taking care of my files. I want to wait until I get the chance to make a domain for myself. (it doesn’t guarantee my files will be safe for all eternity but it will be better.) I’m getting the idea for a Digimon fanfiction, but it’s hard when I’ve been writing BSSM fan fiction for so long. Plus I’m trying really hard to get LGTC done as fast as possible. I know the last two parts have been so depressing and not comedic at all I’m sorry. I tried harder to make this one funnier. Hope ya liked it.