*************************************************************************** Chapter 7 She pushed down on the handle, and the door swung open. He stood behind her as his jaw tightened. She looked so sad, as if she was fading away. Then she stopped. She looked back at him one last time, knowing it'll be the last time in years that she'll ever see him again. For some reason, she'd expected it to be just like a sad movie when the main characters get separated. And in a sense, it was like that, only spiritually, not physically. "Is... is there anything I can do for you, princess?" he asked softly as he looked into her eyes. Tears shone like stars dancing in the deep blue sapphires. Her velvet lips seemed to be trembling as the peach color turned even paler. Her loose golden hair hung over her shoulder as she turned her head. She was truly, without a doubt, a magical princess, one that only existed in a fairy tale, but now longing to be held in his arms. "Yes, there is. There are three things that I want before I leave," she whispered as she looked down. For a second, his eyes went soft and she could see the warm passion flaming within him. If Artemis heard of this, he would never approve. "And what would they be?" he asked with a glint of mystery in his eyes. "First, I want a promise. A promise that we'll see each other again," she said confidently as she took out her hand. For the first time since they'd met each other, he took her hand and shook it. She'd felt something the minute they touched, a jolt of electricity, the tingly feeling lovers in fairy tales get. She stared at their hands for one quick second and quickly pulled it back, unsure what to do. "The promise is made. A gentleman never goes back on his word. Now what other two wishes might you have?" he asked as he wondered himself what that feeling was. The feeling had grown stronger and he was so flushed that he thought his blood had began to boil. "Second, I need reassurance. Reassurance that you'll never forget me," she said as she looked into his eyes once more, trying to find any escaped emotion, even just a tiny flicker. She was disappointed. If he had any, he hid it well. And hide them he did. Inside, he felt as if he'd just collapse at the heavy emotions thrown at him, suffocating his mind yet pleasuring his soul. "I don't think it's possible for anyone to forget you after they've met you. Especially one who'd lived next to you for years. That I can be sure as I am that the sky is blue. Now of your last request?" "Well..." she began softly, unsure whether she should keep her thoughts to herself or share them with him, through a language neither of them were familiar with. But hesitantly, she whipped her body around and her golden hair flew in his face, almost like a star shower. Her shiny blue eyes instantly locked in with his gray eyes. The clear eyes were plain, not knowing the girl's plan. Quickly closing her eyes, she leaned in and placed her velvet lips on his. His eyes wide with surprise, he fell back, sitting on his bed. He used all his strength to repel from the temptation he felt bursting inside. But slowly, he gave in and he closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist as she found a seat on his lap and cupped his face with her hands. Slowly and reluctantly, they separated for air, their faces remaining only millimeters apart as they stared into each other's eyes, looking for an explanation. She looked down for a couple of minutes as his gaze fixed on her face. A deep red blush had crept onto her cheeks, adding to her natural beauty. Noticing their awkward position, she slipped off his lap and stood up. Kunzite, still dazed as his head spun, kept his arms around her waist, not willing to let go. "Kunzite..." she whispered softly as she cupped his face with her hands gently again. She bent down once more to plant another kiss on his lips. This kiss, however, was gentle and less passionate. The simple touch of her lips, though, made him shiver in delight. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." "No, princess. There's nothing to be sorry about. You should never say sorry to love..." his voice drifted off as the thought of her leaving tomorrow came into his head once again. "I should leave," she said as she sensed his pain and felt her own tingling at her skin, ripping her heart. Hesitantly, Kunzite released his hold on her and she drifted back into her room and closed the door. He looked at the wooden door as he thought of what just happened. He didn't know before, but now he's sure. He's in love with a princess, one he can never touch. On her bed, Minako wept openly as her dress spread out on her bed and the moon shined through the glass balcony door onto her. Why did she have to find out now when she has to leave? If she could have a couple more days, she'd... she'd tell him how she really feels. But now, she'll never see him again... She stared at the sword that rested in the corner of the room. "Good-bye, Kunzite..."