Sailor DKC, back with story #13. Unlucky? Not really! I'm still writing, so I am having good luck. Still pulling through since the tragedy of September and praying that things will turn out all right. I'm very sad about the accidental plane crash in Queens that happened this month, though. I hope the families and friends of the victims in this recent tragedy will find the strength to survive. This story was inspired from the artist Safox, in which the artworks are found in Generals Love. The couple are Amy and Zoicite. When you see this *, I am describing the scene of one of Safox's artworks. Rated PG-13 and entertainment only. My other works are at A Sailor Moon Romance, Lovers That Never Were, Lalala Land and Generals Love. And I never owned Sailor Moon. Naoko Takeuchi does. In memory of the victims of the American Airlines crash. Dedicated to Safox. Your work is very pretty! Please e-mail me at for comments. LUCKY BIRD By Sailor DKC Setting: during the Silver Millennium Returning from an errand in a local town, Zoicite was walking through the forest towards Prince Darien's castle. As he walked, he thought about a very pretty lady. "That Amy!" he said, aloud. "She sure is something. I know there's more to her than just brains." Sighing, he shoved his hands in his pockets. "However, every time I try to get romantic with her, she seems to shy away. I've kissed her, but they were just simple ones. I know she can really be hot if she lets herself go. How can I-?" Hearing a chirping sound on the ground, Zoicite stopped and looked down to his left. A beautiful white dove was lying against the root of a tree, chirping loudly. "Hey, little guy!" he said, bending down to his knees. "What happened to you?" Gathering the small creature in his hands, he noticed its bent wing. 'Poor little guy!' he thought, then an idea struck him. 'Amy's studying to be a doctor. She can't turn away an injured person or animal' Then he grinned wickedly. "And since I found this bird," he said, aloud. "I am his official guardian! Amy can't turn away a concerned guardian of this bird!" Rising up and tucking the dove gently against his chest, Zoicite walked towards the castle again. In her guest room, Amy sat on her bed, reading a medical book which was propped against her raised knees. A knock on her door made her put her book aside and leave the bed to answer it. Zoicite stood there, smiling casually with his right hand behind him. "Good afternoon, my dear Princess of Mercury!" "Hi, Zoicite," Amy smiled back. "I take it this is a social call?" "It's more than that." Zoicite then gazed deeply onto her lips. Amy raised an eyebrow as she noticed this. "What's going on?" "Well, Amy," he said, as he stepped forward into her room. "There's something that I need tending." "Something?" Amy repeated, puzzled and startled at how she is reacting, backing away as Zoicite approached her non-stop. "Yeah, and you're the only one I know who can do it for me." He cornered her at her bed and was leaning so close she could feel his warmth flow all over her. Staring at his lips, she swallowed quietly. "Zoicite, I know we went out a couple of times-" He leaned more forward to her that she had to lean back to keep on talking. "I don't think this is the time to get more serious-" "I need you, Amy," he said, quietly, as he bent his head down. Gasping, Amy placed her hands behind her on the mattress to keep from falling back. She stared into his flashy green eyes as he continued lowering his head until his lips were merely touching hers. He spoke against her mouth, "I need you to-" Closing her eyes, she waited for his kiss. Suddenly, she heard a sound of rustling, then a chirping noise. "-help me tend to this poor bird," Zoicite finished. Opening her eyes, Amy looked down to see a white dove, nestled in his hands. "Oh, you!" she cried out, straightening up and giving him a shove. "Hey, careful! Wounded bird, here." Zoicite cuddled the creature against him. "Oh, dear! Let me see!" Amy walked up to the dove and petted it softly. "Where is it hurt?" He showed her and she examined the bent wing. Zoicite watched her dainty, slender fingers roam against the white feathers. 'Lucky bird!' he thought. 'I wish it was me she's examining.' The dove chirped loudly when Amy found the injured area. "Poor thing! I think it has a broken bone in the wing structure. A splint is needed. Let's take it to the medical room of your castle and I'll put one on." "Follow me." Zoicite led the way. At the medical room, Amy carefully put the splint in place while Zoicite held the bird on the examining table. He looked at her while she worked. The concentration showed in her eyes and in the biting of her lip. Her lip. Lips. Small yet full. Fully ripe. So kissable. "There!" she exclaimed, breaking him out of his spell. "We just have to keep that splint on for a week." "A week, huh? Well, then, I guess I can keep the dove with me until it's better." "Oh? Do you know how to take care of it?" "Aw, sure. Some birdseed and water, and this little guy will be just fine." "It's a she, and you can't just feed it birdseed." "What do doves eat then?" "Well, I don't know, but I have a book on birds." "OK, then." Zoicite picked up the bird and cuddled her against him. "I'll come back later for it." He walked toward the door. "Wait! There's no need to come back-" Amy stopped when Zoicite turned to face her. "No need? I need the book, but first, I'm gonna give this little gal a handmade nest." He cuddled the dove against his cheek. She cooed. "Aww! Poor little thing's tired!" As he continued cuddling, Amy's eyes grew wistful and longing. How she wished she could be in the bird's place. Watching her reaction, Zoicite smiled slyly, then turned back to the door. "I'll be back for the book," he said, leaving. When he was gone, Amy turned to face the examining table, rested her hands on its surface and let out a deep breath. 'Lucky bird!' she thought. 'She gets to be in his room.' Gasping, she put her hand to her mouth. 'I can't believe I thought that!' The next few days were pretty eventful. On one occasion, Zoicite asked Amy to look at the nest he made for the dove in his room. She said she will if he behaved. He promised, however it was Amy who behaved differently. Because when she came to his room, she was shocked to see him wearing only his dark blue sweatpants. Shivering uncontrollably, she was forced to stand in front of a bare-chested Zoicite as he showed her his nest while the dove rested on a pillow on his bed. She nearly touched his chest when she took hold of the nest. Stepping behind her to get to his bed, he purposefully brushed his chest against her back, and she gasped as she felt his warmth flow all over her again. Zoicite then picked up the dove and gently tucked her in the crook of his right arm. Amy bit her lip as she watched his muscles flex, and the way his strong left hand seem to gently smooth the dove's back. 'Lucky bird,' she thought. To get back at him, Amy invited Zoicite on one day to her room so they can help the dove exercise her injured wing which was getting better. Amy wore a blouse that has some loose buttonholes which open only if the blouse is stretched in a certain way. They both took turns, lifting the dove up and down, making it flap its wings in exercise. When it was Amy's turn, she started talking how impressed she was with Zoicite taking care of the bird. As she raised up the bird, her top button came loose, exposing some collarbone. Noticing this, Zoicite let it go by. But when Amy raised the bird up again, the second button came loose, revealing a light blue satin bra. Zoicite went still, watching wide- eyed as she raised the dove up and down, making her exposed cleavage go peek-a-boo through her opening blouse. Amy then brought the bird down, and Zoicite nearly let out a gasp as she brought the dove against her chest. Cuddling her close to her, she placed small kisses on her head, and the dove rubbed her head against Amy's skin near the swelling of one breast. Gulping quietly, Zoicite felt a heat of desire consume all over him. 'Lucky bird,' he thought. The day finally arrived when the dove's wing was completely healed. They were in the patio balcony leading from the royal lounge in the Prince's castle. The dove was still in her nest on one of the patio tables. Zoicite and Amy faced each other. "Well," he began. "This it it." "Yes," Amy replied. "It sure is." She picked up the dove in her hands and caressed her along her cheek. "Good-bye, little one. I hope you fly better this time." She handed the bird over to Zoicite who caressed her head with his finger. "I won't forget you. Make sure you fly more carefully." They both stepped to the balcony's edge. Zoicite then threw the bird up gently into the air. Flapping her wings furiously, the dove fought to control her balance for a moment. Then she glided around twice and flew off toward the trees. Some of her feathers flew down toward the patio at the observing couple. * Smiling, Amy felt her Mercury symbol glowing as she watched the white feathers float down. Zoicite, also smiling, saw one feather about to land on Amy's hand. * When it did, he gently plucked it off. Her symbol fading, Amy turned to him, grinning widely. She jumped into his arm, wrapping her arms around his neck, both her feet raised at the knees, exclaiming, "We did it! She's OK! She's flying!" Wrapping his arms around her waist, he spun her around, laughing, "Yeah, we did! It's a great feeling, isn't it?" After a few moments of more spinning and laughing, they both settled down, then stared at each other, smiling. Slowly, as if time stood still, their smiles disappeared as their faces grew more serious. Then they came together for a kiss. Gently, they caressed each other's mouth with very deep tonguing. Zoicite firmly gripped the back of Amy's head for more access and placed his hand at the small of her back, pressing her more firmly against him. Moaning into the kiss, Amy slid her hands from his neck to his shoulders and gripped him tight. Breaking the kiss, Zoicite kissed all over her face, saying, "I wanted to touch you for so long," then took her lips again. He slid his hand from her back, slipped under her dress, and caressed her thigh. Squealing, Amy broke the kiss then and ran her hands under his shirt, feeling his strong, firm stomach. "I never knew I wanted you so badly," she said, kissing all over his throat. Their lips met again. Kissing loudly and making urgent sounds, they maneuvered to one of the patio tables. Zoicite placed Amy down over the table, climbing after on top of her. Their hands were everywhere, and lips met every exposed skin. Zoicite thrust against her and Amy thrust against him, back and forth. When Zoicite reached between them to unbuckle his pants, his knuckles brushed against Amy's pelvis. She gasped, "No!" He stopped and stared at her in shock. "Amy, I'm sorry. I shouldn't take advan-" "Shhh." Placing her hand on his lips, Amy raised her lips to his ear. "Not here, please." Zoicite grinned wickedly. Hours later, in Zoicite's room, the couple basked in the afterglow. "Mmmm." Amy felt so luxuriously good as Zoicite lovingly caressed the side of her face with his mouth. "It's amazing how one little bird would bring us more closer to each other." "Uh-huh," he murmured against her skin. They kissed a long, sweet kiss. "It sure was lucky I found that dove." They hugged each very tightly. "It's our lucky bird," she whispered. "A lucky bird indeed," he whispered back. THE END 11/01