Chapter 1: New Beginnings: Reawakening! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "THANK GOD IT'S SUMMER!" Lita said cheerfully at the top of here lungs as she plopped down on the blanket underneath the tree. The group had just gotten out of school yesterday, and was out having a picnic in the park. The group consisted of Serena, Lita, Ami, Rei, Mina, and the two cats. " I know what you mean Lita!" Serena said. " If I had to take another one of Haruna's tests I would go insane!" She added as she took a huge bit out of her sandwich. " Well, I am going to miss it! I don't know how I'll keep up with my studies." Ami said. Serena fell over at that comment, nearly taking Rei with her, while the rest of the group just had sweat drops on their heads. " Ami there's more to life then studying!" Mina said while fishing through the basket of food to find a sandwich. " SERENA! Would you get up already!!! " Rei then turned to Ami, " I agree with Mina, the so many other fun things you could be doing." " Like what?" Ami said curiously. This comment almost sent Rei to join Serena on the ground. "Well, like looking for guy!" Lita said in a far off voice. She was already staring at a guy across the park. Lita's forest green eyes suddenly lit up and filled with determination . (This is usually a bad thing) "I know! I'll take you out guy hunting with me!" "W-what!" Ami said surprised by Lita's determination. She groaned as she remembered when Lita and Serena called themselves the Love Scouts as the went after Andrew! "Yeah! Common Ami, it will be fun." Lita pleaded . " Umm.." Is all Ami could say, as she wondered if it would make a difference if she said no." It's not exactly my idea of fun." " about going to the mall! Serena cheerfully said in her high perky tone. "Yeah that would be fun!" Mina said excitedly. " I'm in. When do you want to go,how about tomorrow?" said Rei. " But I have a date with Darien tomorrow." Serena whined. " Big deal at least you have a boyfriend." Rei snapped. " And here I thought you hated all guys, Rei!" Mina laughed, but was quickly stopped by Rei's glare of doom. " heh heh. It Was a JOKE Rei ! A JOKE!" Rei continued to glare untill Mina decided it would be best if she'd shut up. " Don't worry Serena! How about tomorrow after were done with the mall, and you finish your date, we all spend the night at my apartment." Lita said. " Thanks Lita!" Serena said happy to be able to hang out with the group. " How about the rest of you, do you think you can spend the night too?" Lita asked. "Yeah, no problem! " Mina said. " I don't think Grandpa will need me, so I 'm in too!" Rei said. "Great! How about you Ami? Please come!" Lita said. "Pleeaasssseeee!!!!" "Ok, I'll come to the sleep over. But..." Ami said. "But What?" Lita asked worried. "But, I need to go to the Library tomorrow, to check out some books. Can I meet up with you guys at lunch, and then we all can continue to see the mall?"Ami asked curiously. " Yeah! That's fine!" Lita said with relief. And with that the plans were made. *********************************************************************** Later That Evening: Lita was standing on her balcony of her apartment gazing up at the stars. A gentle breeze was blowing through her auburn hair. She was dress in her night cloths, which were gray sweat pance and a light green tank top. "Tomorrow will be so much fun. Maybe I can find a guy for Ami, might help her to relax and have fun." Lita then turned her gaze down to the city. She could see everything from where she stood, right out to the bay. She then sighed. " I wonder if there is anyone out there for me. Am I meant to be with someone like Serena, or am I meant to be alone?" she said sullenly. Just the word alone made her shiver. Lita had been alone too long in life. A lot of people didn't like her because she was so strong and tall. Girls were always saying things about her or were too afraid to talk to her, and boys were always trying to start fights with her. So Lita didn't have many friends. Her parents were always understanding and there for her, and that was enough for Lita. But then a horrible thing happened. Something that took away that safety net. Lita was waiting at the airport for her parents' plan to land. They had left on a trip for there aniversery, Lita was thirteen at the time, so they figured she was old enough to take care of herself for a weekend. Lita could see their plane coming in. Lita was relieved to see it, as much as she liked spending time alone, she rather have her parents around. Her relief and happiness was quickly replaced fear and terror. The Plan was coming down at an odd angle. And then it started to twist to the right. Some people start to run screaming in terror, but Lita could only stare on in horror as the plane, her strong hold, her shoulders to cry on, and the only people who had shone her love were wiped out and torn apart as the plane did a quark screw into the ground. After that Lita's life had come crashing down around her. She had no other relatives. She inherited everything and moved out of the house. She didn't want to live there alone, it reminded her to much of them. The kids at school did there usual taunts her but she didn't fight them. Then one boy said Lita was an embarrassment to her family, and not at all lady-like. That was all she could stand, she turned around and punch him in the face. Then his friends arrived. They were too much for her and she was all alone. She had been thrown into a tree and the boy was about to hit her, when something stopped him. That something was named Ken. He was Lita's only true friend. She had meet him when her boyfriend broke up with her. Ken tackled the boy as the principal stepped out. Then came Lita's expoltion. " I wonder what Ken's up to now." Lita said. She never found out how he truly felt for her and she wasn't going to ask him. She wasn't sure herself, she had always been close to him. He was like her protector at times. Like the time he saved her from that pink lion Allen and Ann had made. It had been so long since she had seen him. It was hard to see him since she went to a different school now. " He's probably got a girl friend by now." Lita smiled lightly. Then Lita's Eyes went skyward again. " Is there anyone for me?" A star only twinkled an unknown answer back. Lita just shrugged shaking her head, as she turned to go inside." I got to get to bed before I start going insane. " She paused for a moment, with a curious look in her deep green eyes. " I wonder if I dated anyone in the Moon Kingdom." She shrugged again as she went inside. That night she dreamed of a man with long auburn hair. *********************************************************************** Somewhere four men were in a misty world. The shortest of them was a blonde shorthaired man with piercing deep blue eyes. He was wearing a gray uniform, that they were all wearing, expect his piping around his collar was red. The next tallest was a bronze haired man with light green eyes and a feminine touch to his face. His hair was pulled back into a low ponytail at the base of his neck, and a loose strands hung by each ear. His uniform had green piping. Next to him stood a man with long wavy auburn hair that stopped a little past his shoulders and his eyes were a deep blue. His uniform had blue orange piping, and on each shoulder held a talisman with a red stone embedded in gold. The tallest of the group had white hair that also came to his shoulders and had gray eyes. Unlike the others he had a long light gray cape that flowed behind him. His uniform had blue piping. The bronze haired one spoke first. "Where the heck am I ? " The confused man turned to the white haired man and his green eyes widen. " Malachite, your here too?" "Yeah were all here idiot?" said Nephrite. The bronze haired man was about to yell something at the Auburn haired man when Malachite held up his hand to interrupt him. Then turn to the Auburn haired man and said," Hey, leave Zoicite alone. It not his fault were here." "Oh it not, eh! Did you forget your brother is the one who killed me!" Nephrite snapped. " Hey, lets not fight! It won't get us out of here any sooner!" Said the short blond haired man. " Your right, Jedite. Where ever here is." Nephrite said, giving the place a curious look over hoping to find something other than mist. "It looks almost like a time dimension of some sort." Malachite said as he looked about. " Your half right!" A new voiced said. The four generals spun around to find the Sailor of time standing there, along with some other person they couldn't see because of this blinding light covering them. " Who are you?" Jedite ask curiously. He didn't feel threaten by the Sailor for some reason. She even seemed familiar. " Do I know you?" " That is what I was brought here to help with." The tall, dark green haired Sailor replied. "What do you mean! Who are you?" Malachite said. She gazed sadly at them as though looking at lost friends. Finally she said, "I am Sailor Pluto. I have been asked here to help give back each one of you, your full memories." Still lost in confusion as to why they had been brought here and what she had meant by "full" memories Nephrite asked," What do you mean give our memories back?" Pluto looked to the spirit like friend, who must have read her thoughts for it nodded a reply, then she turned back to them. " Maybe this will help answer some of your questions." Pluto slowly held up her staff and closed her scarlet eyes to concentrate. The orb on the staff began to glow with a white light, that seemed to glow brighter and brighter by the second. Zoicite was about to ask what she was doing, but never got the chance to. The white light flooded the room making him past out into a dream like state. *********************************************************************** Zoicite: Zoicite awoke to find himself standing next to Prince Darien, along with the other three generals. * What's going on* he wondered why was he here. Then something else hit Zoicite. He wasn't in control of himself! All he could do is sit and watch through his own eyes! *Well this ought to be interesting! Why does this seem familiar?* Prince Darien turned to the four generals. "You four don't have to constantly watch me. Go out and enjoy the party. I believe the girls are waiting for you." Darien smiled. Malachite and Jedite went off to the dance floor. A huge ball was going on. * I remember. The four of us were his bodyguards. Wait how is that possible, what happened?* Zoicite left the prince and Nephrite to talk and went off on his own to an unknown destination. After what seemed like endless searching he finally spotted a short haired girl. "Hello, Ami-san. Would you care to dance." Zoicite asked. Ami Blushed. "Of course." They spun out onto the floor and danced gracefully to the music. *Ami... I remember, she was Sailor Mercury.* A new song began. He could now see a happy Nephrite and Jupiter entering the floor. *Wonder why he's so happy.* Then he saw something on Jupiter's hand sparkle. He turned his attention back to Ami. He starred at her deep blue. They seemed to entrance him. * We were... a couple! How could I have forgotten something like this!* Zoicite remember fighting with the present Mercury on earth, this made him feel like hitting himself. *How did all this happen?* Then he had a flashback. He and the other three generals were captured and brought before Queen Beryl. All he could think about was Ami. She tortured each of them till they were almost dead. Then he was dragged to some sort of cocoon. Slowly erasing all of his memories. Next came a memory that Zoicite wished he could erase. Beryl's army was already on the moon kingdom. Zoicite had just finished off another guard, then he saw her. The blue hair Sailor could only stare on in shock and horror. "Zoi...Zoicite! What are you doing!" Ami could only keep starring in horror. She new what was going on but her mind couldn't except that and she froze up. Zoicite took advantage of this and stabbed her. "Zoicite...." Her blue eyes stayed fixed on him as a single tear ran out of her eyes. Then she fell to the ground dead as he withdrew his sword from her chest. *********************************************************************** Nephrite: Nephrite had found himself standing with the prince wanting to ask something. He had remembered being one of the prince's guards. "Is there something you want to ask me Nephrite?" The Prince inquired. "Um ... yes I was wondering if you would..." Nephrite was struggling with word as he fumbled with a small box. The prince's face faulted." Uhhh! I don't think.." Nephrite quickly snapped," It's not for you! It for Princess Jupiter, I wanted your approval!" The Nephrite inside watching was recovering from a heart attack.* Thank god! Who's Jupiter? Sailor Jupiter? Was I in love with her?* The prince laughed with relief. " Of course! I'm glade your "Finally" going to do it" Prince Darien smirked. "Thank you." Darien spotted Jupiter," No time like the present." Nephrite noticed where he was looking. He could only stare after her. "Go on! I know she'll say yes!" Prince Darien said giving him an encouraging "shove" in the right direction. "Ok. " Nephrite slowly walked over to the Balcony where Jupiter was standing. It had a lovely view of the rose gardens. * That's right, she loved to look at the rose garden. Lita how did I forget you?!* Nephrite laugh to himself. He had also noticed she was wearing the rose earrings he had given her. It seemed she never took them off. But they went perfectly with her long green dress. The lower half split in the middle and to reveal a ruffled white skirt underneath. At the center of the dress was a pink ribbon that tied back into a bow. Jupiter saw him out of the corner of her eye and turned to greet him. " Hello Nephrite." She smiled. "Hello Lita, you look beautiful tonight. So were you admiring the rose garden again?" Nephrite said. Lita blushed," Yes, I can't seem to get enough of them. The stars are also lovely tonight." Nephrite turned his gaze up at them." You know they say the star know everything." "That's what you say all the time." Lita smirked. Nephrite laughed. "Yes, but they know who were meant to be with and know everyone's destiny." He looked back at Lita. A bit more serious and nervous. Lita's eyes were starring at the stars. "Do you really think there is a someone out there for everyone." Nephrite smiled. " I believe everyone has someone there destine to be with!" Lita smiled. And went over to him and held him in a huge. Which he gave back. This was it! "Umm. Lita." "Yes, Nephrite." She said. Still holding him. He let her go and fished through his pockets." Lita,..." He said getting down on one knee. " Will you marry me?!" Lita's forest green eyes widen and lit with surprise. Then she squealed with excitement." Of course I'll marry you." She said as she pulled him into another huge. He rapped his arms around her and starred into her green eyes. Then leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss. His next memory wasn't so pleasant. It was after Beryl had brainwashed them. He had just blasted a guard into the wall, and was about to finish him off when someone's voice interrupted him. "Hold it right there!" This distraction was enough for the guard to get away to warn the others. Nephrite had turned his attention to where the voice had come from. He spotted a tall green skirted Sailor, who had her long brown hair in a high ponytail and two loose strands by each ear. Her fearce forest green eyes suddenly widened in shock. "Nephrite?!" "Hello Sailor. And who might you be?" He said smirking as he started powering up a blast in his hand. Jupiter saw this, and couldn't believe it. "Nephrite it's me, Jupiter, Lita. Don't you remember?" It had seemed familiar for a second, but it past. "No!" Then he let his blast go. It hit Jupiter straight on in the chest knocking her back against the wall. He grinned and pulled out his sword. "No! Nephrite, you have to remember." He was getting closer with his sword in hand. Lita gripped at the earth beneath her. Then when he got close enough flung it in his eyes. Nephrite was angry now! He swung violently at the sailor, who skill-fully dodged it. " Remember! Were engaged!" Lita said desperately. But she was loosing. And she wasn't quick enough to dodge his blade that went right into her chest. Lita fell back against the wall clutching at the sword in her chest. Tears streaming down her face. She just starred at him. "Nephrite, if you can here me, I will always love the true you." Then she slumped sideways and hit the ground. Nephrite pulled his sword out of her. Then noticed a ring that had fallen from her top. He picked it up. He didn't know why but he had to keep it. He also didn't understand why a tear had escaped one of his eyes. ********************************************************************* Malachite: The prince had just excused them. He and Jedite were off looking for there girl friends.* I remember. We were Prince Darien's guards. I was dating... someone. Who was it? It was..." He got his answer when he spotted a long blonde haired girl with her hair half up held with a red bow. *Venus! * "Well, I'm going to look for Rei outside. Have fun." Jedite said with a smile. Mina had spotted Malachite. And waved him over. "Hello, Mina. Want to dance." Malachite asked. "I thought you never ask!" Mina said playfully as she took his hand and began to dance. *MINA! How could I forget Mina.* Then he remembered the cocoons.* Blast Beryl! * He looked into her intense blue eyes! Then remembered the very last time he had starred into them. They were fighting against the Moon Kingdom. He had gotten close to the palace. Three guards were charging at him, swords held high in the air. "NO! " Sailor Venus shouted from on top of a short wall. " This is my fight, go back and protect the Queen and Princess!" The guards did as they were told, and as they retreated she jumped down from the wall. Landing ready for anything and staring into his unemotional grey eyes. She had heard the news of the four earth generals from a guard that was saved by Jupiter from Nephrite. But she wore a look of disbelief. "Malachite, you don't have to this." She said with desperation in her voice. He only laughed," How else are you going to die." "Snap out of it! Don't let her control you!" Sailor Venus cried out. Malachite took a few steps closer. And smirked, " No one is controlling me I can assure you." Sailor Venus was taken back by this. And he used this opportunity to slice at her shoulder. Venus stepped back and held her shoulder in pain. And was muttering something to herself. Malachite came closer, but stopped when she lifted her left arm pointing at him. Gazing up with determination in her deep blue eyes. She opened her mouth to finish off the words that sounded like some kind of spell. "...BEAM... SMASH!" It hit him dead on in the stomach, making him fly back and slide across the dirt. He could feel her standing over him saying something about the Queen healing him. He took this opportunity to grab her leg and fling her to the ground. Then took a small charge he had in his hand and blasted at her to keep her on the ground. She still let out a loud scream. "Now, I do believe this fight is over" he said with a smirk and turn to leave what he thought was the finished Sailor. But something grabbed his left leg. He looked down into a pair of intense blue eyes. " Malachite..." She huffed. " I know your in there somewhere, and I still love you." He promptly kicked her hand away with his free leg and then preceded to blast her. He didn't know why her speech had torn at him, but he quickly forgot about it when he saw her release her last breath. *********************************************************************** Jedite: Jedite had just left Malachite's side to go outside to look for his own girlfriend. * So I was one of Darien's guards, and I had a girlfriend. But, how in the world is that possible? I wonder who the girl is...Ahh!* Jedite tried to run and mentally smacked himself in the head when he realized he couldn't for the second time that night. And he continued to watch in half terror and half curiosity. The girl, standing by some red roses, he was staring at in wonderment was none other than Rei. Turning away from the rose she was smelling she noticed him and smiled. Her purple eyes full of tenderness. Then she brushed a long strand of her black hair behind her shoulder and said, " Hi Jedite! Nice Night isn't it." Casually starting the conversation. *She can actually be cute when she's not trying to kill me.* Jedite then mentally winced remembering everything he had done to her in the present. "So why aren't you inside with everyone else?" he asked curiously. She sighed, " It was getting crowded and I wanted a breath of fresh air. Besides, I rather be outside tonight! How about you?" She asked curiously. " I think it a perfect night to be outside." He smiled. Then he could hear some music. "Care to dance?" "Out here?!" Rei asked unsure if he really meant it. "Why not! What could be more romantic than dancing under the night sky, in a rose garden?" He replied. Rei only let out a little laugh as she took his hand and began dancing. * Rei... she could be so stubborn but other times she could have such a tender heart. * They seemed to dance forever, until they came to a halt when they heard a squeal of excitement come from the balcony above. Rei smiled still starring at the balcony. " I am guessing Nephrite finally asked her to marry him." Jedite was taken back. " You knew he was going to ask?" " I was doing a fire reading, and it said he might." She said still smiling. " But even before that I had a hunch he'd ask her soon. They love each other so much." He put his hand on her check, and stared down deeply into her eyes, " I love you Rei." She leaned closer to his face, " I love you too, Jedite." Then she took him into a passionate kiss. Jedite had never felt so loved in his whole entire life. Then he remembered a time that made him feel more disgusted with himself than he had ever felt in his entire life or lives that is. It was during the attack on the Moon Kingdom. He had just knocked a guard into the wall. And blasted above him knocking huge heavy chucks of the wall onto him, finishing him off. He then felt someone's high held foot kick him in the back as he was sent flying to the ground. He spun around to see who it was. Sailor Mars stood in her red Sailor outfit. She took a few cautious steps back. "I have no choice but to fight you, you know." She said in a low distant tone. " I wouldn't expect otherwise." He stated. She looked at him with eyes full of sadness and regret. For some reason that struck a nerve somewhere within his soul. But he quickly forgot it. He shot a small burst of energy at her, which she jumped out of the way of and flung something at him. He easily dodged it, and quickly took a glance down to see what it was. He was surprised to see a piece of paper lying on the ground. " Was that suppose to stop me." He said looking up just in time to see a burst of flames heading in his way. He managed to dodge the main part of the flames, but was still hit by it causing him to take a few steps back. Sailor Mars took this opportunity to do a jump kick, and she would of landed a good blow, but Jedite shot a blast at her hitting her dead on, and sending her fly back. Jedite approached the weakened Sailor was struggling to get back up. As he got closer he could see that she had her hands together and was whispering something. Then right as he was standing over her about to do the final blow, she lifted her head and hands screaming, " Ignite!" He was totally unprepared for this and it hit him dead on in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying backwards. He could feel her standing over him as he gasped for air. He was still too weak to move and as he could do was wait for the final blow. But it never came. He lifted his head to see Sailor Mars in ready position for the final blow, with tears in her eyes. " I can't do it!" she whispered. " I just can't do it!" she said a little louder, tears now streaming down her checks. He stared at her, for a moment, in wonderment. Then reached down and pulled a dagger from his right boot, and proceeded to stab her near the heart. She fell to the ground, staring up at the sky. She didn't even bother to pull the dagger out. With tears still in her eyes, she then whispered to herself, " I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Jedite. And I'm sorry Princess, it looks like I won't be there to help you. May luck be on your side." With that she died. Jedite pull his dagger from her chest, and started to walk towards the castle. He didn't know why, but a part of him felt dead inside. *********************************************************************** END of Ch.1 Any questions, comments, flames, extra, you can email me at or Either way I'll get it. PLEASE EMAIL ME! I like getting mail, and it's nice to now someone is reading it, besides me. Chapter 2: The Hunt is On!: Will be coming out soon. I could of just added it to this, but then it would be too long, and readers would die without the breaks in between. And that way I get to use my so Original and Interesting (note: sarcasism) titles. Till next time! Ya matte ne!