Prelude: New Beginnings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The white light of the silver crystal was still spreading throughout the dark kingdom. It entered the tomb where the generals remains were kept. At the center of the room stood a huge ice crystal that looked like it held a blond haired man. To the right of him there was a shelf with three mysterious bottles sitting on it. The first one looked like it held stars the size of small dust specks that constantly twinkled. The one in the in the center held cherry blossom petals that were continually twirling. The last one held some kind of white-ish pink energy the swirled within it. As the white light wash over consuming them you could make out four men standing there, then within an instant they were gone. ***************************************************************** Above on the snow a sobbing girl tripped. Her two long blond ponytails swung out behind her as she hit the ground. With tears steaming down her face she looked up at the moon, her deep blue eyes seemed to look as if they were asking it "why?" Her sad blue eyes concentrated on the moon as she said," Why did they have to die. THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE DIED, NOT LIKE THAT! " she said between sobs. Then she began again a little quieter . " No one should. I don't want to die like this! Please help me make everything right!" And just after she had finished that line the crystal on her red bow began to glow. The girl was startled by this, and stared at it curiously. Then the white light washed over her from her earlier use. The last thing in her mind was "What does this mean?". Then she was gone. _________________________________________________________________ The end for now Ok I know it was short but that all I have so far. The bottles on the shelf contain the remains of the other three generals souls. I decided Queen Beryl had kept them in case she decided to revive them or something. The next one starts in after Sailor Moon R, present day. This is going to be an interesting fanfic, I promise, it picks up in the next chapter. This is just the start! ^_^ You can email me your comments at or Till next time.