Chapter 3-Circle of Guardians Seishou Kouseinou stroked his pet for a moment, loving the feel of smooth scales upon rough, blistered hands. Lately, he had been driven two hours out of town to Hikawa Shrine, learning how to fight. The masters there were kind but hard, and he had already received a black belt in karate. There were other techniques that he needed to learn, though. Shippou raised itself off the ground and reminded his master, lost in dreams of becoming a fine warrior, "Seishou-san, you're going to late for school." A small smile spread across his stern, deftly cut face. "No wonder Kasen-kun and Kyosei-kun say you're just like me. Please, Shippou-kun, if you're going to call me that, I'll have to call you Shippou-sama." "You did once, young Kouseinou-kun, if you insist." Before he could wonder at what the reptile had said, he checked his watch and exclaimed, "KUSO! I'm going to be late to school!" Sighing, Shippou hurried after his master, managing to get through the door before he slammed it shut. "Ah, gomen nasai, Shippou-kun. Ja ne, see you after school, remember-no trouble or okaa-san will make me throw you out!" "Ja ne, young one," said the snake thoughtfully and quietly, so no one else would hear. Although if they did, it would just be hissing. ~ * ~ * ~ Mrs. Kouseki, previously known as Mrs. Tabiki, sighed and ran a hand through short blond curls. "Kasen-kun! Souya-kun! Get up or you'll be late for school! Tabiki Kasen, you get your lazy self out of bed, or I'll pour ice water over you! Kouseki Yosouya, you quit coddling that lizard, it gets enough to eat. And if you're reading again, I'll lock all your books up! Get down here and eat!" The latter gulped and shook his brother, running downstairs a moment later with Tokage in one hand, a thick textbook in the other, and a heavy backpack on his back. "Ah...gomen nasai, okaa-san." He then proceeded to eat, rushed yet with good manners, spooning cereal into his mouth with one hand. His other hand was busy trying to shove the book into his backpack, which was crammed full. "Souya-kun, unless that book's necessary, you just don't have room," said his father gravely, hiding a smile. "Kasen-kun! Get down here and stop primping!" He kissed his wife quickly, grabbed his briefcase and laptop, and said, "Ja ne, Souya-kun, and don't forget, I'm taking you to swimming lessons today." He quickly opened the door and left, and on his way out, Kasen ran down the stairs and collided with him. Mr. Kouseki got up ruefully and said, "Nice to see you up at last, Kasen-kun. Hurry and eat, and your mother's taking you and Kyosei-kun to whatever sport you have after school today. Ja!" As the three members of his rather unruly family bid him farewell, he looked back and winced at the scene: his harried wife pulling off her apron and running upstairs to dress for work, Kasen still sitting on hard tiles, and Yosouya's face turned bright red from the effort of stuffing his book into his bag. The blue-eyed boy gobbled his breakfast hurriedly, by the time he was done, his brother had grabbed the obentos and was waiting for him. "Hurry up, Kasen-kun! Did you feed Tansei-kun? Iie, I knew it! Tokage-kun, can you get Tansei-kun something to eat? Hai? Good. Come ON, Kasen-kun! SLOWPOKE! We're going to be late!" "I'm coming, coming, hai, hai, arigato Tokage-kun! Ja!" With that, the two blondes ran out the door, clutching lunch boxes, and Kasen had his sports bag full of gear, Yosouya carried a bag with a swimsuit and gear, also more books stuffed into that duffel bag. The little green lizard shook his head and raced upstairs, careful not to get in the way of their mother. In their room, he let Tansei out, they climbed/flew out the window. The blue and red bird let the iguana climb on his back, and they flew off in the direction of the park. ~ * ~ * ~ Kousei Kyosei grinned into his hand when he saw two blond boys, one his age, another two years younger. Souya was about two inches shorter, and both were breathing heavily with mussed hair. They had shoved the two extra bags into their lockers and toted heavy backpacks to class, somehow managing not to get into too many accidents. After their sensei glared at them ominously and wrote "Late" on the attendance sheet, the class was allowed to talk until the bell signaling the end of home room rang. "Konnichiwa, Kasen-kun, Souya-kun. Masaka, am I the only one who gets up on time?" The blonde with bright blue eyes stuck his tongue out, while his brother replied, "Konnichiwa, Kyo-kun. Iie, I got up on time, but Kasen-kun never gets up. We were late cause he was cramming his breakfast for football, you've got it today, ne?" His brother panicked and almost shrieked, "I've got FOOTBALL today??" "Um....hai," confirmed Kyosei with a sinking feeling in his stomach. He knew Kasen all too well and figured he'd forgotten something. "SHIMATTA! I packed my stuff for soccer!" *gulp* The other two snickered and tried to look sympathetic. "Souya-kun, can you pick up my other bag and bring it to me?" "Nani? You think I've got a lunch break or something?" *moan* "Iie, after school. If you sprint you can make it back in time before coach finds out." "Gomen, no can do. I've got swimming, and if I'm late, sensei will make me do fifty sit-ups. Last time was forty, because you did the same thing, and I was late," muttered the green-eyed one, still annoyed after last time. "Fine. Arigato gozaimisu, faithful brother. Now I'll have to sneak out during lunch. And you can stop laughing at me now!" ~ * ~ * ~ Seishou Kouseinou had gotten lucky and to class on time. Breathing hard, he ignored his classmates' looks and retained the cold, stony expression he was famous for. The only people everyone called "Stone" warmed up for were his parents, Shippou, and his three best and only friends. He figured Aino Minako would be pleased now, and he had used up his patience with the rest of the world. If all people were like Kasen, Kyosei, and Yosouya, he didn't know if he would be able to survive with more friends. His next class, Health, began with, "Konnichiwa, minna. Today, we'll be learning about the female and male reproductive systems....." Every male in the class groaned, the girls giggled. One brown-haired boy next to him whispered, "Hey, Kouseinou-san, don't we do this every year?" He gave a tiny, grudging smile to Urawa Ryo and found it easier than he'd expected. "Hai, Urawa-san." The quiet brunette smiled back and settled into his seat to draw in his notebook, not paying any attention to the hilarious diagrams and speeches their poor sensei was giving them. After a minute, he handed the silver-haired boy a quick sketch. Kouseinou stared at it for a moment. Done quickly in ink, it seemed to be a drawing of him, but he looked a lot older. There were his friends, the three who drove him nuts. They were dressed in what looked like a uniform, and although there were no colors, he suddenly knew that Kasen had bright blue trim, Kyosei navy, Souya green, and he himself grayish-silver. "How......where.....?" Ryo grinned and said, "I get these visions in my mind. Pictures, nothing more. You like?" "You're a wonderful artist. Interesting imagination you've got there. Can I keep it?" "Sure." After grinning at each other for a few seconds, they both looked back at the board, the sensei, and the rest of the class...then promptly sweatdropped. ~ * ~ * ~ Mizuno Ami stepped into her class, face falling when she saw her old "friends" snickering and getting ready to jeer at her. However, there was a new face in the crowd of unfriendly ones, this one strangely welcoming. Slowly, she sat down and took out a book, trying to ignore the whispers and snickers all around her. The unfamiliar girl walked over, dressed in a different uniform than the rest at Juuban Elementary and stuck out her hand in a boyish fashion. "Konnichiwa, I'm Makoto. The people here don't seem very nice." Ami looked up, hardly believing that someone was being nice. Suspiciously, she examined the girl. She was tall, VERY tall, chestnut hair caught up in a high ponytail, and sparkling green eyes. For a moment, she saw the face of someone she'd almost forgotten, Kouseki Yosouya, although his eyes had only glittered like her's when he grinned. Hesitatingly, she got up and shook the hand, blushing and looking at the dirty, muddy floor. "Konnichiwa, Makoto-san. My classmates just don't like me, because they think I show off in class. My name is Mizuno Ami, it's nice to meet you." "Can I call you Ami-chan? That is, if you'll call me Mako-chan. You look lonely, want to be friends?" she asked frankly. The blue-haired girl smiled at the warm face and said, "Of course." "Good. How old you are? I mean, you're not very big, gomen." Her flush returned, and her gaze dropped to the floor once more. "I'm nine." "What's so embarrassing about that?" asked Makoto curiously. "I'm not supposed to be in fifth grade yet, only fourth. That's why everyone here hates me." Two slow tears started making their way down her pale face, and Ami said, "Excuse me, Makoto-chan, it was nice to meet you, but I have to go." She quickly made an excuse to her teacher, grabbed her backpack and the hall pass, and left. Her new friend was left staring after her, perplexed. Later that day, at lunch, she plunked down her lunch next to Ami's and said, "Konnichiwa again, Ami-chan." "Konnichiwa, Mako-chan," she replied softly. "Gomen nasai about this morning." "Hey, it's okay." "May I ask you why you moved to Juuban? Or did you just transfer schools?" Her green eyes darkened for a moment. "I was kicked out of my old school for defending a girl who's like a sister to me." Ami flushed and said, "Gomen again, I didn't mean to be rude." "It's okay. People there aren't nice either, they beat up on Rei-chan. She lives at the temple with her grandfather, and I'm an orphan, so I live with them now. That's why I say she's my imouto, cause she's the same age as you. Hey, you guys should meet each other one day. Granted, Rei-chan's not as quiet as you, but she's not as loud as me. But you have to watch out for her temper. Have you got any siblings?" "Iie, I'm an only child. Gomen about your loss." Makoto waved her hand and said, "Hey, it's okay. I've gotten used to it by now. And stop apologizing!" "Gomen," she said, feeling sheepish again. "There we go again....seriously, Ami-chan, you've got to lighten up." She chattered on and on until she drew the shy girl out of her shell, and they really began talking. ~ ~ * ~ * ~ Aino Minako was close to tears as the director yelled at her again. "MINA! For God's sake, don't blink when the cameras flash! This commercial has to be perfect, or that ---- CEO of Krispy Krunchies will have my head!" Sniffling, she got back to her position and affixed a smile on her face, spooning the disgusting cereal into her mouth. She smiled widely, flipping her long blond hair over her shoulder. Whenever she filmed, for some reason, they directors always wanted her hair down. She recited the speech with perfect accuracy and emotion, then flashed another grin. "Cut! CUT, I said! Excellent, Mina. I think we'll use this one. You can go home now, is your mother here to pick you up?" "No, sorry. She's at work, but my house is close enough to walk." "Alright, tell your parents to come to the studio tomorrow morning with you so we can discuss a new contract, if you want it." "Yes sir. Goodbye." "Good bye." After she left the tall building, made of dirty gray stone (although she was sure it hadn't been that way when it had first been built about a hundred years ago, in her opinion), a small white form jumped onto her shoulder. She shrieked, jumped two feet in the air, and scolded, "ARTEMIS! Stop scaring me like that!" He snickered, an odd thing for a cat to do, and stuck his cold, wet pink nose into her ear. "Sorry, Mina. Everyone on the street is staring at you, stop shrieking." She grumbled and continued walking with him on her shoulder. "How was the filming? Never liked that studio, they don't let cats in." She stroked him for a minute as he purred. "It was okay. They want Mom and Dad to meet them for a new contract tomorrow." "You don't sound so happy about it," he remarked astutely. "I HATE doing petty commercials! All the directors are the same and so mean! They're also really boring. And the food...ugh. Maybe Mom'll agree to no more food commercials if I tell her I'm gaining weight." She opened the door and called, "Mom, I'm home!" Mrs. Aino came out of her bedroom and said, "Hello, Mina. Any messages from the studio?" Unlike Artemis, she didn't ask how her daughter's day had been. Unusually sulky, she replied, "Yes, Mom. Tomorrow morning, they want you and Dad to come discuss a new contract." "That sounds good," she smiled for once, instead of her usual crabby expression and tone. "But Mom, I don't LIKE filming food commercials," she protested. Her mother glared at her and said, "There are so many girls out there that want to have your looks, and don't you like being in the spotlight? It was your dream, remember?" "I know, Mom, but don't you think eating all that food for the advertisements will make me gain weight?" Mina asked innocently, hoping her mother would take the bait. *grumble* "I suppose so," she agreed reluctantly, "I may have to look around a lot today for other kinds of jobs. Go eat the celery and carrot sticks in the refrigerator and get the mail." The blonde obeyed, running out to the post office. "MOM! There's a letter here from a different studio!" "Let me see that!" Mrs. Aino replied, snatching the letter away. After scanning it quickly with her hawk eyes, a sudden burst of warmth came as she hugged Mina tightly. "Darling, they've seen your commercials and want you to audition for a movie!" "Really? That's so cool!! What movie? When? How long?" "Really, I'm so proud. ‘The Adventures of Sailor V,' it says. Next Saturday, the studio next door to the one you go to now. It says that whoever makes the part will have a one-year contract, pay will be personally discussed with the director, and if you do well, they could make more videos! Imagine that, Mina. Movies with your name in lights, popularity, going to celebrity parties. The contracts and the money, it could last for years!" While her mother went to call her father in elation, Mina went to her room, Artemis close on her heels. "What's wrong now? No more food commercials. I thought you were excited before?" he asked, confused by her lack of enthusiasm. "But Artemis, she doesn't care about anything except the money and how long I'll be a star. She wants to be the famous mother of an actress. Artemis, do you think I can really act? I mean, not just eat food and smile all the time?" "Of course, Mina. This ‘Sailor V' thing sounds like you'll need to learn fighting. Play-acting, maybe, but do you want me to teach you?" She stared at him with wide, crystal blue eyes. "I would jump at the chance, they'd definitely hire me. But you're just a cat, how can you teach me?" He grinned, winked one cerulean blue eye and said pompously, "You leave that to me, Mina. We'll start tomorrow night, I've got something to do tonight." "Like what? You're a cat, you sleep, eat, go outside, and wait for me to play with you." She disappeared into the bathroom, laughing. Artemis stared after her for a moment and sighed. Softly, he said, "Many things, Mina. You don't remember who you were, but I do. The past wasn't pleasant, and we don't want a repeat. I've got to set up Central Control and find Luna. Before it comes." ~ * ~ * ~ One chilly day after school, Makoto shivered and pulled her coat tighter. She was hovering near the entrance to the school, looking for a flash of blue hair. Ah, there it was. She pulled the sleeve and yanked her out of the stream of students. "Hey, Ami-chan!" The other girl winced and rubbed her arm. "Ouch. Konnichiwa, Mako-chan. I swear, you don't know your own strength." The brunette blushed and apologized, "Gomen nasai. Ami-chan, if you're not busy today, do you want to meet Rei-chan? I told her all about you, and she really wants to meet you." Ami thought about the empty house and echoing halls that awaited her. Her mother, working the whole night, wouldn't even know she was gone. But just in case..."I'd love to, Mako-chan, but I want to leave a note for my mother first. Want to walk with me to my house, and then we'll go to the temple?" "Sure, good exercise. Can you make it though? The Hikawa Shrine far away from your house." Makoto had been over Ami's house before and admired the large apartment, and she knew the distance between the two houses was great. "I hope so. I'll try." When they reached her house, she scribbled a quick note in her neat, concise handwriting and left, talking quietly. When they reached the brown-haired girl's house a while later, she yelled, "REI-CHAN! Where are you?" Immediately, a disgruntled raven-haired girl ran out yelling, "MAKO-CHAN! Where have you been? I got home and was looking for you all over!" She finally noticed the slim, quiet girl beside her best friend. "Hey, you must be Ami! I'm Rei, but you can call me Rei-chan." She gave her a shy smile and said, "Konnichiwa, Rei-chan. You can call me Ami-chan, then. It's nice to meet you." "Likewise." Makoto stared at the two nine year old for a minute, marveling at how they could carry on a polite conversation. She grabbed their wrists and said, "Come on! Let's show Ami-chan around, and then we can go climb the cherry trees." Rei whined, "But Mako-chan, I don't LIKE climbing trees, I always gets scraped." "Stop being a baby, it's so easy." The blue-haired girl giggled at these exchanges and said, "You two sound like real sisters. I've never climbed a tree before." The brunette stared at her, flabbergasted. "NEVER?" When she nodded, she said, "Then now's our chance to teach you! C'mon, Rei-chan, choose the tree you don't fall out of. If there ARE any." "Mako-chan, you're so mean!" "I was just kidding! Cool it, fire girl." ~ * ~ * ~ Kouseinou, exiting his last period class, asked his new friend, "Hey Ryo-san, you want to meet my friends?" "Sure, lead on, commander." The silver-haired one went to the quartet's usual meeting place and waited. Yosouya was the first to appear, holding a book in one hand, trying to dodge as many people as possible. "SOUYA-KUN!" He looked up and smiled brightly, walking over. "Konnichiwa, Kouseinou-kun. Konnichiwa," he added to Ryo. "Ryo-san, I'd like you to meet my best friend. This is Kouseki Yosouya. Souya-kun, this is Urawa Ryo." The mentioned blonde held out his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Urawa-san." The brown-haired boy's face tightened for a moment, remembering previous dreams. ‘That's the one, he's that person.' Urawa Ryo remembered everything from his past life and made a fist behind his back, digging scrubby nails into his hand. ‘He's the one that loved Ami-chan. Mercury hime-sama.' Stiffly, he shook the hand and said, "Likewise, Kouseki-san." "Oh, you can just call him Souya-kun or ‘the Squirt' like I do," said Kouseinou easily. He watched his new friend narrowly for moment, wondering at the slight rudeness his closed expression was displaying now. "Look, there's Kasen-kun and Kyosei-kun." The two ran up, Kasen clutching two duffel bags instead of one. "Hey minna! I'm such an idiot, I left my soccer bag in school, but at least I got my football stuff. Oh..hey, you're Urawa Ryo, aren't you? I'm Kasen, this is Kyo-kun." The other brown-haired one smiled wryly and said, "I'm very capable of introducing myself. Konnichiwa, Ryo-san." For a minute, everyone was startled, except the two brunettes. The Ryo grinned and said, "I'd forgotten about you, you sneaky stargazer." He beamed back, then glanced at his watch. "Shimatta! Kasen-kun, let's go or we'll be late. you, Ryo-san. Ja ne!" Yosouya, studying Ryo as well, asked, "Kouseinou-kun, do you have training today, too?" "Hai, I've got to go. I think your mom is here, too. Ja ne, Ryo-san." "Ja," he replied shortly, frowning. They left without another word, hoping they weren't going to be late to their extracurricular activities. ‘So that was the reincarnation of General Zoicite, was it? Bastard. Whatever happens to him in the future will serve him right.' He then reached into his backpack, glared at a sketch he had made one freezing midnight, crumpled it up, and lobbed it into a trash can with perfect aim. ~ * ~ * ~ "Sss....Tokage, there's your chance. Go see what he threw out, he doesn't like your charge much," advised Shippou. The green iguana grumbled and dropped ungraciously into the garbage can, body camouflaging instantly. He returned with the paper. "Sss...let's see." "No, we've got to get the two squawkers first." The gray snake and his now gray relative raced outside. "Hokushin, Tansei!" They flew down instantly and helped to unfold the paper. The four guardians stared in wonderment at a detailed sketch, in colored pencils, of a blue-haired girl kissing a blonde general, both blushing. "Tokage, that looks like Yosouya. It's his past self, General and Prince Zoicite," Tansei chirped. Hokushin nodded his head regally while Tokage confirmed it. "Yes, that's the prince." Shippou asked, "Who's the girl? Looks familiar. Never knew Zoicite had the nerve to kiss anyone, he certainly doesn't in this life." The other reptile present glared at him and said, "Stop insulting him. Yosouya's a nice boy. Needs a girlfriend later, for now, he's fine. Only nine. Hm...I remember that girl. What was her name? Started with an A, I think...." "Aria?" "Nope." "Alexandra." "No...." "Amelia." "Not quite...Am something, That's it! She was the Princess Ami of Mercury," cried an elated Tokage. The silver snake hissed, "Ah, I remember her now. Lovely girl, very shy. She was his soulmate. Princess Mina of Venus's friend. Another senshi, wasn't she? Mina was Prince Kunzite's soulmate." Hokushin interrupted, "And how does Urawa Ryo tie into this? He was a commander from Mercury, I believe. Close friend of Princess Ami's." "That's it," breathed the green iguana nervously. "He loved her, loves her. Views Zoicite as an enemy, now his present form, Yosouya." "We've got trouble," said Shippou grimly, leader of the guardians, as his prince was commander of his generals. The other three nodded solemnly and promised to keep an eye out. ~ * ~ * ~ The reincarnated Princess of Mercury grinned and held onto her mother's hand tightly. "Okaa-san, I'm so happy we could spend the day together." "Me too, Ami-chan," said Mrs. Mizuno, ruffling her daughter's short blue hair fondly. "I'm afraid we have to go to the supermarket for dinner, though. You want to go to the outdoor market?" She nodded eagerly, although she wasn't too hot on the idea of seeing all the hanging pieces of meat. Worse still were the dirty, grimy barrels of fish and seafood, but she wanted to spend time with her mom. Once they reached the market, an instant hubbub had sprang up. "Catch that crab before it cuts off someone's toes!" Ami looked around for the cause of the commotion, as did her mother. Instantly, she spotted a tiny blue crab scuttling towards her. She knelt and picked up it, ignoring the warnings from the fishermen. "Konnichiwa, kurabu." It made a strange chiming noise and climbed up her arm, settling on her shoulder. "Okaa-san, can I get a pet?" "Not right now, Ami-chan, watch out, here come the fishermen. I wonder what they were looking for?" One burly man stopped short and said, "Little girl, what are you doing with that crab? It's dangerous!" He stared at the peaceful crustacean perched on her now slightly-damp shoulder. "Konnichiwa, sir," she said politely. "I think it's very nice. Okaa-san, can I get this crab for a pet?" "Ami-chan, crabs aren't tame. They can't be pets," sighed Mrs. Mizuno, not wanting to grudge her daughter of a companion when she couldn't spend time with her herself. "Missus, that bit of seafood seems to have taken a liking to your daughter. Never seen anything act like that before." "I doesn't seem to be violent," she said reluctantly. An odd symbol flashed on the crab's muddy shell for a moment. Everyone blinked, and she said, "All right, how much for it?" As her mother paid for the tiny thing, Ami stared at her new pet. "Konnichiwa, kurabu. I think you need a name. I always like ice, so you can be Koori, and your shell seems to match. Once we get it cleaned off, of course." It chirped to her and carefully shifted, trying not to get her sleeve too dirty. "Today has been a very strange yet nice day." ~ * ~ * ~ The next day, quite clean after a scrubbing with antibacterial, disinfecting soap from Mrs. Mizuno, a wincing Koori crept out of the apartment while Ami was at school. She reminded herself, ‘Just have to find the other guardians, especially Luna. The only restriction I've got is to get back here before the princess does.' After an hour or so, she found the Hikawa Shrine and two crows. "Hello, Phobos, Deimos." They peered down at her for a moment, startled. Then they gave her wide grins and said, "Hello, Koori. Long time no see. We've seen your princess, though. So you've finally found your mistress?" *sigh* "I hate it when you talk together. Shush, it's hard to be food for the people here. I was caught by a fishing net and almost sold. If Princess Ami hadn't appeared with her mother, I'd be a dead crab. Did you find any other guardians?" "Princess Lita lives with Princess Rei in this life, she's an orphan. Rei lives with her grandfather, poor dear. We didn't find Luna yet, Artemis has contacted us once, but it's hard to use Central Control without Luna. She's trying to find the Moon Princess. Of course, Aoao's here. AOAO! Come on, we've found Koori!" cried the two crows together. A small, lime green bird flew down and joined the three. "Hello, Koori. Nice to see you again. You're the last of us, then." "Any trouble going on lately? Have any senshi been awakened?" "No, no trouble yet. No senshi, either. Rei's grandfather discovered the princess's powers, but he's a trusted priest. During the Silver Millennium, he was the High Priest of Mars. She created a fire shield but doesn't remember it. That was two years ago." Aoao chimed in, "Lita gets angry sometimes, and that makes static shocks. However, those are fairly common on Earth, so no one notices......" Koori asked, "Has anyone located the Earth Prince and his generals? Or their guardians?" The atmosphere darkened for a moment as everyone scowled. "No. They turned evil in the past, but it seems they aren't now." "Can they be trusted?" "They're innocent nine, eleven, and twelve year old children. If the age change was the same. No guardians were spotted. What or who else can we trust?" "Should we forgive them? Do they deserve forgiving?" "Please, they got our princesses killed, if you'd be so kind as to remember!" "But still, they're their soulmates. You can't live without your soulmate for long, when the time comes, and destiny decides to pull two people together."