The Rainbow Mantle Act Three: Jupiter's Identity. By: eternal stargazer. All standard disclaimers apply. Inside a skyscraper, one man was watching his office with an extremely satisfied grin. Finally, he's able to run his late father's company. 'It's been an uphill battle.' After four long months he's finally able to sit back and relax. He needn't to worry anymore. 'The company is safe; no one's going to take over it.' Just then, a beep brought him back to his office. His secretary's voice was heard from the phone speaker. "Mr. Mieno, Ms. Furuyama is here to see you." He pressed on the button on the phone to speak to his secretary. "Thank you, Chika. Let her in." A moment later, a longhaired young woman entered his office. She was wearing a gray-colored suit with matching knee-length skirt. "Nakata, I actually get to see you this time!" She said sarcastically. Nakata got up and kissed her. "Gomen, Nanako. But you know that I have to slog myself to convince those old cows that I CAN run this company." "How are Hayakawa and Takada taking it?" Nanako asked. Nakata smiled before answering. "Hayakawa congratulated me and I believe he really meant it. Takada, on the other hand...well, he was gripping my hand a bit harder than usual when he shook my hand. And his mouth twitched..." "Alright dear, ignore Takada. He's always like that. Just make sure you have enough time for me. I hear you've been seeing more of Jiro instead of me." Nanako pouted. "Of course not! He's been busy scouting for a job I haven't seen him lately either. So, how about I make it up to you and treat you to lunch?" Nakata asked. "I thought you'd never ask!" A few minutes later, a silver Ferrari exited the skyscraper's parking lot. "Arrggghh!! I can't stand all those reporters!" Usagi fumed. "Yeah I know. Even though they're forbidden from the school grounds, they still manage to sneak in." Naru said. "They'll lose interest." Minako said hopefully. "Oh no they won't." A male voice behind them said. They turned around and saw Umino. He was holding a camera. "What do you mean?" Usagi asked with her eyes narrowing dangerously. "I'm going to find out their true identities!" He told them. Usagi and Minako felt their face turn as white as sheet. "Why the hel-I mean, why would you want to do that?" Usagi inquired. "Cause it's intriguing, don't you think?" Umino grinned. "Well good luck Umino. You're gonna need lots of it because some of the best reporters are working on it and they still haven't found anything." Minako said. "I know but I have an advantage they don't." Umino paused. "What's that?" Naru asked. "I'm a student of this school. I have full access here and don't have to sneak in like them. Ja! Gotta start cracking on this case!" He said cheerfully and left the classroom; leaving Usagi, Minako and even Naru stupefied. Down a crowded street, Makoto was walking alone. Her left hand kept massaging her right arm, which was fully healed now but always had a strange sensation in it. Her emerald green eyes had a despondent look on it but it wasn't her right arm that was causing it. Three years ago, on exactly the same day as today, Makoto had broken up with her boyfriend. She wasn't bummed out about it anymore. What was bothering her is the fact that she still hadn't gotten a boyfriend ever since she broke up. 'What is wrong with me? Why haven't I found a boyfriend until now?' She silently asked herself. As she turned to the left of a junction, she felt an odd feeling that someone was watching her. She turned and glanced around but saw no one. She kept on walking down the deserted road. Suddenly, the sound of heavy feet caught her attention. Makoto quickly turned around. Behind her, she saw an abnormally large wolf-like creature. Its snout was long and thin with sharp fangs protruding from it. It let out a chilling howl. Makoto looked around her. There was on one around. The wolf began to advance towards her. Then, it opened its mouth. "Well met, Thunder of Jupiter, daughter of Jove." It said in a throaty, masculine voice and bared its fangs. Makoto covered her mouth to stifle herself from screaming. She was mortified. The creature just called her 'Thunder of Jupiter'; it probably knew her identity. "Who are you?" She asked. "I am but a servant to my Master. He commanded me to kill you and that I shall do it with honour." He replied and leapt towards Makoto. Makoto quickly jumped out of the way. Haruka had stressed that they all must guard their identities at all costs but this creature already knew her identity. "Why do you call me 'Thunder of Jupiter'? I don't understand." Makoto decided to try her luck. "Because that's whom you are; Guardian of Jupiter and Princess Serenity. Do not deny it for we know." The wolf replied. "So be it." Makoto said fiercely and took out her transformation pen. She transformed before the wolf made another move. The creature didn't seem daunted at all and attacked Jupiter. She managed to avoid once more and kicked him in the belly but he didn't fall. Jupiter then summoned her attack. "JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!" The powerful attack hit the wolf but failed to perform any injury on him. Jupiter despaired. The creature was strong. It lunged for Jupiter, whom moved out of the way but found out that the creature managed to scratch her thigh. Blood trickled out from the scratches. Jupiter grimaced in pain as she hobbled away from the wolf. 'It can't end this way!' She thought in desperation. Suddenly, she knew what to do. She had to try again; she wouldn't give up so easily. She turned to face the creature. "I'm giving you a chance to turn back." Jupiter said in a deadly tone. The wolf only growled at her. "You do not know your peril." Jupiter said and lifted her hands. "JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!" She cried out with all her strength as he creature lunged at her. Her bright green energy attack him hit head on and he let out a long anguished howl. "You may have won the battle today but the Slayers will get you!" The creature fell to the ground and dissipated into dark fine dust and was scattered by the wind. Jupiter knelt down and quickly de-transformed before anyone saw her. Not long after that, Usagi and Mamoru arrived. "Mako-chan!" Usagi cried out. "What happened?" She asked; noticing the scratches on Makoto's left thigh. "Looks like I'm a youma magnet." Makoto said wryly as Mamoru healed the scratches until only dry scars were left. "Luckily they weren't deep, Makoto." He told her. Makoto then related to them what just happened. "He knew your identity?" Usagi asked in disbelief. "But how...?" "Beats me. But how did you guys know that I was here? I didn't use the communicator." Makoto asked. "Umino told us. He said he saw you-Oh no! Quick we have to get out of here!" Usagi said urgently and lead Makoto away. Moments later, a police squad car arrived at the exact location Makoto had been attacked. When they were far away, Usagi spoke again. "We bumped into Umino just now. He said he saw you being cornered by a large wolf-like animal. I deduced it must've been some dark creature like those you met the other day. So, in order to prevent Umino from hanging around watching you, I asked him to call the police. That's when we rushed to you." Usagi explained. "Looks like this uproar will never die down." Makoto said. Although she had just been attacked, the fact that she managed to defeat the creature uplifted her spirit. "I think it was just a prank." A man clad in police uniform said. "I wouldn't be too hasty, Takeshi." Keisuke said as he observed the walls on the right side of the road. He took out a magnifying glass and scanned the wall. He seemed to have found something and took it carefully with his gloved hand. The police officer couldn't see what Keisuke was holding. It seemed to be something really small. Keisuke placed in a plastic bag and gave it to the police officer. "I want this to be analyzed. Hand me the lab report when it's done." Takeshi nodded and took the evidence away. "Did the informer give a description of the girl that was being attacked?" Keisuke questioned Takeshi. "Iyie." Takeshi replied. "But you still think his claim is valid?" "We'll have to see how the lab report turn out." Keisuke said. "Do you think any of the reporters found out?" Rei asked. "I don't think so. If they did, then my face would be on the pages of newspapers." Makoto said. Luna, Artemis and all the senshis were assembled at Ami's condominium. "This is dangerous." Haruka said. "I think from now on, Makoto should have a bodyguard." "I'm capable of taking care of myself." Makoto said. "Still. We don't know what other creatures might appear." Setsuna insisted. "Next time, you encounter one, make sure you contact us." "I will." Makoto said. "Oh and there's another thing. That wolf-creature, he told me I may have won today but the 'Slayers' will get me." She told them. No one stirred to this except Luna and Artemis who looked stricken. "Slayers, Mako-chan?" Luna asked. "Are you sure that's what he said?" "Unless my ears fail me utterly." Makoto said. "But...that's just impossible." Artemis said. "What do you mean?" Minako asked. Artemis looked at all of them before answering. "Slayers," He started. "Were assassins usually hired by dark sorcerer or sorceress to kill their enemies an extremely long, long time ago. They existed long before Silver Millenium was founded." "They were annihilated before Queen Serenity was even born. I don't understand why anyone would mention their name in this time and dimension." "This makes everything the more confusing." Ami said. "Artemis, are you sure all of them were destroyed? Was there any of them during our time in Silver Millenium?" "I don't know for I don't have all of my memories but I'm pretty sure they were all wiped out before Queen Serenity took the throne." Artemis answered. "Okay then, what about Umino? What was he doing when he saw Makoto about to be attacked?" Rei asked Usagi. "He told me he saw walking on the other side of the road and saw this huge dog-like creature about to attack a female student. Hopefully, he didn't recognize it was Makoto. Or if he did, he won't suspect anything fishy." Usagi said. "But he did say he wants to find out the sailor soldeirs true identities." "Nani?" The rest except Minako asked. "Yep. That's why I'm worried." Usagi said. "Feh, he won't find anything." Haruka scoffed. "I wouldn't be too sure." Ami said. "Yeah, last time he managed to find out where Ms. Haruna lost weight." Usagi said. "Huh?" Everyone was blank. "Oh right. You don't know." Usagi said. She then told them how when she was the only senshi and the the others hadn't appeared yet, Jadeite, one of the dark generals shrewdly lured woman (including herself but left that 'little' detail out) to lose weight at a fitness center by offering a free trial period. Absorbing women's energy was what made them lose weight. Everyone in school wondered how Ms. Haruna lost weight in such a short period of time. Umino on the other hand, found out where she went to lose her weight. He sort of helped Usagi discover the evil scheme. "Speaking of Dark King..." The sound of a constant beep halted Usagi from finishing her sentence. It was Michiru's handphone. She quickly picked it up and excused herself. "Great doom lies before us." Hotaru suddenly said. Her violet eyes were expressionless. "What do you mean, Hotaru-chan?" Usagi asked. "I myself don't know. What I do know is that we have to be extremely wary of our surroundings. Danger and discovery lies ahead." She said. Michiru came back and told them she had to go. "I've got rehearsal today." She told them. "International Musicians Concert, right?" Minako asked eagerly. Michiru nodded. "Oh, that reminds me. Minako, Ami, I want your work by Thursday next week." She said. "Ja!" With that, Michiru, Haruka, Setsuna and Hotaru left. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *E-mail: