12th story from Sailor DKC. It's been over a month since the tragedies on September 11, 2001. I have been getting on with my life as a proud New Yorker. Those responsible for this cowardly act of violence failed to prevent me to do my job as a teacher and my fun hobby of writing Sailor Moon stories. I hate what they did, but mostly, I pity them because this way of life is wasteful. I pray they be brought to justice, and, hopefully, they will see the error of their ways one day. In the meantime, let's keep on living, America! The story is the due sequel to "Something About You", starring the couple Raye and Jedite. The picture I got inspired from was from Mercury Blue. She is an artist from the site Generals Love where my other stories are also. When you see this *, I am describing the portrait in a scene. My stories are also at A Sailor Moon Romance, Lalala Land, and Lovers That Never Were. Dedicated to Mercury Blue. Beautiful work, Blue! In honor of the heroes of Ground Zero, or Ground Hero. COULD IT BE? By Sailor DKC "Come on, girls! We'll be late! "Lita, slow down! What's the hurry?" "Oh, I know, Amy! She wants to meet with the royal escorts of Prince Darien. I hear they're drop-dead gorgeous!" "Mina!" Lita blushed a deep red. "It's OK, Lita. I'm dying to meet them, too. What about you, Amy?" Mina asked as the four princess escorts of Princess Serena walked toward the royal discussion chamber in the prince's castle on Earth. "Well, I am a little curious to see what they look like, but we're here to discuss our alliance with the Earth." Lita gave a coy wink. "Well, it's important to find out who is behind these attacks on both our worlds. But it wouldn't hurt to hope if these guys are cute!" "Hey, guys!" Raye was a few steps ahead of them. "This is serious. We have no time for this." But the girls kept on chattering away so Raye rolled up her eyes and kept on walking ahead. 'Besides Amy, I'm the only sensible one here!' she thought. 'I don't really need to look for a boyfriend. I've already met the man of my dreams.' A vision of General Jadeite appeared in her mind, and she became starry-eyed and smiled softly. They arrived to the chamber and entered. There at the head of the conference table were Princess Serena and Prince Darien. To the prince's right side of the table standing behind the chairs stood his royal escorts. Raye gasped quietly when she recognized one of them as the blond Earthling whom she saved from the creatures attacking the Earth school children. 'I was Sailor Mars at the time!' she thought. "Good day, ladies," Darien greeted as the girls stood behind the seats opposite the men. The princess and I are glad we all are able meet. These gentlemen are my royal escorts and the lords of the Earth. May I present Lord Malachite, Lord Zoicite, Lord Nephlite, and Lord Jedite. The men bowed, elegantly. "And may I present my royal escorts and princesses of my court," Serena announced. "This is Princess Mina, Princess Amy, Princess Lita, and Princess Raye." The ladies curtsied, gracefully. As everyone seated, Raye and Jedite looked at each other. He smiled warmly at her, and she blinked, confused. 'Have we met when I was a princess," she thought. 'I don't think so.' 'She's looks confused,' thought Jedite, chuckling quietly. 'I bet she would flip if she knew I'm General Jadeite!' Serena began, "A while back, Earth had been attacked by strange creatures, suspected to be sent from the Moon. But now, our kingdom is also being attacked. The purpose of this meeting is to form a union between our two worlds so we can find out where these creatures are coming from." "That's why the princess and I call upon you, our most trustworthy people. Working together we can find out and deal with whomever is behind these attacks," Darien concluded. "Since the last attack on the Moon, we now know that neither world is at fault." Clearing her throat, Raye responded, "We were very lucky that the Earth Generals managed to delay that monster before it caused any more damage to our palace. Will we be able to meet them today?" The lords looked at each other quickly. Then Jedite spoke up. "Well, it's hardly unlikely since they are protecting our kingdom all over the planet. But, be assured, they are always on alert!" "Just like your Sailor Soldiers protecting your Moon Kingdom!" Zoicite added quickly. "Yes!" Amy interjected. "They are hard to get in touch also, but they are very reliable!" Darien and Serena chuckled, quietly to themselves. "So then," Darien said. "We should start by-" An explosion sounded outside the castle near the chamber and rocked the room. Some fell from their chairs while some gripped onto the table to keep from falling. Two guards entered the room. "Your Majesty!" one of them shouted. "Three creatures are attacking the Palace!" Helping Serena to her feet, Darien yelled, "Sound the alarms! Defend the entrance!" The guards left, and seconds later, alarms rang loudly. "Jedite! Nephlite!" Malachite commanded as he got up from the floor. "Take the prince, the princess and her escorts to safety. Zoicite and I will go get help!" As everyone split into two groups, Serena gave knowing looks to Lita and Raye. They nodded. Nephlite and Jedite led the group to their training room. When everyone was inside, Jedite looked around. "Princess Raye and Princess Lita aren't here!" "What?" Nephlite said, turning around to see Jedite leaving. "Nephlite, stay here and be on guard. I'll go and find them!" And he slammed the door behind them. Running back through the halls, Jedite stopped instantly when the large window ahead on his left was smashed in by a thrown body. Landing hard on the floor was General Kunzite! "Kunzite!" Jedite ran to the general who was struggling to get up and helped him. "The...the... cr-cr-creature!" Kunzite said, through clenched teeth. Jedite looked up in time to see it entering through the broken window, screaming and spouting hot energy blasts. He and Kunzite jumped out of the way as it landed where they just stood. As it turned to attack, a voice boomed, "BURNING...MANDALA!" Rings of fire surrounded and held the creature which screamed and struggled. Jedite was shocked to hear that familiar voice. 'Could it be?" he thought. Kunzite then formed a huge energy ball. "SPHERES OF ENERGY...BLAST!" The ball shot at and enveloped the creature which disintegrated instantly. Behind the creature was... "Sailor Mars," Jedite whispered, taking in her beautiful and brave soldier form. "Where are the other two creature?" she asked, running to the smashed window. Kunzite and Jedite joined her. They heard the battle cries. "SUPREME...THUNDER!" "ZOI-PETALS...PULVERIZE!" "That's Sailor Jupiter!" Mars shouted. "And General Zoisite!" Kunzite climbed out of the window. "They're holding the creatures down with their powers. I'll help them out." Turning, he looked back at Sailor Mars. "Thank you." Then he ran toward them. Jedite and Mars watched Kunzite destroy the creatures with his powers. Then Jedite turned to stare at Mars who also turned to look at him. Smiling, she spoke, "Everything's fine now. You can go and tell the others to come out." Jedite moved, but not to leave. He stepped toward her, mesmerized by her fiery eyes, her long raven hair and her... "Are you OK?" ...mouth, her lips. Mars noticed he was very close to her, close enough to... "Hey," she said, softly as if hypnotized. "What's going ..." Suddenly, Jedite placed his lips on her and held her shoulders. Mars struggled at first, her eyes open wide in shock. But as he deepened the kiss, she slowly closed her eyes and allowed it. When they slowly broke apart, they stared at each other, not moving. Then Jedite backed away, breathing hard. "Thank you. For helping." Turning, he ran off. Mars placed a hand on her lips. "He kissed me!" Princess Raye and Princess Lita claimed to have gotten separated from their group and hid in another room. Lord Malachite and Lord Zoicite said they alerted the Generals but also went to search the castle to make sure there were no other invasions. No one knew where the creatures came from, but they do know that the enemy is from a place that is not of this solar system of the Silver Millennium. It was also a fact that no matter where Princess Serena is the monsters would attack. Figuring that she is the intended target, Prince Darien agreed that a union treaty between the Moon and the Earth will be allowed. To show her gratitude, Queen Serenity invited the Prince and his escorts to a masquerade ball. The Prince agreed to attend but only if he brings the Earth Generals instead of his lord escorts. That way Serena will have more protection. It was agreed. Raye was attacking her closet, throwing dresses and gowns on the floor. "No. No. No. No. ARRGH! Why can't I find something perfect to wear? General Jadeite is coming to the ball. I've got to look my best for him!" She practically cleaned out her closet until she saw one dress packet hanging at the back as if stored away. "Huh?" she said, reaching over and taking it out. "What dress is this?" She opened it and gasped at the gown as she pulled it out. Hanging it on a display hook, she stepped back and admired it. The straps were spaghetti thin, trimmed with silk dark red rosebuds. The bodice was ruby red while its sides were dark red like the rosebuds, and the gown ended about mid-calf. "I know a perfect necklace with a ruby stone and a dark red choker to go with it!" she squealed as she grabbed the dress, hugging it and swinging around the room in glee. Finally flopping on her bed in a sitting position, Raye smoothed her silky dress across her lap. Sighing, she brushed a bit of her bangs aside. Then she slid her hand from her bangs to her lips. Recalling her kiss with Lord Jedite, she turned a little pink around her cheeks. 'Why did he kiss me?' she thought. 'It's so weird yet I liked it.' Falling back on her bed, she stared up at the ceiling. 'I haven't seen General Jadeite since the first time I met him yet I feel like I betrayed him by letting Lord Jedite kiss me!' Pushing her dress aside on the bed, she sat up and drew up her knees to tuck under her chin. "Jedite is kind of cute, but now I'm wondering what a kiss from Jadeite would be like!" she said, aloud. Smiling, she got off her bed. "Time to get ready!" Walking through the room, General Jadeite observed the festivities of the masquerade ball. Wearing white masks, many danced to a soothing melody, many conversed with old acquaintances and meeting new people from either the Earth or the Moon, and many are eating the finest dishes in the kingdom. Jadeite noticed that his fellow General companions are engaged with the princesses of Serena's court. Zoisite was talking with Amy in what seems to be a topic of current issues. Kunzite and Mina were dancing, but only to keep an eye on their royal superiors, Serena and Darien, also dancing and gazing adoringly into each other's eyes. Lita and Nephrite are sitting at a table, discussing about the recipe of the main dish they were eating from. Sighing in disappointment, Jadeite hoped he would maybe get a glimpse of Sailor Mars. Although they were not attending the party because of duties to protect the Moon Kingdom, Queen Serenity assured that they will be nearby in case anything happened. Positioning his arms in order to cup his chin, Jadeite ran his finger over his lips, recalling his kiss to Mars as Lord Jedite. Smiling, he closed his eyes. Oh, how beautiful she looked, how soft and sweet her lips were. If only she were here so he could kiss her again! 'But she only knows me as Jedite. Will she accept me as General Jadeite, too?' he thought. "Ahem?" There was a tap on his shoulder. Jadeite turned to see Princess Raye, wearing a lovely gown and donning a mask, standing at his side. "Good evening, Princess." Jadeite bowed his head. Raye shivered at how handsome he looked in his uniform, draped with a blue gray cape. He also donned a mask. "Um, will you consider dancing with me?" Raye asked, boldly, holding out her hand. Jadeite looked at her in surprise, then quickly replied, "Uh, as you wish, milady." Taking her offered hand, he led her to the dance floor and they proceeded to dance. There were hanging flower nets over the dance flow, and by magic, some petals float down and around, making a very romantic atmosphere. Raye gazed adoringly at Jadeite as they waltzed. Feeling uncomfortable, he looked around the room as if waiting to be caught. 'I feel so wrong,' he thought. 'as if I were cheating on Mars. It's not Raye's fault though. She has nothing to do with this!' Yet, as he held her, he felt a sense of familiarity. He finally looked at her. She does look very pretty tonight, and was it his imagination, did she seem to be leaning more closer to him? 'Kiss me!' thought Raye. 'Kiss me! I want to know if I feel different with you than with Jedite.' Jadeite felt so weird at these familiar feelings. 'I want to know why I feel this way.' Gazing at Raye's soft violet eyes, he started to lower his head, eyes beginning to close. Raye closed her eyes, waiting. Suddenly, Jadeite opened his eyes and gasped, turning his head to the side. 'What was I thinking? It's Mars whom I want. Or is it?' Raye opened her eyes when nothing happened. She stared at his turned head. Did he changed his mind? 'Oh, no, you don't,' she thought, making a determined face. 'I want your kiss!' Clasping her hands on the sides of his head, she forced his head to face her and brought his lips down to hers. At first, Jadeite was so surprised at what is happening right now, but as she kissed him, something inside him snapped. Placing his hands on her back, he allowed her to keep on kissing him. 'I know this kiss!' Raye felt it, too. 'I know this kiss!' Breaking apart, they stared at each other, astounded. Then, at the same time, they each reached out and removed the other's mask. Their masks fell from their hands as they once again looked at each other. * With his left hand, Jadeite drew Raye to him, resting his chin against her forehead and holding her right hand in his. Petals fell around them, and Raye stretched forth her left hand as if to touch one. * At that moment they tore away from each other. Jadeite fled toward the balcony while Raye fled from the party to her room. Outside, Jadeite went to balcony edge and placed his hands on the cool, smooth marble, looking down in the gardens and breathing hard. Entering her room, Raye leaned against her shut door, also breathing hard. Simultaneously, they touched their lips and thought the same thought. 'Could it be?' THE END 10/01