Total Eclipse- Minako's Story Part Three By: Zellie The Moon palace was huge. I had grown up my entire life thinking that Magellan was big. It was nothing but a shack compared to the splendor of the moon palace. But then, it would never supply the small comforts and joys of home. I would eventually have to learn to call it so. Although it was beautiful, and large it was my prison. I was considered to be one of the children, yes, but basicly I was under what seemed like a witness protection system. Usa-chan was a sweet girl. Her eyes held a devoition, a love far greater than I could ever imagine possessing. My life had been altered, but one is always able to accept change. It is a quality that is to be delt with many times in life. I just went through too many too early. Usagi kept life interesting, to say the least. We were kept busy every moment of the day, preparing for this, or helping with that, studying for those. Fate, it seemed wanted me to keep occupied. The days were long and with every moment filled to the optimum, I didn't have time to think. But the nights were my own. I have always loved the sea, or oceans that were ever changing with the currents. At night I spent my time on the shores of the Mare Serenitatis, or what is more commonly known as the "Sea of Serenity." There I could be alone and no one could stop me from doing what I pleased. The days were what seemed to be everlasting, but the reflection of the Earth against the water and the warm breezes that made the water shimmer in it's light always drew my attention away from what really needed to be let out. I hadn't cried since the last day I was home, and refused to torture myself by thinking about the events. I would sit on the cooling sand and watch the sky and the Earth. I would always wish on the stars to help guide me to a point where I wouldn't feel as if I was drowning in my sacred seas. They did eventually. Within three years of my staying there, I had matured greatly. I possesed a strength that was deeper than just outside. I was stronger emotionally. I could shut out anything I pleased with little mental manuvering. Soon the other girls from the other planets began arriving to thier new home. Being the leader I would automaticly jump at the chance to settle them in. Rei needed little of this. She was one of the elite people who knew about my move to the moon. As soon as she arrived we were chatting and training and such so that people called us siamese twins. I have to admit, we were relativly inseprable. I also met some of the sweetest girls I would ever know there. Makoto was a challenge. She would constantly pick fights with me, and kept me on my toes. She was very graceful, though, and also a wonderful cook. But I think the aspect I noticed about her first was the way she was willing to do anything for anybody. She would stand up for a fly on the wall if she felt. Instantly I knew she would be a wonderful asset to the team, even if she did occasionally twerp me off. She did it for fun just to get a rise out of me, I'm sure. Then there was Ami-chan. Ami was so intelligent, one would think she was pyscic at times. But, Rei was the rea l psycic one. Ami was timid yes, but a hard fighter when the time came for it. She was also very brave. The poor girl was mobbed by the palace guards, Rei, Makoto, and I all at once, as she was the last to arrive. Ami answered all of our questions and took our jibes all with tact and a few quips of her own. I knew as soon as the team was complete that we were going to be a wonderful team. We had been chosen well. Just as I was beging to settle into this new life, and routine I was summoned to see the queen. It was in the middle of our morning training, meaning it was early. I didn't expect her to be up, as Usagi never was. I quietly sliped out and followed the guard. As I entered the hall where she was sitting she looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back, but it was a nervous one. I was still transformed, and still felt a little akward and self concious in my fuku. The guard nudged me a litlle farther into the room. She stood and walked up to me. "Minako, there's someone here to see you. I know ou'll be happy about this. I'm giving you the rest of the day off...Ah! No protests. You need this time off. Really, the other girls will be fine without you, I'm sure. Now go!" She gently shoved me into a sepertate room that was off the main hall. I stood in the room silently waiting, wondering who could possibly have come to see me, of all people, when hardly anyone even knew who I was. Maybe it was Setsuna coming for a visit, her visits were rare and greatly looked forward to. But even those were buisness related. The door behind me closed with a click and a shiver ran through me. It was unusually cold in this room. Farther down in the room another door opened and in stepped who was awaiting my arrival. I stared. Who was this? I didn't reconize him. He glanced at me and smiled. I looked him over and noted his apparal. One of the Earth's generals. He kept advancing and I unintentionally backed up a bit. "Minako? Is it really you?" He knew me, that was obvious, that didn't mean I knew him. But then the features struck me. The greyish/greenish/whiteish hair, the pale blue eyes, the dark complexion...they all cliked at once. "Kunzite! How? How'd you manage to get here? Why..." I asked the questions, it didn't mean they mattered. I ran into his arms and clung. It had been too long since I had seen him last and he had grown up significatly. He laughed at my final reaction. "I've never seen you in such a short skirt!" I blushed and looked down. The skirt was short-very short. I looked back up at him, sheepishly. "Ah well, makes you look cute." Men. Who needs 'em? One word: Makoto. Kunzite's words threw me a little. I hadn't expected him to grow up like this. "So how shall we spend our days?" He questioned with a grin. "Days? What do you mean by that? Wait..first off let's get out of this room and then we can go somewhere a little less...." I couldn't find the words to describe that room. "Empty?" He supplied them for me. "Let's." Kunzite led me out of the room and into a wall. I swatted at him and it was just like old times again. "I have to learn not to do that. I can't bring myself to hit a lady... But then again, you're not a lady!" He laughed as he ruffled my hair a little. I tried to look angry but couldn't. He was way to charming for me to try. We decided to go to my room first. I had to change for one and power down for two. On the way to my room we passed the training room. The glass doors sparkled in the early morning light. The other girls watched curiously then came to the doorway. "Hey! Mina-chan! Who's the new comer?" Makoto looked very interested in this young man. My young man. I stopped and glanced back at her. "He's a peace missionary from Earth. I was told to make him feel welcome." I smiled up at him and our secret joke. We had used to tell my parents that he was the peace representative of our comoners, not that he knew any of them, I knew many more. "Maybe you could watch him for a little, while I get changed? I have to give him a tour, and I'm not about to in this." Makoto's grin grew bigger. Ami watched on with growing curiosity, while Rei looked suspicious. "Sure, no prob, cap'n!" Makoto came out to grab his arm and drag him off to train with them. "I know that guy..." Rei said as Kunzite was dragged past her. Kunzite had been mouthing 'help me' as he was dragged down the hall. I started laughing, waved and ran for my room, Rei in close pursuit, even though I didn't realize it. The door was pried open as I tried to close the door to my room. "Rei! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in training!" She glared at me and replied. "So are you. What's the big secret? You shouldn't be getting any special privlages." She leaned against my door with her arms folded across her chest. I sighed and glared back. "The queen gave me the day off. I am required to take this young man around and make him feel welcome." Her expression changed and she giggled a little. "What?" "I'm sure you will make him feel welcome. That's Kunzite isn't it?" I nodded sheepishly. "Missonary? You've got to be kidding me! He's more like a terrorist!" With that she slid down my door holding her sides laughing. "That's a good one. Missonary." Tears were rolling down her face from her laughing so hard. "Ha ha. " My face had become red after what her first statement had implied sank in. "Com'on, get back. I have things to do, and you're not going to torment him either. Leave that to me." She stood up and opened the door then proceeded down the hall stumbling. I sighed again and shut my door behind her. I powered down and went to my closet to find something decent to wear. I had been a little late that morning and hadn't had time to change out of my pajamas before transforming and scurrying down the hall. I found a nice light pink and white sun dress with checker print and some white sandals. I slipped into these and brushed my hair until it was soft and put some back with a pair of clips. With that I was ready for the day. I slipped out of my room and walked back down the hall. While I had been in my room, Kunzie was getting the full Mako treatment. Makoto was relentless. She had been testing him on his fighting skills and I'm surprised he didn't fall for her flirting ways and seductive moves. And mostly I could not belive that he was still with me after all these years. Ami had done scaning on him, that was training. On that little computer she had whiped up more about him that I doubt he knew himself. Lest to say I'm sure he had an experience. By the time I had walked back into the trianing center, Rei had already backed him up to a corner. He had his coat off and it was lying on the floor near the door. Ami glanced at me and blushed. Makoto had already cornered him along with Rei. He looked past them at me and smiled a greatful smile. Then using a move I hadn't seen in a while he picked up Rei and set her down on top of Makoto hence giving him free passage to me. Ami watched as her face grew redder. Kunzite sauntered over and picked up his coat. "Miss me?" "Not really. " I shrugged. He glanced at me and I turned and walked out of the room. "We have to get busy, I'm sorry to interupt your fun." He nodded and followed. "Good day, ladies. I'll see you all later at that party thing later and then I'll introduce you to my friends." They nodded and we continued on our way. "Keep it up, girls. See you later, promise." As I left the room I'm sure they were mocking me behind my back. Farther down the hall I stopped and turned to Kunzite. "Friends? What have you bee keeping from me?" Kunzite brushed back some of his hair from his face and smiled. "I guess it is time that I tell you why I'm really here. Well, you see, actually I had to come with Endymion. We are on a buisness misson of sorts. To see if there is to be peace remaining between the Earth and the Moon. I had to bring my second along with the rest of the group, just so they could meet the darling Minako I'm constantly talking about. Maybe with your girls, I could persuade them to stop talking of war. I don't want to fight a war against you. " He looked away. His eyes returned to that cold color I had seen in them earlier before he had actually started talking to me. I took his hand and held it against my cheek. "Don't worry about that. With that so called "friendship" between my lady and your prince, there will not be a war. I can tell by the look in Usagi's eyes. She's in love with him. Much like the way I'm in love with you. Let me take you to my secret place? Then I can tell you more." I said and dragged him behind me towards the sea and my little alcove that I had just found recently. "Mina-chan...I don't believe you. You've actually managed to keep this place secret?" He looked down at me after we had climbed down behind the rocks and stopped listening to the sound of the waves. It was strangely quiet for being right in the sea. I smiled and looked down. "Not anymore." He then pulled me closer to him. "You work miracles, you know that? I've been so worried I would have to hide my feelings from you again. I was so afraid you had forgotten. You haven't though, have you?" I shook my head. "Quite the contrary in fact. It took me all these years to finally figure out exactly what my feelings for you have been. There hasn't been a day that has gone by when I haven't thought about you. You started out as just a friend, but then something, changed, something happened, and to this day I still can't figure out what it was." I laughed and looked back up at him. He slid his arms around my waist and I set my head against his chest. "Kunzite, I'm a love sick little girl. Can you stand that? I'm just a child. Espically compared to you..." "That only makes me want to be with you even more. Besides, I need the support in life that only you have been able to give me. You really are exactly what my mother always told me the princess would grow up to be, just like her mother. Minako, you are my princess and always will be." At least he knew where his loyalty lay. To think I had fallen for a lord of my own court! I thought about what he had just said. I had turned into my mother. Was that such a good thing? I shuddered. My mother had been a wonderful person, yes but I didn't want to be a replica of her. I wanted to be my own person. Then that horrible day came flooding back into my mind. I cringed then pushed away from his grasp. "Kunzite, I'm sorry I can't do this. I can't be my mother. I don't want to die. Not now. I...I don't ever want to see you hurt the way my father was. I'm not going to let it get to you, too." I wrapped my own arms around me and continued backing up. I wanted to run, but something was holding me back. I couldn't leave there. "Minako, what are you talking about? Minako?" His eyes held a new change, he was worried about me. I could see it. I didn't want this to happen. It felt like my mind was being totally taken over. All of a sudden I felt very weak. I kelt down in the sand, before I fell over. Still holding my sides I leanded against a rock. "Minako! What's wrong?" I shook my head as he advanced towards me. "I...feel sick." I could barely talk. The energy I had had earlier left me completely. There was something....or someone else there besides us. "Kunzite...I...I don't have any energy..." My head began to spin. I bent over to keep from passing out. Just then I fell over and he caught me. "Minako! What is going on?" He held me closer and looked up behind me. "Ace?! How'd you get here?! What are you doing?" Ace...I knew that boy. He had been a Venusian solider under Kunzite's command when we were back home, he was also one of my playmates as a child. "I'm simply testing my new powers, sir. Tell your girlfriend thanks for the wonderful energy for the dark kingdom." He practicly spat at Kunzite. I looked up at him. "'re dead....dead meat!" I would have gone after him, had he not taken most of my enegry and I didn't start a coughing fit like I did. "Oh, it's you, Minako. Sorry. Wait.....No, I'm not sorry. Your energy is a treat. So strong you are. Mortals would have been out by now. But you're even weak for a senshi." Kunzite tightened his grip. I glared at him as best I could. Ace was really starting to annoy me. Why he stalled as he did I'm not sure but he should have gotten out of there when he had the chance. In stead he just kept at it, tormenting us. I felt a cold hand slip around my neck. More energy was leaving me and Kunzite seemed stunned. Suddenly, I felt him grab Ace's wrist and pull him off the rock. "What do you think you're doing, you spindly little twerp?" His voice was so quiet and cold. It sent shivers down my back. "I don't every want to see you near her again, do you understand me? I'm willing to let you go now, traitor, but next time I catch you on this planet, you won't be seeing that nasty little witch ever again. Do you understand me?" I looked at Kunzite. He was nuts. Why was he letting him go? I would have killed him right then and there before he could finish his mission. That was my energy he was running off with. "Don't let him get away..." I said, my voice strained. Kunzite barely heard me, but I know he did as he snapped Ace's wrist. "I can't get rid of him here, there's not enough time, plus he has your energy. Go!" He released his grip and Ace bolted for the entrance. When he got there he glanced back and then left. Kunzite let out a deep breath and then looked back at me. "Minako I'm so sorry...I could have killed him, but he gave me way to much useful information." "He's not going to just give up like that! Kunzite, he wants me dead! You he's going to be back, you KNOW it! Why did you let him go? He's going to kill me! He already almost did..." "Stop it! Minako! Calm down you can't be acting like this in your condidtion..." "It doesn't matter either way. Give it two, three days and I'm gone." "Do you really have that little faith in yourself? You're stronger than that and you know it!" "Can't you see I'm scared? Can't you see that I'm so scared? I'm so scared...Why are you lecturing me when you know I'm scared?" There it was out. No more little miss tough senshi. I was scared. I couldn't help it. I didn't matter how much or little energy I had, I started sobbing. I had never felt like that in my entire life. I couldn't even move on my own will, and he knew that I was scared, but he still tried to make it seem like I wasn't. I wanted him to comfort me instead all he did was make matters worse. "Mina, Mina, quiet...stop, stop...I'm sorry. Stop...Mina...." Kunzite clutched me tight. "I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sorry. Minako...." The day had hardly begun and I already wished it was over. "He's not getting near you as long as I'm here and the other girls won't let him near you either. Minako, I'm scared too. I don't know what's going on, but I do know that something is terribly wrong and that something is going to happen that we can't control. *That's terribly reassuring,* I thought. I had to do something to console him, he was trying so hard and was so clueless, so I smiled at him. "Kunzite....I know. It's okay. Just be here now." He held me closer to him and I felt his warmth spreading over me. Things had happened so fast. I couldn't keep track of the events. I was suddely calmer, then I blacked out. I woke up later with Ami hovering over me, along with Usagi and Kunzite. Ami smiled. "She'll be fine. I just think she needs some rest. You said she slipped? That's weird because she doesn't seem to have any head injuries, just a tremendous loss of energy." Ami looked down at me. "How do you feel?" I blinked than looked around and tried to sit up. But, I couldn't, I felt sick again. "Dizzy..." Was all I could reply. Ami looked worried. She glanced back at Kunzite. "Are you sure that's all that happened to her?" He nodded, looking down at me. Silently, he was telling me to keep quiet. Ami again looked confused. "Alright... well, I guess she'll be up and about for that party, tonight. But not to late, got it, Minako?" I nodded and laid my head against my pillow. We were in my room. At least I was where I could be comfortable. "I'd beter get going, then. You'll be fine just don't move for a while..." Ami stood up and left them room mumbling something about checking things out and how weird that was. Usagi who had been quiet all this time glared at Kunzite. She looked ready to kill him. "What did you do to her?" "Nothing....I didn't touch her, really!" "Then what happened to her. Tell me the truth." Her voice was cold and hard as she spoke. "Usagi...He didn't do anything...." She raised a hand to silence me. "Out with it, general. And I want everything." Kunzite looked down at the floor, then at me. I bit my lip about to tell her myself when he spoke up. "It was weird. We were talking, then she all of a sudden went nuts. After that she started to get sick and leaned against a rock. She looked really pale and I thought she had gotten sick or something..." "I got possessed and the little weasle took almost all of my energy." I couldn't take his beating around the bush any longer. Usagi gasped, then looked at me, horrified. "By who? Do you know?" "His name is Adonis, Ace for short. He was under my comand back home and then on Earth. We've both know Minako since childhood, but he knew her better since he was younger than I was. He would play with her and some other kids while I trained for my position." Kunzite looked straight at me and I felt a tad bit imposed. "Minako, he's my younger brother. That's why I let him go. I couldn't kill him." It was my turn to gasp. "He is? How could I not have seen it? Why was I so dumb?" I looked at Usagi, regretting what I had just said, knowing full well what was going through her mind. But that was how I felt. I felt incredibly stupid. "Minako, he's the same age as you. I used to think that he was better for you. -He's loved you for years. But then I got to know you better and now I know that you're mine. You were ment to be mine, not his. I'm sorry if I hurt you earlier, but now you know. I hope you'll understand. " I did. I understood well. That little weasle creeped me out. But how could I have missed that they were practicly identical? It was like good twin verses bad twin...Usagi looked at me and half grinned. "Are you okay? You look awfully pale, Mina-chan." "Yes I'm fine. I understand you Kunzite, appology accepted." He looked so relieved. Usagi glanced at me and then gently touched Kunzite's arm. "We had better let her rest now, don't you think?" She smiled and then got up to leave. "I'm glad you're okay, Mina-chan. You gave us quite the scare earlier with that kind of an entrance. Oh, I have many things to tell you! But, they can wait 'till later." Her eyes sparkeled suddenly and gave off quite a light. I smiled at her. "Okay. Later, promise?" "Deal, sis." She smiled again then left the room. "Sis?" Kunzite raised an eyebrow at me. "Explain." "Later... I can barely keep my eyes open and I don't want to black out like that again." Kunzite looked scared again. "Don't worry, I won't if I get my sleep, so go. Spend time with your friends." I smiled at him and his eyes looked a little less anxious. "Alright. " He pulled the covers up closer to me and kissed me on the forehead. "I won't let this happen to you again. Promise." ~Notes form Zellie~ Hi Ya'll! Do you know the story of Ace? Well, he was a Venusian who fell in love with Minako, and was then possessed by the dark kingdom and he then tried to kill Minako in the Sailor V manga. (Note--This came BEFORE Sailor Moon.) There is more to it, but that is just the gist of it. If you like, I scan it and send it to you if you want it, (With translations) I'd like to take a few minutes to say thank you to a few people. (All I have is email adresses, for the most part.) Well, here goes! Thank you firstly Monocalyde(Mn). You are so sweet! Also thanks to, and You two were the first ones to ever write to me and I thank you very much. And lastly to David Jaris who is very supportive. Thank you all again so much! Have you read Black Winged Angels by Rain Ayo yet? (If that's wrong, so sorry!) If not. Do so! Right now! Just go and click on it IMEADATLEY! This is a finished composition, (Unlike mine... heh heh) which is very wonderful. Keep up the good work, Rain! Well My non-adoring fans....(well, a few of you are.) Adieu! ~Zellie