Total Eclipse- Minako's story Part four By: Zellie "Beyond the door, there's peace I'm sure..." -Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton I woke up later that evening, just in time to get ready for that party. The evening had already come and I realized I was hungry as I gazed out at the cooling outside world. There was a quiet knock at my door, the Ami slipped in to check on me. She hadn't started to get ready yet either. My stomach growled and I thought back to when I had eaten that day. I hadn't. Ami walked over to my bed and pulled out her scanner. I looked up at her and smiled. "Hey Ami, you don't have to worry about me. You go ahead to that party. I'll make it if I can." "That's why I'm here, silly, to see if you're fit enough to go." She said as she was rapidly doing calculations and such. "Wow." She said as she brought up some numbers on her computer. She put a hand on my forehead. "It seems like it should be wrong, but it's not...Minako, your energy levels are higher than they were before! That's so strange...You're a puzzle, you know that?" She smiled and I looked up at her with a quizzical look on my face. "Ami-chan, do you know if we're having a banquet or not tonight, I'm so hungry." I asked while my stomach growled again. "Uhh...I'm not sure, actually. But eat something just in case. You haven't eaten all day, have you?" I shook my head. "Mina!" Ami clicked her computer shut. "Why aren't you eating right?" I blinked. Eating right? But I was, as far as I knew anyways. It wasn't like I was anorexic or anything. I ate well enough, just not always breakfast, nessicarily. "I'm eating fine. I just didn't have time for breakfast before training today, and then I've been asleep all how could I have eaten anything?" Ami looked at me then sighed. "I guess you're right." Then she prepared to leave. "Look, I'll see you in a little while, okay? You're still planning on going, right?" I nodded. "Alright, then I'll let you get ready." I smiled. "Thanks, Ami-chan." She waved and then walked out, closing the door behind her. I sighed. She cared so much. I pulled the covers back, why this seemed like such a chore, I'm not sure, but it was. They felt incredibly heavy and I had a hard time standing up also. I felt incredibly dizzy. I shook it off and walked over to my closet. There were a few nice dresses in there. The others girls had tons, but I only had a few, as their parents helped them to get new ones and I didn't get the financial support they did. I felt like I had been thrown in the story about the little girl who had been orphaned after her father had sent her to a boarding school, where she tons of stuff, then lost it all and had to work for her board and she was considered a "charity student." Ironicaly, I think it's called "A Little Princess." Hmmm... I found a nice soft satin blue gown that had some small flower designs on it. The dress was a pale blue and I had matching shoes, luckily. I also had some blue roses hair pieces and I put my hair fully up with these, leaving a few pieces out, which I curled. I had some nice earings, that sparkeled in any light and I put my locket on. I hadn't worn it in so long. After Kunzite had given it to me, I had slipped a picture of my mother in there. I left the other side open. He was right, I didn't need a picture to remember him by. As I was putting a little makeup on, a pale pink lipstick, and a little blue eyeshadow, there was another knock at my door. I opened it with caution, not wanting it to be anyone I didn't want to see, yet. Luckily, it was Rei. I smiled. She walked in. Rei looked georgous as usal. She always managed to look exoctic, also. Rei had a red dress on that was strapless, and backless. It was embroidered on the top half, and the bottom flared out a little with some different colors edged along the bottom. She had swept a side of her hair back with a tiger lilly and she looked amazing. I thought that compared to her I looked destitute. "Hey, Rei." I gave her a small hug. "You look wonderful." She smiled back. "I'm glad to see you up and around. I wasn't sure you were going to make it tonight. Usagi was flipping out earlier. She had us all a little worried for you, although I think she went a tad bit overboard with what actually happened." Rei pushed some of her hair behind her ear. " hear about your little boyfriend?" I shook my head. "What he do now?" Rei smiled an evil smile. "He brought his friends with him..." She looked at me with this look in her eyes which I had never seen in her eyes before. "Mina-chan, two words: they're hot! Wait, four words: they're really freakin' hot!" I grinned as she fake fanned herself. I hadn't met these other "cuties" yet. "Really?" She nodded in excitement. "We better get going! It's starting really soon." She grabed my wrist and pulled me towards the door. "Wait! I'm not done yet!" I pulled my arm back and walked quickly back to my dresser. I finished putting my makeup on and slipped a smiple gold chain bracelet on. "Ready now?" Rei asked a tad bit impatient. "Yep." I said as I walked out the door. We started on our way to the ballroom, the two of us that had been inseprable since childhood. If we were going to make an entrance this night, we were going to do it together. I was still so hungry, but I didn't have a choice now, I had to wait some more. Music swelled from the ball room as we entered. I glanced around me, a little nervous. I hadn't been to one of these in a while, and hope I didn't forget how to act. I looked around to see if I could spot any of my friends. That was when I saw him. My father, he was walking around in the crowd. He seemed to be a little anxious. I grabbed Rei's arm. "Rei, Rei!" I pracitcally hissed at her, trying to keep my voice low. "What?" She asked, pulling her arm away from my grasp. "Rei, my father's here. I just saw him!" She glanced around the crowd. He was coming straight for us. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Usagi right behind me. "Move over." I moved over a little to fit her in the group. "Just keep quiet, got it? Follow me." I nodded. My father was almost upon us. "Thanks!" I whispered to her. I smiled and watched as he came up to Rei. "Hello, Rei." She smiled. "Hello, " Rei noticablly tensed. I could tell it, anyways. "How have you been? I haven't seen much of you since Minako dissappeared." Dissappeared. It seemed so strange to me. I hadn't dissapeared. Then it seemed as if my father had read my mind. "Do you want to know something, Rei? I don't think she was killed. I think that they're hiding her from me. I want my little girl back. They had no right to take her from me to begin with. She is still my responsibility. Do you know the truth, Rei?" If Rei could have gotten any tenser, she did. Then he turned and looked at Usagi and I. "Introduce me to your friends." Rei swallowed. He looked me over. I looked back at him, with curiosity. I would have glared at him if I could. How could he put people in positions like that? Espically my friends. It was wrong and it made me angry. Usagi just stood a little taller, and I glanced at her. "Well, this is her highness, Princess Serenity. We call her Usagi, though." Rei turned and pointed to Usagi. He kissed her hand and I had to do everything in my power not to either vommit or kill him. Then he turned to me again. "Who's this lovely little one?" Rei sent a quick glance in my direction. I stepped back a little. "She's my sister, sir." Usagi spoke up. My father's face registered surprise. "Really? I didn't know the Lunarians had two girls. Well, what's your name, and I appologize for not being more responible." I had to think on my toes, something I did quite frenquently actually. I smiled. "My name is Faith." I extened my hand out to him. He kissed it and seemed to glare at me. Then he looked me over again. "Excuse me, but is there something wrong?" I asked as polietly as I could. He shook his head. "No. My applogies, my lady. You just remind of my daughter, that's all. I miss her, I really do." Oh no! My mind began to race. What had I done to make him think that? This couldn't be happening! He sighed. "Well, Rei, if you ever want to tell me anything, please do. If you'll excuse me, ladies, I should be on my way home now. I've done what I had to." He went past us and left. I glared at him the entire way. Usagi elbowed me and that brought me back from my trance of sorts. "Good job! You handled that so well!" Rei sighed as if she had been holding her breath for an hour. "The only thing is I don't think I've ever seen you glare at anyone like that!" Usagi seemed to be in a different world. *You'd glare like that if you knew him the way I do,* I thought to myself. "I can't belive him! But I think he's seriously sorry, Mi. It looks to me that he truly wants his little girl back." Rei looked at me and I looked at the floor. Usagi looked back at Rei then out towards the door. "Do you think it's time to tell him?" Usagi asked quietly. "No! You're not going to tell him anything! He doesn't mean it. He tried to kill me you guys! Kill me! He's just going to do the same thing again if he finds out about this! You don't know is temper, you don't know how hard he can hit! You don't understand!" I was so afraid they would tell my father. I was practicly crying and I was furious. I couldn't go back to him. He didn't love me and he never had. He had loved my mother and that was the last thing I was. "You can't do that to me! Please...don't..." Rei and Usagi exchanged worried glances. Finally after a long slilence between us Rei spoke up. "Fine we won't. I don't like it much, but we won't, alright?" I nodded. "Now, let's go find Makoto and Ami. Maybe they'll be with those guys I was telling you about. " Usagi glanced around a bit, then smiled a happy, peaceful smile. "You two go ahead. I have other things to do." "Fine. Com'on, Minako." Rei dragged me off to a corner where Mako and Ami was. Kunzite was there also, as were his friends. Although I had heard about them I had never seen them with my own eyes. Rei was right. They were good looking. In fact they were very good looking. It seemed to me that Rei had already claimed a certian one, as Makoto had also. I followed her and stopped just short of Kunzite. I stood feeling all of a sudden timid. Makoto was laughing with a young man that had rather long brownish wavy hair. Ami was deep in conversation with a tall blone, who also had rather long hair. Rei rushed over to the side of another tall blonde, only this one had short hair. He had blue eyes, too, where the other had green. Kunzite turned to me. He smiled. I loved the way he smiled. He looked so happy to see me. "Hey. I'm glad you're here and that you're feeling better." He pulled me closer to him, then in front of him. "Guys! Hey!" The boys turned to look at him. "Yeah?" One of them asked. Kunzite looked down at me and smiled. His eyes sparkeled a vivid blue that seemed to capture all the light in the room. He looked back at the awaiting boys. "This is Minako." They all stopped what they were doing and stared. One of them smirked. "Really?" I looked up at Kunzite. He looked a little worried. "Gosh. I'd have thought she'd be a little taller. You make her seem like a sunflower!" I rasied an eyebrow. The blonde with the short hair said this. "Sunflower?" I asked. The others smirked. He waved his hand. I stopped leaning against Kunzite. I was anything but short and I was about to show them not to mess with me. Kunzite but his hand on my shoulder keeping me back. "Let me introduce you." He said as he sighed an exhasperated sigh. "The really immiture one is Jedite. He seems to have taking a liking to your friend Rei." He whispered this last part to me. I glanced at her and smiled. Jedite blushed a little. "Then, the one talking to my dear Makoto is Nephlite." Nephilte bowed slightly. Makoto grinned like a chesire cat. Mental note: brown and brown, Neph. Like attracted to like: Jedite. I thought to myself. "Lastly, is Zoisite." Zoiste waved and continued his conversation with Ami. They looked really involved in a debate. Just what Ami needed. Mental note: Long blonde Green: Zoi. "Got it?" I smiled and nodded. "Now if you don't mind, gentlemen, ladies, I will take my Minako, and let you be." He took me by the shoulders and herded me out to the beach. He laughed when we got there. "They're impressed with you. Really." He sighed and I sat down on the shore. Kunzite soon joined me. The tide was coming up just a bit benath my reach and sometimes I could feel the water even brush up against my fingers on the shore. "Kunzite, did you see my father?" I asked while watching the tide. "He interrogated Rei. He said that he thought they were hiding me somewhere. He's right. But Usagi saved me and told him that I was her sister. He's always asking about me to the Queen. She said she was sorry, but there was nothing she could do to help him. Rei said that she thought it was time we told him the truth. I wouldn't let them. I don't want to go through that. I don't think they will ever be able to understand. I doubt any of those other girls have gone through any of that. Kunzite, I don't want him to find me. I don't want to have to go back to his abuse, his berrating ways. I can't handle that again." I watched the water and the reflection of the Earth in the water. I smiled a little. "How does it feel to see the earth from this point of view?" "Nice." Kunzite turned my head so that he could look me in the eyes. "Minako." I tried to pull away. "Mina-chan, he's not going to find out. If he does, I'll get Jedite to mess with his mind. He's trained in that stuff. We'll make him think it was only a dream or something. I'm not about to watch you go through that living hell again. Do you understand me?" I nodded. "Good." Then he kissed me. He hadn't kissed me since that last day back home. It threw me off a little. I had not been expecting something like that in the least. He drew away from me and I looked at him, almost sadened. "The locket. You still have it." He said as he looked down and noticed it. "Yeah. I only wear it on special occasions. I didn't want to see anything happen to it." I reached up and held on to it. It gave me comfort knowing that it was still safely on me. The feeling that I was only a child ran through me again. "Kunzite, you don't think I'm to young for you?" He stopped drawing designs in the sand and looked at me. "How many times to I have to go through this? Of course I don't. If I did I would have broke up with you before. I will tell you this one more time and I hope you will understand me." He grabbed my shoulders. I felt a little scared. I had mad him angry. I hadn't ment to. I just couldn't help feeling a little insecure. "I-I'm sorry." I said afraid he would do something weird to me. "No, you just haven't realized yet. That's all. I love you Mina-chan. Nothing is going to change that. Do you understand me yet?" I shook my head not wanting to believe this was true. "Geesh! What do I have to do to prove it to you?!" "I-I don't know...I'm just...scared, I guess." I had started shaking. I never could figure out why I felt so uncomfortable that night. "What do you have to be afraid of? I'm here to protect you, not hurt you, Minako." I nodded. What was wrong with me? I didn't understand what my mind was doing to my heart. I had started crying. I whiped the tears away from my face savagely. "Mina, Mina stop it. Stop crying. What's wrong? I can't help you if I don't know what's the matter with you." "I'm not really sure." I said through my tears. I didn't know why I kept doing this. "My heart and my body long for you, I crave your touch, I love the feeling I have when I'm around you, but my mind keeps telling me I'm wrong, that this isn't right, that I don't have a right to love you...I don't understand it!" I had become so frustrated. Maybe this was a backwash from all the years I had kept this pent up inside me. Kunzite was a saint for going through all the things I made him go through. And through it all he kept cheerful, and understanding, and caring. I needed to be held by him that moment. He seemed to sense that and wrapped his arms around me. I clung back to him, thankful for the warmth and strength he seemed to eminate. "Why can't I just enjoy this?" I accedently thought aloud. I think my mind was beging to catch up with the rest of me. He looked down at me. "What?"I snuggled closer to him. "Minako..." "It's okay, now. I think I can let this happen to me. I think it's alright for me to fall for you." He smiled. "I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking, eventually." "There's one condidtion, though. I want you to promise you will always love me. " He tried tro speak. I put a hand up to his lips. "Wait, I'm not done yet. I want you to swear that you won't hurt our children, either, if we ever have any, that is. And never leave me alone again..." "Deal." He smiled down at me. I gazed into his eyes becoming completely lost in their depths. For some reason, Kunzite managed to amaze me every moment. He could be so gentle, yet he knew how to push you to your best without easing up on you. I think that if it hadn't been for our early years training, I wouldn't have been as strong as I had become. After I had becoe lost in the moment, a sudden breeze caught me by surprise. It was a cold wind, which was entirely unusual. I looked at Kunzite, with puzzlement in my eyes as a shiver ran down my back. My dress rustled behind me, and I felt an eerie, evil presence behind me. I closed my eyes and swallowed and held Kunzite close to me. I was begining to feel sick again. "Minako, do you feel that? I didn't think the Moon was supposed to have cold winds." I shook my head. "It's not." He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. "Let's get back, I don't like the way this is out here." He began to drag me back to the ballroom, when I pulled back and stopped. "Wait...I think there's something out here..." Suddenly the ground began to shake underneath me. I was still holding on to Kunzite's hand, and held it tighter. I turned half around to see if there was anything behind me. There was a large, dark shadow spreading across the sky and ground. I looked above me to see a huge black winged dragon-like creature desending upon us. It gracefully landed right in front of me. The creature turned its head towards me and hissed. I could see directly into its blood red eyes. I could see directly into its soul. It had an evil black soul, and ratiated dark energy. Suddenly, I was paralized with fear. "Why won't you ever listen to me?" Kunzite said. He was now standing directly behind me, still holding on to my hand. "Can we leave now? We're going to need help fighting this." He started running again, but I couldn't move. "Minako! Let's go!" This last time my hand slipped from his and he didn't realize I wasn't behind him. I still remained staring at the creature. It was calling me closer to it. I took a hesitant step forward. It encouraged me to continue with its mind. Kunzitehad reached the palace I could tell beacuse I could sense the others comming. I could barely hear their voices calling my name as they ran to where I was. They continued to advance, but in my mind, the creature and I were all alone. It looked sad and I felt compelled to make it feel etter. I took another step. Makoto was leading the pack, I could hear her voice the clearest. She was right behing me. I sensed her stop short, just within three feet of me. I glanced back, seeing, but not exactly. I knew she was there, but her form did not place in my mind. She was a little out of breath. "Minako? Mina-chan are you alright?" She sucked in a breath and I nodded. "It wants help." I whispered. I felt like I was deprived of full concious thought. I advacned a few more paces. The creature stared directly into my eyes willing me toward it. I could feel my subconcious mind resisting its call, but my mind was set on being there to help the poor thing. I could feel its breath against my hand as I reached out to touch it. "Minako!" Makoto distracted me for a moment and I turned back to look at her. I gave her a confused look as if to say, 'why do you want to stop me?' She looked afraid, but I felt no emotion as I turned back to the creature and heard her screams. Now Usagi was with her. Their voices created an eerie duet in the silent night. I set my hand on the creature's snout, not knowing exactly what I had done. "Minako!" That was the last sound I can remember hearing. The air around me filled with energy, it was strange, yet poweful in a way that made my body tingle. I felt my hair unravel and there was a force far greater than I had ever encountered before. I turned around to see Makoto and Usagi blown back by the force, Makoto into a tree. I didn't see her get back up. Ami knelt next to her and looked up to see me, fear in her eyes. Rei looked as if she had seen a ghost. Kunzite and his boys were standing in a group, Kunzite watching, looking as if he were in as much pain as I felt rushing through my body. It wasn't that I felt the pain, I could just sense that something was happening to my body. I followed Rei's gaze which landed behind me. I turned to see the creature becoming larger. I willed it down, not wanting it to hurt my friends. I looked down at myself to see that my clothes had changed. The creature willed me to get onto it's back. I couldn't help myself, and obeyed. Then we weren't by the sea any longer, I looked around me to see darkness and black marble around me. We were decending into an opening in a large court. The creature landed gently. It willed me off its back and I stood infront of it, my hand resting on it's neck. There were candles lit dimly around me creating and casting shadows that surrounded me entirely. Now that I look back at this experience I knew that they weren't really just shadows of creatures, they were the creatures themselves. I heard light footsteps in the hall. A woman with a long, black, flowing dress entered. The dress was slit in all the wrong places. She carried a tall staff in her hands. She had equally long, black, flowing hair. I looked into her eyes and saw that she had a dark emerald color to her eyes that shone brightly against the marble and gold walls. She looked me over a few times and nodded her aproval to the creature. "Welcome, Aino Minako, leader of the infamous Sailor Senshi. You are incredibly lucky to be here, take my asurance. Please know that you are an honored guest in my humble kingdom." She sneered at me. I remained silent. This woman did not look like one to mess with, espically in my condition. "I am Lady Hyacinth, faithful servant to the queen, Queen Beryl." She leaned the staff against a wall. "Come closer darling." She beckoned me to step forward. I stepped into the middle of the room. She circled me, and I realized that the energy I had come in contact with earlier had caused me to transform. I felt like she was a preditor, and I was her prey, awaiting my death. She stopped in front of me and held my face in her hands. Her touch was ice cold. Lady Hyacinth stared deep into my eyes and I felt uncomfortable, but remained standing tall. "Such a sweet soul you have. Pure to the fullest meaning of the word. Your eyes hold a light that means so much. You radiate such energy! I have only heard of energy like this, and that was only a rumor, or so I thought. Now I know that such energy does exsist. Hmm..." She circled me again, this time I followed her with my eyes. I was growing increasingly more uncomfortable. I was alone in the Dark Kingdom. "You remind me of my daughter. She was such a sweet girl, until the evil took her over completely." Lady Hyacinth shook her head. She walked over to the wall and picked up her staff. "You are a magic user are you not?" I nodded. "Good, then follow me. We want to see the extent of your powers." Thanks for telling me! She could see some of my powers, but I would never show these evil witches anything close to the real power I had. I could give them a taste of the Lunarian power I had aquired, which was my weakest form of magic, but it was still powerful. I snickered. They had no clue what they were in for. The halls, the floor, the celing, everything was black marble with highlights of gold in it. The kingdom would have been beautiful, had it not represnted such evil. I thought about what a shame it was really. I saw the evil hanging in the air. The cold, dampness that surrounded me made my skin crawl. Lady Hyacinth had lead me to what looked like an arena of sorts. I looked around me, cautiously. There were tons of shadow-people lining the stands. In the middle of them all was a box of seats that were currently unoccupied. In the far middle of the arena was a dias. Seated upon this was another woman, only this one appreared to be of higher stature. As we aproached, she stood up and stepped of the dias to greet us. She extened her hand, and Lady Hyacinth kissed it and knelt. "Your highness, I have brought you the leader of the Sailor Senshi, the Moon Princess' royal guard." The "queen" looked pleased with Lady Hyacinth. She went through the same encircling routine that Lady Hyacinth had done. I was not about to go through that again. I was not an animal on display. "Good job, Lady Hyacinth." She went back to her chair and sat. I held my composure and didn't glare at her. "She is one of the magic users, is she not?" Lady Hyacinth stood and nodded. "Yes, your higness." "Good. We she see what she's made of then. Send them in!" With a wave of her hand, doors around the arena began to open. Lady Hyacinth picked up her skirts (not that there were much there) and joined that witch on the dias. I stood on edge,not knowing what was about to happen to me. The crowd seemed to anticipte their arival way before I did. I glaced around me and two creatures were coming straight for me. I whipped around and polished one off, my senses beging to come back faster. The second creature advanced from behind me and I had to douse that one with a more powerful spell than the first. I had to avoid using such spells again. I went through six or seven of these creatures before they were called off. "Well, well...very impressive." I glared at her. Luckily, I managed to only use two spells through the whole battle. "Take her to a room, she's proved very helpful..." I was taken to what seemed like a dorm. I was very angry. I had been under the influence. I couldn't have protected myself from those damn creatures. They practically killed me! I would have blown the place up on my own, had I the power to do so. I was a prisoner there. Held in a damp, cold room away from the ones I loved the most, with the chance to be -evil... and end up hurting them. I didn't want to become brainwashed and do something that wasn't me. It would never be me. Especially if I hurt someone...I wouldn't be used that way. I hated the fact that I was being used at all. The room was dark and poorly furnished, cold and damp. There was a small bed, a small dresser, and stool and a bedstand. I stood in the room, waiting to be left alone so I could try and power down. Lady Hyacinth lingered on. She looked as if she had something on her mind. I sat down on the bed. A meager sheet covered a lumpy matress. It would be good to get home...if I ever did. I sighed and looked at the floor. Black marble with gold highlights. Big surprise. Lady Hyacinth looked at me. I looked up at her wondering what she was still doing there. Then she spoke. "Miss Minako, would you do me a favor? Would you say something, please?" I looked at her strangly, then sighed and nodded. "Thanks for showing me to my room." I said quietly. She looked very happy. I wondered what she as thinking. My saying something had never made anyone so happy before. "Oh! Thank you Miss Minako!" It really bothered me that she called me 'Miss Minako'. I guess it was natural for her, after all she was a servant. She turned and left the room. Then I was left alone. I powered down and found myself in my gown. I began to cry. I flopped over on the bed sobbing. I wanted to go home. It wasn't fair. How could I have been so stupid to fall for that. Gosh, Kunzite had to have been so angry at me. I couldn't stop these thoughts from coming into my mind. They had to have been worried about me. I guess it's easier to become depressed in the inner recesses of the Dark Kingdom. I put my hand on my head to try and stop the oncoming headache I was about to have. I realized that my hair was down. But it was up earlier. What could have caused my hair to fall down? I contemplated this for while. Finally I realized that my clips must have fallen out when I touched that animal. They still had my clips....Could I still get back home if I concentrated on them? I decided not to try it until later. I could gather information while I was there. I had to slip out of my dress. I couldn't sleep in that thing no matter how hard I tried. I unzippered it and shimmied out of it. I let it fall to the floor and slipped under the sheet of the bed. It was late and I needed some sleep. The satin sheets felt slimy. I curled up into a ball as much as I could so that it shut out the feel of the sheets. AsI floated off to sleep, I thought of my mother. Had she ever been through anything like this? I doubted it. If she had, she probably handled it way better than I did. I just never thought my mother could have gotten herself in the messes I managed to put myself into. She jsut seemed to reserved for my boyish ways. But then I hadn't known her as a child so who's to say that she didn't? ~Notes From Zellie~ Hi! Ooo scary! Mina-chan in the Dark Kingdom... How awful! What'll happen to her? Will they turn her against her friends? What exactly are their intentions? Who the heck is Lady Hyacinth? Is she really evil? With Minako disappearing how will Kunzite react? Usagi? Stay tuned for the next part of TE to find out! Okay was that ^ a big enough teaser for you, or was it just so many questions that it made you head hurt? Whoops! There I go again! Questions! Well, I would love imput from you all. What do you want to see happen to the gang? My email is: Mail me or I might not be so quick to get these out! heh heh heh... See you later, darlings. ~Zellie