Total Eclipse: Minako's Story Part 5 By: Zellie "I won't ever be too far away to feel you..." - Whenever You Call by Mariah Carey I woke up surrounded by the wretched smell of dank, and dismal dampness. The dark felt as if it had seeped into my skin. I was chilled to the bone and I thought I was melting or something. It was horrible. I needed light. The dark would kill me before that witch would. That, and the sufficating, stagnant air that was all around. I longed to feel the warmth of the sun against my face to warm my soul. I climbed out of bed to look around for some clothing. My gaze fell upon the dress. It was all I had. My hair clung to my body as tried to wriggle into the gown. I zipped it up defiantly. I was royalty and was about to prove it. I had the grace, the charm and the beauty of an heir, after all, I was. That witch, Beryl, could do her worst, but she would not break my resolve. I had too much pride and strength. I looked around the room for a brush. I walked over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers. There was a brush! I picked it up and started to run it through my hair. I swept my hair up in some sort of self holding style, that looked tactful, at least. Then I walked out of the room to explore. Besides, I needed food. The corridor I had stumbled upon was long and narrow but I had found a small door. Intrigued, I gently pushed on it. It swung open with an eerie silence. When fully open, it exposed a small outdoor area. I grinned, hoping to find sunlight, I walked outside and felt extreme cold, instead of the warmth I craved. "Urg." In a fit of fury I puched the door back open and stormed back inside. At least it wasn't as cold in there. My stomach growled reminding me that I needed some form of sustinance. I sighed and continued to wander around. It wasn't until about noon when I finally had the chance for some food. Lady Hyacinth had found me and taken me to get something, anything would have done by that point. Then I was about to have a conference with Beryl. I cringed. I didn't want to talk to the witch, but I would hold my head high and answer all her questions with carefully measured tones. I swallowed the last of the terrible food I had to eat but at least it was something...I hoped. "Miss Minako, are you ready?" I nodded and glared straight a head of me as I followed her to Beryl's chambers. The closer we came to her chambers, the more the air smelled of death. I nearly choked when the first blast of air hit me in her rooms. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I quickly brushed them away. "My lady, she is here!" Lady Hyacinth called to her mistress. A dark, snakelike figure emerged from the darkness. It hissed with pleasure. I involunatrily shivered as it's cold, dark soul rushed towards me. "Senshi." It hissed. "You are very strong...but I wonder, how strong are you really?" Was this really their queen? This vicious horrid creature that wasn't even imaginable? This creature ruled over a world that was human turned evil by choice, yet she was inhuman herself? "What keeps you going? Normal humans would have perished by this point." I bowed my head and answered quietly. "Love. It's love that keeps me going. Love, hope, faith... all these things you've never known, which you'll never experience!" I stared at her defiantly. "How can you ask these questions when you know the answer truely! How can you kill with no emotion at all, not a care?" I had over stepped my line. A cold, fast hand struck my face and knocked me over with the force of the blow. "You stupid child! How dare you question me, senshi! I have full ability to crush your pure, sweet life force right here and now! Watch what you say, girl!" I stood up to face her directly. I stared deep into her cold eyes, right into her empty soul. I think I intimidated her a little by not cowering at her power. I was too used to it and too tired of the physical abuse to stand for anymore. She would not hurt me the way my father did. "We are enemies! I stand for purity and love! You will not, can not stop the power of the senshi! I swear to you right here and now, you will never triumph! Even if you kill us off, there will always be another generation to succeed us! Our holy, white magic will prevail. I have the power right here and now to be rid of you if I choose!" I clenched my fists tightly in my anger. My declaration was true. The epic battle of good and evil will always be, but I weep for the day when evil will triuph of those pure in heart. I tried desperatly to calm myself. The dark witch waved her hand. "Release her. Let her go back to her people. But let it be known, senshi. From this day forth a great war will be waged. You and all of your decendants will never see peace again! I hope to see you lying dead at the feet of your loved ones, one day, Aino Minako." With that I was outside in a cold place. I shivered, but not from the temperature, but from the seriousness of her words, for I knew they would come true. Shaking, I transformed. I breathed in a deep breath to steady myself before I atempted to teleport back. The light around me flashed and was gone. Although I was home and it was much warmer, I was still shaking. The palace shone brightly just ahead of me. The light bright beauty of it contrasted perfectly with the darkness of the sky behind it. It was just beging to be dawn. I turned towards my beloved sea. The early morning rays sparkled against the water. It was so beautiful, so peaceful. I kelt down in the sand, tears streaming down my face. All this would be ruined, destroyed, and I was the cause of it all. Even though I now know it was inevitable, I could still feel the coldness surround me and I feel it was all my responsibillity. I stood up a bit staggeringly. The castle was my destination. I walked up to it as fast as I could, detransforming as I went, until I could run. I ran in the door and stopped. The castle was silent except for the sound of muffled sobs ecchoing through the halls. I turned and ran up the stairs, through halls and corridoors, heading for Usagi's room. The door was shut, but the sound was certainly comming from her room. I tried the door, but it was locked as well. I knocked gently on the door. I heard a sniffle. "I said...Leave me alone!" I grinned. She didn't know it was me. "Mi-Minako!" I turned to see Rei and Makoto behind me. "Is it really you?" Makoto asked as I ran and hugged them sobbing. "Of course, silly!" I clung to them taking comfort in their familliarness. Makoto hugged me back and Rei pushed me off her to back up a little. "You guys! I'm so happy to be back!" I broke down then, the tears filling me with hope. "Why do you always make these dramatic entrances?" Rei asked, teasing. I smiled as I swallowed my tears and whiped the rest from my face. "Are you really okay, though? You look like you've lost your will to live or something..." She said looking me deep in the eyes. I shook my head, trying to hide what I knew for a later time. "It's nothing, really." I watched as Makoto walked over to Usagi's door and called to her. "Usa-chan, We've a surprise for you!" She frowned, awaiting Usagi's reply. "Usagi! Co'mon, I'm serious, you're going to like this." She leaned against the door preparing to fight with her if needed. "How many times have I told you? I don't care! Leave me alone. I...don'" She sounded as if she had begun to sob again. "Let me try, girls. " Queen Serenity said from behind us. We all quickly turned and bowed. She glanced over us until she saw me. "Minako? You're safe! Thank the heavens!" She hugged me. I smiled. Queen Serenity walked over to the door and knocked on it. "Usagi. Come on dear, please come out." Usagi stormed to the door and thrust it open. "What?" She asked, annoyed. Her mother pointed over towards me and I waved, sheepishly. "Minako!" She ran towards me, at full speed and ran into me while hugging me tightly."You're okay! I'm so relived!" *This is what keeps me going, this feeling of being cherished, Beryl.* I thought to myself. I held on to her until she moved to let go. "We've got to find the boys! Kunzite's been worried sick! I don't think he's slept all night. But then, none of us have." She said eying the other two girls. Usagi then bustled down the hall ahead of us. I could see the questions in Rei and Makoto's eyes though. I knew I was in for some serious questioning. We started walking down the hall and Makoto knocked gently on Ami's door. "Ami-chan?" Ami came to the door and rubbed her eyes wearily. I could see the dim glow of the computer behind her. Makoto smiled. "You can take a rest now. We found her...rather she came back to us." Ami looked over to me and smiled. "I'm glad you're home Minako." I walked over to her and hugged her, smiling. "Me too, Ami-chan. I really missed you guys." She nodded. Then looked at the other girls. "Get some sleep, guys. And Minako, you have an appointment with me in the afternoon. I want to check you out, okay?" I nodded. "Good. Get some rest now, all of you." She slipped back into her room, and I heard her shut off the computer. We then proceeded to follow Usagi. By the time we caught up with her, she was already proclaiming hystericly that I had returned. "I swear it! No really!" The other girls walked ahead of me, as I stopped short to watch a little. I needed to watch my friends happy just for a moment.They smiled with amusement. "Please, you have to belive me this time!" Then I decided to prove her right. "She's not lying." I said as I stopped next to her. "Mina-chan..." Kunzite said astonished. I nodded as I walked up to him, tears in my eyes again. He clasped me tightly to him and I never felt safer in his embrace. "Mi, you're alright! Aren't you?" He looked me over once. I nodded. "Thank the gods! Minako...don't you ever do that again!" "I won't I swear it, I won't. It was so scary Kunzite! So scary." I clung to him, finding the most comfort in his arms. It was like when my mother used to comfort me when I was hurt or Daddy had done something to me. I felt safe, wanted, and loved. I craved this feeling like I had never craved anything before. I felt so much love for all my friends that moment. That is one time I'll always remember. I knew I was needed. ~Notes from Zellie~ Well, well. What a strange turn of events. Minako back, so fast? What reason could be behind this? We'll have to wait and see, now won't we? Heh heh heh...Well, my children, sleep well tonight...oops, wrong story! Heh... Anyways, Adios, my adoring fans! (The very few I know.) ~Zellie