Total Eclipse - Minako's story Chapter 6 By: Zellie "I loose my way, no one cares, the words I say, no one hears, my life it seems is a world of dreams..." -Dreams to Dream by James Horner "Open wide." Ami hovered over me. I hadn't slept much since I had came back. I wasn't really that tired. Despite all the excitement I hadn't become very tired. Although, the palace was silent for quite a few hours. I spent this time in the library finding my favortie book. It was an epic story about all kinds of imaginary creatures. Ami on the other hand, seemed rested and now, was her perky, normal self. I had opened my mouth wide so that she could complete her check up. To my dismay she took a throat culture. "Eakh..." I said as she deftly rubbed the swab against the back of my throat. She giggled. I gaged. " don't like those, huh?" I shook my head, nursing my poor throat. " baby." She said, smiling. Ami had finished her examination on me and was now teasing me. "But I know what you'd hate more..." "What?" I asked. She was starting to put her stuff away. She was such a talented practitioner, for being such a young age. "Shots." She said simply. I shivered and rubbed my arm at the thought of it. "Yeah, you're right. " I said as I began to smile. She gently shoved me off the table she had sat me on. I stood up and streched a little, adjusting the the newness of standing. "Alright. you're free to go, just don't get hurt again for the next few hours, okay?" I nodded. "Alright, get out of here." She pointed towards the door. I exited and walked towards the gardens, I wanted to spend as much time out of doors as possible. The sun was shinging and the warm, gentle breeze called me. I decided to put on a skirt that I altered so that it was short and a nice, and a light blouse. I put my hair up again and let a few pieces fall out. I didn't care what I looked like that time. I just wanted to be outside. With my book in tow I found my favorite tree and was up it in a minute. High up in the branches it was nice to watch the ground, plus there even more of a breeze. I wasn't high enough to be out of reach of hearing of the people on the ground, but they couldn't see me so it was the perfect spot. I sighed and opened my book. " can't mean that!" Usagi sounded miserable. Out of curiosty I glanced down. The royal couple were standing under the tree, they had to have been walking through the garden and stopped here. "I'm sorry my little dove. It's true...but what do you want me to do?" The prince leanded against the tree causing it to shake a little. I clung to my branch trying to not fall. "Just don't leave me! I don't care what my mother says....I need you!" Usagi clung to his arm and stared up into his eyes. He turned his head. "I told you....there's nothing I can do...don't make this worse for me." This was getting interesting. I wondered just what had happened, though. "I have to take my men and leave this planet, that's what I was told. My men are too much of a distraction to your...guardians. Especially Miss Aino...I shouldn't have let Kunzite see her like that." He puched the tree. It shook again. I clung again. 'Kunzite? A distraction...I'm the problem?' The thoughts raced through my mind. "No! Please! I'm begging...don't leave me like this!" Usagi was in tears. I could feel her pain. The peace treaty must have fallen was my fault...I messed up and found that horrible place on that planet. It was my fault that Usagi had to be in this pain. I hugged the book to my chest. 'Damn that witch!' "Don't make this harder. Usa-ko..." I could hear the tears in the prince's voice. He was just as hurt as Usagi was. I glanced down again. Usagi had embraced him with what looked like all the strength she had. She sniffed. "Let me's that place, right? That place where Minako was taken...Mother's afraid of it, isn't she? She's afraid that the evil will spread...after that first wave..." I swallowed, horrified. We were just little then. But then was only three years later, but seemed like an eternity. I was so naieve. "No, it's not that." Endymion looked away from Usagi. She was now leaning against the tree hugging herself, as if to cope with the fact that they would have to be seperated. She looked in to his eyes. "You're lying. I can always tell when you're lying. Tell me the truth." Her voice had become cold and bitter. I think that she was having a hard time dealing with her emotions. But then, I would too in that position. Endymion sighed. "Look, there isn't going to be a war..." I sighed a sigh of relief for that remark. "But, I do have to leave soon. I have to take my men and go. We are no longer welcome-on this visit. But, your mother also said that she would like to have regular meetings, to see how that evil is progressing...things are still at a stand still at this time." He seemed freed, and lightened at this statement. I smiled. Things weren't over yet. "Ahh....I get it. Mother must have found out about our relationship." Usagi said, half relieved, half bitter. "Which one was the snitch I wonder?" I was shocked. Usagi didn't trust us? didn't seem right. She couldn't have been talking about us. "Oh well." She smiled. I wondered how she could go through her moods so fast. "Let's make the best of the time we have left, shall we?" She took Endymion's arm an started walking. "Alright." He said a little too happily. I hoped that those two would be okay. When the garden was once again quiet, I began my book again. I was nearly finished when my tree began to shake again. I grasped my branch and looked down. A person was climbing straight towards me. The silverish hair shined in the sunlight. Kunzite. But how had he found me? Soon he was right below my brach and grasped the only spot where I wasn't on. He looked up to see if he could get up farther. "Mi-Minako?!" He let go of the tree in surprise. He began to fall and I grabbed his arm. "Grasp something! You're really heavy!" I said, straining to hold him up. He grabbed the tree in a half bear hug. The book fell out of my lap in the process. "OW! What the-?" "Sorry!" Kunzite and I said in unison. "Will you do something?" I asked quietly. He climbed up a little more and balanced on my branch with what little room there was left. "I hope this doesn't break." I said nervously. "Mia, I didn't know you were up here." I gave him an exasperated look. "I looked everywhere! You weren't by the Sea, you weren't in your room..I checked the training hall, the cafeteria, Ami..Rei...nobody knew where you were!" I shook my head. "I didn't have a clue where you would have disapeared to, so I thought I'd climb the tree to see if I could find you from the top." He brushed some hair fom his face. We had been talking quietly since the people below us protested. "I'm gald I found you though." I smiled. The people below us began to express their personal lives a little too much. I stifled a giggle. Kunzite's eyes sparkled. We looked down. "Can you tell who it is?" I whispered. He shook his head. "Well, what do you see?" He shaded his eyes. "No way..." "What?" "Jadeite?" I jumped over to look where Kunzite was looking landing half in his lap. I saw the shining black hair of my dear friend. I glanced back at Kunzite my face redening. He looked back at me. We knew what to do. "Where ever there is Jadeite, my dear, soon to follow would be a Martian." He looked at me strangely. "Rei." I put it simply. Kunzite looked surprised. "Really?" He looked down again. "Hey!" I yelled down. "Get a room, you two!" The scenes that followed were hillarious. Jadeite jumped up, starring in the tree as he did so. Rei took off as fast as she could run and stoped at the edge of the garden to see what was going on. Kunzite looked at me slightly embarassed. He clamped his hand over my mouth and the tree was silent. "Who...Who said that?" Jadeite asked timidly, glancing around. This was too good to pass up. I yanked Kunzite's hand from my mouth and yelled down to him again. "The Goddess of Love!" He aquired a quizzical look on his face and looked around again. "Funny. Now really. Who said that?" I was pinning Kunzite's hands under me. He started to move them again so I sat on them to keep them down. "Mi!" He whispered loudly. I gently put a hand to his lips. He was suddenly quiet. "Bow to me peasant!" Jadeite still didn't realize it was the tree. I think he was a little confused from the blood rushing to his head so fast. He flicked off the vacinity. That made me angry. "I shall forever forsake your love life if you don't do as I say, you worthless mortal!" Jadeite looked temporarily scared then quickly recovered his smug look. "Too bad I'm not mortal!" He said. "It is no different to me." I said. "I'll get you as soon as I figure out who this is!" He stormed off and joined Rei at the end of the garden. They went back into the palace. As soon as he was out of ear range I started laughing. It was funny to see Jadeite that pissed off. Kunzite shook his head, than began to laugh a little, too. Soon we were laughing so hard that the leaves began to fall off the tree, only a few though. "You have a sick sense of humor." Kunzite said, calming down a little. I sniffled and whiped the tears from my eyes. "I couldn't help it...he was too funny." I said, trying to stop laughing. Kunzite leaned forward and kissed me. Surprised, I blinked and kissed him back. "Thanks for being you, Minako." He said as he brushed a few pieces of hair from my face. I blushed slightly. He placed his hands on my waist and gently pulled me closer to him. I was suddenly feeling a tad bit uneasy. Kunzite wasn't normally so rash..but he had been before. I guess it could bounce from occation to occation. "Minako. I love you. As soon as this time is over..." He stopped suddenly. He looked away from me and let his hands drop a little. I gently took his face in my hands and turned him to look at me. "Kunzite...what is it?" I took a deep breath to calm my heart. It was pounding faster, and faster the more the minuites wizzed by. He looked at me sadened. "It's nothing." He placed a hand on my cheek. "You're nevous. I can tell. " I closed my eyes and decided to just let things happen as they may. "Mia, you've never been around other guys the way you have me, and you don't really trust them because of your father." I looked at him fear showing in my eyes. "Ugh." He turned away from me and clenched his fist. "I hate him for it. That man makes me so sick." I bit my lip and watched. "He should never have done that to you!" Kunzite grabbed my arms. "Mina...I'm sorry I couldn't do anything that day...If I had gotten there in time I would have killed him or something...I'm so sorry." For the first time in years, I saw the Kunzite I used to know as a child. He began to cry. I pulled him up against me, and stroked his hair. I let him cry. I think he needed it. As a toughened battle worn solider, even big, strong boys are sensitive and tender inside. Sometimes even the strongest warrior needs to cry. "Kunzite." I said softly. I held him for what seemed like hours as he regained his composure and gathered his emotions back to where he wanted them to be. "It's okay." I gently rubbed his back. He leaned his head against my shoulder and hugged me. "We'll make it out of this okay." I said to reassure myself more than him. Slowly, I kissed him. Whatever was to come in the future, would start this day. Whenever I needed Kunzite by my side, I could close my eyes and remember this moment. It was one of the most perfect times of my life. He tasted sweet and salty, but that had to have come from his tears. Gently, he pulled away. "Mia?" He looked at me questioning. I put a finger to his lips. "Hush. Just let things happen. Trust me." I pulled him to me again and kissed him. Those were the innocent years. I doubt Kunzite knew at the time what had happened. At least they had a few more days to be with us. These next few days would become more trying on my heart the more they went on. A gentle breeze came up and blew some of my hair into Kunzite's face. He wrinkled his nose and smiled. I shivered a little. I looked over towards the palace. "We should be getting back." I said quietly. Kunzite nodded and swung over the branch, landing on the next one down. He held his hands up towards me. "Come on." I swung my leg over the branch and he nimbly caught me. "Step down." I grinned at him. "Hey big bro...I got myself up here, I should be able to get myself down, don't you think?" He smirked and batted at me. I went from branch to branch and was finally out of the tree. The sun was begining to set. I grabbed my book and waited for Kunzite to get down. I glanced back towards the palace. It shone the colors of the sun in the crystalline walls and tiers. It was so beautiful. With the grace of a cat, Kunzite landed on the ground next to me. I smiled, and grabbed his hand. "Follow me." I said, and I began to run. I made Kunzite run the entire way down to the shore. We made it just as the sun was level with the sea. In the last few fading moments of sun light, the water sparkled with the sunset's famous colors. There were pinks and salmons and oranges, even a few shades of purple rolling along with the waves of the sea. I stood there a moment in quiet rapture. It was times like these that left me feeling free and happy. In the closing of the daytime, I had acomplished another day of living, another day without my memories of my father. I was free. I turned and looked at Kunzite. He stood the same as I had, watching, waiting. It was perfect. I smiled. Sometimes I think things went through his mind much like they did mine. But, soon it was moments like these that would become no more. Soon, there would be no more time to walk along the beaches with no cares. It would all end. I only hoped it wouldn't come crashing down on me like a topled bookshelf. That it wouldn't end my dreams and wishes, only to replace them with fears and hatred. I only hoped it wouldn't be the same for the people I loved most, either. The sun had set, and twilight had begun. To the east, the stars were already begining to shine through the sparsely scattered clouds. I turned and began walking to the castle. Someday, my nighty ritual would be to leave my probelms at the shore like I have done every day since I came to this new world of peace and happiness. Someday it would all make sense, how I should have my childhood demolished by abuse, and swerve into a world of harmony and a strange sense of knowledge after comming out of the muddle. I sighed. This was my home, no matter how I should want to change my direction, or go on my own way...this is where I would always feel at home. The white, marble stairs shone as I walked up them. At night, this palace seemed to generate light. It was glamorus, yet plain all at once. Kunzite had followed me and grabbed my waist before I reached the top. I turned slightly to see who it was. He smiled sheepishly and walked up to the stair I was standing on. I turned to him, wondering what he was up to. "What?" I asked quietly. He smiled again and kissed me passionately. He was certianly becoming more open with his urges, which was highly unusual for him. I knew there had to be someone watching us. There was always someone on the stairs. They were a natural place for escape. Sure enough I heard footsteps on the stairs aproaching us. I pulled aways quickly, but it was too late. "Kunzite!" I looked down and fumbled with my hair. I knew that voice all to well. He straightened a little and looked up respectfully. My face had become bright red. I made sure my hair blocked it though. "Minako ...oh, I mean...Faith..." It was my father. I knew I would have to face him sometime. He might have been clueless, but he wasn't unintelligent. He came down and grabbed my wrist. I cringed. "Daddy," I said swallowing hard. His eyes were cold and angry. My face had lost most of it's color by now. "How are you?" I was mumbling. I find it hard to believe that I could stand up to the most powerful enemy with not problem, yet I could barely look my own father in the eyes. He tightened his grip on my wrist while he sneered at me. I swallowed again. My wrist was begining to hurt. "Let go of her, sir." Kunzite said with a sort of vicious tone to his voice. I felt very helpless, but silently wished he wouldn't push it with my father. My father only shifted that awful glare from me to him. "Can't you see you're hurting her?!" Kunzite said desperately. It seems that my father was one of his weeknesses, also. Finally my father released me. I stepped back a little preparing to go in and get help, any kind of help. Kunzite stood in front of me a little. "Don't you dare move, Minako. I'm gonna take you home." "What?" I cried. Kunzite looked at me then back at my father. "I told you. You're going home." "You can't do that." I steped back another step, my hand to my face. "I'm not going to do this anymore. I won't run from you anymore! You don't exist!" Shaking I inhaled deeply. "Venus Star Power! Make- Up!" In a split second, I stood before him, transformed. He wouldn't dare try anything, now. "You don't comand me anymore, father!" "Minako, I wouldn't move any closer." My father had pulled out a knife and grabbed Kunzite by the shoulder. I stared at him wide-eyed. He raised the hand that held the knife above his head. I froze. "Heh. Good girl." I didn't trust him. For some reason he paralized me with fear. As I stood in horror watching, I heard people run out of the palace. In a daze, I turned slightly to see who was there. "You know, Kunzite, I warned you to keep your hands off my daughter." Daddy whispered in Kunzite's ear. He prepared to stab Kunzite, from what I guessed. "No!" I screamed. Suddenly, I was pulled back. The strong arms held me fast. I couldn't do anything. "No..." I started crying hard. My vision was blurred. I heard something of a struggle as I tried to break free of the restraining arms. I tried to whipe the tears from my eyes and saw Kunzite fall over as My father was dragged off. Finally I broke free from the arms that held me. I ran over to Kunzite, scared he was severely hurt. "Kunzite?" He blinked and looked up at me as if trying to focus. "Are you badly hurt?" Stupid question. "Mia..." He then got up and walked off, leaving me clueless on the stairs. I watched him leave, hurt and confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Usagi knelt down next to me. I turned to look at her. She seemed sad. "What happened?" I turned away, too scared, too confused. I shook my head and sood up. "Nothing." A small crowd had gathered. "It was nothing." I walked into the palace. Usagi followed me, asking questions I wasn't answering. I just kept walking. I went to my room and stayed there for the rest of the night. I curled up on my bed and cried. Too much had just hapened at once and it side swiped me. I felt as if I had been run through and left to die, not even knowing what had happened to me. I was lost in confusion and hatred for my father. Finally, after a long while, I drifted off to sleep. The next morning I awoke early and headed in for some extra training. When I arrived the boys in Edymion's guard were there. I quietly set my water down and tried to think of where to start practicing. As I was aproaching the mats, Jadeite cut in front of me. "I know it was you." I gave him a weird look and tried to walk around him. "You're going down Minako." I put my hand on my hip and waited for him to continue. Kunzite stood behind Jadeite, smirking. "Really?" I said. Kunzite continued to looked content as Jadeite tried to hassle me. "Just what are you going to do to me? Mess me up, tough boy?" Jadeite began to look angry. Nephlite stood next to me and Jadeite. "Let's go." Nephlite looked at me as I thought Jadeite was insaine. "You're outta your mind, Jadeite." Kunzite sneered at me as I looked past Jadeite. "You told him!" I exclaimed. I pushed Jadeite over and walked towards Kunzite. "Why'd you do that?" I asked, sounding hurt. "You didn't stand up for me, so when Jadeite questioned me, I didn't stand up for you." He looked as hurt as I felt. "So, this just goes to show you how the "golden rule" works, Minako." He shruged and walked away. "If you want her, Jadeite, go ahead." Then he walked out. I clentched my fist and watched him go. What was he talking about? I didn't understand it, any of it. Jadeite backed off as I fiercely walked out of the room in persuit of Kunzite. "Mental Note: Never piss off a fifteen year old royal venusian." Nephlite noted as Jadeite rubbed has backside. "Kunzite!" I walked towards his room. Kunzite had sauntered out, so he couldn't have gone very far by the time I was there. His door was ajar and I opened it a tad. He wasn't in there. So I turned around and walked back towards the main rooms of the palace. I turned the corner and found him trying to get into my room. I snuck up behind him and pinned him to the door with one arm, while placing the other on my door. "Just what do you think your doing?" I asked. He turned around slowly and I pinned him again. "I was going to take back that locket I gave you." He answered truthfully. I let go of him and backed up a little. "You don't need it anymore. You proved to me you don't love me. No matter how much you deny it it's true." "You'd actually stoop that low for revenge?" I asked horrified. What had I done? "What could I have possibly done to you?" I grasped the chain that was constantly around my neck. That locket did not come off me ever. "Your father was going to kill me Minako. What did you do? You just stood there and stared. You could have done something, Minako." He stared at me coldly. "You didn't even try." "You don't understand." I said, trying to keep from crying. "The moment I tried to do something I was stopped. Some guy held me back, and he was strong too. He told me I was only getting in the way. By the time I managed to get out of his grip, you were just there, on the stairs. I didn't know what had happened to you...I thought he had actually stabbed you. And by the time I got to just looked up at me and ran off!" I backed up against the opposite wall and desperately tried to change his mind. "You're lying." He said quietly. I could see the other girls peeking out of their doors to watch this scene in the hall. I opened my mouth to speak again, but thought better of it and slowly brought my hands to the back of my neck. With one swift move, I took off the locket, and relatched it. I held it out arms length and handed it to Kunzite. He looked at me questioningly. "If you're going to walk out of my life, don't walk away without everything you want." I said. Then I opened my door and went inside my room. I shut the door then leaned against it. "And don't leave angry." I whispered to myeslf. "That's how you'll get hurt the worst." ~Notes From Zellie~ Sorry this took so long to get out. I've had a busy summer. Hope you enjoyed this next addition! To all my fellow writers: keep up the good work! Abiento! ~Zellie