Total Eclipse- Minako's story Part Seven By: Zellie "Do you still remember how we used to be? Feeling together, believing whatever my love has said to me. Both of us were dreamers, young love in the sun. Felt like my savoir, my spirt I gave you, we'd only just begun." -Viva Forever by The Spice Girls About a week after the incident in the hall, that early morning, the Prince left with his men and it would be two years until I would see any of them again. I spent every day I could trying to cope with the pain I felt by his words. They constantly rang in my head. I was a lost little girl again with out the knowing that he was still there for me to fall back on. I became once again scared and unsure. The other girls were endlessly trying to cheer me up. But nothing they did ever seemed to work. It was almost like I wanted to be depressed. Rei eventually gave up talking to me almost completely, she claimed I brought her down. I wished I could just sleep for years and years, like Sleeping Beauty. Never waking until all the hassles and traumas of the situation were over. It sounded so wonderful. Eventually I began to slip in everything I did. My studies slipped, and all my abilities went down the drain. I had no acuracy, or strength. I wanted to be dead. I became very antisocial. The only two people who really stuck with me were Usagi and Makoto. I never did hear much of Setsuna. At night, when I was all alone, I would cry my self to sleep, wondering what I had done to him. By the end of those two years I was a hallow shell of the girl I once was. I was empty and listless. I think Usagi had been writing to Endymion and the crew, as we came to call them. I think she was telling Endymion what was happening to me from the beging. At seventeen I had become almost fully the girl I would stay as for the rest of my life. I had grown tall and had finally evened out. As the years passed, I also became more Lunarian looking. I would have been pretty if all the sorrow I contained wouldn't have shone through so much. But the pain I possesed was too much to be hidden. I began to fall into a daily routine of just drifting through the movements of each day. I would wake up and go to training, then continue on through breakfast, so I wouldn't have to go eat it. After I exahausted my self I would do my studies and train again, to miss lunch. Then I would spend my free time between that and dinner in my room. After that I would go to dinner and eat only a little bit. Just enough to keep me living, barely. I wasn't anorexic, I just didn't have an appetite, much like everything else I didn't have any longer. I had lost my fire, my will to continue on. I almost lost it many times. But there was something there that kept me going. I could never figure out what it was, but there was something that prevented me from losing everything completely. I'm still thankful I never did. One day, in the midst of my new routine, I was abrubtly sent on a mission. I had to have one other girl with me, and I chose Makoto, which really made Rei angry, but as I explained to her, Makoto didn't have much field experience like Rei had. As I resented the decision that I had to go at all, We both prepared for our journey. We later learned that I was specifically asked for. I was sitting in my room the night before we were about to leave, my door open, which had been a rarity recently, when Makoto knocked and walked in. She sat down next to me. I had been packing my small travel bag when she entered. I stopped and looked up at her. She looked a tad bit resigned. "Anything wrong?" I asked as I stuffed another shirt into my bag. That was my favorite tank top, it was always with me. "No." She shook her head. "Minako?" She asked after a little while. "Why'd you choose me to go?" I looked at her a little surprised. My face became a little flushed as I thought about what to say to her. "Well," I said quietly, "I sorta trust you." I stuffed m,re in my bag. "You've been there for me, even though I've been a miserable wench. Rei deserted me. I don't know why... but I guess it's easiest to deal with things with someone there who's actually tried to talk to me more than once a week." My bag was full, so I pulled the draw strings and clicked the cover in place. I faced Makoto and let my hands rest in my lap. "I didn't know..." She stood up and headed for the door. " Well anyways," she said as she stood in the doorway, "Thanks. Get some sleep. We'll have to get out and about early tomorrow." "Alright, you too." I smiled. She was being so thoughtful at the moment. "What's this? Minako smiling?" She came up to me again. "That's something we haven't seen in two years!" She pulled me up. "What's the big occation?" She giggled, her laughter was so contaigous, I started to giggle a little too. Ami walked past my bedroom and noticed us and stopped in. "Makoto? How'd you do it? You got her laughing?" She said as she come up next to her. I looked at Ami and calmed down enough to speak. "I guess it had to happen sometime. I couldn't go the rest of my life as a grump." Ami looked back at Makoto amazed. "Do you think that you could get her to eat a little more while you're at it?" Makoto smiled. "I could try." They both started to laugh a little and I hugged them both. They both hugged me back. "Hey let me in!" Usagi came in and tackeled me for play. She tried to move into my spot, and I fell down which caused us all to laugh again. I felt suddenly lighter, and almost free again. I realized I had been being selfish. I had such wonderful friends right here. I had been so blind! "I'm so glad you're getting back to normal, Minako!" She said as she helped me up. "Don't think she's back just like that, Usagi." Ami said carefully. "I think it is still going to take longer than you think." "Oh, sure, just go and ruin the mood why don't you?" Makoto said teasingly. Ami shrugged. "Well, I better get going. I still have to pack and I better get to bed soon. 'Night girls." "Night." I said and leaned against my bed. "This is going to be hetic." I said, putting my head in my hand and shaking it. I sighed. "Oh, Com'on! Geeze Minako. You lost your sense of adventure along with everything else, huh?" Usagi sat on the bed and played with the clip on my bag. "I mean you have no clue where you're going, or why you're going for that matter..." She said. "Cheer up. It's going to be fun for you." I cringed and nodded. " least you'll get out of that training room and this room for a while." Ami said as she followed the conversation closely. "Where's Rei?" She said. "I haven't seen her almost all day." "Rei's pissed off at me." I said with a grimace. "She really wanted to go. I don't know why. She doesn't want to spend time with me for the life of her. It's almost like I offended her somehow." The truth was, I was rather angry with her for ditching me for the most part when I needed her the most. "This all sucks." I said as I played with the bed nob. "I see." Ami said and then she turned to leave. "Well, I guess I'll let you get your sleep. We'll miss you, you know, even if you are being a grump." She smiled than said her good nights and left. Usagi looked up at me. "You're really just going to leave like this?" She sounded like a child who didn't want her parents to leave for the evening. I nodded. "Don't get hurt, okay?" I sighed. "How can I get any more hurt than I already am?" I asked bitterly. "Don't say that! It could get much worse for you. He could turn traitor, or be with another girl and rub it in your face...He's still there, just angry...don't make it seem like it's all over, Mina." I sighed again and stared at the ground. "I'm gonna miss you." Usagi said. I smirked. "Rei won't. What ever happened to her anyways? She's been so angry at me for so long. I don't get why." I sat down. I needed my locket. I felt completely bare without it. "Usa-chan?" I asked gently. "I'm tired. Can we finish this tomorrow before I leave. I'll get you when I wake up so..." Usagi nodded and stood up. "Alright I get the hint. Good night Minako. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow." As she left, she gently closed the door behind her. I sighed and flopped back onto my pillows. The door to my balcony was slightly adjar. I watched the breeze gently blow the limbs of the tree not far beyond the balcony. I walked over to the window and stepped on to it. The stars were shining brightly in the dark sky. I stood there for quite a while trying to find a shooting star. At last I found one. I wished upon the star, still believing in the childhood tale that wishes do come true. I closed my eyes and frevrently hoped that my deepest wish would come true. I wanted my Kunzite back. No matter what it took I would have him. After I was finished with that, I went back into my room and began to get ready for bed. I slipped into my nightie and started brushing my hair. Sometimes, brushing my hair helped me think. I needed to have my mind clear for this trip, or else I would be intolerable, and poor Makoto would have to deal with me. Soon I slipped under the covers and drifted off to sleep. The morning sun wafted into to my eyes in the morning. I streched a little and the realized I had slept through my alarm. Usagi was going to be very angry at me if she had set hers. I jumped straight out of bed and ran for the bathroom. I knocked over a few things in my rush. I didn't stop to notice what they were. After a quick shower I ran back into my room towards my closet and pulled out the closest outfit I could find. It was the pink ginham dress I wore that first day Kunzite had come back. I fingered the material for a few seconds. I slipped the dress on without another second's hesitation. It was a little small now. I put my hair back with a few pink rose clips and ran out my door, carrying my bag with me. I ran down the hall and up the stairs to Usagi's room. The door was closed shut. I sighed, she might still be asleep. I gently knocked on the door. "Usa-chan? You awake?" I heard a mumble or two and stood back. Usagi groggily came to the door and pushed it open then stumbled back to the bed and flopped on it. I laughed. "'s almost ten thirty." I said as I stepped into the well lit room. "I gotta go in like ten minutes." I said and my smile faded. I had slipped a watch on in my hurry somehow, that I didn't remember. "Didn't you say 'bright and early'?" Usagi asked as she tried to sit up on the bed. She rubbed her eyes and glanced at me with sleepy look. "Yes..." I said sheepishy. "I slept through my alarm." I looked down and rubbed my arm. "Well, I have to fetch Makoto and snag a quick breakfast. I'll see you down there, if you're not sleeping." I turned and walked down stairs to Makoto's room. It was empty. Perplexed, I wandered around until I found her in the training room sitting on the floor speaking with Rei as she ruthelessly attacked a punching bag. I walked in and set down my pack. I walked over to them and waited to be acknowledged. I wasn't. Finally, I caught Makoto's eye and she snapped up very fast. She blushed a little and Rei stopped abruptly. "Oh, it's you, Minako. What are you doing here?" Rei said as she took a sip of water. She glared at me a little. "Well, I came to say goodbye." I said calmly. Rei raised an eyebrow to me. "We're supposed to be leaving shortly. I didn't want to go without saying goodbye to you." I ended quietly. Makoto had walked to the oppisite floor and grabbed her bag, then walked out. I think that she went to her room to get the rest of her belongings. "Rei, please, don't be so angry with me." I pleaded. She hit the bag really hard and I stopped it. "Good bye, Minako." Rei whiped the sweat from her forehead. "Rei..." "Why won't you just leave me alone?" Rei asked frustratedly. "Rei?" I looked away from her. "I didn't know you were really that angry at me. I mean, you're not even acting normal..." I backed up a little. "I don't even know why...Rei?" "Just leave already." She turned her attention away from me. I sighed and walked out of the room. "Bye...I'm sorry you're angry." I said as I left. I heard Rei hit the bag extra hard after I was almost out. I sighed...could things get any worse than this? I walked to my room to check things out one last time. My room was clear. I headed for breakfast. I hated to do this, but we would have to eat and run. When I got there. Makoto was already there with Usagi...both were rather teary. I shook my head. "Hey..." I said as I sat down. Usagi waved and Makoto whiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled. "What's the big tear fest for? It's not like we're never comming back." I said, a little disappointed in them both. "Nothing." Usagi said as she brushed her hair over her shoulder. I looked skeptical. "We were just saying how we were going to miss each other." I shrugged. "Well, I guessed as much. I'm going to get some breakfast. I'd suggest you'd have some too, Makoto. It's going to be a while before we get the chance to eat again." I said as I clipped and reclipped my bag for the fun of it. For some reason everyone played with the clip of my bag... it would break one of these times. "In the oven." Makoto said. She was doodling on a napkin now that she was composed again. Usagi kept checking her hair for some reason. "Got a hot date tonight, Usagi?" Ami said after she looked up from her book. She had been sitting in the sun at the next table and I hadn't noticed her. "Dear...physics is becoming boring...what'll I do after that?" She pondered for a little while, as we stared at her in astonishment. I turned and looked at Makoto. "What are you making today? No more simple eggs with toast, huh?" I said a little too cheerfully. "You feeling alright?" Usagi said. She put a hand to my forehead. "You're not complaining about same old, same old you're actually eating this morning." She looked at Ami. "Ami, do you think she's sick? Or...what?" I pulled Usagi's hand away from my head. "I'm fine." I growled. I sighed and rested my head against my hand on the table. "I hope this'll be a short mission." I said. Usagi smiled. "It's going to take as long as it has to. That's all up to how you go about completing it." Usagi knew more than she was letting on. At least, she wasn't telling what she knew, but was dropping hints like crazy. I didn't get a word she was saying but the other girls, seemed to understand her perfectly. "How much longer, Mako-chan?" Makoto sighed. "About fifteen minutes, okay? Can you handle a few more minutes?" Makoto teased. "I have a question." I stated. "Why is it that you refuse to have anyone cook for you? I are royalty whether you like it or not and still, you insist on cooking for the entire palace, at least that's what it seems." I watched her reaction knowing full well why she did. It was for her own enjoyment, she would say. "Minako, don't be silly. You know darn well why I do. " She crossed her arms and waited for my response to that. I stuck my tounge out at her, and smiled a little. She laughed. "Yeah...that's what I thought you would do." Suddenly the buzzer on the oven went off. "Oh! It's ready!" She jumped up and practicly ran for the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later with a piping hot pie pan in one hand and a pile of plates with forks and knives in the other. I shook my head, and Ami sat down next to me. Makoto smiled as she set the pie-type thing in front of us. "What exactly is it?" I asked eying Makoto suspicously. It smelled absolutely wonderful. "Cherry-cheese danish." "No way..." I said. That was one of my favorite types of danish, well, the cheese anyway. "You didn't..." Usagi and Ami were smiling. "Yup." Usagi said. "Its' a special occation today." I looked at her strangely. "It is?" "Well, yeah..." "Uhh...okay?" "Let's just say'll be acting a lot differently when we get back." Makoto said mysteriously. "Ummm..." I was really confused by this time. "Let's just dig in!" Ami said and Makoto was all to happily carving into the danish. She handed out pieces and we all started eating. It was really good. We had pleasant conversation for once, without any of us fighting over anything. It was nice. Soon after we finished the breakfast we had to leave, we were only going to Earth, but we had a scheduled time to be there, for some reason beyond me. Usagi had a tearful goodbye and we were off. As the lights from the teleport began to flash I swear I saw Usagi smirk. Little did I know I was in for a great surprise. The next thing I knew we were on Earth, right infront of the palace. I sighed and cringed when I saw our "welcoming commitee". I backed up right into Makoto. "Uh-uh...I aint going there. Not now...I'll get Rei to come but, I'm going home..." Makoto grabbed my arm as I started to walk away. "No you're not. Prince Endymion asked for you in specific." She looked straight at me. There was a conspiracy. I was right. "You know something you're not telling does everyone else! What is going on here?" I was angry and wrenched my arm from Makoto's grip. Makoto looked at me with an almost sad look upon her face. "If I didn't know better I'd call this mutany!" That set her off. I could see the tears in her eyes. "But I didn't..." I said trying to remedy my mistake. Finally Kunzite had gotten to us. I looked away from them both...disgusted with myself and not wanting to let Kunzite see the hurt I was feeling by seeing him there. That was a cruel trick they pulled. "Hello, Ladies." He said, bowing slightly. "Miss Makoto? Is there something wrong?" She shook her head and smiled weakly. "Are you sure? You look upset." "Don't push her." I mumbled. "Did you say something?" He said turning to me. "No, nothing at all and if I had it's not like you would have listened." I was seventeen acting like I was six again. I looked him straight in the eyes, anger taking the place of my hurt pride. "Listen, don't start with me." He said rather harshly. "I'm not starting anything!" I put my hands no my hips and watched his actions closely. "I'm out of here." Makoto pushed past us and walked towards the castle. Kunzite looked at her then back at me. "Now look what you've done!" He ran after her. "Wait! Miss Makoto! I'm suposed to escort you!" He caught up with her and started walking her to the palace. Was this why they wanted me here? Did they want me to see the man I loved go after one of my best friends? I couldn't take it anymore. I watched them walk a way from me as the tears came to my eyes. My life had vanished from me. I was doomed to be miserable for the rest of my life. Why wouldn't it just end. I was sick of the lies and sick of the pain that was within me. I wished I were dead. I just couldn't go on. I looked around me. There was nothing, just plain grassy areas. I needed somewhere to go. But I didn't want to go to the castle...nobody there would understand or even talk to me. It didn't really matter, but I needed to be alone... like I aways was. A sudden wind blew my hair over my shoulder. I brushed it back and realized I had detransformed ...Makoto had also...I now remebered. The scenery around this place was about as barren as my life. Where could I go? "Minako!" I snapped out of my thoughts as Kunzite came running towards me again. Was this a dream? He had just left with Makoto...hadn't he? I froze, more confused than anything. Finally he came towards me and grabbed my shoulders, panting. He looked down for a second, before looking me in the eyes to catch his breath. "Why didn't you follow us?" He asked, still using me to support him. His eyes were a grey that was like the sky before a gentle rain storm. "You took off too soon for me to react..." I said. "Right." Kunzite brushed some of my bangs away from my eyes. "What are you doing?" Was this really him? Was I really here with him, being so like the way he used to? I stiffened at his touch. I didn't mean to, it was just a mental reaction, I guess. "Minako..." His voice sounded as if he was pained also. "Oh, geeze! Why? Why do you have to be so perfect?" He said. "What do you mean?" I was still confused. He had let go of my arms and I folded them around me. It was cold on this planet. How had Kunzite adjusted to it? Then I realized he had about three layers of clothing on. "You didn't bring any warm clothes did you?" He said changing the subject at hand. I shook my head. "I don't have warm clothes to have brought." He stared at me blankly. "I don't belive it. Someone could have warned you." "It's fine. I'll manage." I started walking towards the palace. The wind came again and I shivered. Kunzite took off his jacket and handed it to me. "That's very polite, but I'm fine." I said, stubbornly. "Can't you see it? Damnit, Minako! I'm trying to apologize here!" I turned on him suddenly causing him to stop short. "Then why don't you just do it?" I asked gently. He put the jacket around my shoulders. I closed my eyes, fighting my urges. "Sometimes, admiting defeat is hard to do." He whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "I still don't know why I did that to you." He said quietly. "I never ment to hurt you like I did, and I mean that." He held me close to him. I felt tears against my head. "I'm so sorry, Minako." I swallowed hard, trying to believe that this was really happening. "Kunzite, why didn't you tell me earlier?" I held his face in my hands and whiped his tears away. "I almost killed myself so many times..." I stared straight into his eyes and watched the fear spring up in them. "No...don't say that. Don't tell me that!" Kunzite backed away from me. "Minako? Why...why would you even think of something like that?" "I couldn't take it. If there wasn't you there, there wasn't anything. I realize now, that I was wrong, but...the pain I felt was so unbearable." I looked down from him. He grabbed my hands suddenly. I looked at him startled. "I didn't know. I mean I was told you had been fairing poorly, but I never knew that it was that bad. You should have told me yourself. Why didn't you?" "I was afraid to talk to you, to try...I thought that ...I don't know what I thought." I shook my head. This was strange. "Don't you think we should go in now?" Kunzite grasped my wrist as I tried to walk to the palace again. "No. Not until we have this worked out." "What's there to work out? It's over, you said it yourself." I really wanted to get out of the cold wind. "Is that really how you feel?" Kunzite asked, hurt. " that the way you want it?" "Of course not!" I snapped. "You don't know how long I've wanted to talk to you, to be with you...every single day you weren't there I shut down a little more." "You're still a child." Kunzite said. "That's what you told me before." I mumbled. "What exactly do you want?" "I want you back, Minako, if you'll let me. You're my girl, and it would kill me to see you with someone else... Mia, I need you more than anything else I've ever needed before." He gently placed his hand on my shoulder and I stopped shaking. "Alright then." I said slowly. "It's settled. Can we go in now? I'm really cold." He nodded and I ran for the door, and actually ran right into it. I fell straight over. "Ow...." I said and stood back up. "Com on! Open the door!" I whined and fell into the inside as it opened for me. Makoto blinked as I collasped on the floor. "Smooth." She said and helped me up. I smiled sheepishly. "It was really cold." I felt like a child for some reason, which I don't under stand. I looked over at Makoto as Kunzite snuck past us. He headed for a room, farther down from where we were. She had a sly look on her face. "So...what happened?" She asked. I decided I wanted this secret for a while. I knew people would be able to tell, but I still didn't want them to know everything right now. I looked down and scowled. "Nothing 'happened'." I said a little coldly, while I was trying to look upset, still. "Look, it's a touchy subject. I don't really want to talk about it, okay? Maybe some other time, but not here." I said. She looked a little hurt. "I thought...what ever happened between you two in the first place?" She asked. I became angry then. What did she care? "I told you, I don't want to talk about it, okay?" She stepped back a little. "Alright." I wanted to get to my room, to see if I had any heavier clothes, the castle was not only drafty, but the entire planet seemed incredibly cold. "Where are our rooms?" I asked. She looked down and then gave a little smile. "I hate to tell you this, but your room is over by Kunzite's. I guess any leader has an assigned room there. I'm over a little farther like another whole wing over..." She stopped and looked behind me. I turned around. Beryl was standing behind me witha a glare that could freeze one's soul. She advanced on me. "Well, if it isn't little Miss Aino..." She said, her eyes shining black. "I heard you had a little break up with your pretty little boyfriend. What a pity." Makoto looked confused. "What are you doing here?" I asked flatly. "Oh, nothing...I just came to ask your little princie-boy a question, that's all." "Whatever." I said as I crossed my arms. "I really don't scare you, do I? Well, no matter. Someday that will change." She said and went on her 'merry little way' to where ever she was going. Makoto came towards me a little and grabbed my arm. She started off for where my room would be, dragging me behind. "Who was that?" She asked seeming interested in something else than my love life for a hange. "She was so...evil..." I giggled a little. "That, my dear, was Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom." Makoto stopped dead. "And you think that's funny?" I shrugged. "She tries too hard to be scary." I said. Makoto started walking again. "Well....I guess you're right." She smiled and started mocking her. "I really don't try too hard, do I?" Soon, we were both laughing so hard, we were in tears by the time we reached my room. Makoto opened the door and we froze. Kunzite was standing in my room holding a teddy bear, and a few sweaters, in an apron. Only an apron. We stared. I dropped my stuff on the floor and turned beet red. Makoto looked back at me, then back at Kunzite. He was also bright red. "Hey!" She said circling around him. "You look mighty good like that!" He turned a few shades redder. "Uhh....thanks?" Kunzite dropped the items on the bed and ran out the door. "I better get going..." When his door slamed shut, I broke down. I was laughing so hard that I litterally couldn't breathe after a while. Makoto was so stuned that she sat on the bed and looked at the teddy-bear to try and hide her laughter. Finally, I calmed down enough to speak. "Geeze..." I said whipping the tears from my eyes. "He's so...strange." Makoto's complexion began to look normal again. "I'd say he's very out going." Makoto said. She held up the bear. "Hey. Look, Minako!" "What?" I asked as I dragged my stuff into the room. She turned the bear around. "Look closely." She said. "It's your locket!" That grabbed my attention. I grabbed the bear and studied it. I smiled. There it was, my locket. After all this time here it was in my possesion again. I hugged the bear and slipped it off. I was so happy, I could have practially stared dancing around the room. I handed the bear back to Makoto, and put the locket back on. Makoto was smiling. "Feels nice, huh?" I nodded happily. She sighed. "You're so lucky, Minako. I mean look at what you have. Great friends, a high title, a normally happy disposition, a truely wonderful boyfriend..." She stopped. "Am I right?" I looked at her quietly. "I guess you're right..." I said after a long while. "And to think, I almost threw it all away so many times. I just lost my handle on everything and my perspective on what I had really just went out of whack. You know..." I paused to think. "The only way out of a funk like that is to have someone, or many people, throw in your face exactly what you do have going for you. Like, point out all the good stuff so that minute little bad thing becomes the past that it should have been to begin with. Do you know what I mean?" Makoto nodded slowly. "I'm glad you're back." Makoto said as she stood up to leave. "I'll see you at dinner." She stood by the door and glanced over at Kunzite's, which was shut tight. "You might want to see if he's alright." She said quietly. I nodded and slipped off the bed. It was huge and soft. I loved it. The sweaters still lay on the floor. I gently picked them up and set them on the corner of the bed. There was a large wooden door connecting Kunzite's and mine room. I gently knocked on it. The door was unlocked so I opened it and walked in. Kunzite was sitting in a chair facing thewindow and looking subdued. He looked surprised when I walked in. I let the door swing shut behind me and stood meekly in his absolutley huge room. "Kunzite..." I nearly whispered. He looked at me and blushed again. I walked over and knelt down next to him. "Thank you." I said very quietly. I put my head on his knee and set my arm down in his lap. He smiled and took my hand. His eyes were so warm and loving. I haven't seen that look very often, but when I do I fall in love with him all over again. I shivered again. "Mia-chan, I'm sorry." ~Notes from Zellie~ Hello all! Sorry yet again that this is so late! This particular entry is dedicated to my darling Serie-chan. I just want you to know that things will be alright and to just let what may happen come, it'll change in then end. Well folks. Hope you enjoyed this entry even if it is very long ...oh well. Ja ne! ~Zellie