Total Eclipse: Minako's Story Part Nine We stayed like that for a while, all very unsure what was to happen now. The events of the day and night, were just a complete overload on me. I was so confused, and utterly distraught. I'd never seen any one act with such force...such pure strength. Kunzite had looked so hurt, so angry...It scared me. I was so shakey. I didn't know who to worry about first, but it definately wasn't myself. I was so torn. I must have been pale. "Minako, are you alright?!" Both Setsuna and Rei asked at the same time. Rei looked cautiously at Setsuna, both were ready to catch me if I fell. I nodded. "Yes...I'm fine...I guess." I hugged myself, trying to calm my shot nerves. I felt so numb inside. "For heaven's sake, Sets! Where's your concious, get the poor girl sitting down or something!" Haruka brushed past Setsuna and picked me up. I stared at her dumbfounded. "What are you doing?" I asked as she set me down on a couch. "Whether you realize it or not, you're not in the shape to be standing like that. It looks like you don't have any blood left in you." I looked down. Ami was suddenly beside me. "Did any of you notice what she ate in dinner?" She asked, an unusual tone in her voice. The Outers looked confused. "No....why do you ask?" Michiru said quietly, from her seat next to Haurka. "Ami...I'm fine, just shaken..." I said, not admiting that I was really woozy by this point. She looked at the group next to me, a grave look on her face. She frowned. "You're sure?" "Yes...I don't normally watch what people are eating, it's not polite, you know." Michiru said. "She's..." I didn't hear much else after that. I just felt so very cold...inside and out, even with all the people around me. Everything just seemed to fade into the background. It was so strange, I could still see and hear them all...but it was like I was just watching the scene, like at a play. I stood up and walked past them all. I shook my head to shake off the dizziness. "I'm sorry guys...I'm going to my room... I can't..." My voice trailed off. I shook my head and started on my way. I knew someone was following me. They wouldn't just let me go on my own. I was too "unstable." Then a familliar grip grabbed my wrist. I turned to look at him. "Kunzite." I said quietly. I glanced behind him, Endymion was standing behind him, leaning against the wall. I couldn't look him in the eyes. Kunzite scared me, he still seemed to have energy surging through him. "Are you angry at me?" He asked. I walked a bit, him resisting the entire way. "Minako I didn't mean it!" I wished he'd just drop my wrist, so I didn't have to feel all that energy. "Mia...don't...don't tell me. You don't actually?" I stopped short. I turned barely. "Don't what? Like Not at all!" My voice was steadier than any other part of me. "But you didn't have to do that. I'm not a child." I said bitterly. "Mia, wait! I was just trying...I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't want to see him get his hands on you again!" Kunzite's voice wavered. He was upset to the point where he wasn't picking up on my tone of voice. I heard him suck in a deep breath. I think he might have been crying. I was torn again, should I comfort him, or should I deal with my own problems mind was racing...I was so afraid of them both at the moment. They were the same...yet strangely different. "Kunzite..." I stood in the hall uncomfortably. I shook my head. I was going to get this whole thing aside for the moment, and gently at that, hopefully."I'm really not feeling well." I started shaking again, he hadn't let go of my wrist yet. "Kunzite, please let go of my wrist..." I pleaded. "You have so much negative energy running through you right now. I can feel it...please..." He looked at me oddly as he let go, then he stared at his hand. He looked like a frightened little boy. "I- I didn't know....negative energy?" I nodded. I felt so weak. I stumbled a little bit as I continued to walk to my room. "Minako...don't walk away from me. I didn't realize..." I tripped on my dress. Of all the times to klutz out it had to be then. I landed hard on my right leg and began to cry. It wasn't that I was in pain...It was just a complete rush of emotions whipped through me in a minute. All the events of the day were in that one single moment. Kunzite stared at me, confused...he didn't know what to do. It was actually quite strange, here I was in the middle of the hall way, sobbing. Kunzite knelt next to me and hugged me to him. I needed something to hold on to just as much as he did...I clasped a hand on his shirt. I could hear someone walking up to Kunzite. He looked up at Endymion, with a scared questioning look. Endymion shrugged. "Girls...get her out of the hall at least." He said. Kunzite deftly swept his arm under my knees. "I haven't done this in years." He whispered. He stood up quickly. I knew these moves so well. This was almost a complete moment of deja-vu. *"I'm okay...put me down."* I mumbled, drifting inbetween reality and memories. *"You can't stand..."* Kunzite said. Endymion looked at him sternly. He told Kunzite to get me out of there, and fast. That wasn't part of my half reverie. *"I'm sorry..." I whispered. "I'm not angry at don't need to be sorry..."* Was he going through the same thing? *"I can see it in your eyes...something's wrong."* The entire conversation was welling up in me, and I responded to him every time. Kuznite set me down on my bed, causing me to snap out of my state. "Minako..." Kunzite sounded pained. He sat down on the bed and rubbed a hand over my hair. He was the one that had tears in his eyes, now. "What has happened to us, Ai-chan?" I shook my head and looked away. His gaze was so intense. Maybe I could get him to spill. "He would have done something to you...I didn't realize what I was doing...Minako, I'm so sorry...I know you'll be upset...he didn't deserve that, niether did you for that matter." "I..." I sat up and faced him. "Kunzite, I've never seen you do that before, not with that ammount of strength. It scared me so...I know it's wrong...but I can't just let..." I looked away again. " know he's going to come after you. Have you seen him? He looks like he's on steriods. He's grown so's not just a game anymore, now I'm not the only thing he'll it'll be blood. Can't you see it? I can't let him get to you like that..." I looked at Kunzite...I was so worried about him. I knew that this little fight would escalate between the two of them. "Now that I have you back...I can't just let it slip again." I whispered as I set my hand on his by accident. I looked down startled. Why was I reacting this way? "Now his motives are increased two-fold." Kunzite said, sarcastically. "Gods..." I whispered. "What have we done?" "It's my fault." "It couldn't be helped." "Why'd it have to be you?" "Would it have been someone else?" "You shouldn't be involved." "I never should have..." "Don't say that!" Kunzite said sternly. He grabbed my arms and shook me a little. "Don't say's not your fault." I sighed. It was a very odd moment. I was just so very tired. "Kunzite..." I mumbled. I had crawled up against him, and was drifting off to sleep. "Don't worry about it for now, just get some rest." I didn't hear half of what I was saying. If I had maybe I would have known why Kunzite reacted the way he did. "Rest? What are you thinking?" I had fallen asleep in his arms. Kunzite sighed. "Alright...I get the picture. Wake up..." He said quietly. I stirred enough for him to get up. In a haze he left me alone and I changed for bed, then crawled under the covers and was imediately asleep. I must have slept in late, for when I awoke the next morning, It seemed later, but that might just have been the earth time. I crawled out of bed and looked was still frigid. Shivering, I pulled on a pair of socks and grabbed another of Kunzite's sweaters, as I couldn't find the red one I had on last night. I quickly threw my hair up in a ponytail and scurried to Makoto's room. As I should have guessed, she wasn't there. But I suddenly heard someone behind me. I peeked around and found Rei, much in the same state of freezing cold as I was. She yawned then saw me. She squeaked. "Minako?!" I turned flat against the wall and looked at her. "Yeah...?" She was acting strange. "Who'd you think I was? The magical fairy or something?" Rei stared at me, confused. "No,'s not that, it's just...I thought you'd be out longer than that. You nearly passed out a few times, you know." I cringed. "A lot happened yesterday." She nodded. "Where's Mako-chan?" I asked, gesturing to the doorway that was just beyond me. Rei shrugged. "I dunno. I haven't seen her." This entire conversation finally dawned on me. I looked at Rei with a new curiosity. "What are you doing here anyways, I thought it was my misson." Rei smiled. "Mina-chan, you have more missions than you realize." She said in a mysterious tone. "You see, Usagi flipped after you left. She *had* to know what was going to happen. So...with the added curiosity of Ami, we snuck off and came here." Rei ended, feeling a bit sheepish. "You mean...." I stood looking at her shocked. "You're not supposed to be here, at all then, right?" Rei nodded and I sighed. "The Queen's going to have my head... " I mumbled.*Yours too, for that matter.* I thought silently. "Where's Usagi?" I asked quickly. "Hiding." Rei answered. "Where, Rei?" I asked her, exasperated. "Take a guess." I froze. "I hope she's paying attention to what she's doing...We're all toast if..." I trailed off. Rei was begining to follow my thoughts. We both simutainously ran to our rooms to get dressed. I had been running to fast when I turned the corner of the hall to my room. I skidded hoping to stop before the door. Luckily, I ran into it first. "Ow..." I muttered as I finally got the door open. I shut it fast and fled for my bag. *It's only 10 in the morning! How can she have that much energy...she's not even normally up by noon!* I changed quickly then met Rei at the corner of our two halls. Ami had come with her, she looked like Rei had waken her up. "Okay..." Rei said panting. "Two we have to find fast."Ami and I nodded. "But where to start is the question." I said quietly. Ami nodded. "Rei, you grew up here, didn't you?" Ami asked. Rei tensed. "I wouldn't say that, but, yeah I was here a lot." "Then this is like one big game of Hide and Seek. We find the hiding spots that they're in." "Or, we could go the easy way and just track her down with the computer." I said. Ami looked at me strangely, then realized what I was saying. "I'll go get it." She was not gone for long, and returned with the program already running. "Okay. Here's us," She pointed to a little flashing icon,"and there's Usagi ...but she's far." Rei and I looked up at each other, confused. "Alone?" I questioned. Rei leaned over Ami's shoulder a little more. "That's so unusual...she hates being alone almost as much as I do." Rei looked up at me. I took in a deep breath. "Let's find her anyways." We headed out. "You know, five minutes after we get up, we have to run after her. She's like a five year old." "Rei, don't be so pessimistic." Ami rebuked. The corridors were becoming colder and colder. "It's really drafty in here." I said, as I rubbed my arms. Finally we turned the hall where Usagi was supposed to be. "I don't like this." I said. The castle walls seemed to have black seeping up into their color from the floor, and it was cold down there where you could see your breath. "It's creepy." We had banded together into one group and were walking close to each other, slowly as to not disturb what was around us. Rei was slightly behind me to my left. She stopped, suddenly. "I don't remember this place at all." "Neither do I." Both Ami and I echoed. Ami glanced down at the screen. "I'm sure this is it though ...somewhere." She looked around the halls surrounding us. Our foot steps were beginig to echo in the silence. I always had the eerie feeling that there was somebody behind me. I glanced backwards every once in a while. "Cut that out, you're driving me nuts." Rei snapped. I looked down, then ahead of us again. "Well, Ami where is she?" We turned a corner. "Right there." Ami pointed straight infront of us. Directly in front of us was what seemed to be a shrine. Everything around us was dark and foreboading, with the exception of Usagi. She turned to look at us, but didn't seem to notice us. Her eyes seemed off. I recognized that look. I shivered. Rei stood quietly behind me. Ami nudged me forward a little. "Get her ...and fast..." I swallowed. Trembling, I walked slowly towards Usagi. The darkness enveloped me. I shuddered. It was the same, all the same. The dark, the damp, all of it. "Minako?" Ami asked quietly from behind. "I'm okay." I whispered. Slowly I reached out for Usagi fearing that she wasn't really there. "Please, please..." I whispered under my breath. Finally, I got a hold of her arm. She felt fine. I gently pulled her forward. She came willingly. "They're calling us...They need our help." She said in a trance like voice. I continued to guide her back to Rei and Ami. She was shaking my the time we reached them. Rei smiled briefly, but it faded when she got a good look at Usagi's face. "She's so pale..." I shook my head. "She'll be fine." I said reasuringly. My mind drifted back to what she had said. I doubted any one else had heard her. "I'm sure of it. But let's get out of here." We started our little journey back to the light. Rei had taken control of Usagi, trying to snap her out of it. Eventually, Usagi started coming back as we walked. We conversed with her, avoiding the questions she asked. When we finally got back towards our rooms, we found the crew around our rooms. Jedite looked up first. Usagi smiled. She left us all standing there, quietly. We looked on at the boys. I subconciously started twisting a section of hair around my finger. To this day, I don't understand why in the world we were all just standing there like that, as if we were all self concious of something. I could sense the feeling of uneasiness around me, knowing I wasn't the only one who felt that way. We watched, one small group as Usagi easily chatted with them, making it look like a sport, a game...all so easy. She made it seem like a professional dancer makes the stage come alive with a grace and ease that is known cannot be true, but still it seems to be that way. I shook my head and brushed past the group into my room, hoping to find my book. I could hear the voices just outside...but it was still so early. And that's what bothered me, it wasn't even ten thirty. I sighed and there was a knock on my door. I opened the door to find Makoto standing there. I gave her a questioning look. "Can I sneak in?" She asked quietly. The voices were still echoing down the hall. I nodded and opened the door wider. "I'm sorry." She said. "I didn't realize...She was just behind me then she disappeared!" I looked at her, confused. "What are you talking about?" She glanced back at me. I had sat us down in the chairs by the door to Kunzite's room. She leaned back and rubbed her bangs back out of her face. "Mako-chan?" She was upset, very upset, and over what I couldn't tell. "I don't know what happened." She said. "About what?" I asked. "Usa-" She cut off. Makoto was looking at something behind me. Confused, I looked behind me and didn't see anything out of the normal. Makoto shook her head. "What was that?" I asked turning back to her. "Nothing." She replied. "I guess I'm just tired. Anyways, Usagi woke me up this morning and told me that she had to go see something, but she didn't want to get anybody else up because of her whole list of reasons. So I went with her...but then she was gone. I couldn't find her...and...I couldn't find you...and..." Makoto looked very upset. I then realized that something had happened to her that she either hadn't realized or wasn't about to talk about. Things were becoming very strange very early in the morning, and I didn't like it, at all. "Are you okay?" I asked, sincerely worried about her. She nodded. "Alright..." I said, not wanting to believe her entirely. "I better go. In fact, you should come with me. I'm going to get some breakfast. I'm starved." I smiled. Maybe she was alright. I hadn't noticed until then, but I, too, was very hungry. "Sure." So we went to get breakfast. Somehow, we managed to get by the now rowdy group with out their noticing, other then Ami who soon joined us. She smiled. "Pancakes?" We nodded, grinning. "Good." We snuck off to the kitchen and Makoto bugged the cook, who was a very sweet lady. Makoto offered for us to cook our own breakfast, but she insisted that she make the pancakes for us, and pretty much sent Makoto out of the kitchen. This made us all laugh a little, Makoto was hardly ever out of the kitchen. So, we sat down in the dining room in the three chairs closest to the kitchen. Not much longer after we had settled down, we were served. "It's so nice to see the smiling faces of girls once in a while around here. All those boys all the time becomes boring more often than not, and they're all so silent at their meals." The chef shook her head, smiling. "Well, girls, eat well. I heard that you've a busy day ahead of you." We looked at her puzzled. "Ah! So you don't know about it, eh? Well, with all of you here it's a little different, I'm asuming." She shrugged and walked back into the kitchen. "Call me if you need anything!" We nodded and dug into to the food. It was so delicious. But something was still nagging at the back of my mind. I looked at Ami and Makoto. "Hey. What do you think they were trying to get out of me last night before-" I stopped my self suddenly, then swallowed. "Before all that happened." I said more quietly. Ami and Makoto both looked down, as we all grew quiet. The events of last night were still imprinted on my mind. "Well, I think that you have information that they want, you just don't know what it is. I mean, you were after all kiddnapped..." Makoto said slowly. "I'm sure you've seen things-" Ami clamed her hand down on Makoto as I looked up at them. I gave Ami a strange look. "You really think that's it?" I asked. "Minako-chan," Ami released Makoto and she glared at her. "That might not be it, but it's definately the best explaination we can give you right now." Ami said simply. "But why all the fuss over my mother then?" I asked quietly. Ami and Makoto faltered. I was getting frustrated. "Gosh, I don't even remember her well...I just know...a lot of people looked up to her, and my father loved her more than anything else. There's something weird going on." I said more to myself than to them. "And, I'm going to find out what it is." *Notes From Zellie* Hello all! Okay, I know this particular chapter sucks. Next chapter will be better I promise! Sorry to leave off at such a weird place, but truthfully, I'm having a hard time with this particular part which explains why we're still in the same place for about the third chapter in a row! Well, hopefully I'll work on my ideas better and get these stinkin' characters someplace else! Love you all! And yes, I didn't find a uote for this one, maybe next time. ~Zellie