Tragedy of the Heart Prologue: A Time of Peace and Reflection 1/? by Crystal PG-13 Here is the prologue. Sailor Moon isn't mine. Forgive me for not saying much. It's late... or maybe early? Either way, I have had no sleep. Pity me through e-mail. And while you're at it, tell me what ya think. Please? *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* <> Usagi thought as she looked over the school auditorium in anticipation and happiness, <> Usagi smiled at her three friends and classmates nervously. All were dressed in caps and gowns, awaiting their names to be called as she was. They all gave her reassuring looks, even though they looked rather nervous themselves. Usagi turned her attention back to the sea of proud parents, friends, and others that filled up the audience. Her eyes first met those of her parents and brother. Shingo was still shaking his head in disbelief, but her parents were beaming. To be quite frank, they had expected Usagi to flunk out long ago. She had proved them wrong. After the defeat of Galaxia and the retrieval of her friends, her grades had skyrocketed. Something that still amazes her teachers and peers. Usagi shifted her gaze then to Rei, her supposed "bitchy" friend. Every time the two got into a conversation, it always seemed to end in a very heated argument. The girl appeared to be stony and unreasonable on the outside, but Usagi knew how much she really hurt. Only she knew the truth. Rei noticed Usagi looking at her, and flashed her a supportive smile. Usagi smiled back at her nervously before continuing her scan of the audience. Her eyes fell upon two of the outer senshi, Haruka and Michiru. The two were holding hands and smiling as lovers do. No shock, for that was exactly what they were. Everyone had their suspicions, but Usagi was the only one the couple had told flat out. Haruka winked at her and Michiru gave her a warm smile when they saw her looking at them. Usagi nodded knowingly letting her gaze fall on the small violet child that sat beside them. Hotaru, the senshi of destruction and famed Messiah of Silence. That girl had more demons up inside of her then anyone knew. Usagi was probably the only one who was not shrouded in ignorance. Hotaru smiled at her brightly. Her large violet eyes showing mirth and infinite wisdom at the same time. Usagi stifled a giggle, feeling slightly more at ease. That when she saw someone in the back of the room she shouldn't have. The blond senshi almost fell off of the stage at the sight. Setsuna. Setsuna had left the Gate of Time for this measly closing of a chapter in the endless book of existence?! Usagi was dumbfounded to say the very least. Setsuna never left the forbidden realm of time with the exception of extreme emergencies. Never anything as trivial as this. Usagi feared something was terribly wrong. It was the only logical explanation for Pluto to emerge. The senshi of time, as if reading the girl's thoughts, mouthed, "I did not want to miss you're big day. Nothing more." [amazing how Usagi could understand that mouthful, ne?] "Arigato," Usagi mouthed back to her. Setsuna was another mysterious character. Usagi had yet to completely figure out all of the loner's secrets, but she knew some of them. More than anyone else. She had gone to the gate once, after having a huge fight with Mamoru. She had there for she knew the others wouldn't think to look there and Setsuna wouldn't tell. Usagi had found her curled up on the ground of the fourth dimension, crying herself to the point of exhaustion. They had had an emotional conversation after that. Usagi then looked at the blue-haired girl to her direct right. Ami aka The Genius. She was a very quiet, reserved girl who probably didn't have a resentful bone in her body. Usagi was the only person Ami had entrusted her past with. A past Usagi almost wished she didn't know of. Usagi's eyes then shifted to the emerald-eyed amazoness at her left. Makoto aka The Strong One. Makoto had always been strong in the physical aspects, but emotionally was entirely different thing altogether. Usagi was aware of just how much she was hurting. Just how ironic the difference between her outside appearance and true feelings were. Usagi's eyes rested on the blond teenager who sat in front of her. Minako aka The Clone. It had often been stated just how much Minako and Usagi were similar. Truth be told, the two were as different as night and day, but no one else could see that. Minako had basically spilled her guts out when Usagi had found her in a very deadly situation. Usagi made sure the two were never compared again. Then Usagi stared down at her lap absently. Her thoughts turned to Chibi-Usa, her future daughter. She wished the pink-haired annoyance could be there right now. If for no other reason than to prove Usagi had a brain. Usagi smiled sadly. The truth was, she really did miss her. Even though she was a devious little brat. Usagi looked up again, not wanting to think of those who were not there. Her azure gaze locked onto the most handsome sight of anytime. Mamoru, her love of three known. Only the gods above knew how many times the two were destined to be together, <> Pushing the thought away, Usagi fingered the ring on her hand. The promise ring Mamoru had given her just before he left for America. He was back for good now, so there was really no need for it. She kept it anyway. It was one of many symbol's of the two's devotion for each other. <> Usagi thought mischievously. Suddenly, the principal called out, "Tsukino Usagi," A cheer almost erupted from the crowd as Usagi walked over to get the scroll of paper. She reached for the paper gingerly, half expecting the principal to pull it away and tell, "You're not ready. Maybe next year." This did not happen, and a second later, it was official. Usagi was now a high school graduate, and it had been a full two years since she had ever used her transformation brooch. She did not even carry it with her anymore. If only Usagi had known that she had another onlooker in the room. Someone dark and sinister who remained hidden in the shadows. Someone who's incentive was to shatter the peace for the young moon princess. Someone who brought sorrows and despair to every place he ventured. Someone who was determined to have her, no matter what the cost. Someone who was certain destiny called for him to bring tragedy to all their hearts. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* arigato- thank you ne- right senshi- soldier Don't be expecting Ch. One out anytime soon. Maybe by spring break if you're lucky. Coming at some point- Chapter One: Crumbling Security