I don't own Sailor Moon or any of the characters this is just a fan fiction. Uncontrolled Flames Part One by Queen Mars Scattering crumbs over the ground to her faithful guardians Phobos and Deimos was Rei Hino, Sailor Mars and Rei Princess of Mars the light from the sun streamed down enough to relieve the violet glints in her raven hair. Her amethyst eyes reflected a deep ,secret worry one for her love far away and two for the frightening and unknown future. She flung her ebony hair behind her as she hurried into the temple she lived in with her grandfather at the sound of a ringing phone. Grabbing the phone out of Chad's ,the temple hand, hands she pointed at the unswept stairs silently giving him an order. "Hello"? "Yes is Rei there?", a familiar voice like a cool breeze asked. "Speaking Haruka",she replied addressing the tall short, golden haired eighteen year old on the other end of the line. "You have had some visions lately"? It was more like a statement than a question. " Well yes", she replied slowly her mind racing "If you know what they mean let me or Setsuna know alright". Then the scout of the skies hung up leaving the scout of fire and war surprised and concerned. Rei sat meditating before the fire of the Shinto temple her mind focusing on the task at hand. Gazing deep into the flames she began chanting, "Sun moon earth stars water fire air rock. I am the flame! Flame is light"! "Behold the destruction!", an eerie voice echoed in Rei's ear. "What"?! Then her eyes slid shut, she beheld a scene of darkness. The sky was a deep blood red and the ground was covered with debris and bodies. In the distance she saw a capped figure standing over the destruction holding a long black sword and eyes glowing blood red. "Behold the grasp of hate!", it yelled as a huge storm appeared and began blowing everything away. "Who are you!? What are you doing?!" Rei screamed The figure laughed as everything around them exploded and the ground split. "Find the Galaxy Power Gem!", the figure yelled as lightning struck the ground. Turning Rei saw her fellow scouts and Tuxedo Mask all lying dead and surrounded by blood. Lifting her eyes to the figure she saw something that frightened even her, the figures face. Eyes flying open unable to take anymore she thought back to the figures face it had been her own. Rei's communicator beeped, grabbing and opening it she saw Sailor Mercury or Ami Anderson. "What's wrong are you in trouble Ami"!? "Yes! We need your help we're at the beach in section fourteen". Rei nodded and shut the communicator as a cold shiver went up her spine. Turning around she saw a figure standing in the shadows. "Who are you?!", Rei demanded angrily. "I am your other self Princess and Sailor Mars". Rei gasped as the figure stepped out, it was a silty older version of herself dressed as Sailor Mars! "What do want"?! "To help you the time has come to awaken your sleeping powers", it said calmly. "What are you talking about"? "You have only begun to see what is to come for you Sailor Mars and if you wish to help and save your dear ones you must trust me". Rei gazed at the woman and after a while nodded. The figure smiled for a second then her face went solemn as she raised up her hand and pointed her index finger at Rei. Hair flying behind her and eyes burning with concentration she began glowing red and her tiara gem gleamed a even deeper red. A ball of light appeared on her fingertip and it to glowed a deep red with an inner light. "Now close your eyes", the figure commanded. Eyes sliding shut Rei could feel the heat as the figure set her finger on her forehead, a sensation of fire and power filled Rei as she felt the energy flow though her veins and mind. Eyes flying open she saw the charm Jadeite had given her glowing violently the small flame inside burning and growing, a flash of light blinded Rei for a moment. When she opened her eyes the charm had turned into a long black staff with a dark red orb on the bottom end and a flame on her other. Red coils were wrapped around the staff it's whole length and it seemed to give off it's own light. "This is the Mars Fire Staff". The figure took it from the air and handed it to Rei who smiled as she felt it's power then she remembered Ami's call for help. "My friends"! The figure smiled and said, "You now have the power to teleport around this planet by yourself". "What"?! "Think about your friends and will yourself to where they are. Call out Fire Power to transform". Then she vanished as did the Mars Fire Staff. Raising a hand and she yelled, "Mars Fire POWER"! Flames encircled her transforming her into Sailor Mars. "Mars Fire Staff", she cried out by pure instincts, the fire staff appeared in her right hand. Mars closed her eyes and focused her energy on Ami suddenly she felt herself fill with power and when she opened her eyes she was standing on rooftop behind Sailor Mercury. "I thought you called Mars", Sailor Venus yelled to Mercury. "I did". The tall woman wearing a deep green dress laughed her reddish hair flowing behind her, her brown eyes glinted evilly as she yelled, "You little Sailor Girls can't beat me Peridot of Queen Topaz's armed forces". "Don't be to sure of that", Sailor Mars yelled. the other scouts turned to look at where the voice was coming from to see Sailor Mars holding a staff of fire and her eyes burning in anger. "Who are you?", Peridot demanded angrily. "I am the warrior under the protection of the Red Fire Star Mars! I am Sailor Mars the scout of war"! The sailor scouts looked at each other surprised and Sailor Moon started laughing, "I think Mars fell on her head thinking she can win when I couldn't"! The monster charged towards Sailor mars who leapt out of harm's way she spun around and stuck the monster in the face with a quick kick sending it to the ground. Sailor Mars lifted the now glowing fire staff over her head and yelled, "Flaming Bird Destruction"! A huge phoenix appeared and flew towards Peridot and in a spilt second everyone heard Peridot scream in pain and vanished in the flames. Rei untransformed herself and the put the fire staff which had returned to it's charm form around her neck then she focused her thoughts on Phobos and Deimos back at the temple and disappeared shocking her fellow inners. Sailor Uranus and Pluto stood hidden in the shadows of a tree watching this. Uranus turned to Pluto and asked her comrade, "Something's going to happen"? Pluto however did not answer. Rei collapsed onto her bed as Phobos and Deimos flew into her room and landed beside her, she rolled the other way feeling sad but she didn't know why. "What happened to Rei I mean she saved us with that new staff of hers and then teleported away", Mina said to Luna and Artemis. The others nodded in agreement. "Don't question her", a familiar voice said They turned to see Michru Kaioh or Sailor Neptune with Haruka Tenou or Sailor Uranus , Setsuna Meioh or Sailor Pluto and Hotaru Tomoe or Sailor Saturn. "The time has come for you inners to show your true colors each as individual scouts", Setsunsa said but her eyes were far away and sad. Two hours later she said the same thing to Rei on the steps of Cherry Hill Temple Rei looked at the Guardian of Time and felt her sadness as if it was her own. If they were to die she knew it if her best friend was to die she couldn't warn her! Rei felt the sadness hit her and somehow the loneliness of Pluto reminded her of her own. Rei quietly asked the Sailor Scout of Time, "Do you know what my visions mean Sailor Pluto"? Setsuna looked at her and nodded her eyes looking sadder than ever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Five Days Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Setsuna you had better tell us what is wrong right now! You hear me", Michru yelled angrily at her silent fellow scout. "Oh shut up Michru and leave her alone!", Haruka yelled at her cousin meaning every word of it. Hotaru and Michru looked at her stunned but Haruka wasn't done, "You have been such a pain in the butt these past few weeks and I'm damn sick of it so shape up! Setsuna doesn't take orders from you"! "I'm the second in command Haruka under you!", she protested angrily "Not any more Setsuna is". "What"!!?? "Setsuna is my second in command that is what I have been told"! "By whom"! "It doesn't matter but she outranks you now so stay off her case"! Michru stared at her cousin then glared at Setsuna, turning she went to her room and slammed the door. "I'm sorry Haruka", Setsuna said but Haruka shrugged "I was trying to figure out how to tell her but the problems been fixed now so forget it". Rei woke from the same terrible vision as before where she had been the destroyer, rolling over she stared at the one picture she had of her and Jadeite. "I wish you'd come back I feel so lonely now". Mina sat up in bed after having a horrible nightmare of being killed by Sailor Mars. Artemis reassured her it was just a nightmare but Mina couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Rei continued to avoid her fellow scouts while keeping herself busy at the temple waiting for the figure to return for the next few days but it kept getting harder and harder. One day as soon as her classes got out and she started walking home when a motorcycle pulled up beside her. The driver looked right at her and asked, "How bout a ride Rei". Rei realized it was Haruka then accepted her offer. "You know Rei just because you have become stronger then your friends doesn't mean they will hate you". "Yeah, but I'm stronger than Serena now and I'm supposed to protect her"! "Maybe her time as a sailor scout is drawing to an end Rei. She will still be your friend besides I'm sure those girls will catch up to you". Rei thanked Haruka when they arrived at the temple but Haruka said, "You kids have proved yourselves that's why we keep you around". Then she drove off leaving Rei feeling a lot better then she had all week. Rei knelt down to feed her two crows smiling what was now a rare smile. Chad watched her from the the door of Cherry Hill Temple, Rei's grandfather walked up behind him, "What are you staring at Chad"? "Rei well I mean I'm not staring I'm just watching her. She has been acting kind of weird lately". "Rei is a very special girl Chad in more ways than either of us know". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey everyone I hoped you like part one of Uncontrolled Flames. If you have any comments please email me at jessica@briggscom.com or eternal_queen_mars@yahoo.com. Part two will be coming soon so keep your eyes open! Thanks for reading and please keep it up! -Queen Mars