Hey, Mina, Sorry ittook so long for those who wanted to read my story. This time it wasn't all myfault. I had this ready weeks ago but the day I wanted to update it ff.net hadtroubles. I want to thank Liz004 and mistake big time. I also want to thank thepeople that reviewed. If it wasn't for them I would have never gotten thischapter out! So thank you GUYS! Keiko On with the story Chapter 5 "Sere wait up!" The princess of Jupiter and Venus yelled as theytried to catch up with their friend. Serenity had the look of determination as she ran down the hall. "I can'tstop we're already late!" She huffed. She opened the door to the thrownroom and rushed in followed by the two other princesses. They all saw Reigrinning at them while Ami was frowning at them. The queen turned to look atall three with disappointed looks while five men turned to see what was goingon. "Mother, I'm sorry we're late." She said slightly breathing hard. Shecurtsy and the others followed. “Please forgive us.” Queen Serenity nodded excusing the three of them. They quickly ran to thereplace by the Queen's side. "Sorry for the delay prince Endymion." Queen Serenity said as shesmiled at the men. "We can now get this meeting on the way." Prince Endymion nodded. He really hated this things but the blonde that wasobviously the queen's daughter captured his attention. He could see that allhis generals were looking at the other girls. "It's no problem my queen.My father sent me down here to make sure the alliance between our planets isachieved. He sends his apologizes that he couldn't make it." The queen smiled. "We'll discuss this matter later after you're allsettled in an relaxed. My daughter and her friends will show you to your rooms.Tell your father that I accept his apology." She stood up and slowly andgracefully walked down the steps that laid to her thrown. "I must go andattend to other business. I will talk to you later." When they saw the Queen closed the door behind her Rei let out her laughtershe's been holding on since her friends came in. She sighed satisfied as shewiped the tears from her eyes. "Oh God Sere. What was your reason thistime?" She asked her friend as she looked at her. "Raye be nice." Ami whispered. "I am." The raven said sweetly. "It wasn't my fault I swear!" Serenity said defending herself.& quot;Luna wouldn't stop talking about some war that happened two-thousandyears ago." "Its true Rei." Makoto spoke. "I got her to stop talking when Isaid the queen was waiting for her." A blonde man stepped up to Minako and placed his hand on her shoulder makingher jump high in the air. She turned around and her anger and shock turned intoa bright smile. "Jade!" She yelled as she threw herself at him.Jadeite laughed. The rest of the girls stopped talking and looked at Minako while the guyslooked at Jadeite surprised he knew one of the girls. "So Mina-chan how's everyone doing back home?" Jadeite asked as helooked down at her with a smile. God only knows how much he missed her. "Oh mom's fine so is dad." She answered she then wrinkled her nose.“Raga is okay too, but he needs to lighten up. Do you know that he’s soooserious now???? It’s unbelievable.” She looked up at him. “How long…” "Mina!!!" The girls yelled as one cutting the blonde off. "Wh---what?" She asked, as she looked at them puzzled. "You know him?" Jupiter asked. She raised one of her eyebrows as she looked at her friend. ‘Must be aboyfriend or something. Then again Mina-chan would always tell me if she has aboyfriend. Or would she?’ "Well yea." "Jade why didn't you tell us?" Endymion asked. The raven man lookedat his blonde friend a bit hurt, excited and curious. “I never knew you knewanyone from the moon.” Jadeite looked at him sheepishly. "You never asked." "So?" Zoisite mentioning for him to explaining with his hands. "So what?" Jadeite asked, as he didn't get it. "Oh she's my babysister." He grinned. "Surprise." Everyone was quiet, as they looked at the two blondes in front of themdumbfounded. Who would have thought? "WHAT!!!!" They all screamed. Later the day had passed and Makoto was walking outside in the garden alone. She hadshown general Nephrite around the palace after she discovered her best friendhad a brother. She giggled at the thought of how their face looked at thatmoment. It was quite funny even thought she couldn't see herself but she knewshe looked hilarious to look at. She sighed when her mind rewind back toNephrite. He's an intriguing man, and handsome, And charming. She blushed whenshe thought of it. She knew she would like to know more about him. Shecontinued to walk in the garden unknowing that she's was being watched. Nephrite sighed as he took of his shirt and tossed it on his bed. Shirtless hewalked towards the balcony and looked at the stars. They had always intriguedhim. He learned a lot of things from them. Things that happens in the future.He sighed one more time as the thought of Beryl came across his mind. He knewsomething was going on with her. Ever since Endymion had made it clear that hewanted nothing to do with her, she had being throwing something off. He alwayshad bad vibes when she was around and he knew the others felt it too. He looked below him and saw someone. Walking closer to the rail he saw theprincess that showed him around. He smiled. She was very fun to be around with.He could tell that about her the first time he saw her. He chuckled when heremembered her entrance. She was breathing a little hard and her cheeks wereflushed, She looked beautiful. He shook his head. "I shouldn't be talkingabout that when Molly is waiting for me." He whispered. Turning around hewalked back into his room not without saying "I wish I could get to knowyou better Makoto." first. A full month had past and the generals were in their rooms getting ready toleave the next day. During that month all of them had got pretty close to thegirls. Nephrite was pulling back slightly because of Molly but every day hespent with Makoto he found himself wanting to spend time with her more. He wasfalling in love with her. He had no idea what to do. Should he give up what hehad with Molly over a year for Lita who he had just met last month? He didn'tknow what to do. But he knew that he had to make a decision before anythingelse happened. Nephrite sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He needed to talk tosomeone. But he didn't know whom he should talk to. He couldn’t talk to Zoisiteor Kunzite or Endymion. He wasn’t that close to them. He sighed again; he’lltalk to Jadeite. He picked up a picture of him and Molly in each other’s armssmiling brightly, he should thank Zoisite for taking this picture. He looked atthe ring that was on Molly’s finger and sighed. He put the picture in the bagwhen he heard a knock and turned to the door. He walked over to it and openedit half way he was surprise to see Makoto standing there with a smile on herface. "Hey." She whispered. "What are you doing here?" Nephrite asked not really knowing what toask or say to her. Makoto pretended to frown. "Fine." She turned to walk away but shedidn't go far because Nephrite had grabbed her hand and pulled her in. Makotogiggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Neph-chan." Shewhispered into his ear. "Mako." He replied. "I see you came to say bye." "No!" She gasped as she pulled back a little so she could see hisface. "I don't want to say good bye." She buried her face in hisneck. "Not to you, Nephrite." "Mako." He said as he smiled at her. She was so beautiful in his armsright now. Makoto shortened the space between them and looked at him inthe eyes one last time before she kissed him. She moved her right hand to theback of his head while the other one was gently on his cheek. Nephrite lost inthe kiss wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. It felt soright for the both of them. Slowly and hesitantly they broke apart. Makotolooked at him for a long time before she rested her head on his shoulder.“Nephrite.” She whispered. Pausing a bit she collected her courage before shesaid. “Nephrite I don’t know what going on between us but,” She paused againand turned to look at him. “But I don’t want it to end. Please don’t loosetouch.” She whispered. “I love you.” Nephrite looked at her before he placed both hands on hercheeks. “ I won’t.” He whispered. He had made his chose. He knew whom he wantedto be with. “I won’t loose contact with you Mako. I love you too.” Makoto smiled brightly and as she did her eyes lit up. Shethrew her arms around his neck and held on to him in an embrace. “Thank you.” Nephrite chuckled. “You’re welcome. I need to pack.” He saidamusingly. “I’ll help!” She walked around him and turned to face thebag. “What else do you need to put in here?” She asked as she looked into it. Shepaused when she saw a picture. “Just my uniforms…are you okay?” He asked her worried when hesaw her just looking at the bag. He swore silently when he remembered thepicture. Makoto took the picture and turned around. “Nephrite who isthis?” She asked him angered. When he didn’t answer she asked again but thistime more firm. “Who is she?” “Someone special Mako.” He whispered as he took the picturefrom her hand slowly. “Mako,” He stopped when she slapped him. He soon foundhimself running out of his room after her. “Makoto!” He yelled. He didn’tnotice Jadeite opening the door and looking at him worried. He grunted beforehe turned around and closed the door behind him. Nephrite sighed as he fell to his bed. “Oh god Mako.” Hewhispered. ~*~ The nextday queen serenity looked as the girls and guys said their good byes. She hadwasted no time in saying hers to the generals. She wanted them to spend at list small amount of time withthe girls. She frowned when she say Jupiter. She was giving the cold shouldersto Nephrite as she said her byes to the others. “Luna do you know what’s wrongwith her?” Luna looked at Jupiter and sighed. “I heard from one if thegirls that she had ran into her room crying. From the looks from it I thinkNephrite might be the reason.” The queen nodded. “Thank you Luna.” After the gens and the prince were gone the girls exceptMakoto ran into the princess room. Makoto staid with the queen who had stoppedher. She was nervous when she was around her. She thought she had donesomething the queen didn’t approve of. When Serenity noticed her behavior she giggled. “Mako-chanplease relax. You are not in trouble. I just want to talk to you.” Makoto seemed surprised but she wasn’t too shocked to nod herhead. “Walk with me Mako.” The silver haired queen spoke as she andMakoto headed towards the garden. It was silent for a while until the olderwoman spoke. “I could see something is bothering you Mako.” She whispered. The brunette quickly looked at her queen confused andsurprised. “Excuse me, your highness I don’t think I understand you.” “You don’t need to hide it from me. You can talk to me atanytime or place.” She spoke. “Highness?” Makoto hesitated as she spoke it. “What is going on with you? You and Nephrite?” Makoto immediately stopped as her green eyes looked wide andstared at the queen. “H-how?” “I have my ways Mako.” She said with a giggle. “You two actedlike strangers. Tell me what happened.” Makoto looked at the queen for a while before she lookedforward as they kept walking. “I went to see him last night in his chambers. Iwanted to see him before he left, to tell him what I felt towards him. He toldme he felt the same way but when I saw a picture of him with this other girl Iknew he was lying. He hurt me.” She whispered as she blinked the tears awaybefore they had the chance to fall. The queen sighed. “Mako-chan, listen to what I say and pleasetake me seriously.” She spoke as she looked at the younger girl from the cornerof her eyes. “I have witness five relationship bloom gorgeously. I have watchedclosely my daughter and you. You two have something special. Your relationshipwith Nephrite out shined them all. You can’t give up on that Mako, because youwill never find it again.” The queen spoke softly. Makoto looked confused. “I don’t understand.” Serenity stopped and looked at Makoto. “Mako, a man can bewith someone who he cares about and not truly love until he finds someone thathe will cherish. Nephrite might be with someone now but the way he looks at youis away a man would never look at any other woman in his life. You havesomething special with him don’t throw it away.” “But…” “Don’t Mako.” Serenity smiled at her. “He will come back toyou. I promise.” Makoto looked at the woman in front of her confused until shesmiled. “Thank you your highness. I will wait for him.” Serenity smiled. “Good. Now lets go back inside.” ~*~ The prince and his guardians stepped out of the shuttle andonto the grounds of the earth kingdom. They found the King and Molly talking toeach other while waiting for them. Nephrite sighed as he looked at the woman.‘This isn’t going to be easy.’ Molly suddenly laughed as the king whispered something in herears. She looked forward still laughing and her smile brightened when she sawthe boys. “Guys!!” She yelled as she ran over. The king followed her moreslower. Molly hugged everyone back and welcomes them before she stoodby Nephrite. “Endy your father is a flirt.” She giggled The prince laughed. “Well he is a charming man.” “You all must be tired let’s go inside.” The King said. “Andyou my son can tell me what the queen said other things.” Later that day Molly slowly opened the door to Nephrite’sroom and poked her head in. She saw him lying on his bed. He had been realquiet ever since he came back and she was worried. It was as if he was hidingsomething from her. Slowly she stepped in. “Neph-chan?” She called out to himas she closed the door behind her. Nephrite looked up from where he was laying to see Molly. Hesmiled a small smile towards her. “Molly what is it?” “That’s my line Nephrite.” She spoke with amusement beforeshe looked at him. “What’s wrong Nephrite? When you came back from the moonyou’ve changed. Did I do something wrong?” Nephrite sighed before he lay back down. “It’s not youMolly,” “Please don’t say that.” molly spoke as she walked to the bigwindow that was covered by curtains. She moved the curtains way and stepped onto the balcony. She could feel Nephrite behind her. “Things never come out goodwhen someone says that.” She whispered but loud enough to be heard by the man.She looked down at her ring and smiled. “Well I can’t wait till the day Ibecome your wife Nephrite.” Nephrite staid quiet as he moved to her right side and leanedon the rail bent over. He continued to listen to her. “My dreams are coming true. I thought this moment would nevercome true. I’ll have a family of my own.” Nephrite shot his eyes shot. He couldn’t allow himself tofool her like this. It wasn’t fair to her or to Mako. “Molly.” He called out toher. “Have my own kids,” Molly continued as if she didn’t hearhim. “You at my side.” Nephrite held her hand and she stopped as she looked at him.“Please.” She whispered. Nephrite regretfully looked at her. “I’m sorry Molly but it’snot going to happen.” He whispered to her. The heartbreaking look on her facemade him bit his lip and look away. “Who is she?” Molly asked him as she looked down at theground. “You met her on the moon didn’t you?” ‘Sharp as always Molly.’ He thought. “I won’t lie to youMolly.” He whispered to her. “I love her.” A sob escaped Molly’s lips as a tear dropped from her eye. “Ihope you’ll be happy with her Nephrite.” She whispered and kissed him on thecheek before she ran out of the room. On the way she bumped into Jadeite. “I’msorry jade.” She whispered as she quickly brushed the tears from her eyes. “Its ok.” The blonde man whispered as a frown replaced hissmile. “Molly are you okay?” Molly looked up at him with a weak smile. “No I’m notJadeite. Nephrite…he broke the engagement.” Jadeite looked at her seriously. He’d never thought theywould break up. Nephrite had told him so many times that he had loved her. Hemust have had a good reason to break it up. “Molly I’m so sorry.” He whisperedto as he took in the crying red head in his arms. “Shhh, don’t worry Molly.Everything works out for the best.” “You think so?” Molly asked as she looked up to him. Jadeite smiled down at her. “I know so.” ~*~ Two years past “We’re going back?” Zoisite asked confused yet excited. “Andwhy are you so happy?” Jadeite asked teasingly as he looked at the olderblonde. Zoisite frowned at Jadeite. “And why must you care?” Jadeite laughed. “Oh come on Zoi.” He looked at theolder general with an amusing grin. “We all know about the lady Mercury in yourlife.” “Shut up.” Zoisite sneered. “Okay, enough picking on Zoisite.” Endymion spoke ashe patted the blonde’s shoulder. “And yes we are going to the moon kingdomagain. But only to make sure our alliance is still up. You all have heard aboutthe new threat. We need all the extra help we can get.” They all nodded. “Endymion is right. I checked thestars last night and I saw the outcome. We need the extra help if we are todefeat Beryl and the negaverse.” They nodded again. After a silence Kunzite spoke.“When do we leave?” “Tomorrow.” ~*~ “Mako come on!” Minako yelled as she pounded thedoor. Ami stood by her side. “We’re going to be late! Don’t you want to seeNephrite?” “Go away!” A voice was heard from behind the door.“I don’t want to see him and I don’t care.” “Mako-chan.” Minako whined as she stomped her footon the ground. “Mako-chan, please be reasonable here.” Ami quietlysaid. “We need to greet them, its proper protocol.” There was a silence before they heard a thump on thedoor. “Go away!” Ami and Minako sighed defeated. “Fine we’ll justtell the queen your sick.” Minako said. She looked at Ami. “Come on Ames letsgo.” Ami slowly agreed before she followed Minako. Aftera while of running they made it to the front of the palace. Towards the gatethey saw the queen, princess, Rei and the men. “Your highness.” Minako and Amigreeted the queen as they stood at her left. “My prince welcome.” Prince Endymion nodded towards them with a smile.“We are glad to be back.” “Yes it is an honor.” The queen spoke she thennotice one of her princess guard was absent. “Minako where’s Mako?” Minako looked at the queen for a while before the questionsunk in. “Oh um she said she wasn’t feeling well your highness.” She looked atNephrite through the corner of her eyes. “She’s in her chamber.” The queen looked at Minako worriedly. “Is shealright?” “I---I don’t know your highness.” Minako answered. “If you’ll excuse me I’ll check on her.” The queenspoke as she turned around. She didn’t know it’s the color drain from Minakoand Ami’s face as they looked at each other. “Wait!” They exclaimed. The queen looked at them as well as everyone else.“Yes?” “We’ll check on her for you your highness.” Amioffered. Queen Serenity looked at them with an eyebrow up.“If you want to. Report to me when you’re done.” They both nodded. When the queen was out of site Amiand Minako sighed in relief. Rei looked at them with an eyebrow up. “You knowyou two are bad liars.” Minako looked at her. “Its not our fault. We had tocover for Mako-chan. She’s being stubborn. She won’t get out of her room.” “Why?” Jadeite asked as he looked at Minako whileembracing Rei. As they conversed Nephrite kept quiet and listenedcarefully why Makoto wasn’t here. He knew it was because of him but he didn’tanyone to know. He would see Makoto later and explain to her everything. Hejust hoped she would listen to him. Later, that day when everyone as busy Nephrite wentto see Makoto she was still in her room he had asked Ami where she was. Heslowly opened the door to her room and slowly walked in. “I said no body comes in!” An angry voice spoke andLita came out of another room that was attached to hers in a robe. She gaspedwhen she saw Nephrite. “What are you doing here?” Her voice had dropped low andemitted anger as she pulled her robe tighter around her body. “Makoto we need to talk.” He spoke. Makoto turned to look away from him as she moved toher dresser. “I don’t believe we have nothing to talk about Nephrite. Nowplease leave.” She took her green brush that had the sigil of Jupiter on it andwalked to the full mirror and began to brush her wet hair. When she looked upto see the door in her mirror she gasped when she saw Nephrite behind her.Turning around she looked up at him. “Please Mako, just hear me out.” He pleaded. When hesaw Mako’s face soften up he took the brush from her hand and turned her aroundso she would be facing the mirror. Nephrite began to brush her hair delicately.“Mako-chan, I’m deeply sorry that I hurt you. I was going to tell you that Iwas engaged to someone at the time but whenever I looked into your eyes Iforget what I was going to say. I know that’s no excuse for what I did and Ihope you can except my apology.” He whispered to her. “I broke the engagementMako.” The brunette looked up into the mirror and staredinto his eyes surprised and shocked. “W-why?” Nephrite gave her a weak smile. “Because I fell inlove with you. It wasn’t fair for her or you, so I broke it.” Makoto continued to stare at him shocked. “You brokethe engagement for me?” She asked in a whisper. When she saw him nod she lookeddown and smiled. She turned around to face him and their eyes locked. “If Igive you my heart again would---would you break it?” Nephrite looked at her and from the look from hereyes she knew she was serious. He placed his hand on her cheek caressing itwith his thumb. “I won’t break your heart again I promise.” Makoto leaned up and kissed him with everything shehad. She was happy he returned it. She felt so safe and warm in his arms thatshe never wanted to leave him. Later in the evening Minako and Kunzite walked downthe hall. “Have you seen Nephrite Mina-chan?” The older man asked. Minako shook his head. “I haven’t seen him since themeeting.” The blonde spoke. They stopped when they reached Jupiter’s room. “Ihave to check on Mako-chan.” She told him. She knocked on the door softly andwaited for an answer. When she had no answer she frowned at knocked again thistime louder. “Mako?” “She’s probably sleeping Mina lets go.” Kunzitespoke. “At this time????” Minako asked incredulous. “I’veknown Mako for a every long time and I know she doesn’t sleep this early.” “Ok, then she probably wants to be left alone.She’ll come out of her room tomorrow and you can bomber her with questions ifyou want.” He spoke with amusement. Minako sighed. “You’re right come one lets take awalk by the lake.” She took his hand and pulled him away. ~*~ Makoto woke up in the night to find a note by her side. Sheslowly took a hold of it and put on the light. Wincing at the bright lightMakoto continually blinked until her eyes were adjusted to it. Opening theletter she read. ‘Mako-chan, I’m sorry you didn’t find me at your bedside whenyou woke up but we can’t allow anyone know what we did. Meet me at the gardenby the fountain at eight o’clock. Nephrite.’ Makoto looked at the time and found it to be fivefifteen. Slowly she lay down on her bed holding the paper in her hand as shepositioned herself on her side. She pulled the covers up to her neck and as shethought of what happened she slowly fell asleep. ~*~ In the morning Makoto walked out of her room dressed in a simplepink dress and walked to the garden there she found Nephrite waiting for her bythe fountain. She smiled at him as she reaches the man. “Hey.” Nephrite smiled back at her. “Hey to you too.” Mako-chan looked up at the sky and sighed. “So whatshould we do?” she asked him. Nephrite walked towards her and placed a hand on hershoulder. “Mako-chan, I told you yesterday I wouldn’t leave you.” The brunette smiled at the thought and embracedNephrite. She sighed when she felt his arms around her waist. ~*~ Makoto ran through the garden as tears ran down her eyes. Shehad found out something that disturbed her yet at the same time she was happyabout it. But she was more scared than anything else. She finally stoppedrunning when she suddenly reached the lake. Hastily wiping her tears Makotobegan to walk slowly. She had to think. She had to think of a solution. “I haveto tell Nephrite but…” She paused as a thought crept in her mind. “A month haspast, soon it will be showing. I can’t hide it. I won’t be able to protect Sereanymore.” She cried as more tears began to fall. “You should think of protecting yourself beautiful.”An ice-cold voice spoke as a breeze suddenly blew around Lita as if warning herof the danger. Suddenly a blast of air hit Makoto like rocks and threw herbackwards landing on a tree harshly. She cried in agony as pain shot throughher body. Gasping she wiped the blood from her mouth. As she looked up shefound her eyesight start to blur She couldn’t see her attacker well and heardit say something. “So this is the Jupiter? Metallic would be happy.” Before Makoto blacked out she heard a cry. “MarsFlame Sniper.” After what seemed like years Lita opened her eyes to findworried blue ones looking down at her. “Mako-chan?” “Nephrite?” She whispered back. “Are you okay? You were out for a while.” He spokeas he helped her seat up. He had decided to stay with her while the others wentto a meeting. Makoto suddenly started crying as encased Nephrite in a stronghug. As if she was hanging on to him with her life. Nephrite was beyondsurprised by her actions he had never seen her so shaky. “Mako-chan what’swrong?” “Neph-chan, I’m…I’m…I’m pregnant.” She cried as sheheld him closer. “What am I…we going to do?” Nephrite looked at her extremely surprised. “What?”He asked in a whisper. “How did you find out?” “The healers wings. I went today. I haven’t beenfeeling myself for the past two weeks. So I went to go check what was wrong andthey said I was expecting a child. I can’t…not now. I have a duty. The queenwill be cross with me.” Makoto spoke fearfully as she continued to pour thetears. She had never let anyone see her but her close friends and queen crylike this. It was rare for her to show this kind of emotion. “Nephrite I’mscared.” “Shhh, it’s okay. Remember I’m always here for youMako but first we have to speak to the queen and king.” “No!” Makoto yelled as she pulled away from him.“No, I won’t.” “Makoto, they are going to find out sooner or later.You can’t hide this kind of thing.” Nephrite said as he tried to reason withher. “I know you’re scared Mako but we have to. Look how about we request onlyto see the king and queen and the others won’t have to find out about it. Howdoes that sound?” Makoto thought about it for a moment before shenodded. “Ok, but you have to be there with me.” Nephrite smiled and hugged her. “Of course I’ll bethere. I won’t have it any other way.” He kissed her forehead. “Everything willbe alright.” He whispered. The thought of him having a child made him veryhappy but at the same time scared him deeply. Nephrite had arranged for the meeting and they allstood in the communication room facing the king of earth on the screen.“Nephrite what’s this about?” King Endymion asked, as he looked at his son’sguardian worried. He looked at the young woman who stood behind and next to thequeen. “Lady Jupiter it’s an honor to meet you.” Makoto curtsey and smiled at the king hiding herfear. “The honor is mine my king.” “We brought both of you here to tell you thatMako-chan is expecting my child.” Nephrite came out with it bluntly not reallyknowing how to say it. The room became silent as the two rulers looked at themsurprised. “Mako-chan explain.” Queen Serenity spoke as shelooked at the younger woman. The emotions on her face expressed disappointmentand excitement at the same time making Makoto more nervous. “Well, um…” She looked down on the ground. Sheexplained what happened since the generals and the prince came back leaving thedetails out. When she was done the room was silent again. “We can’t say we don’t trust the two of you.” Theking started. “But I hope for your sakes that you know what you’re doing.” “We do you’re majesty.” Nephrite answered. “I planto make her my wife when this is all over.” He added. Makoto looked at Nephrite surprised and pleased andworried. “I’ll take good care of her.” “In that case you have our blessings. But after thebattle ahead we shall make arrangements on everything. From the wedding to howthe guardians shift will go.” The queen hugged the both of them.“Congratulations to the both of you.” “Yes congratulations to you both.” The King saidwith a smile. “Thank your highness, your majesty.” Nephritethanked them. “I would like to make one request.” “What is it?” The King asked. “That you don’t tell anyone till after the war.” “Of course.” “Thank you again.” ~*~ “What?” Minako yelled as she stood up from her chair in theconference room and looked at Ami. “You’ve got to be serious.” “Minako come down.” Jadeite spoke as he pulled hissister back to her seat. “I know I can hardly believe it myself but it seemsthat the earth will be under attack soon.” Ami spoke as she looked into herpalm size computer. “Do you the exact date?” Endymion asked as he lookedat her nervous. “I don’t know the exact date but it will be sometimethis week.” “What!!!!” Everyone yelled. “We can’t make that! It takes a week to get to earthalone.” Nephrite spoke as he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “We’ll just have to try. Generals get your thingsready we will leave tonight.” Endymion spoke to the horror of the girls butnone said a word. This was apart of their job. They couldn’t go against it. “It’s decided them.” Queen Serenity spoke as shestood up. “Prince Endymion I wish you all luck.” “Thank you my queen.” ~*~ Makoto was seating down on Nephrite’s bed with one hand on herstomach. She looked at him sadly as he packed his belongings. She looked downon her hands. “Are you going to becoming back?” She asked in a whisper. Nephrite looked at her for a moment before he placedthe last of his things in the bag. He stood in front of Makoto and knelt on oneknee. “Mako, sweetheart.” He whispered as he brushed the hair from her face.“I’ll come back for you and our baby. Nothing can split us apart.” He liftedher chin up so he would see her eyes. “I love you Mako-chan.” “I love you too Nephrite.” She whispered to him. Nephrite smiled as he took a box from his pocket. Heopened the small box and showed Makoto the ring inside. “Mako, keep thisring. I was going to give it to you onour wedding day but I decided it would be better if I did it now. Love, willyou marry me?” The brunette shocked on her tears as she nodded herhead to answer. She couldn’t find her voice. After Nephrite placed the ring inher finger she fell in his arms. “Thank you.” She whispered to him. Nephrite smiled. “You’re welcome Mako.” “We’ll be waiting for you Nephrite I promise.” Shewhispered in his ear. ~*~ “The generals are back!” Rei yelled as she stepped into Makoto’sroom where everyone was. At this time all the girls could tell something wasgoing on with Makoto. They were just about the get their answered ready whenall of the sudden Rei came in. “The Generals are back and the enemy isattacking!” “What??” The girls yelled. They immediately stood upand transformed. When they looked at Makoto they gasped her stomach wasn’t asflat as it was before. In fact it had swelled up a bit. “Makoto?” Serenity called to her friend. “Later Sere. Everyone out. It’s time to protect thekingdom.” They all nodded except for Venus who frowned. “Mako that’s my line.”She whispered before she ran after them. When she got out side they all gaspedin surprise and shock. Outside the gates was complete chaos. People were running for their lives asdemons approached killing anything in their way. “It’s a blood bath.” Venus whispered as she staredall around her with fear. Pushing that fear back she spoke. “Alright senshi youknow what to do. Don’t any of the demons in. If you find the Gens help them.” “Right!” The senshi nodded. As time went on Jupiter began to tire. She neededrest but she can’t afford it at the moment. With insistence by herself she madeVenus put her in the front with Mars. She had lost contact with the fire senshiand was beginning to worry for her well fare. Suddenly she stopped when she sawa figure coming towards her. A powerful figure of man walked slowly towardsher, as he got nearer her smile grew on her face. Slowly her pace grew higheruntil she was running. “Nephrite!” She suddenly gasped in pain as she feltsomething run through her stomach. Jupiter looked down and saw Nephrite’s swordin her. She looked up with accusation and betrayal into his eyes only torealize the man in front of her wasn’t nephrite. “Why?” She whispered as shebegan to fall to the ground. “Nephrite.” She whispered before she died. ::End of Flash Back:: Lita gasped for air as the last memory infused inher mind. Uncontrolled tears ran down her cheeks as she held her stomach. Shelooked up at Serena with eyes full of tears and hurt that the princess had tostep back. Lita held stomach tighter and screamed an agonizing scream as sherealized the lost of her child Author's note: So tell me what you think!!!!