Chapter Six Serena sighed sadly as she walked out of Lita’s room. She had tried so hard avoiding giving Lita her memories of the past but she knew this day would come. She didn’t want Lita to suffer again. When she had gotten her memories back she had inherited the others as well. That day she had promised herself to never show them their memories but with the generals here she had too. When she had giving Lita her memories two days ago she had been so quiet it scared her so bad that she wanted to cry. She leaned on the door. Her back against it. She tried not to let the tears fall from her eyes. As she looked at the ceiling, “Oh god.” She whispered as she slid down to the ground while coving her mouth with her hand. “I’m so sorry Lita.” She whispered before she started crying. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered again as she shut her eyes closed. ~*~ In the Stanton’s home the men were in the leaving room discussing things that where related to their job. Kunzite frowned as he listened to Jadeite talk and Zoisite arguing with him while Nephrite was staring into space. Kunzite sighed. “Just like old times.” He whispered. “Okay that’s enough.” He firmly spoke and as he did all three gave him full attention. “Look I’ve been listening to the two of you and none of your ideas work. Except for one Justin suggested. We should just close the building down. We don’t have anything to do there and its not like we need the money.” All three of them looked at Kunzite shocked. Did they just hear him say they should stop working? Out of all the people to say that they would never expected him. “What?” Nephrite asked him. “We have no business there Nephrite.” He spoke. “I’m afraid I disagree with you their Kunzite.” Nephrite spoke as he stood up. “I need to keep my mind away from Mako and working in that restaurant on top of the building does that for me. I can’t sit here.” “Yea his right.” Jadeite spoke. “As much I love not waking up in the morning in the future thinking about Rei, is great to me.” He answered. “I wouldn’t be able to do it.” “I agree Kunzite.” Zoisite said. “Then we won’t shot down the company permanently for now we will but I have something in the back of my mind to telling me to see the princess. That she would help us and we need her help if we ever want to get out of here and see our princesses. We need to tell them what happened in the end of the millennium.” “Kunzite, they won’t believe us even if we tried.” Zoisite spoke. Kunzite frown. “We’re going over there now.” He stood up and looked at them. “Well?” He challenged them. Sighing Jadeite and Zoisite stood up and the three of them looked at Nephrite who sat there looking in another direction. Jadeite placed his hand on his shoulder. “Nephrite.” The general looked at the floor. “I---I can’t. I can’t see her not now.” He spoke in a shaky voice. “She wouldn’t hear from me. What I did to her---no what that clone did to her was too horrible.” All the generals frowned when they heard Nephrite. “What are you talking about?” Zoisite asked confused. ‘What did he do that was worst than what we did?’ He asked himself. “You guys never knew this but Mako was pregnant.” He whispered “W-what?” Jadeite asked the question in all their minds as after the shock. “By me. When I saw her on the battlefield when we were made to watch on the hill I was so afraid. She shouldn’t have been fighting that day. I saw myself walking up to her and watched as he heartless run his sword through her stomach. Killing the child first before it ended her life. I can’t go to her not now anyway.” Nephrite spoke as if he was about to cry. “Please don’t make me go.” “Nephrite.” Jadeite whispered, as he now understood Nephrite’s fear. He was afraid that she would shun him out of her life and blame him for the death of their child. “Nephrite you have to try. You can’t avoid her anymore we can’t avoid the others. Yes, Lita might be stubborn at first but you have to try other wise you’ll be living a meaningless life.” There was a silence and Nephrite slowly stood up after thinking about what his closest friend told him. “Don’t worry, everything will work out for the best.” Zoisite spoke as he smiled at his friend. From the things they had gone through and lost he believed Nephrite had suffered the most. He would have gone crazy if he lost both his girl and child. Nephrite was a strong man he could tell but even he had certain fears and stopping points in his life. He respected nephrite for that. Nephrite managed a weak smile and nodded at them. “Come on let’s go.” Kunzite spoke as he walked towards the door. Once they were all in Zoisite’s blue mustang, the blonde general drove off. As he drove towards Lita’s apartment the car was silent none dared to voice their thoughts in front of the others. Lita had once invited Maxfield and Zachary over to her place after work to relax so Zoisite knew where to go. Once he saw the apartment building up a head he said, “we’re here.” He stopped and parked at the curb few feet from the building and slowly they all got out. They all headed inside with a little fear over their heads. ~*~ Serena looked up from the all that was facing her when she heard the doorbell ring. She frowned she wasn’t expecting anyone and she knew Lita wasn’t. Slowly she stood up to see who had disturbed her thinking. Opening the door ajar she looked through the opening as said. “Who is it?” She gasped when she saw Kunzite in front of her looking at her apologetically. Quickly she opened the door fully and looked at them. They were all here. She couldn’t believe it. “Princess.” Kunzite whispered. “Coming.” She stepped out of the way and looked at each one as they passed her. They all looked afraid for some reason. “What brings you guys here?” She asked them uncertain. She looked towards the door that led to Lita’s room worried and a bit panicked. She knew if Lita came out and saw them…lets just say that she wouldn’t want to be here. “I’m sorry but I don’t think it’s a good time for you guys to be here.” She looked at them in the eyes and continued. “You see I just gave Lita her memories two days ago and she’s been locked in her room.” “She hasn’t eating?” Nephrite asked Serena shook her head no. “The shock and the memories really got to her. If she acted like this, I don’t think I want to give the other girls their memories. She’s still in pain. I don’t think she would be happy seeing any of you guys now.” “No I’m not.” A cold hard voice spoke from behind them. “What the hell do you guys want?” Everyone turned to the cold voice to see a beyond pissed off Lita. Her hair was down from its original style and the small bags under her eyes made it clear that she had not slept in days. She wore white sweat pants and a green spaghetti tank top and a robe was over it. “Lita.” Nephrite whispered as he took a step forward only to have her step back. “Just stay where you are.” She growled. “You are a fraud, you lied to me and betrayed me I want nothing to do with you.” She added in an icy voice. “Please you don’t understand…” “Get out!!!” Lita screamed cutting him off. “Get out of my house, now!” Serena stepped forward after a while. “Lita be reasonable. We need to know their side of the story.” “Be reasonable?” Lita repeated Serena’s question. “Serena until Darien puts a sword in your stomach killing your unborn child and you, don’t tell me to be reasonable.” Lita said slowly as if trying to control her rage. She looked back at Nephrite. “Get out now or…” She let her words hang as a spark of lightning appeared in her hands. “I’ll tear you apart.” “Lita.” Nephrite tried again. “It wasn’t me on that field.” “So I’m blind now?” She asked as she laughed a bitter laugh. Nephrite shook his head. “Beryl was the reason for everything. She caused it all. You know me better than that Lita. I watched you die that day. I watched it on a hill on the moon kingdom. The others and I, we were all there watching our loved ones die under imposters. It wasn’t me Lita. I would die before I hurt you.” As Lita listened to him her anger slowly slipped away. She looked up at him surprised when he was standing next to her. Tears began to gather in her eyes while she used both her fist to hit him in his chest repeatedly to push him away but he wouldn’t go away. He stood his ground. Sobs escaped her mouth. “Lita.” Nephrite whispered as he let her hit him. He knew this was hard for her. Heck it was hard for him too. When he noticed her hits were loosing their strength he wrapped his arms around her as he cried silently refusing all her grief to come out. The safety she felt when she was in his arms in the moon kingdom returned but she wondered how she could love him after what happened. After what seemed like ages Lita quieted down and everyone waited patiently for he senshi of protection and strength regained her composure. Lita stepped away from Nephrite and wrapped her arms around herself as she looked down at the ground IMMEDIATELY missing his warmth. She couldn’t look at him in the face. Not until she knew what happened that day, but part of her didn’t want to know a part of her just wanted to run into her room and lock herself in. Here curiosity won over the others. Slowly and quietly she said. “What happened that day?” Her arms wrapped around her as she tried to keep the warmth around her. Nephrite and the others silently smiled in relief. “Lets seat down on the couch in the leaving room.” Serena suggested. She knew she had to call the others. She hadn’t spoken to them ever since she left. She knew something happened to Raye but she just didn’t know what. As they sat down Kunzite began. “We had managed to get to Earth in two days instead of a week like it should have had. Even though we arrived early it was too late. Earth was already being attacked. We made Prince Endymion go back for his safety while we staid and protected the earth. We soon found out that Beryl was too much for us to handle we were captured as soon as her minions overpowered us.” Zoisite took over. “We woke up in what looked like a dungeon. We were so weak from the battle that we couldn’t get out of the chains we were in. She asked us to join her but we always refused. She tortured us until we were barely alive.” He paused. “I remember she took samples of our blood before I blacked out. When I woke up Looked for the others and saw them next to me kneeling on top of the hill facing the moon palace. The war had already started. We couldn’t move. It was like something was holding us back. To our horror we witness all the senshi die I guess we couldn’t take that so we died as well.” The room got silent as the two girls took in the story they were just fed while the generals looked at them. Lita looked at Nephrite and sighed. ‘Should I believe them?’ Author's Note: Well what do you think? And I need help. Should I let Lita forgive nephrite right away or should I make her think about it. Hurry if you want the next part! I'm really stuck ^_^;;