My Fanart!

          Chichiri in SD
          Chichiri peeks over a fence with a cheerful pipe of, "No da!" Wouldn't believe he's the oldest of that crazy group, wouldja?

          Chichiri Hugging Tasuki
          YAOI! Chichiri is hugging Gen-chaaaaan!. Just a note... Genrou is NOT that short!! Believe me, I should know. ~_^

          Why, it's me! Hehehe... I must admit, my pure white hair is sooooo pretty. I'm not vain, I just know a good look when I see one!! ~_^

          Playing in the Snow
          Gen-chan and I love to play in the snow! Of course, Kouji does too, but I don't think he likes being the snowman...

          That beautiful boy, the cross-dressing Nuriko. I have to admit, he's WAY too pretty to be a boy... He's prettier than me. ;_;

          Happy Birthday, Chichiri!
          Nuri-chan, Gen-chan, Kouji, and I decided to bake Chichiri a birthday cake! Of course... it would help if any of us knew how to cook! In any case, happy birthday to our favorite monk! (Chichiri's birthday is May 21st.)

          Faye... In A Dress?!
          Don't get me wrong, Nuri-chan, I like the look, but it's just not me. Lookit, I actually look FEMININE in this pic!!! It's just... SO not me. >_<

          Nuriko-chan Colored
          Gods, this pic took three f'king days to color! Oh well, it was worth it. Always a woman... Nuriko-chan, in color! Isn't he pretty?!

          Asleep Together
          YAOI! Damn, why do these two have to be so cute together?! And so... oh my. I'll just be over here now...

          Me?! Scared?! Surely you jest! Of course... considering Eiken was involved, I'm not surprised. o_O

          A picture of me from a fanfic in production! It's me pleading with Tasuki to believe me... but what for? Read it when it's posted to find out!

          Rose Tattoo
          Me with a pretty rose tattoo! Ok, not really a tattoo, actually henna art. But still, it's PRETTY! I had long hair then... damn Gen-chan and that red hair dye! >_<

          ChibiJaime's Road Trip OR Chichiri's Problem
          YAOI! During two and a half hours sitting at a dead stop in traffic on my way home from Tennessee, this comic forumulated. Just general insanity, folks, from yours truly!

          Oh... deary me... this would be me and Kou-chan in an... aheh... a... very... compromising situation. My goodness, he must've been drunk! Seriously! ...aheh. ^^;

          Wai Couple!
          YAOI! Tasuki and Chichiri, cuddling! And... nude?! o.O Don't worry, nothing is shown on either of them below the waist. ^^;;

          Boredom Takes Over the Artist's Mind
          Pic of Nuriko seen previously, and pic of me previously seen. Edited to where we're standing together. Kawaii, ne? ^-^

          Manga-ish 14-year-old Faye and 15-year-old Genrou
          Bweeeeee! Heh, don't I look so casual there? Poor Gen-chan... Kou-chan used to pick on him so much! ^^;

          Faye Casting an Ice Spell
          @_@ This pic took so long to color! Hidoi! Despite all that, though, I like how it came out. May recolor it later, though.

          Fun With KiSS Dolls!

          Emperor in A Bandit's Clothes!
          Hey, Hotohori-sama! What're ya doin' wearin' Gen-chan's clothes?! No reason I'm asking, but you look good in them. ^_^;;

          High Kickin' Action Man!
          Tamahome kicks! Literally! I liked this pic, it looks like he's protecting Miaka-chan, what with his symbol glowing and all.

          Others' Art

          Loveable Monk
          Chichiri smiling! I love this picture, he just looks to happy for a guy with such a bad life. Drawn by Priestess Minerva.


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