Beautiful Emperor and Handsome Princess:
          A Shrine to Hotohori and Nuriko

          Aren't they sweet?!

          Well, here's the fun part... Yes, this is dedicated to the YAOI couple of Hotohori and Nuriko!

          Why do I think they're so great? Why am I so odd to have these two go together? Hotohori loves Miaka, doesn't he?

          This may be true, but this doesn't mean Hotohori-sama and Nuri-sama are straight.

          In my own personal opinion, they're bi. But why won't Hotohori say anything...?

          The answer to this is simple, my friends! Hotohori's the emperor of Konan-koku. It's kinda his job to produce an heir to the throne, so why in the world would he admit to being bi? More to the point, why would he admit his love for Nuriko, who obviously has affections towards him...?

          As for Nuriko... yes, he does fall in love with Miaka, but that doesn't exactly make him straight. If he gave up 'being a man' just for the sake of Hotohori, I think he's got somethin' goin'!!

          In any case, I think this couple is a lovely pairing. Must find pics now... x_@ IMAGE GALLERY NECESSARY!


          Hotohori/Nuriko Fanclub