"Love, Me"
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          A series of letters between Tasuki and Chichiri, probably taking place after Miaka, Yui, and Tamahome return to the world outside the book.

          Dear Chichiri,

          Hey! Genki desu ka? You know I've missed you, it's been so long... We've gotta get together sometime. Go drinking together! Kouji's always with Faye now, so we don't do that much. Whataya say?


          Dear Tasuki, no da,

          Genki desu, no da! I'd be happy to see you again sometime, but unfortunately, working here with Taiitsukun has taken a great deal away from any social life I might have had, no da. I'll try to get some days off, no da. See you then, no da!

          Me (Da!)


          Dear Chichiri,

          Damn, must be tough. Of course, headin' a bunch of bandits ain't so easy either. Hope those Nyan Nyans aren't annoyin' ya too much. Been a long day, as Faye and Kouji just announced they wanna get married now. It's gettin' lonely here...



          Dear Tasuki, no da,

          I can't help but be very happy for them, no da! Faye and Kouji make a very cute couple, no da. I do feel bad, though, that you're stuck all alone, no da! I got a few days off from Taiitsukun-sama, by the way, no da. We should be seeing each other soon, no da.

          Me (Da!)


          Dear Chichiri,

          The wedding went off without a hitch. Those two make the happiest couple... I'm sure that if Hakurou had been there, he woulda loved to see Faye's smiling face. She looked so great. In any case, you're coming?! I can't wait to see ya! Keep in touch!



          Dear Tasuki, no da,

          I'm glad things went okay, no da. I prayed for a good day for them to wed on for several nights, no da. I guess it worked, no da! I'll drop by soon, no da. Just a few more days, and we'll be seeing each other again, no da! Until then, take care, no da.

          Me (Da!)


          Dear Chichiri,

          I wish I was the kinda man who didn't get impatient, but trust me, it's not because I'm mad! I really miss you. Can't wait to see you again! I hope you haven't forgotten anything we promised! Wo ai ni! When are you going to be here?



          Dear Tasuki, no da,

          Look behind you.

