
          A makeover usually isn't much, but when it comes to the snow-white haired bandit Faye, it's a huge accomplishment!

          Looks like things just got a whole lot funnier...


          "C'mon, Faye!" Nuriko was standing with his back to Kouji and Tasuki, hands on his hips, tapping his foot. "You look wonderful, now come out here and let them see you!"

          Both the other bandits stood at attention as Nuriko stepped away from the door. There stood Faye, her thick white hair shining as her bright green eyes glittered through the ivory locks. but their real shock was her outfit. Accented sharply by one of Nuriko's elegant kimonos, her petite figure was even more noticable.

          The kimono was white with blue trim and was made of the finest silk, embroidered with pale blue lilies. Every color danced vibrantly, and both the bandits stared, mouths agape.

          Faye blushed.

          "What're you two starin' at?!"

          "Ohmigod, Faye!!" Tasuki suddenly proclaimed. "You're a girl!"

          Faye was the only one left standing, as Nuriko and Kouji had facefaulted. However, the femme bandit now sported an eyebrow tick and a sweatdrop before she yelled at him.

          "BAKA!! You've known I'm a woman for TWO F'KING YEARS!!" she yelled.

          "Well, you actually look feminine right now!"

          A few minutes later, outside, Chichiri looked up from fishing to find a battered and screaming Tasuki flying overhead.

          Inside, Nuriko and Kouji were watching in shock as Faye, quite pleased with herself, walked off.

          "She's strong..." Nuriko forced a chuckle.

          "That she is," Kouji stated, rubbing the back of his head with a nervous grin. "That... she is."
