Shrine to the Cackling Wonder!

          (Tomo speaks in twilight blue, Faye speaks in rose... anything else is ChibiJaime)

          Event hough I usually run this page, I just can't stand Tomo! So, I'll leave it up to ChibiJaime to run this part! Enjoy!

          *long pause*

          *a hyper looking chibi girl walks up* Welcome one, welcome all! This is a strange little part of this page, is it not? Welcome to the Shrine of the Cackling Wonder! I am ChibiJaime, Ruo Chuin no Aikouka! Yes, yes, I know... Tomo's as freaky as they come! But he's COOL! Please understand, this does not diminish my affection for any of the Suzaku Seishi or any of the cooler Seiryuu Seishi... but STILL! In any case, I'm building this because he's cool... Not as cool as some other charas, but the guy DOES deserve his own shrine, and...

          *just his face from the shadows* CJ-chan, get on with it.



          Anyhoo... Tomo, with your command, we shall continue with the shrine.


          Laugh, koibito!

          *pause, funnily disgusted look at being called 'koibito' by the girl, before he regains his bearings* Oh. *clears his throat dramatically* KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!

          *goes all starry eyed* ...okay, continuing. First things first, I'd like to say that aside from being Tomo's loyal Aikouka, I'm also a loyal Tomo no Zealot!

          Tomo no Zealot!

          At least there are some people who appreciate my hard work and dedication.

          *goes starry eyed* Such a bish... *normal, coughcough* Aaaaaanyhoo... here's some general info on our wonderful psycho!

          Real Name: Ruo, Chuin
          Age: 21
          Birthday: October 13
          Sign: Libra
          Bloodtype: AB
          Symbol: Root
          Location: Lower right pelvic area
          Height: 184 cm {that's 6 ft.}
          Powers: Illusion spell using his Kai,Shin {kai=clam}
          History: He was abandoned as a small child & raised by a dancer who gave him the name "Chuin". Chuin danced in the streets, learning the trade from his adoptive father, until he was old enough to enter an Opera. He is shy, but that doesn't stop him from pursuing his hobby! Hobby: He likes to tease cute men!

          Lower... right... pelvic area...? *wipes away drool*

          I'm unique.

          Very. *_*

          But I'm shy. *^_^*

          ...shy?! You?!

          I am!

          Poor baby! Well, then, here's the pictures!

          Tomo Without Makeup
          Ah, the bishiest pic there is of him!

          Vain Much?
          You and Hotohori-sama are so vain...
          A member of Chinese opera must look superb at all times.

          Confoozled Tomo
          ...Well, this is interesting. Puzzled much?

          Full View!
          Full body... *droooooooooooool* You're so gorgeous, Tomo-chan!

          SD Anime Tomo!
          Oh, now this is too cute...
          I'm not sure if I should be honored by that...

          Manga SD Tomo!
          I have two SD Tomo faces! Luck-y!
          *just sweatdrops*

          Random Acts of Boredom
          A 'translation' of a page from the FY manga. Please keep in mind, Watase Yuu did NOT write this!
          O_O I should say not!!

          Well, I have four Tomo sounds.

          It's about time.

          Well, Tomo-chan, not everyone realizes your bishiness!

          (The first three were recorded by me, but their quality isn't all that great. They're really soft. All are from the Fushigi Yugi Bus Trip! The third one I found elsewhere!)

          Tomo's Sarcasm
          "The producer's cheap. Kakakakaka!"

          Take A Break!
          "'You have worked hard for the last year. Please relax at the hot springs. From Bandai, Shogakukan, TX, Movic.' How wonderful!"

          Poor Tomo! ^-^;;
          "That's right. What's this, 'Kakaka the homo'? And these are that cross-dressers words."

          The Cackle
          What else? Tomo's cackle!

          By the mind... The Cackling Tomo Fanclub is a great page for Tomo fans to visit! Why don't you drop by?

          The Cackling Tomo Fanclub!

          A fanclub for me? I am honored.

          That's all we have for now! Tomo-chan, you're so hard to find pictures of!

          It's only because no camera is capable of capturing my glory.

          Don't we all know it? Ja ne, minna-sama! ^-^