Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Chapter 3

Hiei Minamino-chan

  Kurama opened his eyes when the first streak of sunshine warmed his face with its gentle warmth. Kurama straightened up and widened his eyes when he saw a baby Hiei next to him. But that’s when the stroke of consciousness hit him. He remembered yesterday’s event and sighed. Something must be done. Hiei can’t be in this form forever. And he has school tomorrow. Who will take care of this boy while he’s out? Those questions kept ringing in his head.

  He took a last glance at Hiei and slipped on his slippers, making his way to the bathroom. He splashed some water on his face and slightly wet his hair to comb it into place. His green eyes sparkled like gems and he smiled to himself. He decided that he was indeed pretty.

  He brushed his teeth, washed his face and took a simple bath. Then he slipped on his bathrobe and walked back to his bed. “Rise and shine, Hiei-koi,” Kurama tapped lightly on Hiei’s fluffy cheek. A small baby groan was heard and Hiei turned around, facing his back to Kurama. Kurama sighed. Hiei would always be Hiei. The redhead shook his head.

  Kurama carefully push away the blankets and picked up Hiei. His diapers were heavy. “Hah! You peed in your pants, Hiei!” Kurama teased the baby boy. Hiei immediately opened his eyes. Though it was still heavy of sleep, the demon was able to frown.

  “Oh okay… okay… I was just trying to wake you up,” Kurama smiled and kissed Hiei’s nose.

  Kurama put Hiei on the sink counter and strapped open the diaper. It was full of pee. Wet. Kurama checked Hiei’s ass for rashes and found nothing. “Good boy, you don’t have rashes,” Kurama smiled and threw the dirty diaper into the bin. Hiei was given a simple bath in the sink and he was dried with a towel. Kurama took a fresh diaper and a few baby wipes to wipe Hiei’s under.

  After all’s done, Kurama carried Hiei to the living room. “Hmm, maybe I should take the morning paper first,” Kurama headed towards the front door and picked up an issue of the morning paper. He walked back inside and made hot chocolate while having Hiei in his left arm.

  Kurama sat down and opened the paper. He scanned the pages for something interesting. Hiei kept squashing the paper. “Hiei, not the paper,” Kurama hugged Hiei while read something about a local park.

  “Tadaima!” a holler was heard. Kurama smiled. “Okaeri yo kaasan!” but the he blinked. :…Now, what story for Hiei? …: he tried to think. Shiori came into the kitchen and smiled. “Shuuichi-kun… having your breakfast?” Shiori asked, still didn’t saw the baby. “Umm… not yet kaasan,” Kurama answered. “Ii wa yo… I bought some breakfast… ah! A baby? Whose is it?” Shiori asked as she smiled at Hiei.

  Hiei opened his mouth and opened his arms. Shiori smiled and reached out to hold Hiei. “Oh he’s so cute… Whose is it, Shuuichi?” Shiori asked. “Mine,” Kurama decided to tell the truth.

  Shiori widened her eyes. “Shuuichi! When…! When did you…” Kurama laughed. “No… no kaasan! Not like that!” Kurama chuckled. “I mean, someone left it out at our doorstep yesterday. So I thought if there’s nobody who wants him. I want him,” Kurama smiled. :… It’s so nice to tell out your feeling in the open innocently …:

  Shiori looked at Hiei with doubt in her eyes. “Are you sure we should keep it?” Shiori asked, but her doubt immediately went away as she saw Hiei’s bright red eyes and fluffy cheeks. “Please kaasan,” Kurama pleaded. Shiori nodded. “He’s so cute. He would grow up to be a fine young man,” Shiori smiled.

 “How did you know it’s a boy?” Kurama asked. “I am a mother. I know,” Shiori smiled and turned to the right. “Hmm… good thing I bought some mashed potatoes,” She opened her bag of food. “Come,” she picked up a spoonful and asked Hiei to open wide.

  “Aaaahh…” Hiei’s mouth was wide. “Why wasn’t he like that when I fed him?” Kurama asked, partially annoyed. Shiori chuckled. “Maybe he’s still not used to a boy-mother,” she joked. Kurama sighed.

  “Ah, kaasan…?” Kurama asked. “Yes, Shuuichi?” she looked at her beautiful son. “I have school tomorrow. So is it possible that you take care of him for the time being?” he asked. Shiori frowned. Maybe she could ask Kazuya for a few days off. She nodded. “Mochiron!” she smiled. “It has been a while since we got a baby in the house,” Shiori smiled.

  “I’m going out later to bring Hiei to Yuusuke’s,” Kurama said. “Hiei?” Shiori asked. Kurama gulped. “Emm… I mean, I like calling him Hiei. Sounds cute and it suits him well, don’t you think so?” he asked with bright eyes. Shiori looked at Hiei and smiled. “Of course,” she nodded. “Hiei Hatanaka?” Shiori asked. Kurama shook his head. “Minamino,” he insisted. Shiori frowned. “But…” Kurama shook his head again. “I found him, he’s my son… so he should be named after my surname,” Kurama insisted.

  Shiori sighed. If her son was to look at it that way, it should be okay; though she had some doubts in it. “Well… it should be okay I think,” Shiori agreed.

  Kurama folded the paper and smiled. “You understands me the best,” he beamed. Shiori smiled. She loved seeing her son smile with pure happiness like that.
  Kurama took Hiei to his room later and opened the closet. “Euh… you’re wet,” Kurama poked Hiei’s wet and squishy diaper. He carried the boy into the bathroom and changed his diaper. They came back out after 10 minutes. Hiei just had to play with the tap and made the whole bathroom flooded until he was satisfied. “Well… you’re wearing lavender colored clothes today,” Kurama told Hiei as he took out Hiei’s clothes. He slipped those baby suits on Hiei and smiled. Hiei looked so cute.

  He carried the boy in his arms and hugged him lovingly. “I will always love you, Hiei,” Kurama said softly. Hiei raised his head and looked at Kurama. He moved forward and their lips smacked together. Kurama smiled. “You’re so cute ^_^,” he chuckled happily.

  Kurama took the baby into the sun and Hiei winced his eyes as those stinging rays of sun hit his eyes. Kurama rearranged his position so that the sun’s ray won’t reach Hiei’s eyes. “Now, better?” he asked the baby. Hiei blinked once and smiled, showing his baby teeth. Kurama kissed his nose and once again muttered the phrase “You’re so cute”.

  He reached Genkai’s place and found out that Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Koenma were already there. “Sorry a bit late, Hiei had to make trouble in the bathroom,” he smiled innocently. Koenma nodded and smiled at Kurama, then at Hiei. Hiei opened his mouth, smiling and showed his baby teeth at Koenma. The young god was astonished. He didn’t knew Hiei could pull such a cute stunt, making his bad mood run away.
  Kuwabara patted Hiei’s head. “Oh baby, can I hold you?” He opened his arms at Hiei. Kurama handed Hiei over to Kuwabara and Hiei jumped slightly on the guy’s lap. “He just loves to step on you even in baby form, doesn’t he?” Yuusuke teased. Kuwabara had a sweatdropped and hit Yuusuke right on the head. “Meanie!” he bellowed. Yuusuke laughed and winked at Hiei.
  Kurama smiled and looked at Genkai who was looking at Hiei. “Any cures?” she asked. Kurama shook his head. “Not yet, I was hoping that you might be able to help,” Kurama said softly. Genkai shook her head. “Yuusuke told me everything about it. This might be just a mistake. I’m sure that the youkais who were responsible for this thing will straighten it up for you. It’s just time that’s mattered here,” she said. “Youkais? How do you know they’re more than one of them?” Kurama asked. Genkai smiled.

  “Youkais that are able to play with magic spells are usually small youkais. And small youkais live in a group of two or more in order to survive,” she smiled. Kurama nodded. This woman was really something.

  Kurama’s eyes drifted to Hiei when he picked that exact time to slip from Kuwabara’s lap and fell hitting the ground flat on the head. He started to choke and cry. Kuwabara tried to get Hiei up as Kurama’s eyes widen in horror and he rushed over to get Hiei from Kuwabara.

  He carried the baby, patting it softly. “Yukina! Get some ice and a cloth,” Genkai ordered. Yukina nodded and immediately went to get some ice cubes and a cloth. Yuusuke hit Kuwabara. “You idiot! Why did you let Hiei fall!?” he snapped. “I didn’t know he was going to slip so easily!” “A baby is not even half as stabled as you, baka!” Yuusuke scolded the boy.

  Hiei was screaming his lungs out. “Kura… ma…ma……” he whined. Kurama’s eyes were watery. “I‘m sorry Hiei, I’m so sorry… poor baby,” he sat down and put Hiei on his lap, checking his head. It had a bump, which was slowly turning into a bluish black one. “Inari-sama… wait for a while okay, Hiei? Yukina-chan is getting the ice here,” he kissed Hiei’s forehead. His voice, panicked. Hiei was trying to reach up and touch the painful bump on his head, crying some more.

  Yukina rushed into the room with a basin of ice and a cotton cloth. She put the ice into the cloth and handed it to Kurama. “Here,” she said. Kurama took the ice pack and gently put it on Hiei's bump. The baby screamed louder.

  Kurama winced. It hurts him so much to hear Hiei shout like that. When he was sure that the bump wouldn’t grow anymore, he took a seed from his hair and squashed it in between his fingers. When there’s some liquid coming out of it, he gently rubbed it on Hiei’s bump. He then took another seed and popped it inside Hiei’s mouth. Everyone looked at Kurama silently. As the clock ticked second by second, Hiei felt drowsy and closed his eyes.

  Kurama sighed. At least Hiei stopped crying and the drug was taking effect.

  Yuusuke smiled. Kurama loved Hiei so much it was shown in that particular episode like crystal to everyone. Yukina took out a futon and Kurama laid the sleeping Hiei on it. Yukina smiled and ran her fingers through Hiei’s hair and touched his fluffy cheeks.

  The brotherly feeling was still there.

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