Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Chapter 5

Hiei is 5


 A few days past by. Kurama had gotten Shiori to agree that Hiei was to sleep with him in the night. It was easy considering that Hiei cried whenever left alone without Kurama by his side other that when the boy went to school. Kurama even had a raise in pocket money. He was beginning to digest with having a baby to tend to.

  It was a bright Friday. Everyone was supposed to go to Kurama’s house to see the baby.

  “I’m so excited. How would a baby Hiei-san look like, Kazuma-san?” asked Keiko. “He’s so cute!” Kuwabara smiled. “Sou desu ne?” Keiko beamed. Yukina smiled and nodded in agreement. “I bet he must be small and cuddly,” Keiko sighed dreamily. “Are you sure? I still think it’s just the smaller version of Hiei with an evenly bad temper,” Botan was anxious. “He’s nice,” Kuwabara assured them. Yuusuke nodded. “I want someone like him in the future,” he nudged Keiko playfully.

 A frying pan came out of nowhere to hit his head.

  ‘Chii… chii…’

  The doorbell rang. Kurama who was with Hiei in the kitchen helping Shiori to prepare some tea and snacks smacked Shuuichi lightly and the boy rushed out to the door. “They’re coming!” Shuuichi-chan exclaimed. He likes it when his brother’s friends come over. They’re so cool. “Coming!” he hollered. The door opened and 7 people showed up with presents and cheers. “Hiei-chan!” they all exclaimed.

  Shuuichi laughed. “Hiei and oniichan is inside. Come in,” he smiled. The group nodded and went in.

  “Sit, sit,” Kurama smiled. The girls pinched Hiei slightly before sitting down on the couch. “He’s so cute,” Botan whined. “I told you he’s cute,” Keiko smiled. Shuuichi closed the door.

  Hiei went red and snuggled up against Kurama’s shoulder.

  “Cool, ne? We’re having a small party for our guest of the week! Chibi-Hiei!” Shuuichi announced. Hiei went redder and tugged on Kurama’s sidelocks.

  Shuuichi bought out the food. They had potato chips, dips, French fries, coke, sausages, ice cream and more junk food. “This is all Shuuichi’s idea,” Kurama laughed. “Time to break the diet rules Botan,” Keiko laughed. Botan nodded.

  Yukina sat next to Kurama. “Hello Hiei-san. You are so cute! Can I hold you?” she opened her hands for Hiei. “He doesn’t allow anyone except Kurama to hold him if Kurama’s around,” Kuwabara smiled. “It’s because he can’t stand you,” Yuusuke laughed. “Well, if that’s the case, he can’t stand you too, baka!” Kuwabara laughed back at Yuusuke.

  Hiei turned to look at Yukina, then Kurama. He gave Kurama a final hug and opened his arms at Yukina. Yukina held Hiei and kissed Hiei. The latter blushed slightly and reached out back for Kurama. “Oh look. He’s all red,” Atsuko ruffled Hiei’s hair as Kurama gain hold of the boy.

  “Will it work?” was the question that the blue little youkai asked. “We won’t know until we try,” answered the pink one. “It better be. I don’t want Kurama to be upset and when Mukuro-sama hears about this…” both shook their heads. “I don’t want to think further,” both of them uttered in unison. Cold sweat appeared to wet their delicate features.

  “Just leave it together with the note at the door. We’ll come back tomorrow to check if it works,” suggested the pink youkai. “If it doesn’t?” asked the blue youkai. “Then we’ll have to work on a working one,” was the answer, then it looked at the note. “You wrote this?” it asked, the blue one nodded. “Took me hours to do so,” it smiled. “The calligraphy is nice,” the pink one gave the latter a kiss. “Arigatou,” the blue one turned a little purple. *blush*


  Yuusuke looked up from his French fries and magazine. “The doorbell?” he asked. Kurama nodded as he pulled away the coke from Hiei’s gaping mouth. Hiei reached out for the drink. “No, no Hiei… not too much,” Hiei blinked and snuggled up against Kurama refusing a French fries from the redhead.

  Yuusuke made his way to the door and opened it. He frowned and looked to the left, then to the right. “No one’s here,” he hollered inside. Kurama frowned. “The floor Yuusuke!” he called after the boy.

  Yuusuke glanced down to the doorstep, there was a small bag with a note attached to it. He bent down and picked it up.

  “Something for you I guess,” Yuusuke shut the door and walked in. “Read it,” Kurama told Yuusuke. “Something from Kurama’s fans?” Kuwabara asked. Yuusuke shrugged and sat down, opening the folded note.

  “…We are sorry for what happened to Hiei-san. It was our fault. Please don’t be angry. With this note is the antidote. We will come and check. If it doesn’t work, we’ll work on another one. Sorry and please don’t be angry with us…”

  Kurama blinked after Yuusuke read. Kuwabara peeped at the note. “The calligraphy’s nice though,” he commented.

  Keiko took the small leather pouch and looked inside. There were sparkling dusts inside. “It’s worth the try,” she smiled. Kurama shook his head. “What if it doesn’t work? What if it turns Hiei into something worse?” Kurama asked.

  Shiori came out with Shuuichi. “Is everything alright?” she asked. They all nodded. “Hai, obasan,” they smiled. “Is it so? Well, Shuuichi and I are heading for the mall. Anything for Hiei-chan?” she asked Kurama. The redhead shook his head. “I got everything for him already,” he smiled weakly. Shiori nodded. “Okay then, let’s go,” she walked out the door followed by Shuuichi.

   All of them were in silence after Shuuichi and Shiori went out of the door.

  “There’s another thing that I worry about even if this thing worked,” Kurama sighed. “What is it?” Yuusuke asked. Kurama turned to look at the dark green hair boy. “What would I tell kaasan if Hiei-chan isn’t here anymore?” He then looked into the eyes of the baby boy in his arms. Baby Hiei had a small frown on his forehead.

  Yukina inched closer and ruffled Hiei’s hair softly. “Shimpai suru na, Kurama-san. I am sure the thing will work. And Hiei-san will be back into the Hiei-san we know in no time ^_^,” her words were always comforting to the ears and heart.

  Kuwabara smiled. “Ganbarun da yo, Kurama!” he patted Kurama’s back. Yuusuke looked at the powder in the pouch. It was sparkling slightly. “You suppose to just sprinkle it on him?” Yuusuke pondered aloud. Kurama nodded. “Maybe so. That’s how spell powders work,” Kurama looked at Hiei. “If anything should happen, I will always love you,” Kurama hugged his baby boy. Keiko smiled. Their love was pure. It was so romantic; she sighed dreamily.

  Kurama put Hiei on the table and stripped him. “What are you doing, Kurama?” Atsuko asked, her eyes twitching. “Well, in case the powder works, wouldn’t the baby jumper and diaper tear? It’s better this way,” Kurama smiled.

  “Kurama-san, if it works, I don’t think Hiei-chan would like to be naked in front of all of us,” Botan sweatdropped. Kurama smiled. “I’m giving him mine,” he took off his checkered button down shirt and put it on baby Hiei.

  Kurama kissed the baby. “Good luck itoshii,” he winked at Hiei. The baby boy reached out to tug on Kurama’s hair. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here watching you grow,” Kurama soothed the baby youkai. Hiei sighed and blinked, waiting for what was going to happen to him next.

  Yuusuke opened the pouch fully and turned the bag upside down on top of Hiei. The sparkling dusts fell on top of Hiei. It was a beautiful color prism of yellow, red and blue.

  Then as the powder spread evenly on top of Hiei’s scalp, there was this strange glow emitting itself from Hiei.

   A list of flowery curses was heard. “Is it Hiei-chan?” asked a voice who was Botan. Kurama shook his head. “Something’s wrong. He doesn’t sound like Hiei,” Kurama commented. “He swears like Hiei,” Kuwabara coughed. “All the smoke!” he coughed again. “This is fog, you moron,” Yuusuke sighed and cleared the fog with his hand.

  “You get your Hiei alright. But I don’t think this is the one we wanted,” Yuusuke frowned. Kurama reached up to fan off the fog but there was something stopping him by holding his wrist. “Clear the smoke, could you?” requested the voice. Kurama blinked. He gripped the hand that was holding his own and dragged it out of the fog.

  In front of him was a 5-year old boy who resembled Hiei very much. Still those same big red eyes and a small yet foul mouth. “At least you grew,” Kurama smiled and hugged Hiei.

  Hiei frowned and pushed Kurama away. “Emm… what do you think you’re doing?” he asked. “Trying to kill me?” that was sarcastic. Kurama blinked. “Err… sorry Hiei,” Kurama turned to look at Yuusuke with searching eyes. :… You’re right… this isn’t the Hiei I wanted …:

“The thing didn’t work. But at least Hiei’s older,” Kurama smiled.

  “Ne, Kuramama… onaka ga sukimashita yo,” Hiei pouted. Kurama nodded. “Hungry, are we? Now you can drink as much coke as you want. There are also chips and food,” Kurama tried to reach for the boy’s hand. But before he could do anything, Hiei was already crouching next to the table drinking Coke.
  Everyone was looking at the 5-year old Hiei after the fog disappeared. “Kawaii!” Botan squeaked. “You’re so cute,” Yukina chuckled. Hiei blinked. Kurama sat down and reached out for his glass of coke which was near to empty. The redhead refilled the glass of coke and sipped some out of it. He leaned against the sofa watching Hiei who was munching slowly on a handful of fries. Kurama drank again from the glass. Every pair of eyes was on Hiei, he realized.

  “Kuramama? Why are they looking at me like that?” it looked like Kurama wasn’t the only one who was aware of that fact. “Hiei calling Kurama ‘Kuramama’ is just so cute,” Atsuko giggled at Botan. The later nodded affirmatively.
  Kuwabara smiled. “Hey Hiei! Wanna go get some ice-cream?” the big guy asked. Hiei blinked. “Ice-cream sounds yummy. But I don’t think Kuramama will like it if I ate ice-cream before dinner,” Hiei drank his drink. Kuwabara shrugged. “We can always go tomorrow. With Yukina-chan ^_^,” Kuwabara seemed to be attracted to kids.

  Hiei looked at Kurama for answers. Kurama closed his eyes. “Tomorrow’s fine,” he nodded. Hiei smiled. “That’s nice! I want a double fudge orange cream with cookies,” his smile was broad. Kuwabara nodded. “Anything for a cute boy like you!” Yukina smiled. She was happy to be around happy people.

  Kuwabara took out a pack of cards. “Wanna learn how to play poker, Hiei?” Kuwabara asked mischievously. Hiei nodded. “Yeah!” he exclaimed. Keiko knocked Kuwabara on the head with her handbag. “You’re being a bad influence to the kid,” she snorted. “Yeah, Kurama’s going to get mad at you,” Botan nodded.

  “It’s okay… as long as it’ll keep him happy,” Kurama sighed. Then he got up. “Yuusuke can I have a minute with you?” he asked. Yuusuke nodded. “Mochiron,” he followed the redhead to the door. “Kuramama! Where are you going?” Hiei asked when he realized that Kurama was heading for the door.

  Kurama turned and smiled. Any sane girl would be drop-dead by now. “Nowhere Hiei. Just outside to show Yuusuke my new flowers,” he lied. His smile was sad, but he tried his best to smile for his little lover. Hiei nodded and turned around to his pack of cards Kuwabara dealt.

  Yuusuke shut the door behind him. “Are you okay?” he asked the redhead, concerned.

  Kurama let out big sigh to the sunset. He slowly shook his head. “As much as I wanted to be, I’m afraid that I am not okay,” he closed his eyes and sat on the stairs. Yuusuke sat next to him and put an arm around the boy. He rested his head on Kurama’s shoulder. “I understand. I felt uneasy as well, seeing Hiei like this. And I know it must be harder for you to find that your lover is a third the age he should be and totally forgotten about the love between you two and only treats you like a parent. I know how hard it is for you,” Yuusuke said slowly.

  Kurama’s eyes were hard. “I don’t understand why is this so hard for me to accept… It’s just that… that… Hiei was so… he never pushed me away when I gave him a hug…” Yuusuke looked at the redhead. “Why don’t you cry out then? It’ll make you feel better,” Yuusuke smiled. “I’m a Youko… I don’t cry for these small mushy things,” Kurama smiled bitterly, regretted that he couldn’t easily shed tears. If it really could make him feel better, why couldn’t he do just that?

  All his life, he had never cried for silly things. Why should he start now?

  “You’re now part human. Humans have feelings Kurama. And feelings help us to be strong. I’m sure you know how powerful ‘feelings’ could be, right?” Yuusuke smiled. Kurama sighed. “My tear glands are stuck. Thanks anyway Yuusuke. Anyway, I asked you out here to ask you something. A favor actually,” Kurama opened his brilliant green emerald gems.

  “Shot away,” Yuusuke straightened up. “I have school tomorrow. And you know Hiei’s in this state. My kaasan and tousan have work, my step-brother would be in school, so that leaves no one at home to take care of Hiei,” Kurama bit his lips.

  “Do you think it’s wise to bring him along to school?” The redhead inquired. Yuusuke closed his eyes. “If you really want your school to turn into charcoal. Of course,” he smirked sarcastically. “I know… but…”

  “Kurama… as you can see, Hiei needs attention 24 hours a day. He needed something to keep him busy enough not to think of a mischief to be done with,” Yuusuke started. Kurama nodded. “Then where should we leave him?” he asked.

  Both were silent for a while.


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