Standard disclaimers apply. Thanks to Yoshihiro Togashi for coming up 
with these magnificent characters. None of these are mine, not the 
characters obviously. Don’t sue me… no money… not making money… just 
sharing a piece of my brains with everyone. ^_^; 

Storyline might be bad, and grammar might be wrong… hey whaddaya expect 
from a 16 year old fan? Haha… alright… enough with rambling and 

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


    				 Karasu Came Back		

Part Three

	Kurama wanted to get out of the house. He wanted to run away, 
wanted time to think. Then suddenly the image of Karasu came into his 
mind. :… Karasu… no, I can’t go out there… he could find me easily out 
there …: Kurama warned himself. So, he decided to cook. Shiori would be 
back sometime soon. :… At least cooking could release your mind from 
tension, Kurama …: he told himself.

	Yukina hummed softly. The fat robins were chirping happily and 
jabbing lightly on Yukina’s palm. Yukina smiled. "You little birds… 
Maybe, I would wish I want to be like you last time… but now, I had 
found my brother… I think I like what I am now better," she said to the 
bird and chuckled softly at a robin who accidentally fell as a fatter 
one pushed it off her hand.

	Yukina heard footsteps, light footstep. No one else would have a 
soft and graceful footsteps other than his one and only beloved brother. 
"Hiei-oniisan!" she exclaimed happily as she turned around. The birds 
scattered all around. Hiei gave a her a microscopic smile. His little 
smile did not blend well with his expressions. Those dull and worried 

	"Hiei-san? What’s wrong?" she asked, brushing her hands on her 
blue kimono trotting over to Hiei. Hiei looked down on the ground. He 
had checked the whole place, not a single person was at the temple 
except Yukina. Maybe he could talk to her without any interruptions. 

	"I… I…," it seems so hard for Hiei to tell Yukina. He wasn’t 
really the type who likes to tell people his problems. Kurama himself 
would have to do a ‘lot’ of stuffs in order to dig out a tiny bit of 
self information from Hiei.

	Yukina put a hand on her brother’s shoulder and leaded him to the 
bench nearby. She could see that her brother was really depressed with a 
big problem as the ‘normal’ Hiei would just push her away, gently and 
say that he’s alright.

	"Come, tell it to me. Maybe I could be at any help," she coaxed 
her brother. Hiei looked at Yukina. Only Kurama would coax him like 
that. Well, maybe sometimes Kurama’s coax would be over the line but his 
coaxing were sure divine. 

	"Can you promise not to tell anyone? Especially that baka 
Kuwabara! Not even Yuusuke, Ok?" Hiei asked her assurance. Not that he 
didn’t trust his sister, but he just wanted assurance. Yukina smiled and 

	"I went to Kurama’s place before I came here," said Hiei, his eyes 
were pinned to the ground. He didn’t dare to look at his sister’s fair 
red eyes. "Em…," said Yukina, giving encouragement so that Hiei 
continued. "Well, he was covering his face when I got there," Hiei said. 
Yukina raised a brow. "I thought something was wrong so I called his 
name," said Hiei, then he stopped. 

	"Doozo… continue," she said. Hiei took a deep breath. "Well, he 
suddenly put his arms around me, tightly… seems that he was crying," 
told Hiei. Yukina thought for a while as Hiei took his little break. 
"Ah! It’s called a hug," said Yukina. Hiei shot his eyes at Yukina. "Who 
taught you that?" he demanded, eyes were burning with fire. Yukina let 
out a chuckle. "Kuwabara-kun…," then Yukina was cut off by Hiei. His 
eyes went flying open and he went berserk. "What!!? What did he do to 
you?!" demanded Hiei harshly, gritting his row of sharp little teeth. 
Yukina wriggled her fingers. "Shimpai suru na oniisan, I asked him that 
day when Keiko and Yuusuke were hugging. He didn’t do anything to me," 
explained Yukina. Hiei looked like he was going to burst and blow off 
Kuwabara’s head or so. Hiei snorted and leaned on the bench. He let out 
a heavy sigh. 

	"Well?" asked Yukina, an indirect request for Hiei to resume his 
little tale. "Umm… well… I pushed him away… a bit too hard I think," 
confessed Hiei. Yukina widened her eyes at her brother. Hiei was still 
having his eyes glued to the ground. "Nani? Why did you do that 
oniisan?" asked Yukina. Hiei shrugged. "What was his reactions?" asked 
Yukina. Hiei curled his lips. "He leaned on the wall with his legs up 
his chest, head down, and covered them with his arms, wrapped around his 
legs," told Hiei.

	"Hah!" exclaimed Yukina a little. "Oniisan, you’re being too hard 
on Kurama-san," said Yukina. Hiei was silent. Yukina turned the subject. 
"Well, do you know why was he crying in the first place?" asked Yukina. 
Hiei shook his head. "Hmm… why… there must be something… Hiei-san?" 
called Yukina. Hiei looked up at is sister. He cocked his head a little. 
"I think you should do something now," she told Hiei. "Nani?" asked 
Hiei. Yukina looked directly into Hiei’s eyes. "Go to him and tell him 
you’re sorry," she suggested. "No!" exclaimed Hiei. "Why?" wondered 
Yukina out loud. "He don’t want to see me," said Hiei softly, barely audible. "Nani?" asked Yukina, she leaned closer as she didn’t quite 
hear what Hiei was saying. "Before he walked out of the room, he said 
that he don’t to see me again," uttered Hiei a little louder. 

	"Oniisan, what do you think about Kurama-san?" asked Yukina. "Em?" 
Hiei didn’t understand her question. "What do you feel about Kurama-san? 
Do you love him?" asked Yukina. Hiei eyed her carefully. "Why?" asked 
Hiei. Yukina smiled. "Well, he loves you," she answered. "No he doesn’t," denied Hiei. "How do you know?" asked Yukina. "He didn’t told 
me that he loved me. He just told me and everyone around us that we’re 
just good friends. So what can I do?" asked Hiei. "Well, he told me that 
he likes you," said Yukina. "Well, maybe he is the only one who likes 
me. everyone here practically hates me, especially that baka, Kuwabara," 
snorted Hiei. "We all like you, I can assure you that Kuwabara-san 
doesn’t hate you… he was just acting… big," said Yukina. Hiei snorted 
"Ok then, everyone likes me, nothing big ne?" asked Hiei. 

	Yukina sighed. "Oniisan, he likes you in another way. Don’t you 
understand that?" asked Yukina. "Wakarimasu," said Hiei softly. "And do 
you?" asked Yukina. Hiei was silent. "Please oniisan, let me know," 
pleaded Yukina. "Ok, I do! But what’s the use, he won’t want to see me 
ever again," said Hiei, remembering those words in his head. Those 
painful words. 

	Yukina frowned. "You have to try," said Yukina. Hiei shook his 
head. "No," he insisted. Yukina let out a sigh. She stood up. She closed 
her eyes and focused on Kurama’s qi. Kurama is still at home. She 
reached for Hiei’s little hand, a little larger than her soft delicate 
ones. But still smooth and tough though. 

	Hiei looked up at her. "Come with me please," she told Hiei. 
"Where are we going?" asked Hiei. "To see Kurama-san," answered Yukina. 
Hiei was silent. Yukina left a note to Genkai and told her that she 
would be back later that day. 

	"I still think that this is a bad idea," mumbled Hiei. "Shimpai 
suru na, oniisan. Shinjiru ga kudasai," said Yukina, giving her brother 
a wink. Hiei sighed and followed her. She must follow the way that past 
through the park. Everyone was looking at the little turquoise-coloured 
hair girl in kimono, walking in front at boy in black, hand in hand. 
Hiei could see himself blushing with every stare he got from people 
around him. 

	When they reached Kurama’s home, Yukina smiled at her brother. 
"We’re here," she said. "I can see that," said Hiei, dryly. He looked around as he seldom used the front door as an entrance. Yukina called 
from outside. "Kurama-san! Kurama-san! Gomen kudasai!?" she shouted from 
outside. Hiei poked her shoulder. "There’s something in Ningenkai 
called a doorbell," said Hiei as he pointed at a button with a little 
bell carved on it. Yukina smiled sweetly. "Gomen ne," she apologised, 
but as she wanted to press the button, Kurama shouted from inside. 

        Yukina smiled. "Ready?" she asked. Hiei sighed and looked away. 

	Kurama opened the door. "Ah! Yukina-chan! Ohairi, ohairi," he made 
way. Yukina smiled sweetly and bowed. Kurama bowed back. "We came here 
to see you," said Yukina. "Ah, yoshi," said Kurama smiling back at the 
pretty girl, but his smile disappeared when the corner of Hiei’s eyes 
met his. Hiei was having his back on Kurama. 

        "Ikuzo oniisan," she pulled her brother too. Hiei was practically 
dragged in by Yukina. When they reached inside, Yuusuke and Kuwabara was 
also there. "AHHH!!! YUKINA-CHAN!!!" exclaimed Kuwabara as he jumped off 
the sofa and headed towards Yukina, but he met with Hiei’s fierce glare 
instead. Hiei was practically snarling at him. "Heh! I was greeting 
Yukina-chan, not you!" snorted Kuwabara. "Am I?" continued Kuwabara and 
gave his sweetest (or ugliest) smile he could produce from his oversized 
mouth, blinking his eyes violently. "Em? Is there something wrong with 
your eyes, Kazuma-san? I could check it for you," suggested Yukina. 
"Ah, no… nothing’s wrong," he told her with dreamy eyes. Yuusuke was 
practically holding back his laughs. Kurama was smiling wearily. 

To be continued…