Let's do the Disclaimer dance!!! *Ripped this off Kit-koi's quote!* Our 
favourite manga-ka Yoshihiro Togashi sama is responsible for most of 
the characters in this story. Other extras are just a passing image in 
my mind, Just use your imagination and imagine them whatever you like! 

Yaoi? June? Shonen-ai? Uke Seme? Slash? You guess! Yep! It's all here! 
No lemon scenes though. Umm… there is. It's the last part. But then 
again, I love to remind you that this story stands perfectly on it's 
own without the supportive LEMON scene. It's only for demented people 
like me. In General, it goes… 5 chapters + 1 LEMON chapter. Wakatta ne?

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


		The Way Destiny Talks, Is The Way We Obey.
 	               (A Triangle's Love Story)

           			Chapter 1

 	The bell rang, sign of another school's day end. Hatanaka 
Shuuichi was running like hell out the school gate. "Shuu-kun! Matte yo!" 
exclaimed a shrilly voice. He stopped on his tracks. "Nan da?" he 
asked, annoyed. A shy girl with her hair up in a pony tail smiled at 
him. He returned the smile, a half hearted one.

 	"Can you lend me your Chemistry notes?" she inquired. Shuuichi 
frowned. :… Shit! Chemistry notes! I haven't even thought about it! I'm 
suppose to pass up the notes tomorrow and then sit for a chemistry test! 
I'm going to die!! I didn't even open the book! …: he shouted 

 	"Umm… gomen ne… I, myself haven't done it yet," he told the girl, 
his mind running wild finding excuses to tell his brother hoping that 
he could help. 

 	Her face dropped. "Oh… daijobu," she smiled. Shuuichi shrugged. 
"Anyway, thank you for reminding me! Or else I'll be sent to the 
principle's office tomorrow!" he thanked the girl. She smiled broader 
and nodded.

 	Shuuichi ate lunch, bathed, changed his clothes and grabbed his 
chemistry text book along with a few other revision books, his notebook 
and his writing utensils. 

 	Shiori was sweeping the floor when she saw a tensed Shuuichi 
running up and down reaching for stuffs. "Shuu-chan? Daijobu ka?" she 
asked, concerned. Shuuichi nodded. "Daijobu kaasan, demo… I have to get 
niichan to help me study. I have a test tomorrow and I haven't even…," 
he paused for breath.

 	Shiori walked over and patted his back soothingly. "Now, now… 
relax… I'm sure Shuu-chan would help you. Shimpai suru na," she gave 
him a supportive smile. He hugged her and thanked her.

 	Shuuichi walked over his step-brother's room and peeped through 
the ajar door.

 	A redhead was studying on his desk. "Perfect, he's alone!" he 
exclaimed in a whisper. 

 	Shuuichi knocked on the door. Kurama's head snapped up. "Hairu 
yo," he replied from the inside as he slammed shut his book. Shuuichi 
smiled as he appeared in the room. Kurama, smiled back at him. "Now, 
your face tells me you're troubled," Kurama chuckled and stood up. He 
walked to the door and closed it behind them.

 	Shuuichi let go of the books in his hand and sighed heavily. "I'm 
doomed… You have to help me study with all this!" he groaned. Kurama 
narrowed his eyes and picked up a book in between the bundle. "Gay In 
Town?" he read it a loud. Shuuichi blinked and pulled it away from 
Kurama. "Now, how did that get there? hehe…," the boy giggled guiltily 
and threw it somewhere under Kurama's bed. Kurama shook his head. "You 
read gay magazines?" he asked, taking a seat on his futon.

 	"Hey, you don't suppose us…," then the sound of the window opening 
and closing interrupted Shuuichi's sentence. Kurama smiled. 
"Hiei," he said aloud. Shuuichi flipped. Hiei walked over to Kurama and 
stepped on some of Shuuichi's books which were scattered on the floor. 

 	"Hiei-san! My books!" exclaimed Shuuichi. Hiei blinked as he 
looked under his feet. Books were flat under his feet. He jumped 
lightly and landed on Kurama's side.

 	Shuuichi gave out a big sigh as he scooted and picked up his 
books. "Gomen Hiei-san… niichan is going to study with me the whole day 
today and you're not to suppose to interrupt us," he told the fire 
demon off. "I'm not interrupting," Hiei told the kid coolly, barely 
making it a problem. 

 	"Yes, you are! If you're here, niichan wouldn't pay full 
attention to me and I'll fail this test tomorrow!" he burst.

 	Hiei snorted. "It's your test. Not mine…," he said absent-
mindedly. Shuuichi flipped again. This 'friend' of his brother's is so 
annoying at times. 

 	 Kurama chuckled and reached out to pull Hiei so that the fire 
demon sat in between his legs. "Okay, okay, okay… I can help you study 
and Hiei can sit here if he wants. You guys don't have to fight," 
Kurama picked up a book and opened it.

 	Hiei squinted at the words in front of him. :… What a blur! …: he 
snorted inwardly. "Okay, from where should we start?" asked the ever-
willing to help Shuuichi Minamino.

 	"Hajimaru sa kara wa," Shuuichi smiled at his brother. Kurama 
blinked. "So much?"

 	Shuuichi nodded. "I've been busy," he uttered as he scribbled 
some notes. Kurama raised an eye brow. "Isogashii? Nan ni ka?" asked the 
curious fox. Shuuichi looked at his brother. "Ouu… I don't want to 
talk about it," he whined. 

 	"Okay, okay, okay… I geddit…," he gleamed teasingly at his little 

 	Kurama scanned the words for important notes. "This is too long… 
for notes, you can shorten it into… The three forms of particles are, 
atom, molecules, and ions. Make it in a graphic style. It'll be easier 
to read and more understandable," uttered Kurama. 



 	Shuuichi was busy scribbling notes and Hiei was getting tired by 
the time it gets dark. "You are not making him into someone like you," 
suddenly Hiei blurted out. Both Shuuichis looked at him. 

 	"I said… you're not spoiling your brother into someone like you. 
He'll die of overloading!" Hiei got up. Shuuichi blinked and flipped 
back the pages he had been writing on with Kurama sorting out the notes 
for him. :… 16 pages of chemistry notes already… warui jyanai yo! …: he 
thought proudly. 

 	"I'm not spoiling him, Hiei!" protested Kurama. "Yeah, anyway I'm 
finishing," said Shuuichi. Hiei walked over to Kurama's desk and tore 
out a piece of paper without even caring from where it came from. He 
took a pen and had fun with it. He scribbled some stuff on the paper and 
pleased himself at the image. 

 	A few moments later…

 	"Yatta ze!!! I'm done!" shouted Shuuichi and hugged his brother, 
giving him kisses. "I'll buy you lunch when I get an A for chemistry!" 
Kurama laughed. "Ganbatte yo!"

 	"Good, now go away," mumbled Hiei as he took off his cloak. 
Shuuichi pouted at this fire demon who was the same height as him. 

 	When Shuuichi closed the door behind him and locked it for them, 
he sprinted to the hall and saw his father. "Tousan! Genki ka?" he 
asked. "Hn… how's your life?" he asked. Shuuichi shrugged. "Sa… niichan 
had been helping me study for the chemistry test tomorrow," he told his 
father. "Honto ka?"

 	Shuuichi nodded. 

 	"Well… I have these three tickets… to the funfair by the park 
tonite. If you want, you can ask niichan and someone else to go with 
you two," Kazuya Hatanaka handed his son the tickets.

 	"Wow, sugoi!" he exclaimed. "I'll go tell niichan!" he said 
excitingly. Shuuichi stumbled up the stairs to tell his brother.

 	"Hiei… it goes like this… Yuusuke never said that he loves Keiko 
right?" Kurama told the fire demon as he arranged his books on the 
shelf. Hiei shrugged. "How should I know… maybe…" Kurama rolled his 
eyes. "Anyway, that's the way the love chemistry goes," Kurama tracked 
his way back to sit next to Hiei.

 	"Oh, Shuuichi was learning this rubbish," Hiei snorted. Kurama 
narrowed his eyes. "Why?" Hiei shook his head. "You were helping him 
with chemistry just now, right?" Hiei reasoned. Kurama laughed. "No, 
Hiei! That one was a different chemistry. That was the…" Kurama was 
interrupted by a knock. He sighed. "I'll tell you later," he chuckled as 
he stumbled to the door. 

 	"Ahh… Shuu-chan, nan da?" asked Kurama as he opened the door. "You 
again?" asked Hiei as the boy came in the room. The 13 year old boy was 
so excited as if he had manage to steal a valuable treasure from Makai.

 	"Guess what I got?" asked Shuuichi. Hiei rolled his eyes. "A 
life?" Hiei asked. Shuuichi jumped on Hiei, pinning him on the bed. 
"EEETT!! Wrong! I've got free tickets to the funfair!" he exclaimed. 

 	Then there it was… that brief second…

 	 Shuuichi blinked into the red rubies. He straightened himself and 
got off Hiei. He immediately set that happy smile again. "Ikuzo!" he 
exclaimed. Kurama walked over and took the tickets, scanning it.

 	"Who gave you this?" he asked. "Tousan," answered Shuuichi who 
walked over to Kurama's closet. He opened the neat and sweet smelling 
closet and scanned through the wardrobe. 

 	He smiled as he saw a yellow coloured jacket. "Can I borrow this? 
It's kind of cold outside," Kurama nodded. "Sure," he walked over to 
look over Shuuichi and took out a white coloured jacket and a red 
coloured one. 

 	"Shut the closet for me, would you?" he asked his brother. 
Shuuichi nodded. Kurama walked over to Hiei and wrapped the cute fire 
demon in the red jacket. "Looks nice on you," he smiled. "Who said I'm 
going?" Hiei snorted. "You're coming… I know you're just dying to ride 
that 'Triple Looper' roller-coaster. ^_^," Kurama teased Hiei. Hiei 
rolled his eyes.

 	Kurama got into the white coloured jacket and brushed his hair. 
"Come one, niisan… your hair is already perfect! Even though it defies 
Sir Isaac Newton's law of gravity," he added as a joke. "Oi, this hair 
is voted the 'Mostly Adored Commodity' in school," Kurama backed up. 

 	Shuuichi thought for a while. His brother did have the most 
adored  hair in the city, his brother…! Boy was he jealous…

 	"Okay you win… now can we just… eh? Where's Hiei-san?" asked 
Shuuichi as he looked around. No signs of Hiei. "He's waiting for us 
outside," Kurama smiled. Shuuichi frowned. "He's one weird guy," he 
shrugged and closed his brother's door behind them.

 	Shiori blinked. "Where are you two going?" she asked. "To the 
funfair, kaasan!" exclaimed Shuuichi and pushed Kurama out the door 
quickly as he waved goodbye. 

  	"What are they up to?" asked Shiori sitting down next to her 
husband. "Having fun I suppose," said Kazuya as he slumped an arm 
around Shiori's shoulder.

 	"Shouldn't we wait for him?" asked Shuuichi, as he saw his 
brother walked ahead. Kurama shook his head. "He'll be here," he said 
coolly as he tightened his jacket, a gust of cool wind blew over and he 
winced his eyes.

 	Suddenly there was a sound of rustling leaves behind them. 
Shuuichi looked around but saw no one. But when he turned to look back 
in front, he saw Hiei walking next to his brother. :… Sugoi!! …: he ran 
over to Hiei.

 	"You did that?" he asked. Hiei arched a brow. "Did what?" he 
asked. "You know, the rustling sound and the sudden appearance," said 
Shuuichi. Hiei shrugged. "Ore da ke jyanai," he said softly. Shuuichi 
shoved Hiei's back. "Liar!" he laughed. 

 	A few moments later, they reached the place and Shuuichi handed 
the guy three tickets. "Doumo, enjoy yourself!" he smiled as he opened 
the gates. Kurama reached for Hiei's hand and pulled him gently inside.

 	Music were playing and Shuuichi moved with the rhythm. "Cool 
song, ne?" he asked. Kurama nodded. "Is it the Offspring that sang it?" 
he asked. Shuuichi nodded. "And all girlies say I'm pretty fly for a 
white guy," Shuuichi sang and laughed. "I heard it somewhere in school 
when the school DJ played it," said Kurama. "Honto ka?" asked Shuuichi. 
Kurama nodded.

 	Then Shuuichi saw the Ferris-wheel. "Let's go there!" he pulled 
them with him. "What are we doing?" asked Hiei. "Riding the Ferris-
wheel," Kurama gave him a soft smile.  

 	"Komban wa, Shuu-kun!" greeted the attendant. "Komban wa… ^_^, 
Kidou-san! I didn't know you work here!" replied the enthusiastic boy. 
"Well… extra money is no harm. Brought your new brother here, ne?" 
Kidou gestured at Kurama. Everyone knew him. Everyone knew that 
Shuuichi Hatanaka had became Shuuichi Minamino's brother. That was one 
of the hottest news this year.

 	An empty bunk came over and stopped. Kidou opened the door and 
let them three in. "Have fun!" as he closed the door and pressed a 
button. The bunk moved and Shuuichi looked downwards. People were 
walking, minding their own business. Some were trying to win some 
games, some were riding the rides and some were just walking around 
eating junk food.

 	Shuuichi looked up and saw Hiei. He was looking intensely at his 
brother while the redhead talked. The look was so sincere. Shuuichi 
widened his eyes as his brother said something to trigger a smile on 
the other one's face. A rare expression given by Hiei.

 	:… He looks so… : Shuuichi shook his head. :… What am I thinking 
about? He's my brother's best friend! …: Shuuichi scolded himself. :… 
Or was he? There is a chance that he might be Shuu-san's boyfriend …: 
another voice spoke. :… Then it'll be worse! …: exclaimed the other 
voice in his head.

 	:… But Hiei-san looks so…… …: Shuuichi's thoughts were 
interrupted by Kurama. "Shuu-kun? Is something wrong?" he asked. 
Shuuichi shook his head. "Nope… Iya… nan demo nai… just had this weird 
thought about… *long pause* someone at school," he covered. Kurama gave 
him a mischievous look. "Eh… who's the lucky kid?" he asked. 

 	Shuuichi blushed. "Emm… hehe…," he grinned. 

 	Then the wheel stopped. "Ne? finished already?" asked Shuuichi as 
he stepped off the bunk. Kidou shrugged. "See you then, bye!" he 
exclaimed and waved at his friend. Kurama and Hiei followed behind.

 	But then, Kurama's sleeve was tugged. "Nan da?" Kurama looked at 
Hiei. Hiei pointed at an ice-cream stall. Kurama nodded. "Shuu-kun!" he 
exclaimed. Shuuichi stopped at his track as his brother called from 
behind. He run towards them. "Hiei w…" Kurama felt an elbow sunk into 
his side and he winced. "I mean… I want some ice-cream," Kurama 
corrected. Shuuichi nodded. "Okay," he followed his brother and Hiei to 
the ice-cream stall. Quite a long line to queue up.

 	"Why did you do that for?" asked Kurama. Hiei kept his silence. 
"It hurts," he continued. Hiei looked up at Kurama. "Did it?" he asked. 
Kurama nodded. "Well…," Hiei slipped a hand under Kurama's jacket and 
felt the place that he sunk his elbow in just now. He channelled some 
youki and pulled his hand out.   

 	Kurama chuckled. "Doesn't help much," Kurama complained. "Pay you 
back later," he said quickly. Kurama smiled. :… Well, if you want it 
that way …: Kurama thought mischievously.

 	Shuuichi wasn't in the line. He just stood next to it, looking 
over the glass which have tons of funny flavoured ice-creams. "I want 
Cherry Blossom," he told his brother. Kurama smiled and nodded.

 	Finally, when it reached Kurama and Hiei's turn the girl smiled 
at them. "What flavour do you want?" Kurama pointed at the black 
coloured confectionery. "Two scoops of Black Hole and a scoop of Cherry 
Blossom," said the redhead. 

 	The girl scooped the ice creams and gave it to Kurama. "450 yen 
please," she smiled and winked at Kurama. Kurama smiled and gave her 
the money. 

 	Kurama walked to Shuuichi and handed him his cone. Then Shuuichi 
saw Hiei slurping the two scoops of Black Hole ice-cream. "Er… I 
thought you wanted ice-cream," Shuuichi whispered at Kurama. Kurama put 
a finger on his lips and smiled.

 	After a few more rides, a few target shooting *which they won 
three big teddy bears* and few more treats of ice-cream, they got tired 
and decided to go home. 

 	Hiei disappeared mid-way and this caused Shuuichi to frowned. 
:… Why did he went away so fast? …: he pondered.

 	When Kurama opened the door, everyone was asleep. Only the dim 
living room light was on. "Shhh… don't make too much noise," said 
Kurama softly and they tiptoed into their own room.

 	"Oyasumi," said Shuuichi before he went into his room. Kurama 
nodded and opened the door to his room.

 	As suspected. Hiei was waiting for him… under the futon. Kurama 
ignored him at first and placed the teddy bear he was holding on the 
table. He didn't even care to switch on the lights. He took off his 
clothes and took a short bath. After that, he walked over to the 
dressing table and sat down, picking up the hair brush and brushed his 
hair, smiling into the mirror.

 	Finally putting the hairbrush down, he walked over to the futon 
and flipped it up, supposing a fire demon waiting for him. But then, it 
turned out to be the other bear which Hiei was holding. 

 	"Oh, Hiei…" Kurama sighed. He thought the fire demon had gone. 
Then there was a low chuckle. A very low and soft mockery. Kurama 
looked around and scanned the shadows. "Okay, you laughed at me. Now 
come out," Kurama ordered and slumped on the bed. 

 	Hiei stepped out of the shadow and smiled. "Got you there," he 
teased, walking over to Kurama. Kurama pouted and reached for Hiei. The 
fire demon stood in front of Kurama as the fox held him by the 

 	"Thank you," said the redhead. "For what?" asked the fire demon. 
"For going to the funfair with me," said Kurama. Hiei shrugged. Kurama 
smiled and pulled him on the bed with him. "Anyway, you still have to 
pay me," said Kurama. 

 	"Oh, I forgot," said Hiei and smiled. His eyes were gleaming. "I 
really forgot about it," said Hiei as he reached to pull off Kurama's 