Let's do the Disclaimer dance!!! *Ripped this off Kit-koi's quote!* Our 
favourite manga-ka Yoshihiro Togashi sama is responsible for most of 
the characters in this story. Other extras are just a passing image in 
my mind, Just use your imagination and imagine them whatever you like! 

Yaoi? June? Shonen-ai? Uke Seme? Slash? You guess! Yep! It's all here! 
No lemon scenes though. Umm… there is. It's the last part. But then 
again, I love to remind you that this story stands perfectly on it's 
own without the supportive LEMON scene. It's only for demented people 
like me. In General, it goes… 5 chapters + 1 LEMON chapter. Wakatta ne?

A fanfic by ~> Bulma Briefs


		The Way Destiny Talks, Is The Way We Obey.
 	               (A Triangle's Love Story)

				Chapter 4

 	Kurama didn't knew where to go. It was raining heavily. The 
closest shelter he could go to was Yuusuke's house. 

 	He knocked at the door. A woman with a beautiful face opened it. 
"Kurama! How nice… umm? Something wrong?" Atsuko narrowed her eyes upon 
seeing Kurama's tear struck face. 

 	"Kaasan? dare no?" Yuusuke appeared but frowned at the being in 
front of his doorstep. Kurama in his robe, standing in the rain. Atsuko 
stepped aside when her son came closer. "Kurama?" he asked.

 	Kurama lunged forward and hugged Yuusuke hard. "She hit me… she 
hit me for the first time in my life," Kurama started sobbing on 
Yuusuke's shoulder. Atsuko pushed them gently inside as she closed the 
door. "Who, Kurama? Who hit you?" Yuusuke asked, patting Kurama's back. 
"Kaasan…" Yuusuke frowned. He knew he can't get anything out of Kurama 
in this state. 

 	"Okay, okay… we'll get you changed. Then you tell me what happen. 
You're soaking wet," Yuusuke suggested. "You'll get sick, here," Atsuko 
handed Kurama a towel. 

 	While Kurama was taking his wash, another knock was on the door. 
Yuusuke opened it, thinking it was Shiori. A boy with black spiky hair 
stood there and zipped in. "Kurama's here," Yuusuke told him. Hiei 
nodded. "Shite iru," he took off his cloak. 

 	"You knew what happened?" Yuusuke asked. Hiei sighed, he nodded. 
"Hey, tell me!" Yuusuke raised his voice. "He got slapped by his 
mother…" Hiei told Yuusuke the whole story. From the bad school day 
incident to the magazine and all. 

 	Then Kurama appeared in fresh clothes, apparently Yuusuke's. 
"Hiei," Kurama called. Hiei looked up. "Kurama," he opened his arms. 
Kurama went to the fire demon and curled up in his arms. The fox 
wrapped his arms around Hiei's middle, resting his head on Hiei's 

 	Yuusuke and Atsuko (who just came with a tea tray) eyed the 
couple. Atsuko smiled and placed the tray on the table. Kurama was 
crying on Hiei uncontrollably. "Shhh…" Hiei closed his eyes and rested 
his chin in Kurama's hair. His fox was shaking.

 	"Why… why did she do it, Hiei?" asked Kurama, touching his face 
where Shiori had slapped him, hard. Never in his life he did anything 
to make his mother slap him. He was such a perfect son. And this 
incident had to scar the perfect image. The perfect Shuuichi Minamino. 

 	Hiei wanted so bad to tell Kurama to leave his mother and family 
forever. He can't stand to see his fox get hurt like this. They would 
be better off in Makai. Together forever. But he knew Kurama better 
than that. He was still tied up to a thing called responsibility. 

 	Yuusuke got closer. "Get some rest, Kurama. Hiei… come, take him 
to my room," Yuusuke got up and lead the way to his room. Kurama was 
tucked into bed by both of them. Just as they were to leave, Kurama 
spoke. "Hiei."

 	Hiei stopped on his tracks and turned. "Can you stay with me?" he 
requested. Hiei looked at Yuusuke. 

 	The brown hair boy nodded and gave Hiei a slight shove. Hiei 
nodded and sat on the chair next to Yuusuke's bed. The redhead smiled, 
satisfied. Yuusuke tucked him back properly and stayed for a while 
until Kurama was really asleep. Then, he walked to the door. Just as he 
wanted to switch off the lights leaving the dim bed lamp on, someone 
bumped into him causing him to fall backwards. 

 	"Baka! Watch it!" Yuusuke cursed when he realised that it was 
Kuwabara who hand rammed into him like a bulldozer. Hiei frowned at the 

 	"Urameshi! I wanted to ask you to play pachinko with me when your 
mother told me that Kurama is raped! Is he all right?" Kuwabara spitted 
out his words. 

 	Yuusuke put a finger on his lips. "He's okay. He's just very 
tired…" Yuusuke's turn to tell Kuwabara the whole story.

 	Kuwabara eyed the sleeping redhead. Looked exactly like a girl 
when he's asleep. One lucky boy Hiei was. Kuwabara smiled. "And I 
thought Shuuichi was a good boy," he snorted. "He's not that bad, just 
that he acts without thinking of the consequences," Yuusuke told 
Kuwabara. "Like someone we knew," Kuwabara smirked. 

 	Suddenly Hiei got up. "Where to?" asked Kuwabara. "I need to see 
Mukuro," he told Yuusuke. Yuusuke frowned. "At times like this?" he 
inquired. The spiky hair boy shrugged. "Mukuro needs me too. Since 
there's nothing for me to do here," He took his cloak from the chair 
and wrapped it around himself. 

 	"What if Kurama wakes up and asks for you?" Asked Kuwabara. "Just 
tell him the truth," Hiei opened the window. "I owe my life to both of 
them. Have to be equal," with that Hiei left, cold breeze took in 
Hiei's place. 

 	They didn't knew Kurama heard it all. He bit his lips and 
stirred. He had his back facing them and curled up tighter. :… Hiei, I 
didn't knew that you treated me the same as Mukuro …: A drop of tear 
rolled off Kurama's shut eye.

 	Yuusuke walked closer and tucked Kurama back properly. He then 
turned to Kuwabara. "You staying here for the night?" he asked. "I 
think I'll be staying," Kuwabara nodded. Yuusuke opened the closet and 
pulled out a few thick futon and spread it on the floor next to his own

 	Both made themselves comfortable on the futon and sighed. "Hiei, 
someone needs to beat some senses into him," Kuwabara complained. "Hey, 
when you're cute and powerful… you're in charge," Yuusuke chuckled. 
"Hey, Urameshi… I'm serious. I mean, what if Kurama heard what Hiei 
said? Wouldn't it be bad? I mean… Kurama is after all a human with 
heart and feelings," Kuwabara tucked his hand behind his head and 
stared at the ceiling.

 	"Well, all I know that is Mukuro saved his life. Maybe he felt 
that he needed to repay her… In his own way I think," Yuusuke 
commented. "But still… I don't want to discuss about the stupid shrimp! 
He thinks he's so damn beautiful and he could play with everyone's 
feelings. Good thing I'm not Kurama or I will…" before Kuwabara could 
finish his sentence, Kurama suddenly straightened up.

 	Both eyes looked at the redhead as he transformed into a silver 

	The youko walked to the window and held the sill. He turned one 
last time to look at Yuusuke and Kuwabara. Those watery golden orbs 
were so sad and solemn. 

 	Then he disappeared out the window.

 	Both Yuusuke and Kuwabara looked at each other. Kuwabara blinked. 
"You think he…" Yuusuke nodded. "I think he heard us… and probably 
heard what Hiei had said too…"

 	Hiei walked into the big hall. The whole place was cold and 
uninviting. "Genki?" he asked aloud. Mukuro looked at him and smiled. 
"Okaeri… genki da yo… anything happened in Ningenkai?" she asked. Hiei 
shook his head. Mukuro shrugged. "Anyway, I'm glad you're here," she 
started to get up. 

 	Hiei kept his silence. "Only hell knows how I missed my heir…" 
she smiled "… and a good fight," she lead both of them into the 
training chamber and entered. Hiei followed suit, throwing his cloak 

 	The fight was a brutal one. Hiei put his full concentration into 
it. "Why… *huff puff* are you… so aggressive tonight?" asked the bionic 
lady. "Just fight," mumbled the fire demon and created an Ensatsu ken 
in his clutch.    


 	Kurama felt lost. He had nowhere to go now. Walking in the middle 
of a quiet night alone, he made his way unconsciously to an Inari 
shrine. He looked at the shrine in front of him for a few moments and  
bowed his head. He knelt and clasped his hands together, eyes closed. 
Breathing in deep, settling his thoughts. 

 	As a youko, he felt less pain in his lithe heart. If he was in 
his human form, his heart might felt like it was being torn into 
pieces. Images of kaasan and Hiei kept replaying in his mind. Then the 
image of Shuuichi and Mukuro.

 	Youko Kurama shut his eyes tighter. 

 	Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. It was dark 
and still drizzling slightly. His silver strands were plastered on his 
body by now. "Inari-sama, please help your poor kitsune," he prayed 

 	Kurama transformed again and turned into a silver fox. The wet 
little animal shook it's wet body and walked on it's four feet to find 
a shelter from the rain.


 	"What!? He disappeared?" Koenma echoed. Yuusuke and Kuwabara 
nodded eagerly. Botan came in. "Any big news, Koenma-sama?" asked 
Botan, a cheerful expression was on the face, but it soon wore out as 
she saw the look in their worried eyes.
 	"Okay, something's wrong here," she blinked. Koenma nodded but as 
he started to speak, an oni came in. "Koenma-sama, anything may in do 
in your favour?" he asked. Koenma nodded. "Go to Makai and tell Hiei to come back. He's in Mukuro's palace. Hayai!" The blue oni nodded and 
buzzed off.

 	"What's wrong, Koenma-sama?" Botan asked again. "Kurama 
disappeared," Yuusuke told her. "What? someone kidnapped him?" asked 
Botan. Kuwabara rolled his eyes. 

 	"We thought he was asleep. So we talked about Hiei and Mukuro and 
the relations they might have after Hiei confessed that Kurama and 
Mukuro held the same place in his heart," Yuusuke told Botan. "If he 
has a heart," Kuwabara snorted.

 	Yuusuke knocked his head. "You're the one who started to talk 
about this! You're the one who made Kurama angry!" Yuusuke shouted. "As 
if you don't 'participate' in our little discussion! Humph!" Kuwabara 
crossed his arms on his broad chest. 


 	"They should add colour to the bread. It's white for hell's 
sake!" Mukuro complained as she shoved a piece of bread in her mouth. 
"I won't eat bread that's not white in colour. What're you thinking?"
Hiei rolled his eyes as he sipped his juice. 

 	Next, one of Mukuro's servants served salad. "Do I really have to 
eat greens?" Hiei poked at his salad bowl full of weird green leaves. 
"It's good for your bones, so shut up and eat," Mukuro sipped her own 
orange juice.

 	"You sound a lot like Kurama, except that you have a foul mouth," 
Hiei ate the sweet green peas. "I'm not the same as her… I mean him. 
:… he's such a girlie I often get confused :P …: Mukuro reasoned in her 
heart. "Besides, he's just a…" Hiei cut her words. "… shut up Mukuro," 
he drank his juice down to the last drop. 

 	Then a three eyes purple being came in. "Sumimasen, but Koenma-
sama's messenger needs to talk to Hiei-san," he told Mukuro. "He's 
taking you away so fast?" grumbled Mukuro but nodded at the purple 

 	A blue oni bowed in front of Hiei and sighed. "Koenma needs you 
back at Reikai. Looks urgent," the oni told Hiei. :… Kurama! Something 
must've happened to him! …: He lunged forward and held the oni by the 
shoulders. "Kurama! Is he okay?" Hiei asked. 

 	The oni frowned and thought hard. No, he didn't remember seeing 
Kurama. Only Kuwabara-kun, Yuusuke-san, Koenma-sama and Botan-chan, but 
no Kurama. "Gomen nasai. I didn't remember seeing him in the office 
just now. But Yuusuke-san and Kuwabara-kun were there," he told the 
black dragon possessor. 

 	Hiei looked at Mukuro and bowed. "You have to excuse me again," 
he then shot off. 

 	Mukuro rolled her eyes. "What a slug Kurama must be like. Having 
Hiei rushing over him at every little second," Mukuro grimaced. The 
purple being smiled at it's mistress. "Don't worry, Mukuro-sama. Hiei 
would have done the same for you if you were in Kurama-san's place," he 
told he bionic woman. Mukuro smiled. Sometimes, having a mind-reader as 
your right arm would be in for some use. 


 	The door swung open and every eye set its gaze on it. "Hiei!" 
exclaimed Botan. Hiei's eyes were a mixture of worry and fear. "Where 
is he?" He asked. No one answered him. No one knew the answer. Hiei got 
on the table and lunged forward to clutch Koenma's shirt. "Where is 
he?!" Hiei repeated, nearly shouting into the Prince of Death's face. 

 	"He disappeared," said Koenma, rather calmly. Well, someone has 
to be. Hiei looked deep into Koenma's eyes, his whole body was shaking, 
his red eyes were intense. 

 	Kuwabara picked up this instant to torment the boy. "It's your 
fault, you stupid shrimp!" he exclaimed. Hiei turned sharply and eyed 
Kuwabara dangerously. 

 	Yuusuke didn't do anything, he knew what Kuwabara was going to 
say. He thought that it might be good that Hiei knew about it even 
though it was told to him in a rather harsh way. 

 	"What do you mean it was MY fault!?" Hiei raised his voice. "It 
was all YOUR fault. You knew how he felt for you! You knew he needed 
you! You knew that he needed your heart whole! But you had to share it 
with that… that ugly woman!" Kuwabara shouted. "Watch your mouth, 
bastard! She saved my life!" Hiei retorted, backing Mukuro.

 	"How many times? Once? I could only recall, or maybe twice! What 
about Kurama? He practically jumped into your rescue in every of our 
fights! He tended you so gently like a precious china doll when you're 
injured! He saved your soul from Kaito! He did more things for you than 
Mukuro could ever do to you, and most of all… he loves you with all his 
heart! How could you!" Kuwabara slapped Hiei. 

 	Hiei narrowed his eyes. He wanted to slap the big guy back but 
his hand seemed to be jammed. His heart told him no. His heart 
realised that what the big oaf said was mostly true. But…

 	 :… Love? …: that word echoed in his mind. :… No, it can't be… 
Kurama was only his friend, his best friend. Things that happened 
between them were just mere friendship and lust. Just a passing crush. 
It couldn't be love …:

 	Kuwabara hid his own guilt and tilted Hiei's chin. "Kurama's very 
emotional. Everything he did had to do with you. His mother scolded 
him, where else you think he'd turn to? You! And you treated him like 
some kind of a hotel keeper," Kuwabara continued. Yuusuke had enough. 
Kuwabara had gone more than he should. 

 	"Kuwabara, enough. Hiei, we don't mean to tell you in this way. 
But please… think about it. Think about what Kurama had done for you… 
What had he done for us all. We need to find him," Yuusuke opened his 
mouth. Botan's eyes were now already welled up with tears by now. 
Slightly touched by the way Kuwabara scolded Hiei.

 	Youko Kurama slipped into a Mall and changed into something more… 
human. He was treated like a costume mascot with his silver hair and 
white robe. Some kid even tried to ask candies from him! Good thing he 
had his conscious mind going on, or else he'd be having that kid for 

 	He looked at himself. Baggy pants, baby-tee and silver hair tied 
up in a ponytail. One glance, a weird girl. Second glance, a very 
handsome and well built guy. 

 	As youko, he had partially forgot what the pain that the slap 
Shiori gave him felt like. Slipping out of the Mall, he walked to the 
deserted hill behind some jungle. He laid under the morning sun and 
enjoyed the day in a small clearing. Reliving his youko days. Being the 
true Youko for once in Ningenkai. 

 	Drifted by laziness, the youko eventually fell asleep. 


 	Five of them were now in Ningenkai. Botan opened the Reikai 
Tantei Kit and scanned the stuff. Yuusuke pointed at the Detector 
Compass watch. "Demo…," he thought for a while. "We don't have any of 
Kurama's body parts," he sighed. 

 	"We're looking for a youko or a human Kurama?" asked Hiei. 
"Youko," Koenma, Kuwabara, Yuusuke and Botan answered simultaneously. 
Hiei frowned. "Can human Kurama's body parts be used?" Hiei asked. 
Botan nodded. "They're still the same person. Just in different forms," 
Botan told the fire youkai. 

 	Hiei took out something from inside his cloak. He came up with a 
long strand of red silk thread. Kurama's hair. Kuwabara frowned. "Where 
did you get that?" Kuwabara asked. Before anyone could say anything, 
Yuusuke already sank his elbow deep into Kuwabara's guts. 

 	Botan smiled and picked up the red strand of hair from Hiei's 

 	Closing the compass. The compass needle turned around a few times 
before stopping and blinked its red light. 



 	Youko Kurama's mouth chewed slowly on a strip of grass. Filling 
the fresh taste of earth in his body. 

 	:… Ei? I sense presence. Humph! Should've thought of this …: he 
snorted and opened his eyes. As he'd expected. Four panting figures 
were looking at him. Another was fixing him a blank expression. He 
rolled his eyes and straightened up. 

 	"Anything wrong?" he asked, sarcasm was deep in his voice. As if 
he couldn't care less for anything else that was happening to the 
world. "Yes, you," Koenma rejoined. Youko Kurama narrowed his eyes. 

 	"I think I look perfect. And I feel perfect too! So what's 
wrong?" Kurama spitted the grass he was chewing on and brushed away his 
fringe with his slender fingers. 

 	Kuwabara started. "Kurama, we know that you had a hard time, 
but…" Kurama turned to look sharply at Kuwabara. "Hard time? I'm having 
FUN here!" he smirked sarcastically. 

 	Hiei finally stepped forth. "Kurama," he held the tall youko's 
hand. Kurama pulled away his hand and looked at the fire demon half-
heartedly, as if he meant nothing to him. Dirt. "I'm sorry," he 
uttered. Kurama snorted. "You're not. You don't have to. You did 
nothing wrong. It's the ningen inside me that should be punished. 
Serves him right," the youko jumped and sat on one of the tree 

 	Hiei looked at the others and silently told them to 'leave them 
alone' for a while. They understood and left. Some things had to be 
done personally. 

 	Hiei followed the youko and sat opposite to him. Both looked at 
each other but said nothing for quite some time. As if enjoying each 
other's company in silence… but the look in their eyes spelled sadness… 

 	Finally Hiei spoke. "It is not good to torture the human inside 
you like that," Kurama dropped a lazy gaze at Hiei. "Oh puh-lease… It's 
MY body, let me remind you that. I do what ever I want with it," Kurama 
rolled his eyes.

 	"That one inside you loves me. And I won't let it suffer like 
this," Hiei confessed. Youko Kurama rolled his eyed again. He lunged 
forward and pointed at himself. "What do you think I feel now?" He 
suddenly asked the youkai.

 	"I have two personalities that are both attracted to you. Deeply. 
How you think those two different emotions with the same feelings acted 
when you level myself with Mukuro? Those two emotions fought in my 
body. In Shuuichi Minamino's fragile body. Have you ever have that kind 
of experience?" Youko Kurama gritted his teeth.  

 	Hiei silenced himself… 

 	Youko Kurama's golden eyes shone angrily. "You can toy around 
with Shuuichi. But no one makes me angry and gets away with it!" The 
youko curled up his fists tightly. Slight trails of blood were dripping 
off the youko's pale palms.

 	Suddenly the youko leaned on the tree and sighed. "Never felt 
like this before. I don't know if I should hate it or what," he 
uttered, practically to himself. 

 	Hiei looked at him. "Okay, I'll go," Hiei finally announced. 
Youko Kurama's eyes snapped wide. "Go?" Kurama echoed. Hiei stopped and 
turned. "You're telling me that you're going away? Despicable bastard!" 
Youko Kurama hissed. 

 	Suddenly his golden eyes widened, then he winced. Clutching his 
head, Youko Kurama let out a small groan. "Kurama?" Hiei, stepped 
closer. He put a hand on the youko's back. "Daijobu?" 

 	Youko Kurama slapped away his hand. But his weak voice whispered. 
"Hiei…" as if pleading. Hiei frowned. What was happening?

 	"Kurama?" Hiei leaned closer and held him by the shoulders, he 
lifted Kurama's chin. The youko's eyes were shut tight, as if in pain. 
Cold sweats were all over his face and body. The body… shaking. 
"Kurama, what's happening?" Hiei shook his shoulders. 

 	"Go away!… no, don't … Get lost! … please don't… listen…" was 
what came out of Kurama's mouth. Hiei blinked. What was Kurama trying 
to say? He shock Kurama by the shoulders. The kitsune could barely open 
his eyes and they were changing rapidly between yellow and green.

 	Finally the shaking ends and Youko had been turned back into 
Shuuichi Minamino. Then…


 	Hiei accidentally released his grip on Kurama and the redhead 
fell off the tree. Hiei widened his eyes. "Kurama!"

	"Where's Shuuichi?" asked Kazuya, at dinnertime. Shiori shrugged. 
Both of the Shuuichis disappeared the night before. First her own 
Shuuichi, then her step-son a few hours later. "They'll be back," 
Kazuya flipped his newspapers. 


 	"Come on, Shuu! Cool it!" Miura patted Shuuichi's back and tried 
to restrain him from grabbing another can of beer. God did wonders to 
this boy that he gulped down 7 cans of beers and still talking.

 	"I was just trying to… trying to… why did it happened this way? 
All against my wishes! Bastard! I'm such a stupid jackass," he slowed 
down. Miura cried. He had never seen his friend so depressed like this. 
"Don't do this, Shuu! You're scaring me!" 

 	"I… I liked Hiei so much! Why?" He threw away an empty can in his 
hand. He reached out to take another one but was stopped by Miura. 
"No," he said firmly. Shuuichi rolled his eyes. "I need to be punished. 
I did so many horrible things to niichan! I caused him to be slapped by 
kaasan! He was such a perfect beautiful being. He doesn't deserve to be 
treated like that! He helped me numbers of times! I should die!" 
Shuuichi broke down to sniffles. He started crying. 

 	He turned to Miura and grabbed his shoulder. "And you know what? 
I didn't even get scolded! I did all that and Kaasan stood on my side 
^_^! You don't know how happy I am!" he said sarcastically. "I don't 
deserve to live, I don't have anything now!" he sighed.

 	Miura shook his head. "Look at me, Shuu! Look!" he said aloud. 
Shuuichi looked up into Miura's blue eyes. "You still have me!" he told 
the boy straight. "You?" Shuuichi echoed. "Yes Shuu! I… I love you!" 
With that Miura lunged forward and hugged Shuuichi. 

 	"You… love me? *hick*… " uttered Shuuichi against Miura's 
shoulder. Miura nodded. "You're such a nice guy… don't do this… you're 
scaring me," Miura said softly. 

 	Shuuichi broke free and looked deep into those blue eyes. "You… 
you love me?" he echoed softly. Miura nodded once. Slowly, Miura leaned 
forward and closed the space between their lips.


 	Kurama slowly came to consciousness. His eyes, set on a white 
ceiling. Cool air was surrounding himself, yet it felt safe. His hand 
was against something soft; strands of hair. He focused his bearings 
and blinked a few times. He straightened up and woke the being asleep 
on the chair next to his bed. 

 	"Ah, you're awake, Kurama-san?" smiled Botan sleepily. Kurama 
smiled as he rubbed his eyes. "I'll call Hiei, you wait here," she told 
the redhead enthusiastically. 
	"No, wait!" Kurama stopped her. Botan paused and turned. "What 
is it? He told me to inform him immediately when you're awake," she walked 
closer to Kurama. "I… I don't want to see him now," he said, trying to 
sound bitter but, that sad voice was still heard clearly. 

 	:… Poor Kurama… he misses Hiei-san so much… yet his ego didn't 
allow him to see his dear lover …: Botan sighed. She poured him a glass 
of water. "Here," she handed it to him and sat back down on her chair. 
"Am I in Reikai? How did I get here?" asked Kurama as he sipped his 
water slowly. 

 	"Well, according to Hiei-san your youko form had this weird fight 
with your human self. Then you passed out. We were nearby eating ice-
creams behind those bushes when he brought you over, very panicked. You 
should have seen Hiei-san's face," she smiled. Kurama smiled back 
wearily. "Fight?" he repeated slowly, then he closed his eyes.


 	:… I remember! Youko Kurama was calling Hiei a bastard! How could 
he!? …: Kurama snapped open his eyes. "Hiei!" He exclaimed. Botan stood 
up. "What? What happened Kurama-san?" she asked. Kurama bit his lips. 
"Was Hiei angry at me?" Kurama held Botan's arms, looking deep into her 
pink eyes. 

 	Botan frowned. "Nope," she answered. Kurama sighed, somewhat 
looking relieved. "I cannot see him," he finally told Botan. Botan took 
back her seat. "And why is that?"

 	"Because I can't face the things that Youko Kurama did to Hiei…" 
Kurama said softly. Botan shook her head. "That was, after all Youko 
Kurama, it's not you," Botan smiled. Kurama shook his head. "Youko 
Kurama is me. I am Youko Kurama. Whatever he did was my 
responsibility," Kurama slumped back on his pillow, letting out a sigh.

 	A knock was heard, without waiting for an answer it opened. A 
toddler with a big blue hat entered. "I knew you're awake, Daijobu?" 
smiled the Prince of Death. "Daijobu," Kurama nodded. 

 	"Emm… good. The whole gang is outside. I'm going to let them in," 
he told Kurama and smiled behind his pacifier. Kurama shook his head. 
"I don't want to be disturbed… please…" he told Koenma, Koenma shook 
his head. 

 	He turned to Botan. "I'm going to have a guy-to-guy talk with 
Kurama. So can you excuse us please?" he asked Botan. Botan nodded and 
went out.

 	She closed the door behind her and was face to face by big brown 
eyes. "Waah!" they exclaimed, both Yuusuke and Botan. "What are you 
doing? Eavesdropping?" she asked. "I can't hear a thing! Reikai doors 
are so thick!" Yuusuke complained. 

 	"Anyway, is Kurama alright?" asked Kuwabara. Botan nodded once. 
"Okay then! Let's go inside!" exclaimed Yuusuke. "No!" she stopped 
them. Everyone looked at her. "Why?" Hiei asked. "He doesn't want to be 
disturbed," she told them wearily.

 	Everyone sighed.


 	Kurama had his eyes closed as Koenma sat next to him. "Kurama, 
look. I know you're mad at Hiei…" Kurama snapped a look at Koenma. "I 
am not!" he denied. "Then… why don't you want to see him?" he asked. 
"I… I just can't. You have to understand. I love him. But he…" Kurama 
kept his cool and closed his eyes. He cannot break into tears. 

 	"Mukuro is as important to him as you. You have to understand 
that," Koenma told the redhead. Kurama nodded. "That is why… I'm 
avoiding him. So… so that he and Mukuro can have a chance," Kurama 
reasoned. His eyes still closed. Koenma smiled.

 	"And what about you? Are you willing to sacrifice your feelings 
for the sake of Mukuro?" Koenma asked. That question was so bitter to 
Kurama that it felt like poison entering his heart. "I can live with 
that," was Kurama's answer. 

 	"Then, will you ever forget Hiei? I mean, will your love for him 
die?" Koenma asked. Kurama's lips trembled, a long pause. "…No…," he 
uttered finally. "So, you're telling me that you're going to be living 
inside your own grief forever?" Koenma inquired. Kurama shook his head. 
"I don't know! I don't know! Please…" Kurama snapped open his eyes. 

	Koenma chuckled. Kurama frowned. "Okay, the prince of death is 
laughing at me. How wonderful," Kurama commented sarcastically. "Say, 
you are now experiencing what Hiei had experienced before," Koenma told 
Kurama. Kurama narrowed his eyes. "What?"

 	"I mean, you know… the bond between you and your mother was so 
close that Hiei once told me…"


 	Kurama blinked. "Oh, I nearly forgot! Koenma-sama, I have to go 
now!" the redhead exclaimed. "Why?" Koenma frowned. "I have promised my 
mother to cook dinner tonight and if I don't go now, I might not be 
able to finish it in time," Kurama reasoned. Koenma smiled. "Okay, good 
luck on your cooking!" Kurama nodded and smiled at Hiei. "Bye," he said 
to him. But the fire demon just rolled his eyes.

 	Koenma saw the look in Hiei's eyes. Kurama felt a bit hurt but 
quickly covered the feeling with thoughts about preparing dinner for 
his mother. He shut the door.

 	"Yuusuke, Kuwabara you two go and find the youkai first," Koenma 
ordered. Both nodded and went. Hiei still stood there. "Hiei, can I 
talk to you?" asked Koenma. "What?" he asked. 

	 "Why are you mad at Kurama?" Koenma asked, concerned. He cared 
for the welfare of his workers as well. "I am not," he denied. "Then 
why are you acting cold just now," asked the Prince of Death. Hiei 
snorted. "He had been talking about cooking dinner for his stupid 
mother for the past two hours!" Hiei told Koenma. 

 	Koenma's brow raised. "Sou desu ka?" Hiei rolled his eyes. From 
there Koenma knew that Hiei has this feelings towards Kurama and was 
really jealous of Kurama's relationship with his mother. Which he 
thought that Kurama treated his mother more important than him. He that 
needs more attention but…

 	Koenma smiled. "Don't act too cold. Can you help me and spot the 
youkai first before Yuusuke of Kuwabara does? I'm sure they're having 
trouble to spot a running youkai with such speed," he smiled. Hiei 
didn't gave him any reaction but just to go out the door.

 	Kurama blinked. "He's jealous of kaasan?" Kurama asked. Koenma 
smiled. "See, Hiei and Mukuro's relationship is like a mother and a 
child's relationship. Like your own with your mother. To tell you the 
truth, your own relationship is far more intimate than Hiei's one with 
Mukuro. He just merely went to see her and run errands for her while 
co-guarding her big territory. You have to understand that. Hiei could… 
I'm sure you can, can't you?" Koenma told the fox.

 	Kurama thought for a while. "So, you want to see them now?" asked 
Koenma. Kurama nodded. "But I'll appreciate it if you let Hiei come 
later. I still can't face him," Kurama told Koenma. 

 	The toddler laughed. "Okay, okay…" with that he walked to the 
door and opened it.

 	"Koenma! Why is it that Kurama didn't want to see us?" asked 
Yuusuke. "You guys can go in now," Koenma told them. So, Yuusuke went 
in, followed by Kuwabara and Botan. But when Hiei took his turn to go 
in the door, he was stopped by Koenma. 

	 "I need to talk to you. You can see Kurama later… privately," 
Koenma took the fire youkai's warm hand and lead him into his office.

 	The door was closed. Hiei took his place on the window, looking 
over the Reikai scenery. Small lanes were all over creating a 
floating maze in the mystical world. Sometimes it mystifies Hiei that 
he could feel relaxed just by looking at those lanes. Sometimes there 
would be someone walking on one of it. Creating a question in his head 
about the person's destiny.

 	"Kurama's angry at me?" asked Hiei. Koenma chuckled. "Nope, he's 
angry at his youko self," Koenma told Hiei as he wrote something in his 
documents. "For what?" Hiei asked. "For the bad things he had done to 
you. That's why they were having that… fight," Koenma told the fire 
youkai. "Oo… then why didn't he want to see me?" Koenma stopped writing 
and put down his pen. "He can't face you yet. Anyway, I wanted to tell 
you something," Koenma started to walk towards Hiei.

 	"Do you remember the time when you're mad at Kurama for being too 
close with his mother?" asked Koenma. "I'm over that," he uttered. 
Koenma smiled. "Well, he's having it now," Koenma told the youkai. "I 
don't have a mother. Why should he feel like that?" Hiei asked.

 	"You don't realise, do you? Mukuro might not be your real mother, 
but she is the mother of your heart. Do you know that?" Hiei narrowed 
his eyes. He cared for Mukuro. But it wasn't love. Love was what he 
felt for…

 	"How did you know that?" Hiei asked Koenma. The toddle chewed on 
his pacifier. "Well… you obeyed her, and you respect her. But your eyes 
don't feel the enthusiasm around her than you have around Kurama," 
Koenma voiced out his opinion. 

 	Hiei blushed slightly knowing that the toddler had noticed, but 
he kept his silence as he thought about Koenma's words. 

 	Hiei looked up and looked into Koenma's large eyes. "Mukuro loves 
you as her own child. You can't run from it, Hiei. I myself agree that 
you're very loveable. Hehe…," Hiei arched a brow at Koenma. 

	"Really, if you throw less fire at people, I believe, even 
Kuwabara would love you as a brother," Koenma said, but then realised 
that he had slipped his words. He closed his eyes to wait for Hiei's 
scolding at saying that Kuwabara can love him. But then Hiei just let 
out a small chuckle. "I don't need love from that kind of a human. But 
I do realise now that he's far more powerful than I first met him," 
Hiei told Koenma. 

 	"You are too. Now, don't feel too bad. I'll call you later when 
it's convenient to visit Kurama. For now, do something. Make something 
for Kurama, may I suggest?" Koenma smiled. Hiei snorted and walked out 
of the office. 

 	Koenma smiled to himself. :… Even an icy cold heart like his is 
made out of flesh and blood …:

 	Shuuichi stirred. He cracked open an eye. The place looked 
different from his own room but familiar. Then he felt his middle was 
wrapped by something… warm.

 	He straightened up and the grip around his middle loosened. He 
blinked and saw Miura. The boy opened his eyes and smiled. "Ohayo," he 
smiled and rubbed his eyes. Shuuichi smiled. "Ohayo… you brought me 
back into your room?" he said. Miura nodded. 

 	Shuuichi slumped back on the pillow. "I don't know why but I feel 
bad," he groaned. Miura rested his head on Shuuichi's chest. "You'll 
feel better if you take a bath in the bathroom. You can use mine, I'll 
use my mother's," he suggested and straightened up. Shuuichi nodded and 
walked dizzily to the bathroom. 

 	Shuuichi changed into Miura's clothes and got ready. He brushed 
his hair and looked into the mirror, then at the clock on the wall. 
10.30. Shuuichi walked his way to the kitchen and saw two women and 
Miura sitting on the breakfast table. "Hello sugar… come and have 
breakfast with us," said the lady with long blonde hair. Shuuichi 
nodded. He always came to Miura's house, but he had never seen his 
mother or father before. 

 	Shuuichi took his seat and the other women poured some milk into 
his glass. This one had short blue hair. "Does your head still hurts, 
Shuu-kun?" asked the lady with blonde hair. Shuuichi nodded. "A 
little," he told her. "When Miura brought you home yesterday, you 
looked so awful," commented the one with blue hair. Shuuichi smiled.

 	After breakfast, both of the women went out. Shuuichi slumped on 
the sofa and watched as Miura switched on an anime channel on the tv, 
then he came and sat next to Shuuichi. "Is one of them your mother?" 
asked Shuuichi. Miura nodded. The one with the long hair is my mother," 
he told Shuuichi as he munched on the biscuit he brought with him. "The 
other one?" Miura looked at him. "My mother's girlfriend," he answered.

 	Shuuichi was silent. "Anyway, I'm sending you home afterwards. My 
mum called your mum already," Miura told him. Shuuichi nodded. 


 	"Haha… you should've seen Hiei's face! He looked like this!" 
Kuwabara imitated what Hiei looked like. Of course everyone laughed. 
Hiei couldn't possibly look like Kuwabara and the way Kuwabara acted 
was so funny. Kurama chuckled, but then coughed.

 	"Kurama!" everyone rushed nearer. Yuusuke sat on Kurama's right 
side and Kuwabara took his left side. The patted Kurama's back softly. 
"Are you okay?" asked Yuusuke. Kurama nodded. Botan gave him another 
glass of water. "Here, you have to drink a lot of water," she informed 
him. Kurama nodded as he took the glass from the blue hair ferry girl.

 	Yuusuke sighed and rested his arms around Kurama's shoulder. 
"Don't scare us like that," he told Kurama. "Yeah, I feel horrible when 
you get sick," Kuwabara still patting Kurama's softly.

 	"Anyway, does this youko self of yours really is a rebellious 
being?" asked Kuwabara. Kurama shrugged. "I can't control it. But it is 
softer than what it used to be before I was reincarnated," Kurama 

	 "Whoa… that means you must be a real meanie last time," Yuusuke 
widened his eyes. Kurama shrugged. "Well, I was the heartless youko. 
What do you expect?" Kurama smirked. All of them let out a small laugh. 

 	They spent the whole afternoon together, yet no one dares to ask 
why Kurama didn't want to see Hiei. 


 	Shuuichi looked at Miura. He gave the boy a nod and pulled him 
inside the Hatanaka's resident. It was as silent as it always was. 
Sometimes it could be calm and welcoming. Sometimes, cold and distant.

 	It was as if there were these weird different types of auras 
surrounding the house.

 	Shuuichi rang the doorbell. He waited for a few seconds. Then, 
the door opened. A middle-aged woman with puffy eyes appeared at the 
entrance. "Kaasan," Shuuichi called out softly. Shiori blinked and 
smiled. "Shuu-kun!" she fell on her knees and hugged her step-son's 
middle. "How glad I am that you came back!" she cried. 

 	"I'm sorry, kaasan," Shuuichi apologised, feeling really guilty. 
He knew that the puffs in her eyes were caused by him. "It's okay, 
dear… as long as you're home safe, I'm alright!" she kissed him on the 

 	They went in and walked straight into the kitchen. "I'll give you 
two ice-cream treats!" she smiled as she walked her way to the freezer 
and brought out a tub of ice-cream. Her eyes suddenly saw the tub of 
ice-cream that Hiei made himself. No one touched it yet. Her heart 
turned sorrow. 

 	She closed her eyes and Hiei's last words echoed in her mind. 
:… "I can't believe you did that!" …: 

 	"Kaasan? Are you okay?" asked Shuuichi. Shiori quickly wiped off 
the tears welled up in her eyes and smiled. "Yes dear, I'm alright," 
she closed the freezer door and walked back to them. 

	"Is niichan back yet?" asked Shuuichi. Shiori shook her head. 
"Not yet," she scooped the ice-cream out for them and restore the ice-
cream back into the freezer.