Standard disclaimers apply ^_^; Our favourite manga-ka, Yoshihiro 
Togashi created all of these characters! I’m just responsible for toying 
around with them! I finished this quite some time ago. So, I hope you 
enjoy this!

Yaoi? Shonen ai? Guess… what would a long story like this would have? 

A fanfiction by ~> Bulma Briefs


			     Yukina’s Curse

	"Heh… heh… are you kidding Koenma?" asked Yuusuke, patting the 
small toddler’s back. Koenma let out a fake cough. "No," he said, dryly. 
Obviously annoyed. "So… you’re really letting us go on a holiday?" asked 
Yuusuke. Koenma nodded. "Yeah, it was affirmatively deserted and I 
rented a bungalow by the beach on Takara-jima," said Koenma, brushing 
imaginary dusts on his clothes. 

	Yuusuke turned at Kuwabara. "Look Kuwabara, Koenma is being 
generous. He’s renting a sea-side bungalow for us," said Yuusuke, 
sarcastically suppressing a laugh. 

	Koenma sighed, what can he do to convince this boy that he’s not 

	Hiei rearranged his ass so he was sitting properly on Kurama’s lap 
other than letting his butt drop to one side, musing at Koenma who’s 
actually giving them a so-called holiday. 

	"Okay, You four, me, Botan, Yukina, Keiko, Shizuru and Atsuko are 
going to Takara-jima for a holiday. Understand?" asked Koenma. Yuusuke 
went down on his knees. "At last! A holiday!" he laughed and got up, 
jumping up and down with Kuwabara.

	Hiei and Kurama looked at each other, then at them. Chewing on 
their lips. :… Baka …: they mused together. "Takara-jima… who knows 
there might really be treasures there," pondered Hiei aloud. Kurama 
chuckled and pulled him closer so that Hiei leaned on his chest. "Ha ha 
Hiei, if there were any treasures there, it would be dug out already," 
said the redhead. 

	Hiei pouted at the redhead and continued to stare at the two 
jumping dolts.


	"Cut my hair?" asked Kurama. Shiori shrugged. "I don’t think the 
school allows you to have long hair," reasoned Shiori. "Ano kaasan… It’s 
a private school. You can have your own way with it. Anyway, the teacher 
didn’t even said anything about it," said Kurama, starting to act a 
little bit like a 3 year old kid when it comes to his hair.

	"Anyway, the holiday’s coming," he uttered softly, secretly 
pouting at his mother.

	Shiori sighed. She seemed to be wondering why Shuuichi won’t cut 
his hair since he was 9 years old. It had, of course grew to an 
incredible beauty of red silken strands but, won’t he be distracted by 
it? Don’t he even feel the hotness beneath the mane? 

	"I’ll give you time to think. Until tonight, until dinner time. If 
you still insist on having long hair, than that’s okay. Deal?" asked 
Shiori. She was doing it for her son’s own sake. For her son’s comfort. 
Kurama looked away, chewing on his lips. "Yoshi," he muttered and walked 
away to his room. 

	Shiori shook her head. Her son is really growing bigger than she’d 
thought. Especially his stubbornness. But he could be such a dear at 
times. He’s always such a dear to her.

	Kurama shut the door behind him and went to his bathroom. He 
pushed the door open with his toe and sighed as he stepped in the moist 
filled room. He stood in front of the full length mirror and pursed his 
lips. He held his hair with both hands and started to frowned. :… It’s 
clean, looked nice …: he thought, then he sniffed it. :… Smelled very 
nice too… why does kaasan want to cut my hair for? …: complained Kurama.

	When he was deep in his thoughts, suddenly there was a noise 
outside. He ran out of his bathroom and saw Hiei, just standing up from 
kissing the floor. Kurama chuckled and ran to his side. "Fell from the 
window?" he asked the koorime.

	Hiei glared at Kurama and straightened up, pointing at the cactus 
lying on the floor with it’s small pot broken into two. Kurama gasped 
and held his Makai cactus. "Hiei, you broke it!" exclaimed the redhead. 
Hiei snorted. "Who asked you to put it on the sill? My foot hurts even 
more," he complained, rubbing his sore feet.

	Kurama left his cactus and ran back to Hiei, tending his feet. He 
frowned. "Where’s your shoes?" asked the redhead. "I lost it," said Hiei 
casually. "Oh," nodded Kurama and looked at Hiei's bleeding feet which 
has little needle sized holes in it. Makai cactuses sure could do 

 	He carried the koorime into the bathroom and laid him on the sink 
counter, placing his feet in the sink and turned on the tap. As he was 
washing Hiei's feet, he sighed. Looking at the mirror. Still wondering 
what’s wrong with his hair that his mother disapproved it so much.

	Hiei frowned at his fox and slapped the fox gently on the head 
after calling him a few times without getting a reply. "Hey, what’s that 
for?" asked Kurama at the glowering koorime.

	"YOU are troubled," said Hiei, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"Am not," said Kurama, turning off the tap. Dabbing Hiei's feet with a 
towel, he then channelled youki to heal it. "There, that should do it," 
said Kurama, kissing the foot lightly. 

	Hiei swung his arms around Kurama’s neck and nuzzled his ears. 
"Bed," he commanded, licking Kurama’s ear. Kurama smiled and walked out 
of the bathroom towards his newly sheeted bed with a darling koorime in 
his arms.

	When they reached the bed, Kurama placed Hiei down beside him. 
"Hiei, can I ask you something?" asked Kurama. Hiei widened his eyes as 
if Kurama was to tell him that he’s pregnant. "What do you think of my 
hair?" he asked the puzzled koorime. "Ahh…," said Hiei. Kurama frowned. 
"What ahh?" asked the confused redhead.

	"I like it," he told the fox. "What if I were to cut it off?" 
asked Kurama. Hiei frowned. "I said… I like it," he repeated himself, 
this time more austerely. Indirectly telling Kurama, NO.

	Kurama smiled and leaned over to kiss Hiei. "Doumo," he said, 
biting gently on Hiei's lips.


	"I made a decision, kaasan. I’m not going to cut it," announced 
Kurama. Shuuichi clapped his hands. "You have the most coolest hair 
around, niisan. Don’t cut it," supported Shuuichi. "Okay Shuu-chan. It’s 
your hair," Shiori agreed with her son.

	"Do you really need to bring all those?" asked Hiei later that 
night, gesturing to the contents inside a big travelling bag. Kurama 
shrugged. "Yeah, why?" he asked, sitting on the bed next to Hiei. 

	"Why is it so much?" asked Hiei again. "Because, I have to bring 
clothes that suits you too!" said Kurama, showing Hiei a hooded T-shirt 
which he had when he was 12 years old. It would fit Hiei perfectly. 

	"You’re really sure I am going to wear that, aren’t you?" mused 
Hiei, as he laid on Kurama’s lap. Kurama chuckled and fell back on the 
futon, brushing Hiei's hair.


	"Wow! Look, that’s a big house!" exclaimed Atsuko. All of the 
girls were so excited and opened the door. They mused around the fully 
furnished house and keep gasping. "Let’s check out the rooms!" shouted 
Botan and ran upstairs where the bedrooms were on the east wing and the 
dining hall and kitchen on the west wing. On the ground floor, there’s 
only a big hall and a few other rooms. Store rooms, study room, training 
room *??*, and even an indoor pool.

	Sounds of the girls stomping over the stairs were worse than that 
of a stampede. 

	Kurama and Hiei came in the hall and closed the door behind them. 
"Umm… nice," commented the redhead. Hiei only gave a casual ‘hn’ and 
looked around. Kurama who had been carrying a big bag put it down, 
wiping off a bead of sweat that appeared on his forehead. 

	Yuusuke widened his eyes and slapped Kuwabara on the back. "The 
bedrooms! Koenma told us that they’re only 7 rooms! We have to grab one 
quick!" shouted Yuusuke, then he stopped. "Nah, I’ll share with Keiko," 
an ugly grin was on his face. 

	Kuwabara gritted his teeth, but then he smiled. "I’m going to 
share with Yukina then," he whispered to Yuusuke. Hiei heard it but 
decided to cool down. :… He would never dare to lay a hand on Yukina …: 
he always convinced himself with that statement. 

	Kurama smiled, he was happy that Hiei didn’t just go and lunge at 
Kuwabara, cutting his throat or whatsoever.

	Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama carried their heavy bags up the 
stairs with Hiei following closely behind. Obviously carrying nothing 
but his katana which was slung on to him.

	"You want me to help?" asked Hiei as he took one of the bag’s 
straps and helped Kurama with the bag. Kurama nodded and smiled. 

	They entered a long hallway and there were three doors on the left 
and three doors on the right. At the end of the hallway was another 
door. "Oi! We’re here!" shouted Yuusuke. Shizuru, Atsuko and Botan 
appeared at the doors on the left and Koenma, Keiko and Yukina appeared 
at the doors on the right.

 	Yuusuke ran over to Keiko. "Can I sleep with you?" asked the brown 
haired boy. Keiko gave him a good bashing before dragging him in. And 
Kuwabara skipped over to Yukina. "There’s no more room, Yukina-chan," 
whined Kuwabara. Hiei gritted his teeth. "There’s an empty room at the 
end of this hallway," he told Kurama, still gritting his teeth. "Um, 
yeah… and let the both of us sleep outside," said Kurama. Hiei snorted 
and turned away. The sharp truth of his friend was always annoyingly 

	"Kawaii-sou, Kazuma-san… come, there’s plenty of room here!" she 
invited Kuwabara in. The happy carrot top waved goodbye at Hiei and 
Kurama before disappearing into Yukina’s room. Then all doors were 
closed, leaving Hiei and Kurama blinking at the emptiness.

	Kurama walked over to the last empty room and opened the door. 
Hiei stood outside as Kurama checked the stuff. A big king sized bed, a 
nice window facing the sea, a big dressing table, a big closet, and 
mirrors on the closet doors. 

	He smiled, what more could he ask for? 

He looked at the door and smiled at the koorime standing in between it. 
"There’s no more empty room Hiei," he told the koorime. "I 
can sleep outside," he told the fox absent-mindedly. Kurama merely 
rolled his eyes. 

	He went to the door and pulled Hiei in, shutting it behind them. 
"You are staying with me," he told the koorime. Kurama took the bag and 
unpacked them. He opened the closet and chucked the clothes in there 
neatly. He opened a drawer and placed his underwear in it. Together with 

	Hiei waited for Kurama to finish fussing with things while he 
polished his katana on the bed.

	After about 15 minutes, Kurama turned their room into a 
comfortable warm chamber. Kurama sighed as he slumped on the bed next to 
Hiei. "Boy… am I tired," he muttered as he stretched. Hiei ignored the 
seductive fox and placed his katana next to him, he opened his cloak and 
set it aside. With that, he took back the katana and resumed to do the 
work he was doing, polishing his katana.

	Kurama was about to doze off when there was a knock on the door. 
He sighed and went to open it. "Oi, Kurama. Let’s go to the beach," 
Yuusuke exclaimed. Kurama smiled. "Okay, give us five minutes to get 
ready," said Kurama, suddenly enlighten. "Okay, we’ll wait downstairs," 
said Yuusuke and went off. Kurama closed the door and smiled at Hiei.

	"Ikuzo," he told the koorime, walking over to the closet. He 
picked out a T-shirt and a boxers for himself and a hooded T-shirt and 
boxers for Hiei. He grinned evilly as he dug out their swimming trunks. 

	Hiei just sat there, unmoving. "Hiei, come on," Kurama repeated 
himself. "I’m not going," he told the fox. Kurama curled his lips and 
walked over to Hiei with the bunch of clothes. He slumped them on the 
bed and laid on his stomach. He supported himself on his elbow and 
rested his face on his palms. Green glittering eyes were set on the 

	"Why not?" asked the fox, tickling Hiei on his foot. Hiei shifted 
at Kurama’s ticklish touch and looked into those emerald depths. "I just 
don’t want to," was the answer. Kurama shrugged and straightened up. He 
sat on the bed with his legs tucked under him and took Hiei's katana, 
placing it away, next to them. 

	"Nani o suru ka?" demanded Hiei as Kurama pulled off the tank top 
Hiei's wearing. Kurama didn’t reply, he just pulled off Hiei's black 
pants. Now with the blushing koorime naked in front of him, Kurama took 
a black coloured swimming trunk and slipped it on Hiei. 

	:… Kawaii …: Kurama praised mentally. The sexy pale boy looked 
very nice in the black swimming trunk. Kurama just couldn’t get his eyes 
off the puzzled koorime. 

	Then the white boxers followed by and finally, Kurama slid on the 
blue colour hooded T-shirt. "Kawaii yo!" said Kurama. Hiei grunted. He’s 
not supposed to be cute! He, the possessor of the legendary black dragon 
was not supposed to be called CUTE! But he sighed, those emerald glassy 
balls were so soft and inviting. So fragile that a single harsh word 
could shatter it into a million pieces. :… Baka …: he snorted.

	Kurama jumped off the bed suddenly and made Hiei frowned. Kurama 
did a strip show of his own with his back facing Hiei. :… Hey! No fair! 
He get to see the front side of me and I only get to see the back! …: 
"Oi Kurama, turn," ordered Hiei. Kurama stop on his tracks, he was on 
his way to slid on his black coloured swimming trunk. 

	"Why?" asked the redhead, resuming to pull up the skimpy piece of 
clothing. "Just do it," mumbled the fire youkai. Kurama turned, but he 
was already in his swimming trunk. "Still no fair," he pondered aloud. 
Kurama gave Hiei a puzzled look. "What’s not fair?" he leaned closer to 
the koorime.

	"You get to see my front side naked and I only get to se your 
front side which was already covered," Hiei told the fox. Kurama 
frowned, then laughed. :… Silly …: he noted mentally. "You really want 
to see me naked?" he asked, in a joking manner. 

	Hiei pursed his lips in confusion. He didn’t get the meaning of 
Kurama’s question. Want? Need? :… What to tell him? that I want to see 
him naked? Then he’ll think that I‘m some kind of a hentai. Tell him 
that I need to see him naked? Then he’ll think that I’m a sukebe …: Hiei 
battled with his thoughts.

	While Hiei was thinking, Kurama got into the white boxers and red 
T-shirt. He got on the bed opposite to Hiei and sat very close to him. 
"Tonite," he whispered and blew slightly on Hiei's ears, causing a light 
ticklish sensation. Hiei reached up to scratch it but his hand was 
stopped by Kurama.

	Kurama pulled Hiei up and head for the door. "We’re going," he 
said, pressing Hiei's head to his chest. Hiei sighed, he would sure very 
much hate this!


	When they reached downstairs, everyone was there waiting for them. 
Botan, Keiko and Atsuko were carrying baskets and Kuwabara carried a 
rolled blanket.   

	"Ano… why are guys so late?" mumbled Kuwabara. "Gomen… minna-san," 
uttered Kurama, smiling. "Yoshi, Ikuzo!" said Yuusuke, opening the door. 

	They all walked a few hundred feet to the sandy beach. Kuwabara 
laid the blanket on the sand and Botan, Keiko and Atsuko placed the 
baskets on it. "Kurama-san, Yuusuke, Yukina-chan, can you guys find some 
twigs and any wood, we’ll make a fire," suggested Keiko. The three 
nodded and ran towards the other side, near the lagoon.

	Hiei gazed over the ocean. The evening sun was going to set soon, 
it looked very… tranquillising. :… Just like Kurama’s eyes …: he uttered 
silently. When he got out of his thoughts, he turned around. Scanning 
everyone who’s on the big blanket, he frowned. Everyone was on the 
blanket now except Yuusuke, Yukina and Kurama.

	"Where’s Kurama?" asked Hiei, a wave of Oooos were heard. 
Obviously given by Shizuru and Botan. Hiei thrust them with a very 
annoyed glare and turned back his attention to Koenma, which he was 
asking just now.

	"They went to find twigs," answered the handsome teenage boy. 
Koenma had dumped his fukumen and looked very presentable in this way. 

	Hiei shrugged and wanted to sit on the sand. Then there was a 
shout. "HIEI!" which came from Atsuko. Hiei froze at his tracks. "Nani?" 
he asked, obviously annoyed. Having his name shouted suddenly wasn’t 
exactly Hiei's idea of fun. 

	"Come and sit on the blanket. You’ll get sands stuck to your cute 
butt if you sit on the sand!" said Atsuko. Again, Shizuru and Botan let 
out a series of Oooos. Atsuko’s phrase about Hiei's ‘cute butt’ 
triggered their annoying senses. Hiei sighed. How he wished that Kurama 
was here for him to hide. 


	As Yuusuke, Yukina and Kurama were collecting things that could be 
burnt, A fish came by the shore. It didn’t exactly came to the shore, a 
big wave carried it inside and slumped the fish on the shore. 

	It wiggled and struggled for water as it suffocates. His fins 
couldn’t process the oxygen from the air and it needs to get back into 
the water. :… Water …: cried the fish mentally. So near, yet so far. 

	It looked around and saw a girl. She had greenish blue hair and 
looks kind enough. :… If I could just make enough noise to make her 
notice me …: thought the dying fish. 

	It wiggled, it flapped, it even jumped limply. But the noise he 
tried to produce seemed to drowned by the louder sounds of the crashing 
waves on the shore. Which was still far from reach. 

	:… I’m dying …: cried the fish mentally. It couldn’t stand another 
more second without oxygen. :… Water… water …: was his last thoughts.

	Yukina gathered the twigs in her arms and turned around to find 
more. But then, her eyes widened as she saw the three feet long fish 
which was lying limply on the sand. Still slightly wiggling.

	Yukina dropped her collection of twigs and ran over to the fish. 
She dropped down with her legs tucked under her body and picked up the 
fish. "You need water!" she exclaimed, getting on to her foot. 

 	But the fish gave her his last wiggle :… It’s too late, pretty 
girl …: was the fish’s last thought as it lay limp and lifeless in Yukina’s 
hand. Yukina didn’t gave up and placed the fish in the water. 

	She waited for a few nervous moments and the fish still didn’t 
move. She channelled in some of her youki, but it still didn’t move. 
Didn’t breath, didn’t came back to life. 

 	"No… please… don’t die…," she cried. A drop of tear that 
transformed into a tear gem rolled off those scarlet eyes.


	Kurama and Yuusuke were stunned when they heard Yukina screaming. 
"What’s that?" asked Yuusuke. "Yukina’s shout," said Kurama, worried 
that his lover’s sister was in trouble. Both drop their twig and wood 
amassing on the sandy ground.

	They ran as fast as their feet could carry them and found Yukina 
kneeling against the shallow water. Crying.

	Kurama rushed to her and knelt next to her, followed by Yuusuke. 
"Doushite, doushite Yukina-chan?" he asked, holding both of her 
shoulders. Still unaware of the dead fish in front of her.

	Yukina sniffed and cried on Kurama’s chest. "Kurama-san," she 
cried. Kurama patted and rubbed soothing circles around her back. "Shh… 
tell me, what happened," coaxed Kurama.

	Yukina raised her head and pointed in front of her where a three 
feet long tuna fish was laid. Dead.

	Kurama frowned. Did Yukina felt bad because she found this? "I 
found it when it’s still alive and I can’t help it. It died, right in 
front of me… what kind of a healer am I?" cried Yukina. "No Yukina-chan, 
it’s not your fault," said Kurama, still patting her back. 

	Yukina shook her head. She picked up the fish and concentrated 
herself. The fish started to froze and ice began to cover it so it was 
preserved in the ice-block. "It is my fault, Kurama-san. With this, I 
curse myself upon this dead fish that I shall rot alive," said Yukina.  

	As she said the last word, Storms began to gather and thunders 
could be heard. 

	Hiei looked up at the setting sky and he didn’t like it. Something 
was wrong.

	"Yukina!" exclaimed Yuusuke. Kurama shook his head. "It’s nothing 
we could do now, Yuusuke. It was done," said Kurama. Yukina wiped her 
tears dry with the back of her hands. She sniffed herself until her nose 
was clear and brushed herself, holding the ice-block in her hand. 

	She turned around. "Only the breathing of this particular fish 
could break the curse and I don’t want the rest to know about this," she 
said and walked back to the group. Yuusuke and Kurama understood that 
Yukina didn’t want the others to know. 

	The three reached back to the group and found them folding the 
blankets. "It’s going to rain I think," said Keiko as the three 
approached. "Yeah, we have to eat dinner inside then," sulked Shizuru. 

	"What’s that, Yukina-chan?" asked Botan. Yukina flashed Botan one 
of her sweet smiles. "I found this near the shore, I preserved it," she 
told Botan, truthfully. But not wholly. 

	"Come one guy’s it’s going to rain soon!" exclaimed Kuwabara as he 
tucked the folded blanket under his arm.

	When they’re all save and sound in the house, the rain started to 
fall as soon as Kuwabara shut the door.

	They all climbed at stair to the dining hall on the west wing when 
Atsuko Botan wrinkled her nose. "I smell something," she said. "What?" 
asked Shizuru. Botan shrugged. "I dunno, meat. Rotten meat," said Botan, 
but then she shrugged. "Nah, guess it’s just my imagination," she told 
Shizuru. But Yuusuke and Kurama knew that it was more than mere 

	They served the food on the table. Hiei looked outside 
suspiciously. "Ouame," he commented. "Nani, Hiei-san?" asked Keiko. 
"Heavy downpour," Hiei repeated himself. Keiko nodded. 

	Kurama took his seat next to Hiei and put down two glasses of 
sweet reddish liquid on the table. When all are ready on the table, 
everyone eyed the tremendous amount of food.


 	As everyone were busy eating, Keiko who was sitting next to Yukina 
paused. She flared her nose and sniffed again. It was really there. 
"Botan, I think I’m smelling it too," said Keiko. Everyone looked at 
Keiko except Yuusuke and Kurama who pretended not to hear anything. 

	Then the smell was gone. "Nah, it disappeared," said Keiko and 
shrugged. Everyone mumbled and resumed eating. 

	Hiei narrowed his eyes. One moment fixing his eyes on Kurama, then 
on Yuusuke. Both seemed to be knowing something. He could sense it, but 
both seemed to be pretending not to know anything. Trying to find it out 
from Yuusuke would be hard, but Kurama… he turned

	He decided to ask after dinner…

	A few minutes later, Kurama finished eating and excused himself. 
Actually, he didn’t ate a lot. He just bit off a chuck of meatball and 
drank all of the water in his glass. He went out to the balcony and 
rested his arms on the railing. Watching the rain. 

	Hiei gulped down some volume of water before standing up too, 
following Kurama outside. Everyone else was still munching on food. "No 
wonder Kurama-san is so thin. He eats so very little," commented Keiko. 
"Yeah, not like someone else that eats like a pig," said Yuusuke, making 
sarcastic remarks. Keiko felt offended. "And who might that pig be, 
Yuusuke?" she asked. Yuusuke shrugged and giggled gleefully.

	"Look, Hiei's going after his fox… how sweet," said Shizuru, in a 
very leering tone. Botan giggled. "Yeah, maybe having a little bit of 
after dinner chit-chat. Kawaii…," she continued giggling. "Have they 
ever have sex together?" asked Atsuko absent-mindedly. "Atsuko-san! 
Etchi!!" everyone exclaimed. "Ano, gomen," she uttered and continued 

	Hiei leaned on the railing next to Kurama, close. "You ate very 
little today," Hiei told the redhead. Kurama turned to look at those 
ruby eyes and smiled. "Oh, you keep track in mind how much I normally 
ate?" asked Kurama, secretly flirting with this special koorime.

	Hiei shrugged. "You barely ate," he noted. Kurama smiled. "I’m 
full of food…" Kurama trailed off, then his expression brightened up a 
little. "I’m famished for something else though," a naughty grin was on 
his face. "Baka," Hiei uttered and turned his gaze to the rough sea. The 
heavy rain still hadn’t show any signs of slowing down. The clouds in 
the dark sky seemed to be getting together continuously.

	Kurama put his arms on the back of Hiei's neck and closed their 
space more. He looked at his companion with the help of the light from 
inside the dining hall. His pale smooth face was so irresistible. "I 
still haven’t soak you in sea water yet," said Kurama, with a warm 
smile. Trailing Hiei's jaw line with his caressing finger.   

	Hiei was silent, but he responded to Kurama’s soft touch. He 
didn’t do that because he wanted to get information from the fox. But 
his body moved automatically, as if that was what he should do. That was 
what he wanted to do.

	Kurama leaned closer to that pale face. When Hiei didn’t reject as 
Kurama touched his lips on Hiei’s jaw, the fox smiled. He kissed he 
childlike jaw line and trailed his way to Hiei's chin. "Can I kiss you?" 
asked Kurama in a whisper. Hiei replying by planting his lips on the 
fox’s sweet ones, parting his lips slightly.

	Botan was munching on a piece of chicken when she saw what was 
happening outside. "Kami-sama…," she uttered. Everyone frowned at her 
and looked outside. A love scene was playing outside the room, 
accompanying the heavy rain outside. The windows were all opened and 
they could see clearly. 

	Unaware of the spectators, Kurama looked at his dessert. Spying 
Hiei's parting lips, he darted his tongue in slowly. Kissing the koorime 
soundly, sensually, passionately. Hiei couldn’t resist anymore and he 
wrapped his hands around the fox. He tucked his hands inside Kurama’s 
shirt and run his hands all over Kurama’s skin. Kurama copied what Hiei 
did and both lowered themselves, sitting on the floor, leaning against 
the steel railing.

 	"What is happening?" asked Atsuko as Kurama and Hiei both slid 
down, invisible to all of them now that they’re blocked by the wall. 
"Love scene," said Botan and chuckled. "Can we go to the window and 
peep?" asked Atsuko. "ATSUKO-SAN!" exclaimed they all again. "Gomen," 
she apologised once again.

	Hiei pushed Kurama down to his back, pinning the redhead on the 
floor. Hiei reached down to pull off Kurama’s pants when Yuusuke saw 
what’s coming and closed the door with the tip of his toe. The sound of 
door slamming triggered Kurama back to reality and he exclaimed. 
"Yamero! No, Hiei!" Hiei blinked as he stopped in his tracks. "I mean, 
not here," Kurama smiled back, kind of flirty. 

	Hiei shrugged and got off of him. "Gomen, I was too…," Kurama 
smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry? For what? I liked it… but 
it’s just that we’re outside and Yuusuke…," Hiei nodded and got up.

	"There," said Botan as she saw Hiei and Kurama became visible 
again as they both stood up. "Finish already? So fast?" asked Atsuko. 
Shizuru laughed. "They didn’t even did it," she told them. "Why?" asked 
Botan and Atsuko. "Sense of sensibility," she told them casually, 
enjoying her pudding. Koenma was going crazy about these girls talking 
about sex. :… Etchi …: mumbled Koenma silently. Kuwabara didn’t 
participate as he was busy listening to his walk-man. 


	"Call him here," said the tall man, a serious frown was on his 
face. But as soon as his servant went out of the room, his expression 
turned drastically. He sighed. Softer features could now be seen instead 
of that of a storm cloud.

	Sensui Shinobu laid back on his chair, his thoughts were so empty. 
There was nothing that he could do nor nowhere that he could go. Just 
stuck in this big building. Without anything interesting going on.

	The door creaked slowly and Sensui snapped his head upright. 
Planting that serious frown again, thinking that it was one of his 
servants. He wouldn’t let them see him in a soft and boring mode, 
they’ll slack on their performance. 

	But again, instantly his expression changed. He smiled as he saw a 
beautiful face peeping from behind the door. The smile that the 
turquoise coloured hair guy gave him softened his heart almost 
immediately. With a few strands of stray hair hanging over his face, he 
arched his brow. "You wanna see me?" asked the melodically sweet tenor 

	Sensui swallowed the lump that was stuck in his throat when he saw 
this beauty and nodded once. Itsuki shrugged and walked all the way in, 
shutting the door behind him pressing the lock button.

	The tall slender pale guy walked towards Sensui ever so gracefully 
that the long white cloths of his attire swayed in his movements, 
creating a vision of passion, of lust, desire. 

	Itsuki tried to keep an innocent face while secretly flirting at 
the same time. He smiled and knelt in front of Sensui, resting his arms 
and face on the other guy’s lap. "What’s the matter?" asked the sweet 
guy, the smile never ran off.

	Sensui sighed again. "Honestly, itoshii… I am very, very bored. 
That’s why I asked you here, to share this grief with me," he joked. 
Itsuki let out a giggle, those of a silly 16 year old school girl whose 
amused on something. 

	"Sensui? Bored? Boredom and Sensui Shinobu don’t fit in a 
sentence," he echoed and mocked gently. Those words rang in Sensui’s 
ears like a bell, Itsuki is actually laughing at him! He rolled his eyes 
and looked away at the darkness outside. It was raining heavily and he 
wondered whatever had the stupid ningens done to deserve such a torment 
from god. 

	"Let’s get out of here," suggested Itsuki. "Where to?" asked 
Sensui, concentrating at this particular flirting guy. Itsuki stood up 
and sat on Sensui’s lap, legs dangling on each side. He shifted nearer 
to the bigger guy and closed the space between them. Itsuki leaned over 
Sensui and whispered in his ear. "A vacation," said Itsuki, slightly 
licking Sensui’s earlobe while at it. 

Sensui nearly laughed.  


 	Yuusuke sighed as he looked out the window. The rain was still as 
heavy as it was a few hours ago. The clouds keep gathering and the wind 
was blowing furiously. Keiko closed her novel and laid on the bed. Eyes 
watching her lover. 

 	"What’s wrong, Yuusuke?" asked the ever sweet and not-so-gentle 
Keiko. Yuusuke shook his head and walked over to the bed. Keiko fussed 
at him and put a hand on Yuusuke’s forehead. "Normal, you’re not sick… 
what’s bothering you then?" asked Keiko, concerned.

 	Yuusuke leaned over Keiko as she wrapped her arms around the boy. 
He seemed troubled and as always, he would never tell her about it. And 
Keiko learned to respect his rights and never asked too much. Time makes 
you realise and loosing Yuusuke once was enough for her. Minus the one 
that he died in Makai and became and youkai.  

 	Enough for her to make her realise that she truly loved this 
childhood friend. 

 	Yuusuke was troubled. He can’t possibly just sit around and do 
nothing about it. Yukina’s rotting alive and the other’s would be 
getting suspicious if the smell keeps coming up more often. Would Kurama 
tell Hiei about it? Would he? Hiei… of course he would help. Even if it 
takes up his own life. Yes, tomorrow he would confront it with Kurama. 
They need Hiei to help Yukina.


 	Yukina looked at the ice-block that she preserved the tuna in. A 
sad and unhappy look was on her face. If only she was more alert. If 
only she wasn’t picking up the twigs on this side first. If only she 
could hear the desperate call of the fish over the loud noise of 
crashing waves. 

 	Yukina changed her expression as soon as she heard the bathroom 
door opened. Kuwabara came out of it wrapped in a towel. A big smile was 
on his face. "Are you enjoying this vacation, Yukina-chan?" asked the 
carrot top. 

 	Yukina nodded with a pure smile. She was Hiei's sister, a koorime. 
Masters of hiding their true feelings. 

 	"Come and sleep, Yukina-chan… Oyasuminasai!" said Kuwabara. Yukina 
nodded and went to bed. She slept the furthest on the other side of the 
bed. Scared. Scared that the smell coming out of her would disturb this 
sleeping knight. Her knight. 

 	She felt and looked at herself. Cold. As cold as ice. As pale as 


 	Kurama came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his 
waist. Hiei watched him as the troubled kitsune walked over to the 
window. Still watching the pouring rain with a very confused and 
troubled face. His aura was a big clue that he was unhappy.

 	"Kurama?" called Hiei. Kurama didn’t heard it. He was too deep in 
thoughts. "Kurama?" Hiei called again. No use, the kitsune was lost. 

 	Hiei was certain that Kurama knew something about this strange 
‘stench-mystery’ and he wasn’t telling him about it. Did he want to let
his kitsune settle it alone? No way, he’s going to help his fox.

 	Hiei got up from the bed and went to Kurama. He pushed a very 
shocked Kurama away from the window and pinned him down on the bed. He 
got on top of the fox and snarled. Showing the tip of his two cute 

 	"Are you going to tell me what’s all this about?" asked the fire 
youkai. Kurama arched his brow in confusion. "Nani?" he pretended to be 
innocent. "I know you won’t tell me. But seeing you suffer alone like 
this… I don’t like it. And if I don’t like something…," Hiei let himself 
trail off. 

 	Kurama turned to his side and carried Hiei with it, both facing 
each other on their sides. "I can’t," said Kurama, closing his emerald 
depths. Hiei brushed away a stray strand of red hair from Kurama’s 
closed eye.

 	"I promised her, I can’t tell you," said Kurama, giving Hiei 
hints. He knew that if Yukina could be helped by anyone, Hiei would be 
the one person in the three worlds that could do it.

 	"So, it’s a girl?" mused Hiei. Kurama pulled Hiei close and buried 
his face in Hiei's soft spiky hair. Kurama sighed. "I don’t care. I have 
to tell you cause you’re the only one that could help her, Hiei," said 
Kurama finally. He had to do something about this thing, he can’t just 
let Yukina be like that. He hoped that Yuusuke and Yukina would 

 	Hiei paused. Hearing Kurama’s statement seemed to trigger 
something in his mind. The phrase ‘You’re the only one that could help 
her’ kept ringing in his head and he had a bad feeling about this. :… It 
couldn’t be Yukina …: he breathed raggedly. 

 	It’s Yukina," Kurama said finally. Hiei felt like dying. It was 
really his sister that had to do with the mystery. 

 	"What’s with her?" asked Hiei from Kurama’s chest. Kurama bit his 
lips. Was he going to tell Hiei? Was he going to break the promise?

 	"She cursed herself," said Kurama finally, tightening his grip 
around Hiei. Hiei waited for Kurama to continue. "Did you saw the block 
of ice which had a tuna in it?" asked Kurama. Hiei nodded. "That fish 
died in front of her and she claimed that she can’t save it. Guilty 
about it, she cursed herself for being a bad healer and she was to rot 
alive," Kurama finished his story.

 	Hiei straightened up. He narrowed his eyes at Kurama. The redhead 
just looked away when Hiei fixed that glare on him. As if accusing him. 
"We have to do something," said Hiei. Kurama nodded. "The question is… 
what to do…," trailed the fox turning away, facing his back on the 

 	"We’ll think about it in the morning," said Hiei and got up. He 
pushed Kurama to his side and pulled up the covers. He reached down and 
pulled Kurama’s towel, swinging it somewhere in the room. They could 
hear it slam the walls before settling for the floor. 

 	Hiei cuddled close to his lover and closed his eyes. :… We’ll 
think of something to help you, Yukina …: and dozed off.


 	"We really have to go now?" asked Sensui as Itsuki came back a few 
moments later carrying a bag with him. Sensui pointed at the bag. "Oh, 
it’s just some junk food and stuffs," reasoned Itsuki with a smile and 
let the bag down, sitting on Sensui’s lap. He’s really getting spoiled 
with Sensui treating him like a precious China doll.

 	They reached an island. "You have any idea where we are?" asked 
Sensui, looking around the dark place. He could hear the crashing waves 
nearby, so they were most probably by the sea-side. Winds were blowing 
menacingly and the place that they were taking shelter was starting to 
get very wet. 

 	Sensui looked up at the stone which was sheltering them from most 
of the rain water. He frowned, who the hell caused this menacing piece 
of disaster was going to suffer. He turned back to look at Itsuki who 
seemed to be finding for something in the dark rainy island. :… And out 
of all times, Itsuki suggested a vacation in this kind of a weather …: 
pouted Sensui.

 	Itsuki concentrated and pointed somewhere in the darkness. 
"There," he said. "An empty place we could spend our little holiday," 
said Itsuki and pulled Sensui in the rain towards and empty bungalow. 

 	Sensui switched on the lights and sheer brightness shone the place 
like fire. The yellow light gave a warm atmosphere to the big hall 
though. Both let out a bit of youki that evaporated the water from their 
clothes, resulting a cloud of steaming water vapour vanishing into the 
thin air. "Omoshiroi…" mused Itsuki and danced around gracefully. His 
white cloths swayed around in the air with the lithe motion.

 	"However did you manage to find a place like this?" asked Sensui, 
gathering his lover in his strong arms and carried him to a nearby sofa. 
Itsuki shrugged. "I closed my eyes and picked. There were two bungalows 
here on this island and the other one was occupied. But this was empty 
though," smiled Itsuki "You’re suppose to rent it, baka," Sensui told 
him, brushing his soft turquoise coloured hair.

 	"Forget about the rent. We’ll just kill anyone who wants to rent 
this place. Such meddlesome pests should be disposed, ne?" yawned 
Itsuki, starting to get sleepy. Sensui shrugged, he would never want to 
hurt his lover’s pride. If that’s what he said, it should be done his 

 	"Let’s go up and find ourselves a room, okay?" suggested Sensui 
and carried his light companion to the stairs.


 	The sun’s ray stung Hiei's eyes like laser beams. "Kuso…," he 
muttered and turned, facing his back to it. Kurama opened an eye as he 
heard the incoherent piece of statement. He saw nothing but Hiei's bare 
back facing him, he curled his lips. He pushed away the covers and 
turned, narrowing his eyes at the sun’s glaring rays. 

 	It just got out of horizon and was already meddling with Hiei's 

 	Kurama yawned and picked up his watch. :… 7.30 …: he smiled. He 
went to the window and opened it. The rain had slowed down and Kurama 
felt like exploring this piece of land before the others got up. 

 	He went to the bathroom and got his teeth brushed, his face 
washed, a quick bath and walked out of it with a towel hanging loosely 
over his hips. He went to the closet and put on the same attire he wore 
yesterday. In mind, determined to soak himself in the salt water today.

 	Hiei stirred and turned. He straightened up instantly when he 
reached for Kurama and got nothing but pale white sheets. He blinked his 
eyes and narrowed it at the redhead who seemed to be dressed for 

 	"The others are up for breakfast already?" he muttered, his voice 
heavy of sleep. Kurama shrugged and went to the dressing table, reaching 
for the hair brush. "Where you going?" enquired the muddled fire demon, 
who’s trying to kick away the bed sheets that were stuck to every part 
of his body. Especially in between his ass. :… Damn …: he tried to pull 
it off but no use, it was tugged on somewhere and won’t budge. 

 	Kurama brushed his hair and stood up. "To the beach, I wanna check 
things out," he muttered and casually looked at Hiei who was giving him 
a ‘bratty’ look. The ‘why-aren’t-you-taking-me-with-you’ look. 

 	"Oh Hiei… dear darling Hiei…," cooed Kurama and walked towards the 
fire demon who was still tangled in the sheets. Kurama pulled the sheets 
off and smirked at the naked fire demon. He carried the fire demon in 
his arms and walked into the bathroom. "You wanna come with me?" he 
finally asked as he yanked Hiei's jaw open, brushing his teeth for him. 

 	No answer until Hiei washed his mouth with ‘a-lot’ of water. He 
hates it when Kurama sprayed his mouth with water as if he’s some kind 
of a wild animal. Of course, the reply were a few chosen Makai curses 
which he could utter without repeating himself for two days in a row. 
"Hiei…," Kurama smooched his precious fire demon and wet his hair, 
brushing it with his slender fingers. Making it spikier than it is.

 	He too, put Hiei in the same thing he wore the day before. "Do I 
really have to wear this," he pointed as the skimpy piece of black 
swimming trunk wrapped against his hip. Kurama smiled and stood up, 
after finishing Hiei's attiring.

 	Kurama walked through the corridor silently with Hiei following 
close behind. He didn’t want to wake anyone up with their loud 
footsteps. "All of them asleep?" asked Kurama. Hiei closed his Jagan and 
retied his headband. "Hn… all eight of them," he informed the smiling 

 	Kurama shut the door behind them and breathed in the fresh morning 
air. Salty and fresh. Hiei frowned at Kurama and stepped down to the 
sand. He crouched and picked up a handful of damp sand. Wrinkling his 
nose, he put it back and dusted his fingers on his T-shirt.

 	Kurama walked to the other side and Hiei caught up with him. 
"What’re you doing" he asked as the redhead looked up to the balcony 
where the dining hall was. "Nothing, just looking up at things," said 
Kurama, noticing the odd artistic decoration of the mansion. Inside and 

 	Kurama walked further, the waves were crashing gently on the 
shore. There was a cliff nearby and Kurama wanted to check it out later. 
There was a small jungle in the middle of the island which the animals 
on this very island make home of. Crabs were dancing on the sand. Birds 
were flying through-and-froth, the gulls were making their own music as 
they flew together, trying to catch those fishes in the shallow water.

 	He turned and saw Hiei, crouching. Eyeing something. Kurama smiled 
and got nearer as he spied Hiei interested in a pair of crabs dancing on 
the sand.

 	Sensui cracked open his eye when Itsuki got up, leaving his arms. 
He looked at the window and regarded the stopped rain. "Wanna go for a 
morning walk?" he asked Sensui, knowing that the big guy would be up as 
soon as he left his arms. Sensui got up and yawned. "Un," he replied. 

 	They jumped out the window and landed perfectly on the sand, damp 
because of the rain yesterday. Itsuki giggled like a little boy, happy. 
"We should do that often," he said and gave Sensui a kiss before getting 
off Sensui’s arm, standing on his own feet. Sensui smiled and stuffed 
his hands in his pocket.

 	Itsuki cavorted on the shore, planting his footprints everywhere 
on the sand. Too happy, too occupied to realise that there were other 
beings on the island that they would probably knew.

 	Itsuki pointed to the right. "Let’s go there," he said, running to 
the other side with a sighing Sensui going after him, trying to catch 
up. Wondering in his brains why does his lover have so much energy 
stored up even after a tired night.

 	As soon as they disappeared behind the rocks and Itsuki found a 
crab that they could bully, Kurama and his companion reached the place 
where Itsuki and Sensui were a few moments ago. 

 	Kurama frowned and stopped his tracks. "Hiei," he called softly. 
Hiei, who was busy watching another pair of crabs fighting for a hole, 
looked up upon hearing his name being called. "Em?" Kurama gestured him 
to come nearer and the koorime obeyed.

 	Both crouched on the sand near the footprints. He frowned and 
turned back to a confused Hiei. "Koenma said that this island was 
deserted and we haven’t been this far yet," he told the koorime. Kurama 
took off his sandals and planted his feet into one of the footprints. 
"And this is certainly not mine," Kurama gestured to the footprint that 
he had his foot on that was slightly bigger than his. "Are you saying 
that there’s someone else here?" asked Hiei. Kurama shrugged.

 	Hiei looked around and saw another set of footprints that were 
bigger than the earlier ones. This one was further from the shore and he 
looked up on that certain direction, seeing a bungalow the same as 
theirs with a different colour. Kurama walked up to him and frowned. "An 
identical bungalow like ours," said Kurama. "I’m going inside," said 

 	"Hiei, that could be occupied!" he stopped Hiei and both paused  
as they heard giggles from behind the rocks on the other side.

 	"Whose is that?" asked Hiei, referring to the laugh. Regretted 
himself that he didn’t bring his katana along. The giggles were high and 
crispy, sounded very familiar though. "The only way to find out," he 
frowned, tip-toeing to the rocks. 

 	Kurama peeped and looked at Hiei. "Sensui and Itsuki??" he mused 

 	Sensui sensed something big moving behind him and frowned. 
"Itoshii," he called for Itsuki who was busy with two crabs. "Nani yo?" 
he asked, straightening himself.

 	"Kurama and Hiei," he said, both to tell Itsuki and to indirectly 
tell Kurama and Hiei to show themselves. Itsuki widened his eyes in 
amusement as Kurama and Hiei stepped out behind the rocks. "What are you 
doing here?" asked the sweet Itsuki, moving over to them. 

 	"We were having a vacation here," said Kurama. "Oh, so you guys 
were occupying the other house?" asked Itsuki, Kurama nodded. "And… 
look! You brought your koibito here with you as well," said Itsuki, 
endorsing Hiei's present as if it’s some kind of a big deal. Hiei 
frowned and turned away, but everyone could tell that he was blushing. 

 	"Why do I have the feeling that you guys were the cause of the 
storm yesterday?" asked Sensui, narrowing his eyes at Hiei. Who would 
seem incredibly short standing next to Sensui. "Don’t know a thing," 
said Hiei immediately.     

 	"Honto ka na?" mused Sensui, almost sarcastically. "Who else is 
here?" asked Itsuki, brushing away sands from his clothes. "Koenma…," 
said Kurama, but was cut by Itsuki and Sensui. "That brat again," they 
said simultaneously. 

 	"Yuusuke and the other big guy also here?" asked Sensui. Kurama 
nodded. "Who else?" asked Itsuki. 

 	"Why don’t you come by and have a look for yourselves?" asked 
Hiei, almost challenging Sensui. Obviously, both didn’t enjoy each 
other’s company too much. If it wasn’t for Itsuki, Sensui would have 
started a fight with this little fire demon. And if Hiei had his katana 
with him, he would have started a sword fight with Sensui. 

 	"Why not," replied Sensui, almost spitting out his words. This 
fire demon sure knows how to tick some annoying nerves. 


 	Breakfast was served and all of the sleepy heads were still 
dreaming of their soft comfy bed while waiting for Kurama and Hiei who 
had disappeared earlier. "Where the heck is Kurama?" asked Yuusuke, 
scratching his head. "Let’s just eat first. Who knows they might come 
back late in the evening. You telling us to wait until night?" mumbled 
Kuwabara sleepily, everyone nodded and started on the day’s first meal.

 	The door to the main hall opened. Sun’s ray penetrated it like 
laser and instantaneously warm the insides if the hall. Spreading warmth 
on the sofa set and recycle the humid air inside. 

 	"You two can wait here. We’ll get them out," said Kurama and 
pushed Hiei up the stairs with him. Sensui spotted a single sofa and sat 
on it. Itsuki turned and smiled, he sat on his lover’s lap and leaned on 
his chest. He tangled his fingers in between Sensui’s bigger ones and 
placed it on his groin, closing his eyes. 

 	Sensui looked around at the drawings on the hall and spotted an 
ancient Japanese drawing, fixing a frown at it. "That thing has a life 
of its own," commented Sensui, breathing in Itsuki’s fresh scented hair. 
He smiled. "Let it live it alone then," mumbled Itsuki. Sensui rolled 
his eyes at the sarcastic remark and resumed looking at the drawings and 

 	The dining hall burst open. "Sensui to Itsuki wa koko ni iru yo," 
said Kurama as he got everyone’s attention. "Nani?" they exclaimed. Hiei 
appeared a moment later, his katana ready. "Hiei, what are you doing?" 
asked Kurama. "In case he decides to eat us for lunch," he uttered. 

 	Atsuko made her way to Kurama and put her hands on her waist. 
"What is happening here? Who’s this Itsuki and Sensui?" she demanded. 
"S-class demons," muttered Hiei. Atsuko frowned. 

 	"It means, they’re the strongest class demons in the demon 
category," mumbled Yuusuke boldly at his mother. Atsuko’s frown got 
deeper. "I know what it is, dear. I mean, why is it here? I thought you 
told me that there was this layer of stuff that protected the Ningenkai 
from S-class demons," she pondered.

 	"It’s destroyed," mumbled Kuwabara.

 	Kuwabara walked forth and smirked at Hiei. "And you think you 
could defeat them? They’re S-class demons, I’m happy to remind you," 
snickered Kuwabara at Hiei, who seems a bit over excited about cutting 
Sensui and Itsuki into fillet sizes. 
 	"So,?" Hiei retorted, sure not in the mood to fight with Kuwabara. 
"I’m trying to tell you that a short shrimp like you can’t beat them 
alone!" said Kuwabara, clearing himself. Hiei bit his lower lip. 

 	"Kurama," he called. "Em?" Kurama arched his brow. "Tell that big 
oaf that I’m not short," Hiei ordered. "Err…," Kurama looked at Kuwabara 
and blinked. How can he tell Kuwabara that Hiei's not short? "Kurama," 
Hiei uttered again, this time a bit firmer. 

 	"Okay, okay… you’re not short Hiei. We need to deal with Sensui 
and Itsuki now, for Kami-sama’s sake! Ikuzo!" Yuusuke finally exclaimed, 
running out the dining hall. Everyone followed.

 	Kurama touched Hiei's shoulder and Hiei roughly pulled it away. 
Following the others. 

 	Itsuki stopped laughing when he heard footsteps coming down 
heading their way. "They’re here," he informed Sensui. "Shiru yo, 
itoshii," nodded Sensui. 

 	Both turned and smiled at the group in front of them. Kuwabara 
stepped forth and pointed at Itsuki. "You again, you sissy!" he 

 	Itsuki widened his eyes and his lips trembled. He buried his face 
on Sensui’s chest and sobbed. "Itoshii, he called me a sissy!" Itsuki 
complained. Sensui glared at Kuwabara. He took Itsuki by his shoulder 
and straightened him up. He got off from the sofa he was sitting on and 
stepped towards Kuwabara.   

 	"Obviously, you don’t like me. And I don’t fancy you too much 
either. So can we just settle this the ‘good’ way? I’m not in the mood 
to fight," said Sensui. "What? you’re telling me you’re scared?" 
challenged Kuwabara. Yuusuke sighed and rolled his eyes. :… You’re 
getting us into hot soups, idiot! …: thought Yuusuke.

 	"Anyway… I smell something…," said Itsuki, eyeing the room. 
Everyone peaked their senses and finally spotted the faint stench. "We 
have been smelling it lately. Must be this house," said Atsuko.

 	Itsuki shook his head. "Not this house… someone in this house…" he 
trailed off, eyeing Yukina. Yukina looked away and glued her eyes on the 

 	"Say, we can help," suggested Itsuki. Kuwabara gave him a slanting 
‘why-should-you’ look. Itsuki straightened his body and smirked. 
"Despite my hatred to you, I will help," he ignored Kuwabara’s remark. 

 	"You know who’s behind this?" asked Yuusuke. Itsuki nodded. "Who?" 
Yuusuke demanded. Itsuki looked at Sensui and the big guy shrugged. "No, 
not telling you," said Itsuki. "Then how can you help?" asked Yuusuke, 
raising both of his hands sighing. 

 	"I’ll have my way," he said and turned. "Let’s get outta here 
before we run out our welcome," he suggested to Sensui and he nodded. 
Sensui stretched out his hands and the tips of his fingers flickered 
with small bolts of lighting. The door flew open and both walked slowly 
out of it.

 	It shut off automatically. Gusts of wind accompanied it’s suddenly 

 	"Okay, why don’t we just forget this thing and continue our 
perfect vacation? Can we?" suggested Keiko, trying to lift up everyone’s 
spirit. Yuusuke, whose face was set in a frown just now instantly lit up 
his face with a grin. "Yeah! sure! I’m going to the beach!" he 
announced. "I’m going to resume breakfast," said Kuwabara. Everyone else 
mumbled other stuffs they decided to do and went off, clearing the hall. 

 	Kurama watched the ever silent koorime and wondered if he was 
really mad at him. He waited for everyone to vacate the whole hall 
before approaching the koorime. 

 	"Oi," called Kurama softly. Hiei ignored the call and walked away. 
First, Yukina’s curse. Second, Kurama was not on his side. Now, Itsuki 
and Sensui were going to ‘help’ them. He had more things to think about 
than laze around with the stupid fox. 

 	"Hiei," called Kurama softly. Hiei was still silent, closing the 
space between the sofa and his ass. Firmly ignoring Kurama, acting as if 
he wasn’t there.

 	Kurama slumped next to Hiei and looked at the koorime. His rubies 
were hidden as his eyelids were closed. Actually, he was still mad at 
Kurama for not standing on his side. 

 	"Hiei…" before Kurama could say anything more, Hiei's eyes snapped 
open and glared death at him. "Shut up before I pull your sorry tail off 
your butt!" burst Hiei. Kurama opened his mouth to say something but 
Hiei was faster. "I’m trying to think here!" Kurama blinked. Hiei was 
actually scolding him. 

 	"But…," Kurama stopped as Hiei's death glare became more 
dangerous. "Get your ass outta here! Leave me alone! Just… just… go 
away," Hiei uttered, letting out a heavy sigh.

 	Kurama gave Hiei a ‘h-u-r-t’ look and looked away. "I’m sorry," he 
uttered softly and stood up. "I’m sorry…" he trailed off and cupped his 
hands over his face, running up the stairs.   

 	Hiei wanted to say something, but decided against it. Sometimes 
the fox should be treated seriously. Put him into reality and try 
working his brains on something this serious could sometimes be a good 
thing to do. "Damn!" Hiei cursed and jumped off the sofa, heading out to 
the beach. 


 	"Still troubled about the Itsuki and Sensui thing?" asked Keiko, 
leaning against Yuusuke’s shoulder. He let out a sigh and gazed out to 
the sea. "Partly," he answered. Keiko straightened up and looked at 

 	"There’s something your not telling us," she said casually. 
Yuusuke nodded. Keiko blinked at him, a silent plea to let Yuusuke know 
that she wanted to share his problems. 

 	"You too know about the weird stench coming up from time to time, 
right?" Keiko nodded. "Saa… that weird smell came outta Yukina," he told 
her flat. Keiko widened her surprised eyes.

 	Yuusuke started to tell her the tale and Keiko nodded at every 
pause. "… so this thing about Itsuki trying to help, it’s not convincing 
enough to me. I bet Hiei is disturbed about this too," Yuusuke ended his 
little story. Keiko frowned. "Who knows, maybe he really wanted to 
help," she suggested.

 	Yuusuke chuckled sarcastically. "Yeah right, a demon who had an 
ambition about conquering the Ningenkai is helping us, the destroyer of 
their dreams," stated Yuusuke. Keiko shrugged. "Itsuki knows about 
Yukina being Hiei's sister right?" she asked.

 	Yuusuke shrugged. "May be. He’s knows everything, I assume," he 
told Keiko. "Kurama and Hiei… both of them were the least one that 
Itsuki got involved in fighting in, right?" she was trying to make 
herself clear. Yuusuke nodded.

 	"I don’t know about Sensui, but according to the stories you told 
me about them… I seemed to come to a conclusion about Itsuki. About him 
not hating Hiei and Kurama as much as he hates the others," Keiko told 
Yuusuke. "And that might be the little connection triggering the 
youkai’s heart to help the koorime’s sister?" asked Yuusuke. Keiko 

 	Yuusuke smiled broadly. "Then, our worry is over! We could really 
spend the rest of the vacation in peace!" he exclaimed, stretching his 
hands out as if in victory, jumping in the air. Keiko nodded and smiled 
warmly at her friend. Yuusuke could be serious and could be care-free at 
times. Maybe that’s what made her attracted to him.


 	Kurama leaped out of the window and landed on the sand outside. He 
needed the wave to wash away the pain in his heart. He didn’t aspect 
Hiei to actually shout at him like that. As if he’s so disgusting and he 
had to dispose him off. His treasure, his love…

 	He took off his sandals and stepped into the crashing waves. The 
tide was low and the waves were small. 

 	He sat on the edge where the waves could reach him but not too 
much. His shorts were already wet by now and he tried to relax himself 
under the shade of the coconut tree. 

 	Suddenly he cried. He still can’t face the fact about Hiei 
actually shouting at him, telling him to go away. Was it about him not 
telling Kuwabara he was ‘not short’?

 	Those tears flow steadily. "Hiei… I’m sorry…," he said to the 
crashing waves that seemed to be the only thing that’s listening.


 	Hiei punched a rock and it crumbled into tiny pieces of stones. 
Was Itsuki and Sensui really going to help them? How? Why? All sorts of 
question start forming in his head. Then he remembered Kurama. He 
figured that the fox had suffered enough and decided to find him.

 	Just as he expected. Crying. The fox could be so sensitive and 
*sissy* at times. Hiei suddenly remembered Itsuki. :… No, that guy was 
different! …: a voice said. :… They act the same …: said another voice. 
:… Kurama doesn’t cry like that! …: the other one retorted. Hiei shut 
them off and gritted his teeth. :… SHUT UP! …: he told it and there was 
no more war.

 	He watched the fox burying his face in his hands, sobbing by the 

 	Hiei sat next to Kurama and pulled his kitsune’s head gently 
resting it on his chest. "Now…," he tried to comfort the fox. "Hiei…," 
cried Kurama softly in his lover’s embrace. "Shh…," said Hiei's slowly 
rocking them to the sides. "Gomen nasai," said the kitsune between heavy 

 	Kurama could be so fragile. More than a China doll. At least, when 
you shout at one, it doesn’t go running off and cry like some certain 
youko does. 

 	Hiei tipped Kurama’s face up and cupped his face with both of his 
hands gently. "Come on… I was sorry myself. Don’t cry," he told the 
kitsune. Kurama shook his head. "I know you’re angry at me," he said, 
those green emeralds didn’t seem to shine anymore. 

 	Hiei rested the kitsune’s head back on his chest. "I wasn’t mad… I 
was just having too many things to think about… now stop crying," 
ordered Hiei. Kurama tried to stop himself from crying and sniffed back 
the tears, wrapping his hands around Hiei's small waist and clung to him 
like a baby. Hiei brushed the red silken strands back into place and 
rested his cheek on Kurama’s hair. 

 	"Ai shiteru, kitsune…"


 	"What are you going to do?" mused Sensui. Itsuki was sitting by 
the window sill, watching the waves silently. "Help Hiei's sister," he 
told the former Reikai Tantei honestly. Sensui raised a brow. "Dou?" 

 	Itsuki hopped off the sill and clung to Sensui’s neck. "Revert the 
curse," he told Sensui. "If we could only find the source of the curse, 
reverse the sequence. That should do it," he told the big man. Sensui 
shrugged. "It’s your idea. It never occurred to me to help those Reikai 
Tantei," said Sensui. 

 	"Aha… you’re wrong there. We’re helping Yukina. She’s not one of 
the Reikai Tantei. And she’s not human. I, I mean… we’re helping a 
youkai here," said Itsuki. Sensui sighed. 


 	Yukina looked at her feet. It’s turning into a very odd colour of 
green and her nails are yellow in colour. She’s staring to rot from her 
foot up. She sighed and looked at her face. It was also very pale.

 	He time was coming slowly, and her dear love was one of them who 
didn’t knew. He hoped that Kuwabara won’t feel too bad after she’d gone.


 	"Guess what I’ve got here?" said Kurama, taking out something from 
his shorts. "What?" asked Hiei, merely polishing his katana. Still, his 
brains was trying to figure out what kind of trickery was Itsuki and 
Sensui have over them.   

 	Kurama showed the koorime a tiny shell. It’s surface was 
sparkling. "What’s it for?" asked the koorime. "It’s nice," said Kurama 
and slumped down next to Hiei. 

 	Hiei shook his head. Then he frowned. "What? what’s wrong?" asked 
Kurama. "Someone’s coming," said Hiei. Kurama widened his eyes and 
looked at the closed door. "Window," said Hiei and put down the cloth he 
was using to polish his katana and held the hilt tight.

 	Itsuki showed up and climbed in the window. "Sorry I didn’t gave 
you a call," he smiled. Kurama smiled awkwardly, wondering what’re they 
doing here.

 	"I’m here to help you," said Itsuki, making himself comfortable on 
the bed in front of Kurama and Hiei. Hiei still fixed his eyes on the 
window. "Where’s Sensui?" asked Kurama. "Oh, he’s not coming," said 
Itsuki. "Anyway, he might end up fighting with Hiei instead. Should we 
start?" asked the pale guy.

 	Hiei shrugged. "So, tell me how did it happen?" asked Itsuki. 
Kurama ended up telling the whole story. "Sou ka? Then, we’ll have to 
undo it using the fish. You said it was kept in an ice-block right? So 
it must be in good condition. We could use it to reverse the spell." 
Said Itsuki. 

 	"But, how are we going to get the fish?" asked Hiei. "I think I 
can get it," said Kurama. Both pair of eyes set on the redhead. "I’ll 
try. You guys just wait here," said Kurama and got off the bed and out 
the door, shutting it behind. 

 	Itsuki landed his gaze on Hiei. This small youkai with the youki 
of a powerful A-class. "So, you are Mukuro’s heir?" asked the youkai. 
Hiei nodded. The fire demon didn’t seem to be in the mood for chatting.


 	Kurama knocked on the door of Yuusuke’s room. Keiko came out to 
greet the redhead. "Hi, Kurama-san. What brings you here?" asked Keiko. 
"Well, umm… is Yuusuke here?" asked Kurama. Keiko frowned. "No, I think 
he’s downstairs," she answered. "Oh," said Kurama and smiled. "Bye," 
with that the redhead went downstairs.

 	He saw Yuusuke on the big sofa in the main hall. "Yuusuke," called 
Kurama in a whisper. "What?" asked Yuusuke looking into the green 
emeralds. Kurama smiled. "I am trying to help Yukina. Can you stay here 
and lure them into a so-called meeting?" asked Kurama. 

 	Yuusuke frowned. "Why?" he asked. "Well, I’ll call them down and 
tell them that you’re having a meeting. So, when Kuwabara and Yukina are 
out of their room, I’ll sneak in and take the fish," explained Kurama. 
Yuusuke nodded. "But what are you going to do with it?" asked Yuusuke. 

 	"Don’t worry, I won’t make sweet-n-sour fish with it," winked 
Kurama and went up.

 	Kurama knocked on Kuwabara’s door. A big carrot top guy peeped out 
the door hole. "It’s Kurama," he casually told Yukina and opened the 
door. "Komban wa, Kurama," said Kuwabara. Kurama smiled. "Yuusuke called 
you all down," said Kurama. "For what?" asked Kuwabara. 

 	Kurama shifted himself. "Um… he’s having a meeting," said Kurama. 
"Everyone is to come down," said Kurama. Kuwabara nodded. "Yukina too?" 
he asked. "Yukina too," affirmed Kurama. 

 	"Okay, be down in a sec," he told the beautiful redhead and closed 
the door.

 	Kurama went back into his room and two pair of eyes eyed him as he 
shut the door and looked out of it through the key hole. "What are you 
doing?" asked Hiei. "I’m waiting for Kuwabara and Yukina to get out of 
their room," said Kurama, ignoring the two puzzled youkais.

 	A few moments later, Kuwabara and Yukina went out of the room. 
This gave Kurama the chance to sneak into it and take the fish. "Wait 
once more," said Kurama and went out of the room.

 	He turned the knob and it opened with a creak. "Shh… don’t be too 
noisy," said Kurama, unconsciously scolding the door.

 	He looked around the decor and found a block of ice on the 
dressing table. He took it and saw the fish inside. "Bingo," he said and 
went out of the room, making sure everything was like normal. 


 	"Yuusuke! what’s up?" asked Kuwabara. "Ah, nothing… I was just 
wondering if we could go on a… on a snorkelling adventure tomorrow?" 
Yuusuke trying to play on with Kurama. Kuwabara nodded. "it would be 
cool!" agreed Kuwabara. 

 	"You come too, Yukina-chan!" said Yuusuke. Yukina shook her head. 
"No, I don’t know how to," she smiled. "Daijobu. I, the great Kazuma 
Kuwabara will teach you how," he said proudly. Yukina smiled warmly as 
Kuwabara held her hand.  


 	"Here," said Kurama, placing the block of ice on the bed. Itsuki’s 
eyes glinted by the sight of the blue coloured block of ice. It was 
actually sparkling in the dim lighted room. Inside was a fish. Nearly 
three feet long. 

 	Itsuki merely snickered. "This is the cause of the heavy rain?" he 
shook his head. "Though I’d rather have it for dinner…," he paused and 
smiled, secretly eyeing Hiei with the corner of his eyes. Obviously the 
fire demon was looking at him as if he was going to eat him up. 

 	Suddenly Kurama remembered something. "I think, Yukina’s curse 
could be broken by reviving this fish! It’s easy, right?" asked Kurama. 
Itsuki frowned. "Not that easy, youko. You see, no one here could 
actually revive anything. Once you’re dead, you’re dead," Itsuki 
actually knocked Kurama into sense.

 	"Then how?" asked the kitsune, panic taking over him. Itsuki 
smiled. "Tell us again what she actually said to break the curse," said 
Itsuki calmly. Kurama thought for a while. Anything that he miss would 
be futile. "Only the breathing of this particular fish could break the 
curse and I don’t want the rest to know about this. I think that’s it," 
said Kurama, his face tight in a frown as deep as Hiei's.

 	Itsuki smiled broader. "The breathing of this particular fish. She 
didn’t said the soul of this particular fish," apprised Itsuki, shifting 
his legs that were getting numb. A smile slowly appeared from the 
frowning faces of Kurama and Hiei.

 	Itsuki nodded. "We just need to transform another fish’s soul into 
this one," Both Kurama and Hiei nodded. "But of course, Yukina shouldn’t 
know about the other one, she’ll feel very depressed. Worse if she 
decides to curse herself again," Itsuki stood up.

 	"Hiei, go and catch a fish," Itsuki merely ordered the fire demon. 
Hiei frowned. "Why? I don’t know how to catch a fish!" he mumbled, 
practically annoyed at the fact that Itsuki was trying to order him 
around. Itsuki looked at Kurama. "You can go with Kurama then," he said 
as a-matter-of-factly. Hiei rolled his eyes.

 	"We don’t have a boat… wait," Kurama frowned and dug into his 
hair, producing a small seed. His eyes glinted in the dark. "We can use 
this," he told them. "What’s that?" asked Hiei and Itsuki 

 	"It’s kind of a seed from the Makai paper tree," explained Kurama. 
Both still had puzzled faces. "It could be turn into a boat?" Kurama 
tried to ring any bells in their brains. "Oh."

 	Kurama stepped on the sill and looked over his shoulders. What’re 
you waiting for?" he asked Hiei. Hiei gave Itsuki a weird look and 
followed Kurama out of the window. He could have sworn Itsuki said 
something like :… "Have fun!" …: just before he leapt out. But sighed as 
he saw Kurama sitting in a newly made boat. There’s also two oars in it. 

 	"Hop in, Hiei," invited Kurama. Hiei looked insecurely at the 
floating boat. He shrugged and jumped in, sitting in front of Kurama. 
The redhead started to row the boat with the oars, further down to the 
sea. There’s this small light on the floor of the boat. It may be 
another one of the Makai plants which could produce it’s own light. 

 	Kurama took out a long stick and tied a silk string to the end of 
it. At the end of the string, there’s a Makai animal eater plant tied to 
it. He smiled at his creation and placed the ‘Kurama-made’ fishing rod 
into the calm salt water.

 	Hiei watched silently. Being this close to his kitsune with others 
way far from them made him feel more secured with his fox. He could do 
anything with him without any worries that others would know. But he 
won’t be the one advancing anything first. At least not, if he could 
resist it.

 	Kurama was closing his eyes. The dim light from the plants made 
Kurama’s face eliminate some kind of glow. His red lashes, he small 
mouth, his nose…

 	Hiei looked away. After they were finished with the fish catching 
and undid the curse, he could think of that.

 	Kurama took out something from his pocket and shoved it to Hiei. 
Hiei cracked open an eye and saw a piece of heart shaped chocolate laid 
calmly on the kitsune’s hand. He raised an eye to look at the smiling 
kitsune. "It’s chocolate," Kurama told him flatly. Hiei smirked and took 
the chocolate from the fox and tried to open the foil wrapper. Kurama 
watched the koorime chafe around with the foil wrapper and popped his 
own chocolate in his mouth, chewing slowly at the melting confectionery.    

 	  At last, Hiei was done with the foil. With his chocolate ending 
up in an odd shape. He tossed the crumpled up foil into the sea and ate 
the chocolate. Kurama nearly laughed at Hiei's doings but decided not to 
laugh his head off.

 	The rod wiggled for a while, then it stopped. Kurama’s eyes 
quickly turned to the now still rod. Waiting for it to wiggle again. 
then the rod fluttered, with Kurama quickly catch the rod and pulled it 
up, just to find another tuna, trying to eat the Makai plant with it’s 
throat stuck.

 	Kurama let out a small chuckle and put some kind of ointment on 
the Makai plant, making it fell limp. Kurama slid out the plant from the 
fish’s throat and smiled in satisfaction. "We got ourselves a fish, 
Hiei," he announced. Hiei merely answered with a ‘hn’ and crossed his 
arms on his chest. 

 	When they returned to their room, via the window Itsuki was gone. 
"Where did he go?" asked Kurama, looking around. Hiei checked in the 
toilet and found the youkai brushing his hair. "Here," he said dryly. 
Kurama rushed to the bathroom and Itsuki smiled at the koorime. "Back?" 
he asked with an innocent tone. 

 	"We thought you’re gone," said Kurama. Itsuki let out a small 
chuckle. "I thought about it, but I didn’t," he said and followed Kurama 
and Hiei out to the bed.

 	Kurama showed Itsuki the tuna which was kept in a basin made out 
of wood. Itsuki smiled. "Now… when this is dead, we’ll have it grilled," 
said Itsuki, reaching into his hidden pocket. He came out with a small 

 	"What’s inside?" asked Kurama, curious. Itsuki gazed up at him. 
"Phoenix Down. It’s some kind of a reviving powder," Itsuki told them 
casually, stretching out his hands.

 	He dug into the pouch and took out a pinch of sparkling dusts. He 
sprinkled it onto the fish in the water and smiled. "Hehehe… sorry you 
have to die. But you’re not going to be exactly dead…," Itsuki start 
talking to the fish. Hiei and Kurama changed puzzled looks and shrugged.

 	Their glances landed on another plastic basin nearby which has the 
fish that used to be frozen. Now it was thawed and looked alive, only 
that it’s not moving. "You’re leaving this body and you’re going to go 
into that one. Don’t worry, it’s painless," Itsuki chuckled. As if 
really talking to the fish. 

 	He muttered a few lines that was alien to Kurama and Hiei's ears 
and took the dead fish, putting it into the basin with the other one. 
The next thing they knew, the dead fish started moving and the other one 
began to slow down. Seconds passed and the dead tuna was revived, 
leaving the other one dead. 

 	"See, toldja it was harmless," said Itsuki to the fish, then he 
glanced up to the both. "Now, I’m sure Yukina would be reviving as well. 
I’m outta here. And, this fish is mine okay?" with that, Itsuki jumped 
out of the window. 

 	Kurama shrugged as Hiei looked at him. Suddenly a small smile 
appeared from his face. 


 	Yukina was planning to go to the kitchen to find something to eat. 
She suddenly felt hungry and wanted something to fill her stomach. She 
walked to the bathroom and reached for her robe. Accidentally, she 
brushed the shower gel off the shelf and it fell on the bathroom tiles, 
right next to her feet. 

 	She bent down to pick it up and gazed on her feet. It wasn’t 
bluish black and smelly. Also, her toes are still intact, not like a few 
hours ago when it looks like it was rotten and going to fall off in no 
time. She kept her gaze firmly on her feet. It wasn’t pale was had a 
little flush colour in it. :… Something must’ve happen! …: She rushed 
out and tried to find the block of ice where she kept the tuna preserved 
and found it missing!

 	Quickly, she threw the robe on herself and ran out of the room as 
silently as she can, afraid that Kuwabara would wake up. She needed to 
find Hiei, fast. 


 	Kurama was straddling Hiei, licking his chest. He let out a small 
chuckle and fell on his sides, taking Hiei with him. His arms still firm 
around the koorime. "Why didja stop?" asked the flushed koorime. "Just 
for fun, I just like to see you like this. Under my mercy,"  said the 
fox in a playfully evil, his green emeralds glinting in the dim light.    

 	Then there was a knock on the door. "Now, who could that be?" 
asked Kurama, crawling out of bed taking the bed-sheets with him 
wrapping it around his waist. Hiei took a pillow a placed it in front of 
him, eyeing the door with a small smile. He knew who was it.

 	Kurama rearranged his hair before opening the door and this made 
Hiei rolled his eyes. 

 	A pair of red rubies were staring at him with happiness. "Yukina-
chan?" asked Kurama, also smile on his face. Yukina flung her arms 
around Kurama and cried. "It’s gone, Kurama-san! The curse is gone!" she 
sniffed happily on Kurama’s chest. Then she parted herself. A hand 
reached up to wiper away her happy tears. 

 	"Come in, and we’ll celebrate," said Kurama, closing the door. 
Yukina went over to Hiei and sat next to him. And her brother was 
actually smiling at her. A pure smile. 

 	"Omedetou, Yukina-chan," uttered Hiei. Kurama climbed up to them 
and smiled. "Actually, I’m sorry Yukina," Kurama started, his face 
turning dull. Yukina gave him a puzzled look.

 	"Well… first, I broke our promise. I told Hiei about the curse… 
then I went into your room secretly and took the tuna," said Kurama. 
Yukina gave him a soft look. "Daijobu, Kurama-san… but what did you do 
to it?" she asked. Kurama smiled and got off the bed, the bed-sheet 
nearly slid off his slender frame. He came back with one hand dragging 
the bed-sheet and another carrying a basin. 

 	He put it on the bed and Yukina peered into it. It was the tune 
she used to freeze. And it’s alive. "But… but… how did you do it?" she 
asked. "We have some help," answered Hiei. Yukina smiled and hugged 
both, her brother, and her brother’s lover. 

 	"I know who it was. Itsuki right?" Kurama nodded. "I need to thank 
him," she said, getting off. Hiei stopped her. "Tomorrow. We’ll go 
together tomorrow," he told her. Yukina looked at Kurama and the redhead 

 	She made herself comfortable again. "Anyway, who else knew about 
this?" asked Yukina. Kurama frowned. "Well, I, Hiei, Sensui, Itsuki, 
Yuusuke and maybe Keiko. I don’t think the rest knows," said Kurama. 
"But how did the other two know?" asked Hiei. "Who? Itsuki and Sensui?" 
asked Kurama. Hiei nodded.

 	Kurama let out a sigh. "Honestly, I don’t know myself. But what’s 
important that we’re all okay and let’s just enjoy the last bit of our 
holiday, okay?" Yukina nodded. 


 	Sensui eyed Itsuki who was trying to light a fire in front of the 
mansion, on the sand. "What’re you doing?" he asked. "I’m fixing 
dinner," answered the other. Sensui frowned and walked closer. "A fish?" 
he asked. Itsuki nodded. "Hiei and Kurama caught it for us. Ain’t it 
nice of them?" asked Itsuki, smiling satisfyingly at the fire he just 
made. Sensui shrugged and sat on the sand, waiting for his lover to 
finish off his fuss with the fish and dinner.

 	"So, what happened?" asked Sensui looking out at the dark vicious 
sea. The crashing waves nearly drown his deep voice. Itsuki looked up 
from the fire, wiping off a bead of sweat off his temples. "Nothing 
much. Hiei's sister is okay now," he reached for the fish he placed on a 
blanket nearby and started to place it on the open fire.

 	"Oh," Sensui made a sound of acknowledgement. "How did you do it?" 
asked Sensui, curious. "Hehe… that’s for me to know and you can spend 
your long life span to guess it," joked Itsuki, shifting closer to the 
bigger one.

 	He let out a small chuckle. "You are sometimes so irritating," 
muttered Sensui…


 	All of them were to wear swimming attires that day as Yuusuke had 
forced them to join him to go snorkelling. "Ahaha!! Look at me, I’m so 
tough!" boasted Kuwabara, flexing the muscles on his arms. Yuusuke 
pouted and dragged the oxygen tank. Kuwabara ran to him, helping him 
with the tanks.

 	"Where the hell is Kurama and Hiei?" wondered Yuusuke. Shizuru 
laughed. "Kurama’s probably crying now trying to get Hiei in those 
skimpy swimming trunks," she chuckled. Keiko slapped her gently on the 
back. "And how would you know about that?" she asked. Shizuru pointed to 
her temples. "I use this, not like some people," her eyes landed on 
Kuwabara. "What? What are you trying to say, neesan?" he tried to bounce 
his fist in the air but ended up letting go of the tank and it fell on 
his feet. "Yeow!!" 


 	"Come on Hiei, don’t be such a baby!" said Kurama, rounding the 
koorime in a corner. He was holding a blue coloured swimming trunk which 
had a few abstract patterns on it. Hiei snarled. "You are not getting me 
into that stupid thing! You’re nuts!" he bellowed, running off under 
Kurama’s arm to the other side. :… Boy is he fast or what? …: Kurama 

 	Hiei ran and jumped on the bed, he turned around and saw Kurama 
coming his way still shoving the piece of outfit to him. "Come on, Hiei. 
Everyone’s wearing this kind of stuff!" coaxed Kurama. "You’re not 
wearing it!" retorted Hiei. "I am too. After I got you into this!" said 
Kurama, starting to raise his voice. 

 	"I don’t care! I’m not going to wear that!" said Hiei, getting off 
the bed on the other side. "You are too. Now be good and come here," 
said Kurama, walking to the other side of the bed to Hiei. 	  

 	As soon as Kurama takes a step forth, Hiei got back on the bed 
trying to run to the other side. 

 	Kurama sighed. He sat on the bed and laid flat on his back. "I 
feel like I’m chasing a cow around," he said. "I am not a cow," Hiei 
retorted from the window. 

 	"Hey, that’s Hiei!" said Yukina, pointing at Kurama and Hiei's 
bedroom window. "Hiei! Oi, Hiei!" they all called. Hiei heard them and 
turned around, so did Kurama, he went to the window and pinned Hiei to 
the sill. Waving to the others. 

 	"What’re you guys doing? Come down fast!" hollered Kuwabara. 
"Okay, coming!" said Kurama and pulled the trapped Hiei to the bed. "Let 
go of me, you stupid fox! Let go! I’m going to bite you!" he snarled, 
showing his sharp teeth. 

 	Kurama pinned him flat on the bed. He closed the space between 
them and their nose nearly touched. Hiei couldn’t see anything as 
Kurama’s hair was blocking his view. "You are going to wear this. Or 
Kuwabara would laugh at you!" said Kurama. "I’m not going… wait a 
minute. Why would he laugh at me?" asked the koorime. 

 	"Because, I’m going to send you down without anything on," said 
Kurama. He took out a vine from nowhere and showed it to Hiei. "You love 
to do this to me," gritted Hiei. Obviously not happy. 

 	"Yes, because I love you."


 	Kurama and Hiei cam out from the door with towels wrapped around 
them. "Ready!" chirped Kurama. Hiei had a super sour face on and wasn’t 
going to say anything. 

 	"Oi, we’re just going to hang near the shore," said Keiko. Yuusuke 
nodded. Yukina showed them a picnic basket. "I got up early to prepare 
this. I’m sure we could have picnic," she said happily. 

	They reached a nice secluded lagoon and Atsuko laid out the 
blanket. The girls opened up their T-shirts, revealing their skimpy 
swimsuits. Even Yukina was wearing one. 

 	Kuwabara walked around in his swimming trunks and boast about how 
strong he was. Hiei snorted at every sentence and sat the furthest away 
from them. Yuusuke put on his snorkelling gear and knocked Kuwabara on 
the back of his head. "Oi, are you ready?" he asked. Kuwabara laughed 
himself silly and got into the snorkelling gear too. 

 	"You coming Koenma?" asked Yuusuke, the prince of death shocked 
his head. "I don’t want to drown yet. I’m still too young to die," he 
answered dryly. "Yo Kurama, Hiei! Lets go!" said Kuwabara. Kurama shook 
his head and pointed at Hiei. Kuwabara laughed. "Someone is a chicken!" 
he laughed and slapped high five with Yuusuke. Hiei eyed them with the 
corner of his eyes and tried not to blast them off into oblivion.

 	"Lets enjoy the sea!" said Botan and rushed to the crashing waves, 
followed by the others. Koenma was laughing happily as the girl splashed 
water on him. Yukina stopped by Kurama and Hiei. "Come let’s have fun!" 
she said excitedly. Kurama nodded and pointed at Hiei. Yukina smiled. 
She took Hiei's hand and pulled it gently. "What?" he asked dryly. "Come 
and join us," she said. "No," the answer was gruff.  

 	"Please, Hiei-san," she pleaded. Hiei let out a sigh and got up, 
still one hand holding the towel firmly. Kurama let go of the towel and 
pulled Hiei too. "You can let go of the towel now Hiei-san. Or it’ll get 
wet," said Yukina. Hiei bit his lips. He’s so shy.

 	"Look, Hiei's so shy. He’s not going to let go of his towels," 
said Botan. "Damn, Kurama is so perfect," said Shizuru. "But what a 
waste, Hiei got him," she continued splashing water onto herself. 
"Hiei's cute too. But he’s always so distant. Wonder what Kurama sees in 
him," shrugged Keiko. 

 	Kurama tugged the towel and it fell. Yukina pulled him with Hiei 
mildly protesting. "My towel! Kurama!" he shouted. Kurama and Yukina 
laughed, the redhead, pushed him slightly and the koorime fell, face on 
the water with a splash. The others rushed to him and splashed more water 
on him. 

 	"Stop it! Stop it, I said! Baka!" shouted Hiei, closing his eyes 
shut. Those salt water were stinging like hell. The splashing stopped 
and Hiei cracked open his eyes. Everyone was laughing their heads off. 
:… What’s are they so happy about? …: he complained. But then his gaze 
landed on Kurama who had his back to them. He was gazing out to the sea. 

 	Everyone got busy with floating in the water while Hiei tracked 
his way to the redhead. "What’re you looking at?" he asked. Kurama 
turned to look at his lover. He slid a hand around him and squeezed him 
gently. "Sometimes this world seemed so peaceful, ne?" said Kurama 
casually talking to himself. Hiei shrugged.

 	Kurama turned and look at the koorime. "You are sometimes so 
passive," he smiled and pushed the koorime, making him fall on his back 
into the water.


This is my last epic… I think… I won’t be writing any more long stories. 
Have to do a lot of things and update my life. World could sometimes be 
so vicious towards us…

Bulma Briefs