
Miracle Shining

AUTHOR'S NOTE: All Final Fantasy VII/VIII characters are property of SQUARE software and their subsidaries. Please don't sue me! I'm just a poor college kid who drools over video game bisien. Anything in reference to sexual expertise manual or color levels has been expanded on original idea presented by Seiya Kou. Please read her piece, "The Reclaimation," if you need more explaination. Arigato, Seiya-kun! ^_^


The next day offered little that interested Squall. He found the normal classes that he took to heart to be nothing more than a bore. Twice he had been reprimanded for not keeping his mind on his studies. Not to mention that he almost hit somebody with his Gunblade, a la Seifer, again.

"Man, Squall, are you okay?" Zell questioned his compatriot.

"Yah. I'm fine."

"Hey, you don't have to get defensive. It's just not like you not to pay attention in class. I think you were really starting to freak out some of the professors."

Squall frowned. Zell and him were walking to the cafeteria/mess hall for lunch. He was still preoccupied with last night's lesson. It wouldn't have been so bad if Vincent hadn't been such an incredible kisser. Squall flushed a little when he recalled the feeling of being pressed against Vincent's chest, his arms wrapped around him. It was one of the few times that Squall had ever felt safe and secure.

"Squall, are you running a fever?"


"You're face is all flushed. Are you feeling all right?"

He realized that his face must have been red. Zell raised an eyebrow and leaned in closely to Squall.

"Can I ask you something?"


"How did your lesson go last night?"

Squall gave a noncommital shrug. He was desperately trying to regain his cool from his own emotional weakness. Zell looked down at the ground.


"Well, I heard that you've been progressed to Level Yellow. I mean, all of us have been. I was just wondering how things went, you know, having the teacher as your partner and all."

"Fine, I guess." Squall tried to sound as though he wasn't nervous. "And how about you and your partner?"

"Once we got used to the kissing, I guess it was fine."

Zell opened the door of the cafeteria. Squall seemed to be holding off from entering the building.

"Something wrong?"

"No, just not that hungry, I guess."

Squall quietly followed Zell into the loud cafeteria. He usually opted for eating by himself, but he really didn't want to alone with his thoughts. They were his deadliest enemy.

Zell and Squall picked up their trays and chose a table toward the corner. They ate in silence until the light drumming of fingers on the table interrupted their meal.

Squall glanced up to see a scarred face glaring down at him. He wasn't aware that he instantly frowned. The young man continued to stare at Squall.

"Did you want something, Seifer?" Zell finally questioned.

"Actually I came over here to ask little Squall how his 'teacher's pet' experience is going for him? So, tell me, is he as cold as he looks?"

"I don't know, Seifer, we haven't taken our clothes off. Some of us like to follow the manual, and not jump in head first, or waist first in your case."

That was all it took. Seifer grabbed Squall by the front of his jacket and hauled him out of his seat. The rucus became loud enough to attract Cid, Shera, and Vincent's attention who had been dining on the other side of the cafeteria.

"What's going on, dear?" Shera inquired of her husband.

"Looks like Seifer and Squall are at it again. From the way Seifer's got a hold of Squall, I'm guessing that Squall made a witty comment again."

"Does this happen all the time?" Vincent was sincerely concerned.

"With those two, yes. Seifer will cool down in a minute or so. He knows the policy about striking another student. He can possibly get expelled for it."

No sooner had Cid made that statement then Seifer released Squall's jacket. Squall threw Seifer a dirty look as the white trench coated young man strolled off. Vincent didn't like Seifer. Not just because of what had just occurred, but because there was something that wasn't right with the young man. He could feel it.

"Squall?" Zell asked quietly.

Squall sat down at the table. His hands had been firmly clenched together since Seifer had picked him up. It was the only thing he could do to keep himself from decking the ego maniac. He rested his hands on the table. Zell watched in horror as small drops of maroon began to drip from Squall's palm.

"Squall! What the hell did you just do?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Would you look at your hands?"

Zell gestured to Squall's palms that were now filling with blood. It dripped slowly over the edge and onto the table. Zell instinctively grapped a few napkins on the table and pressed them carefully into Squall's palms.

"C'mon, we gotta' get you to the nurse."

"I'm fine, Zell."

"Now is not the time to get an attitude, Leonhart. Keep your hands above your waist and level. Most of the blood should stay in your palms."

Squall hestitantly arose from the table. Zell pushed him along to pick up his pace. The duo left the cafeteria quickly, Squall with his hands carefully positioned in front of his body.

The only person to notice the two leave quickly was Vincent. Even from the distance, his keen eyesight made out the crimson color. Squall had obviously dug his fingernails into his palms to keep from attacking Seifer. The wounds were of his own creation, yet Vincent felt sad. This poor young man seemed to have to fight for everything.

"Vincent, is there something wrong?" came Cid's voice.

"No, no, there isn't, Cid."

"Are you sure?" Cid prodded.

"No, I'm fine."

Cid nodded, though Vincent could tell he was far from being convinced. His ruby eyes wandered to the door where Squall and his companion, Zell, had exited. He found himself longing to be the one with Squall and to help heal his wounds.


"Heavens! Not again, Mr. Leonhart!" came the exasperated woman's voice.

Squall looked sheepishly at the floor. He was sitting in the nurse's station on the examination table. The nurse looked at him and shook her head again.

"I'm sorry, Alena. I just think it's better than hitting him."

Alena scurried about the nurse's station gathering bandages, cotton swabs, ointment, and clean cloths. She began to tend to Squall's injured hands. He winced as she poured disinfectant on the open wounds. Carefully, she cleaned the incisions out and then applied medicated ointment. She placed guaze patches on his palms and then wrapped them with clean bandages.

"One of these days, Squall, you should just punch that bossy Seifer out."

"I could get expelled for that, Alena."

"Well, some people have it coming. There, you're bandaged up again. If you keep digging your fingernails into your palms every time you get upset, you aren't going to have any flesh left. Zell has already returned to class, but a Mr. Valentine is in the waiting room. He said he wanted to see you when you were finished. Here, take this ointment and put it on your wounds twice for the next two days and once then for another three days. I don't want any chance of those wounds getting infected or reopening."

"Thank you, Alena."

"Yah, just don't let anyone think I'm getting soft or anything."

Squall hopped off the examination table and left the nurse's office. He passed through the door and into the waiting room. Vincent was paging through one of the old magazines. Upon hearing Squall's entrance, he looked up at the young man and then down to his bandaged hands.

"How are you?"

"Um, fine, I guess."

"The nurse tells me that this isn't your first time."

Squall shook his head. His hands were throbbing and he wanted to relax his whole body. He walked over to Vincent and sat beside him. Vincent took one of Squall's hands into his metal claw. He examined the bandages carefully.

"The nurse has done a nice job of attending to your wounds. Cid has excused you from the rest of your classes. I came to consult you on whether or not you wanted your training today. I think it would be just as well if you took the day..."

"No!" Squall interrupted suddenly.

Vincent was stunned by his sudden outburst.

"Are you certain that you're capable of handling today's training assignment? It's much more involved than yesterday's."

"Yes, I'm sure."

Squall's dark blue eyes pleaded with Vincent's red ones. Vincent felt his chest tighten. Without realizing what he was doing, he leaned forward and kissed Squall gently on the lips. The young man released a pleased sigh and relaxed into the couch. Vincent broke the kiss and rose from his seat, carefully pulling Squall up with him.

"Are you prepared for Level Yellow?" Vincent inquired.

"I hope so."

"Well, then let's give it a try. We'll go to the atrium."

Squall nodded and followed Vincent. He glanced down to see that his hand was still in Vincent's claw. His teacher obviously couldn't feel him. He found himself pleased that he was still touching Vincent. Squall decided against removing his hand and continued to walk quietly beside him.


Vincent was being as careful as he could with Squall. They were walking through the atrium still hand in hand. The garden was in full bloom and the air was thick with the smell of rich exotic flowers and the scent of dew. Squall enjoyed the atrium. He felt most at peace among the flowers because they never talked back. They would just quietly listen to all of his secrets.

"To be efficient at your skills is to adapt them to public displays of affection. The most seductive tricks one can use are ones dealing with the public. The thrill of potentially getting caught can be our greatest ally. Level Yellow deals with experiencing public displays and how not to be shy when in those situations. It's really quite amazing how many people go for this sort of thing."

"Do you like it, Vincent?"

Vincent thought for a moment.

"Sometimes I do. It really depends what mood I'm in."

He led Squall down the main path. The little sidewalk was lined with beautiful wild roses in every shade imaginable. They continued down the walk together in silence. Upon reaching the end of the path, Vincent pulled Squall off the walk and pressed him against one of the walls. Squall felt the hair on his neck stand up.

"Now, you see, here's your test. I want to see how well you've been studying your manual. Anyone could walk in and see us. Can you handle the pressure and still preform?" Vincent whispered lightly in Squall's ear.

His teacher's body was pressed against Squall's slim figure. He was slinky, like a cat, and his movements were luring. Vincent leaned back from Squall just enough to claim his lips. The young man shuddered and almost instinctively slid his arms around Vincent's neck. That simple action seemed to ignite Vincent's passion. He silently cursed himself for being so anxious as his hands left Squall's waist and began to massage his chest.

Squall shivered and Vincent's hands expertly manipulated his flesh. Vincent dropped his hands to where Squall's white t-shirt was tucked into his slim fitting pants. He pulled the shirt out and was greeted by a quick gasp from his partner. Sliding his warm hands under the shirt, he let his fingers trace the fine lined frame of Squall's chest. He was almost as slinky as Vincent was. Vincent savored the feeling of Squall arching against him as one of his fingers brushed Squall's nipple.

He scolded himself again as his hands left Squall's shirt and undid the first of Squall's two belts. The leather fell off and landed softly on the ground. The second belt soon followed it's predecessor. Vincent began to caress Squall's neck with his lips.

"Please, Vincent..." Squall's voice trailed off.

He was requesting it! Vincent found himself becoming more aroused than usual. He undid the top button of Squall's pants and pulled down the zipper. He felt Squall stiffen as he slid his hand down into the material.

"Is this too much for you?"

Squall shook his head and using his own hand, guided Vincent's deeper into his pants. Vincent let his fingers trail over the top. There was little space to work with, but enough for Vincent to get a good grip on Squall. He manuevered his hand until he encircled him completely. Squall let out a short cry. Vincent stopped and looked at Squall questionly. He didn't want to harm his young protege in any form.

"It's okay, I want you to continue."

Vincent wanted to just pull Squall into him and keep him there. But, he reminded himself that he was there to teach. Trying to keep that thought in mind, he began to move his hand up and down in a casual manner.

"You see, Squall, you might be with someone who wants something simple like this, or they'll want something much more complicated. You need to be mentally ready for any kind of situation."

Squall nodded, but most of the information didn't really register. Vincent's hand was doing some incredibly wicked things to his body. He felt himself harden even more as Vincent increased his caresses. His eyes wandered down to watch himself being handled by a man he hardly knew. But, it felt right. Squall bit his lip as Vincent continued his stroking. It began to grow in intensity and his hand moved much faster.

This was insane! Vincent could smell the sweat forming on Squall's youthful face. He leaned forward and kissed his lips, feeling him trembling. His hand moved faster and Squall responded with louder moans. He wasn't afraid of getting caught. Vincent could tell that Squall could care less who saw them. That notion made Vincent move his hand even faster. He had to see Squall climax, almost obsessed about it for that brief moment.

Squall bit his lip trying to keep control of his body. He didn't want Vincent to stop touching him. But, his body suddenly stiffened. All his muscles struck one uniform moment and Squall opened his mouth, but no scream came out. His sticky heat slipped over Vincent's hand. Vincent stared disbelieving at Squall. The young man was absolutely stunning when he came. Squall's muscles relaxed and he slumped forward against Vincent.

"Do you want to sit down?" Vincent barely whispered.

Squall nodded wearily and Vincent helped him to the floor. His hand was still covered with Squall's essence. He absently wiped his hand on the leg of his pant. There was still some on his skin and Vincent couldn't resist the temptation. He licked the remainder off, savoring the taste. He found that his body instantly hungered for more. Within a moment, he leaned down between Squall's legs and licked the tip, removing the last of Squall's climax. The young soldier shuddered, the extra touch of Vincent's tongue prolonging the fading pleasurable feeling in his body. Vincent very gently placed Squall back in his pants and did up the fly and button. He relaxed against the wall beside his student.

"Did I taste good?"

Vincent was stunned that Squall would ask that kind of question. He looked at him and knew that he couldn't change the subject.

"Yes. You're very incredible when you come."

Squall blushed and laid his head on Vincent's shoulder.

"So, does this mean I pass Level Yellow?"

"Yes, Squall, you definately proved that you have no problem with public displays. At the rate your flying through these levels, you should be training for Level Black by the end of the week. Am I going to fast for you?"

"No, I like the training." Squall said dreamily. "I wish all professors could be as 'hands on' as you are."

Vincent couldn't help but let out a laugh. He wrapped his arms around Squall and enjoyed the feeling of closeness.

"Oh, Vincent, you're in trouble. You're supposed to be teaching him, not falling in love with him." Vincent reprimanded himself silently.

Behind one of the atrium trees, a shadowy figure lurked. He had been watching Vincent and Squall the whole time.

"So, Squall has passed Level Yellow in record time. He could be accomplishing his levels even faster if he were paired up with me instead of that vampire thing."

Seifer smiled to himself. He liked Squall. He liked Squall's beauty, his unpleasant attitude, and his slim body.

"You'll be mine soon, Leonhart. As soon as I get rid of the competition, I'll have you as my own partner...and plaything."

Seifer sauntered off down another path through the atrium. He found himself still slightly aroused. Watching Squall climax had been one of the most intense experiences he had ever seen.

"And I'll get to see it a lot more very soon." he commented to himself out loud.

Seifer then exited through the atrium doors and into the GARDEN corridors. His partner was going to have the work out of his life. Seifer mused that he hoped he wouldn't kill him. He needed a little more practice before he took on Squall. He quietly walked down the corridors and headed for the basement rooms where they did most of their training.