
Miracle Shining

AUTHOR'S NOTE: All character from Final Fantasy VII/VIII are property of SQUARE software and their subisdaries. Please don't sue me. I have no money. I'm just a poor college kid who drools over video game bisien. Anything in reference to sexual expertise manual or color levels are inspired by and expanded upon an original idea by Seiya Kou. Please read her fanfiction piece "The Reclaimation" if you haven't already. Arigato, Seiya-kun! This contains some nonconsensual occurences. You have been warned.


Squall stretched his arms lazily over his head. He had slept sounder than any of the nights previous to having meant Vincent. Yesterday's lesson had been an experience that he knew he'd never forget. He shuddered instinctively thinking about Vincent's tongue barely brushing his tip. Squall let out a soft sigh and felt himself grow a little aroused. He was anxious for today's lesson. Just being near Vincent was more than he could ask for.

"Am I falling in love with him?" Squall inquired of himself.

The idea wasn't terrible, but it still seemed out of place. Vincent was supposed to be his teacher, not anything more. Yet, all Squall wanted to do was be near him. Resolving to solve the matter later, he arose and got dressed for class.

Exiting his room, he pulled the door shut and turned around. He impacted something hard in front of him. Seeing the red emblem on the white trenchcoat sleeve immediately gave away the person's identity.

Squall pulled back and rubbed his forehead. Seifer was taller than Squall and a lot bulkier. It felt like running into a brick wall.

"So, how are your hands, little Squall?"

Squall didn't respond. He manaueverd to the left to get past Seifer. Seifer moved in front of him to prevent his exit.

"Knock it off, Seifer. I have to get to class."

"Why? Want to finish the day so you can see the vampire?"

Squall shot Seifer a deadly look.

"He has a name, Seifer."

Seifer shrugged and leaned against Squall's door. Squall took that as an opportunity to make his exit gracefully without having another confrontation. His hands still ached from yesterday, even with the ointment he had applied this morning.

"Would be a shame to get your pretty hands messed up even more." Seifer commented.

Squall didn't understand what that statement meant. He walked past Seifer and felt a tug. Seifer had ahold of his bomber jacket.

"Seifer, release my jacket. I've got to get to class and you should too."

"Maybe I want you to be tardy."

Seifer pulled Squall back, using his greater muscle strength. He pressed Squall against the door and held him there. Squall could feel Seifer's breath against his face. The closeness made his stomach tighten and he felt ill.

"I heard you progressed to Level Blue. So did Darin and I. But, you don't seem to have much of a problem moving up the levels. Not with your teacher."

Seifer was barely an inch from Squall's lips. He wanted to push Seifer away, but knew that his weakness was his already wounded hands. All Seifer would have to do was grab them with his and Squall would be incapacitated.

The white trenchcoated man slid his hands inside of Squall's bomber jacket. He let his fingers lazily caress Squall's lower back. Squall felt everything in his stomach begin to lurch upward. He began to struggle to get some space between him and his unwelcome invader.

Seifer finally pulled away from Squall. He had a grin on his face. The smile made Squall uneasy, but he quickly slipped away from Seifer and hurried down the hall to the main corridors.

"I wonder why he didn't try to stop me." Squall thought vaguely.

Seifer watched Squall flee down the hallway. He studied the passcard he had in his hand. All students had two passcards for their rooms. Squall always kept one in his backpocket of his pants and one in a hidden pocket inside of his bomber jacket. Seifer fingered the passcard and smiled. He had secretly watched Squall enter his room many times. He always used his backpocket card. He wouldn't even know his other passcard was missing.

Seifer whistled down the hall as he headed to the main corridors. Squall was in for a quite a suprise when his training with the vampire was over today. The thought of the future made Seifer pick up his pace. He couldn't wait for nightfall.


"You're coming, Squall." came the gentle voice.

"I'm s-s-sorry." Squall responded shakily.

"It's all right. This is not an easy thing to accomplish."

Squall looked down at Vincent who had been between his legs. His lips were moist and there was a hint of sweat on Vincent's pale forehead.

"Would you like to take a break and wait for a bit?"

Squall nodded, feeling the ache of an unfinished climax in between his legs. Vincent arose and walked into the bathroom. He retrieved a glass and filled it with cold water. He returned to Squall's side and handed the young man the glass.

"Thank you."

Squall sipped the water, savoring the coolness in his dry throat. This level was much harder than green and yellow. There was so much to focus on.

Vincent sat beside his young student. He had required that Squall remove all of his clothes for this level. He admired the light tan the young man had and how fine all of his muscle tone and development was. He drew his gaze to Squall's face. He had his eyes shut and seemed to be thinking of something very deeply. Vincent reached out a hand and gently touched Squall's cheek. He opened his deep blue eyes and looked at Vincent.

"Was this level hard for you?"

"Yes. Any time that you have to mentally control your sexual responses is hard. Remember, Squall, your body is your worst enemy as well as your greatest asset. Level Blue is simply a training course so that you can use your mind to control your body's responses to stimulation."

"I guess I'm not very good at that." Squall responded. Vincent could hear the sound of disappointment in his voice.

"We still have time to practice. Not all your levels will probably go as fast as you think. You might have trouble with some and not others."

Squall nodded and continued to drink his water. He wanted to tell Vincent about Seifer, but decided against it. After all, Vincent was supposed to only be his teacher. Only his teacher. Squall hated that thought. He wanted Vincent to be something other than his educator. He wanted Vincent to...to love him.

"Are you ready to try again?"

Squall's thoughts were interrupted by Vincent's soft voice.

"I guess so. Let me finish my water."

Vincent nodded and then was splashed by some drops of the cold liquid. Squall had poured the remaining water over his head. The droplets and small streams dripped over Squall's shoulders and slid down his chest. Small beads hung from his tousled auburn hair. Vincent stared at the young man. He could feel pressure building between his own legs. He guessed that Squall had no idea how seductive he could be.

"There. We can try again."

Vincent slid off the bed and moved between Squall's legs again. Some of the water had trailed down onto Squall's flat stomach. Vincent let his tongue slide across the smooth skin, picking up the cool beads. Squall began to shudder, but reminded himself that he needed to control how his body responded.

Vincent kissed the tip of Squall and then slowly let his mouth envelope his length. Squall drew in his breath, but released it slowly. He focused his mind completely on not becoming aroused, no matter what kind of wicked things Vincent did to him with his mouth. Vincent continued, using his tongue to caress the whole length and letting his hands brush gently over Squall's legs and hips. Any normal man would have been almost sobbing, Vincent knew that. Squall remained unaroused in Vincent's mouth. He drew back and took hold of Squall with his hand and began to stroke him in the same manner he had yesterday. Still no reaction. Vincent was pleased to see that Squall was watching. His face was not flushed and his breathing was completely normal. Vincent released Squall and sat up on the bed beside him.

"Congratulations. I think you've proved to me that you're quite capable to being progressed to Level Red."

Squall released a relieved sigh and flopped onto his back. He drew his legs up on the bed and stretched out the length of his body. He turned himself so that his head rested on the bed's pillow. Vincent remained at the foot of the bed. He seemed to be debating something quietly with himself.



"Is there something wrong?"

Vincent smiled at Squall. He was sincerely concerned about him. Vincent could feel his chest tighten again. He already knew that he was falling in love with the beautiful man. He just didn't know how to deal with it, or even tell Squall. He found himself questioning whether Squall even loved him. Maybe he looked at Vincent as just being a teacher. Nothing more.

"Will you come lay beside me?"

Vincent was suprised but complied with the request. He crawled up beside Squall and laid down. He was taller than Squall and still lankier and a touch slimmer. Squall reached up his arm and moved some of Vincent's raven tendrils away from his ruby eyes.

"You have such nice eyes, Vincent."

"Thank you."

Squall leaned forward and kissed Vincent's mouth gently. It was an innocent kiss, void of anything sexual, and it touched Vincent's heart. He pulled Squall against him tightly, savoring the feeling of Squall's naked body against his clothed one. His claw's fingers brushed Squall's bare back and caused him to shiver slightly. He tilted his head up enough to kiss Vincent's chin.

"Do you ever take off your clothes, Vincent?"

Vincent looked thoughtfully at Squall.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just, that every time I see you, you're covered from head to toe. I was wondering if you ever completely take your clothes off."

"If I tell you something, it goes not further than your ears, do you understand?"

Squall nodded, wondering what kind of thing Vincent would entrust him with.

"After my experiments, I was ashamed of how I looked. Cid was the first person that I shared a relationship with after Lucrecia. Even though the relationship did not work, it was a healing process for me. But, the whole time that Cid and I were lovers, I refused to completely undress. Squall, I have scars on my body that even I don't like to see. I keep my eyes shut when I shower so I don't have to be reminded of the marks from my past. Perhaps it's my way of dealing with it, without actually facing up to the problem."

Squall was silent for a moment. Vincent felt uneasy. Perhaps mentioning Cid as his former partner had not been the most brilliant of ideas.

"But, Cid didn't see you with my eyes. I used to be ashamed for people to get too close to my face because of my scar. But, I realized that it's part of me. It's something that makes me who I am and I can't change that. Your scars may be painful reminders, but they are part of you. You should look at them as a fixture that molds your life to a greater level."

Vincent was completely stunned. The young man spoke like a wiseman. Someone years older than even he was. He wasn't even phased about Cid being his old lover or even the idea of his body being covered with the marks of Hojo's experiments.

"Since when did a sarcastic young man get so wise?"

"I'm not always a jerk, you know."

"I see. I guess I underestimated your true nature, Squall."



"Would you take off your clothes so that I can look at you?"

Vincent froze. Squall could feel the stiffness in his body.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have requested you to do something so personal."

"No! No. I...I'm going to have to face it some time. It's better that it's with you."

Vincent released Squall and arose from the bed. He undid his red necktie and dropped it to the floor. He kicked off his slipper like shoes and pulled off his black socks. He removed his black jacket and then undid his black suit pants. Stepping out of his pants, the only piece of clothing that remained was Vincent's long white shirt. He paused and turned to Squall who had been watching the whole time.

"Are you sure you want to see this?"


Vincent swallowed nervously and undid the buttons on his shirt. He let the material slide off him. Almost instinctively, he blushed, feeling ashamed of being competely naked.

"You're beautiful."

"What?" came Vincent's shocked reply.

Squall looked at him with eyes filled with pure honesty and something else. Something Vincent was afraid to admit he saw. Afraid that his hope would be true.

"Lay down with me Vincent. I know you're supposed to be the teacher and me the student, but I just want to touch you for a while."

Vincent laid down next to Squall. He tried to relax on his side, even though he could still feel the anxiety of being bare. Squall reached out a trembling hand and ran one of his fingers down one of Vincent's scars on his chest. The action caused him to suck in his breath. Vincent felt more anxious than ever before. Squall was the first person to see him completely undressed.

"I would like to hear each one of these stories. I know each one has a tale to tell." Squall's voice was soft and seductive. He slid down so that his head was level with Vincent's chest. He brushed his lips across two of the smaller scars. Vincent shuddered. The feeling was so acute that he could feel heat forming between his legs.

Squall continued to slide downward. He pressed his lips firmly across a long laceration that ran across Vincent's stomach. Vincent let out a soft moan that pleased Squall immensely. The biggest scar ran across Vincent's thigh and into his groin area. Squall ran his finger down the old wound.

"Tell me about this one."

Somewhat breathlessly, Vincent spoke, "That's my first scar I ever received from Hojo. He drained alot of my blood and ran many different chemicals through that opening."

"How could someone be so cruel?" Squall's voice caught in his throat. Vincent reached a trembling hand downward, and brushed the top of Squall's head.

"I hope nothing like this ever happens to you again, Vincent. But, I wish that I could've been the one to kiss the pain away. To make you feel like you again."

That comment touched Vincent deeply. He knew then that he was in love with his student. He should have cursed himself for it, but he didn't care. Squall was close to him and that was all that mattered.

Squall slid his tongue down the scar. His head followed and in a moment, his tongue slid across Vincent's growing erection. Vincent let out a short gasp. He reached down to pull Squall up, but his good hand just ended up getting laced in Squall's messy hair.

He delighted in feeling Vincent grab ahold of him. He drew Vincent in slowly, letting his tongue tease Vincent into even more arousal. He gripped ahold of Vincent's thigh gently. The fact that they were both laying on their sides made it difficult for Vincent to manuever out of Squall's lock. He began to moan as Squall allowed him to rock forward and deeper into his hot mouth. Squall savored the feeling of Vincent needing him, wanting him. He loved him. He knew it without a doubt. That thought propelled him into gently raking his teeth over Vincent. That was all it took. Vincent arched and the hot sticky heat came out into Squall's mouth. He hungrily accepted all that Vincent could offer him, and then let his tongue slide over the tip, just as Vincent had done to him yesterday. He withdrew, feeling disappointed that he could not continue the pleasure. He slid up the bed to see that Vincent's skin was sheened with sweat and his crimson eyes had tears in the corners.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Squall barely whispered, his voice trembling.

"No. It's just, I've never felt so comfortable with anyone since my transformation. Thank you." Vincent whispered back.

He pulled Squall against him. The young man asked for no favor in return. Just to be close to his body. Squall kissed Vincent and he could taste his flavor still on Squall's tongue. He sighed and kissed Squall passionately back.

"Do I get extra credit for Level Red?" Squall couldn't help but tease.

"I'll have to see more homework before I can give you that answer." Vincent replied with a smile.

Squall smiled back at him. Vincent realized it was the first time he had ever seen the young student smile.

"You need to get to your barracks. You're going to be late for night call and I have to report Cid about your progress. I also need to check up on Guren and Zell and Darin and Seifer."

Squall nodded feeling his stomach tighten at Seifer's name. He arose from the bed and began to pull his clothes on. He pulled his pendant free from under his shirt and the turned back to Vincent who was still lying on the bed. He couldn't resist, and leaned down, kissing Vincent deeply before leaving. Vincent watched him exit through the door.

He relaxed on his back, savoring the feeling of the cool room's air. His beautiful Squall. The young man who thought HE was beautiful. Vincent arose from the bed and dressed. He almost regretted putting his clothes back on after his experience. He left the room quietly and went to seek out Cid. He was ready to move Squall to Level Red. He expected that that foul Seifer would be ready too. Vincent walked up the steps and into the main corridor.


Squall stood outside of his room. He pulled out his passcard from his backpocket. He hummed a little tune quietly to himself and slid the card through the slot. The door came open and Squall entered. He shut the door and then turned on the light.

"Hello, Squall."

The voice froze him as he turned around to see Seifer standing in the middle of his room. In his hand was a passcard. Almost instinctively, he felt inside his bomber jacket. Finding the pocket, he realized at that moment, his other passcard was missing.

"Get out, Seifer." Squall growled.

Seifer sauntered over with complete nonchalance. He handed Squall the passcard. Somewhat confused, he took it from Seifer. With that brief window of time, Seifer grabbed Squall and hauled him against him. His mouth came down on top of Squall's. Squall began to move furiously, no longer caring about injuring his hands more. Seifer's lock was like iron and the more Squall moved, the tighter it became.

Seifer finally broke the kiss. Squall began to spit with disgust. He could taste bile forming in his throat.

"Strange. You don't seem to have a problem when the vampire does it to you."

Squall continued to struggle. He managed to push away from Seifer. He caught out of the corner of his eye, his gunblade that rested only a couple feet away. If he could just get to it, he could use it as a shield between him and Seifer. It would give him enough time to get to the door and out of the room.

Almost as if Seifer was anticipating Squall's manuever, he took a giant step grabbing ahold of his captive again, and kicked the gunblade into the small bathroom.

"No!" Squall screamed.

Seifer stared at Squall and then an evil smile crossed him lips. He grabbed ahold of Squall's wrists and began to squeeze. Squall struggled and the wounds that had begun to heal in his palms reopened. The blood seeped through his fresh bandages and began to stain them maroon.

Seifer used Squall's injury to his advantage and threw his captive onto the bed. Squall kicked upward, but Seifer was too fast. He used his greater weight and pinned Squall's legs. Using one of his large hands, he grabbed tightly ahold of both of Squall's wrists. He then began to explore Squall's frame with his free hand. Squall let out a cry and continued to struggle. His bandages came undone and the blood began to drip from his hands and run down his arms.

"Vincent!" Squall screamed.

Vincent had been talking with Cid when he suddenly froze. He felt as though his blood had been turned into ice. His eyes immediately shot to the barracks area.

"Is something wrong, Vincent?" Cid questioned.

"Squall is in trouble."

Without another word, Vincent and Cid headed to the barracks. Vincent could sense Squall's despair. He picked up his pace to the point that Cid could hardly keep pace with him.

The duo stood outside the door. The rooms were state of the art and sound proof, which was why no one seemed to be concerned. Vincent's could hear them though. Sometimes Hojo's experiments had their advantage.

"It's Seifer."

"Mother !@#$%!" Cid exploded.

Vincent centered his energy and with one hard kick, the door came flying open. What he saw almost sent him into Chaos himself.

Seifer stared at the two superiors. He had his free hand under Squall's white t-shirt, which had been viciously torn. There were stains to blood on Squall from his hands that had reopened. He had tears that Vincent could easily see staining his face.

"I'm going to kill you." Vincent stated gravely.

He was about to attack when Cid grabbed ahold of him.

"No. That's not the way, Vincent."

Vincent glared at Cid.

"Look what he has done! He doesn't derserve to live."

"No, @#!$% scum like him doesn't derserve to live. But, things aren't the same as when we were battling Sephiroth, Vincent. If one of GARDEN's prize students dies in your hands, you will be executed. I'm sure that Squall wouldn't want that."

Cid took three big steps and hauled Seifer off Squall. He turned him around and promptly smashed his fist into Seifer's face. Seifer was out cold.

"Take care of your student, Vincent. If he needs to go to a doctor, get him medical help. I'll take care of this !@#$% piece of trash."


"Do it."

Cid exited the door dragging Seifer behind him. He paused to manually close the door Vincent had kicked open. Vincent and Squall were alone together. Unfortuantely, this time was far from joyous.

"Squall?" Vincent could barely whisper as he sat beside the young man.

The tears ceased flowing and Squall got enough strength to turn himself around and bury his face in Vincent's lap. Vincent wrapped his arms around his precious Squall.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that this happened."

"I...I...I know. It's not your fault. It's not mine either."

"Let's get your hands cleaned."

"No. Not yet. Please don't move yet."

Vincent squeezed Squall tighter to indicate his response. The dam broke and Squall began to cry again. Vincent held on tightly, vowing never to let Squall go.