AUTHOR’S NOTE: I hope you liked the prologue! ^_^ Now to truly begin....
(Part 1)
        Two weeks later.....
        Seifer Almasy waits outside a classroom and patiently taps his foot.
Within minutes the bells chime and small groups of students flood the
school's hallway.  The blonde walks through the throngs of students and sets
his eyes on his beloved.  The beloved is dressed in the school's uniform with
the cowboy hat adorning his head.  Seifer then snakes his arms around him and
kisses him softly.  "Hey Irvine.. How was class..?"
        "You have to endure a lot if you want to become a SeeD, my love....
Including boredom."
        "No kidding, Seiffie....."
        "Want to grab some lunch?"
        "Good.  Then afterward we can..."  The announcement bell chimes, interrupting
Seifer's sentence.
        Irvine bites his lip.  "Dammit!  What did I do this time?!"
Seifer hugs Irvine, rubbing his gloved hands over the other boy's uniform.
"It just might be standard transfer stuff....  Don't be alarmed."
        "Yeah... you're right." Irvine pecks Seifer's lips and holds him tight before
disengaging. "Save me a seat for lunch?"
        "You bet."
        "Thanks.  See ya soon!"  Irvine smiles and heads to the elevator, blowing a
kiss to his beloved Seifer as the elevator arrives.
    Irvine Kinneas takes a deep breath and opens the door to Cid Kramer's
office.  "Mr.. Kramer..." Irvine stutters, "you wanted to see me...?"
        "Yes Irvine... please, shut the door."
        Irvine nods and shuts the door, unknowingly locking it.  He stands in front
of Cid's desk as the older man rises from his chair.  Cid then faces Irvine.
"I've.... become aware of your relationship with Seifer Almasy.... and you
are of course aware of his position as the head of our disciplinary
        "Yeah....." Irvine nods.
        "Irvine.. I.....  I've been told about your past...."
        "My past....?"
        "Yes.  Headmaster Martine's files on you arrived last week, and I have
finished reading it....  I'm appalled."
        Irvine Kinneas raises an eyebrow.  "What did it say...?"
    Kramer holds his head down, secretly fantasizing about the incriminating
file.  He blushes slightly when he hardens.  "Irvine.....  It said you were..
        Irvine's grey-green eyes widen with disbelief.  "(Oh, gods......  Kramer
found out about..)"  Cid places his hand on Irvine's right shoulder, feigning
comfort and getting aroused by the soldier's attractiveness.  He then opens
the file, revealing that Irvine had performed oral sex on numerous young boys
at Galbadia Garden.  "It says here that you'd go down on these boys to
comfort them."
        "That was a lifetime ago.. I've changed...."
        "Have you...?  What about Seifer..?"
        "I'm in love with him."
        "Did you spit or swallow with these boys?"
        "What..?!  Does it matter if I spat or swallowed?!"
        "It does to me...."  Cid approaches Irvine, wrapping him in a tight embrace.
Irvine feels a growth in Cid's pants.  "Gods....  you're sick!" Irvine
screams.  "Get off me!"
        "You've grown..... and you look delicious..."  Kramer then slaps a set of
handcuffs on his student, binding his arms behind his back.
        "Kramer.. if you dare try to....!"  Irvine's sentence is cut short when Cid
stuffs his mouth with a red gag ball mostly used in S & M fetishes.  Cid
Kramer sniffs Irvine's neck like a mongrel dog in heat, inhaling the strong
scent of cologne.  Whimpering noises wisp through the room, fading quietly as
they are muted by the sounds of cloth tearing.....