
(Part 7)

By: Domino


      "So, you think you can stop me from having you, eh Irvine?"

Kramer taunts after the sniper barges into his office, demanding him to

stop.  "Yeah Cid.  I'm not some sex toy you can play with......."

Irvine sneers.


"You're not?  I beg to differ, Kinneas," Cid snaps back as he unlocks

a drawer in his bethel cherry desk.  He pulls out a small, dark grey

book, emblazoned with the Galbadia Garden logo and the initials

E.D.S.  "Erik Strecht......  Your Garden's top SeeD and all-star

athlete.  This is his journal......"


Irvine's cloudy green eyes widen, "How the fuck did you get that?! 

All our stuff's private!"


"You'd think so, Mr. On-My-Knees......," Cid chuckles at the sniper's

cruel nickname.  "But we headmasters have a right to go through your

things when necessary.  Martine shipped this along with your file.

Though I think he sent it by mistake..... Too bad...."


The cowboy shakes in anger, "You won't get away with this...."


"I already am, and if you don't give me the pleasure I want, you'll be

slapped with severe consequences.  I'll have you expelled, stripped of

your gun license and privileges, and I'll have that problem student

shipped off to Trabia Garden....  Oh, I'm sorry, what I meant was the

Head of the Disciplinary Committee and your current boyfriend..... 

Seifer Almasy...."


"What do you want, dammit?!" Irvine's eyes begin to fill up with tears.


"Take off your clothes, cowboy......."


"Oh, gods no...... not that...  Please...." Irvine begs.


"You asked me what I wanted, so I want you to take your clothes off."


      Slowly but surely Irvine begins to strip off his uniform. 

Tears stream down his face as he bares his soft flesh to his

older assailant.  "I can't get over your gorgeous body....." Cid licks

his lips.  He undoes his polyester slacks and takes out his hardening

cock.  "Suck me, cowboy..... suck me like you sucked that athlete."

Irvine's eyes begin to leak tears as he walks over and gets on his

knees.  Cid grabs the back of Irvine's head and sighs when the young

sniper's face connects with his crotch.  The older man's cock is

shoved down Irvine's throat.  "Keep going, you whore....." he gasps.


      Seifer paces in his dorm room, filling the room with nicotine

and tobacco smoke.  Squall walks in, coughing.  "Seifer Almasy, you

know it's against the school's policy to smoke in...."


"Oh, FUCK the school's policies!  My boyfriend's being raped by the

headmaster and I can't touch the bastard for it!  He's getting raped

right now, I just know it... but those damn teachers won't let me go

near the elevator doors!"


"What?!  Why not?  It's illegal for Kramer to rape a student."


"Not if he's blackmailing Irvine.....  He using his past against him

in exchange for sexual favors."


"How do you know?"


Seifer looks at Squall, "I overheard him bragging about it to himself.

I'm gonna slice his dick off and shove it down his throat...!" he

sits back down, tearing up.  Squall sits down next to him, wrapping

the young blonde in a reasuring hug.  "Listen, I just talked to

Selphie...  I think I found a way to catch Headmaster Kramer..."