

(part 9)







      Headmaster Kramer lazily flips through the incriminating journal

when his faculty members almost literally throw the Galbadian transfer

into his office.  Cid smiles as he sits up, "I can't ever get over what

a tasty little treat you are.  So young.. so tight...."


Irvine gulps as he wraps his duster closer around his body.  "I'm not

your property.....  You can't do this to me..."


"But I can... and I feel like doing it right now...  I can't wait to be

inside you...."  Cid stands up and reaches for Irvine as the student

crawls away from him.


      Meanwhile Squall monitors the event from his desk in class. 

Seifer clenches his hands into fists as he watches, "That scumbag....."


"Calm down man....  We're getting all of it on tape.  He's going down."


"But I Just can't sit here and watch Kramer viol...  That's it.  I'm

gonna kill Headmaster Pencil Dick and shove his head into his ass," The

blonde grabs his modified gunblade and marches out toward the elevator.


"(I'm gonna chop off that shriveled up member of his and feed it to the

dogs...)" Seifer walks calmly over to the instructors guarding the

elevator's door.  "No one may disturb Headmaster Kramer right now," One

of the faculty members barks.


"Then you give me no choice," Seifer responds as he draws his gunblade.


      "You know what to do," Kramer mocks the cowboy as he stands up.

Irvine begins to tear up as he unbuckles his leather belt.  Cid

becomes impatient and rips Irvine's denim jeans open.  Only a layer of

soft cotton protects the younger man's lower body as Kramer forces

his unwilling partner to step out of his pants.  Irvine covers himself

with his leather duster when Cid tugs down the cowboy's briefs. 


"You're such a prude.  Let me admire your body," Cid taunts as he

reaches inside Irvine's duster and cups his bared sex.  A harsh pain

traps itself in the younger man's throat as Kramer touches him.  This

pain makes him whimper.  Irvine pushes Cid away, "Don't touch me.

I'm not letting you take advantage of me anymore."


"You want me to tie you up then?  I can do that, since you look

delicious when you're tied up and helpless..." Cid licks his lips.


Irvine looks away, "You can have my body over and over.... but you'll

never have my heart or soul..."


Cid laughs haughtily, "Who said I wanted all that crap?!  I just want

that gorgeous tight ass of yours over and over."  He turns Irvine

around and presses him against the wall, which places them in front of

one of the hidden cameras.......


      Squall restrains himself from vomiting as he watches the

repulsing spectacle.  "(I don't blame Seifer for wanting to kill this

sick bastard.) Um, Quistis?"


"Yes, Squall?" Quistis responds.


"There's something you have to see.  It's about Cid Kramer."


"What about him?"


"Look," Intructor Trepe's student points to his screen.  She covers

her mouth as her skin turns white.  "Oh, my god......  That's...."


Squall nods somberly, "Yeah...  Kramer's been doing this for a while... 

Ever since we returned from Deling City with Seifer."


"But why?!"


"I wish I knew...  He's just a sick man....  But it stops today..."


      Cid lifts up the back of Irvine's duster with one hand and parts

his lower cheeks with the other, "There it is.....  Your cute little

ring.  All puckered up.. trembling...."


Irvine clenches his fists against the wall, "I'm begging you... don't

do it...."


"What fun is that?!" Cid laughs and plunges a finger into the tight

entrance.  Irvine screams in horror, "Stop!!"


The older man smirks, "No."  He brutally thrusts his finger into his

unwilling lover as he begins to work on his own pants.  Cid's sheer body

weight holds Irvine in place, keeping the younger man pinned and



      "I'm calling the police," Quistis steps out of her classroom as

the other students have gathered around Squall's desk out of their own

sick curiosities.  She sees Seifer hacking his way through the mindless

drones who have sided with Cid Kramer.


"Seifer!" Quistis shouts, "What're you...?!!"


Seifer turns around, "Get out of here, Quisty!  I'll keep 'em busy!"


The blonde girl nods and proceeds to the infirmary where Dr. Kadowaki

watches the battle.  "Miss Trepe?  What's going on?" The doctor



"Dr. Kadowaki....  I need to use the phone."


      "Stop!!!  It hurts!!" Irvine keeps screaming as Cid pounds

mercilessly into the cowboy's body.  "I'm going easy on you, Irvine.

You should be thanking me.  I was shocked to see that you weren't a

virgin, though."


"Let me go, Kramer!!"


"I'm probably a better lover than that boy you fuck....  That problem

child Seifer Almasy...."


The door bursts open to an angry young man with a stained gunblade.

"Did a certain scumbag mention my name?"