

Seiya Kou



[rejection of the past/admonishment of the future]

"It's you that I adore/you will always be my whore."

-Billy Corgan, "Ava Adore"

"See I bleed and I bruise/Oh, but what's it to you/I'm only human on the inside."

-Chrissie Hynde, "Human"

"Do you have an opinion?/A mind of your own?/I thought you were special/I thought you should know/But I've run out of patience/I've run out of comments/I'm tired of the violence/I couldn't care less."

- Shirley Manson, "Special"

"Following my lust for wander/I take the forbidden sun!/If I have been sculpted by hunger/I'm not the only one."

- Deborah Harry, "Screaming Skin"