"Red Tide"

Chapter 1


Seiya Kou


"Sir, we've docked at our port just now to refuel before proceeding to the headquarters of the 108 Dragons. Tactical shows we require more torpedoes and a new stealth screen applied to the hull before we can head out," said Ryochi. The look on his master's face told him that he would be using his telepathic power to reply. His master's eyes lacked iris and pupil, and only the white of the cornea was visible; he was reclining in a position somewhat similar to Rodin's "Thinker".

"Yes, and while we are at port, I will be out for the night discussing plans with the council of our organization. Go now, Ryochi. You have served me well indeed." It wasn't a voice in his head, just an impression being engraved into his cerebral cortex.

"Very well, sir." Ryochi bowed before turning around and walking slowly out of the commander's room.
Alexian pulled himself out of the sculpture position. He ran his elongated fingers through his long, dark hair, pulling it back into a ponytail before releasing it. Alexian relieved stress that plagued his mind by playing with his hair that way. Over and over he stroked it, pulled it back, and removed an errant strand that found its way into his mouth.

Reaching his all-clad-in-black arm, he picked up the glass of blood red wine. Wine which he rarely drank, for he detested its rotten grape taste. Swilling it in the thin container, Alexian caused the liquid to gyrate rapidly within. A small tornado formed within the red ooze, faster and faster it spun, until it sloshed out and hurled towards his expensive dark attire.

Alexian vaguely noticed the warm wine hit his sleeve, nor did he care anymore for the stains on his clothing, both of food and of other telltale things. Sure, it put his servant's through hell, but it was fun to see Ryochi get flustered, and not able to move when Alexian held him fast with his telekinetic powers.

Alexian was born into the powerful Red Tide crime organization, second only to K.O., a rival of the ubiquitous Chinese 108 Dragons family of assassins. However, unlike Knock Out! or the Dragons, all the leaders of the Red Tide syndicate were genetically linked by a common trait: they all possessed telepathy, telekinesis, or in some cases, both. These powers were fostered during the individual's youth until they reached their peak at adulthood, at the same time forging a powerful leader. Since Alexian never found a mate, he was the last, and therefore most powerful director of the Red Tide.

He was extremely handsome, tall, muscular, pale, green-eyed and dark haired. Alexian always dressed in dark colors, for they reminded him of nights where missions would be accomplished and money would be made. Yet, he was never driven by materialistic goals or the quest for power. All he wished was to possess one thing, as did his predecessors. Red Tide wanted the 108 Dragons; their power, their culture, their resources.

"Nina Heaven failed in her attempt to subsidize the 108 Dragons because she wanted Freeman too badly to notice that his cohorts, Dark Eyes, Emu Hino, and Ivory Fan would come to his rescue and see to the downfall of K.O. and the reclamation of Woh Pei Wong. Red Tide will not fail, because I will be involved in all aspects of this mission. And of course, I'll have Crying Freeman for myself, while my organization...our organization prospers," said Alexian in front of his trusted council of advisors.

"But master, we will fail. As did the African Tusk, Kidnapping Organization, and the assassin, Kiiche," pleaded Ryochi, eyes full of desperation. "Why risk the welfare and future of Red Tide by attempting to assimilate the 108 Dragons? Young sir, it makes no sense."

"I agree with Ryochi, master Alexian. Even if we did win, we will suffer a Pyrric victory, despite the resource compensation we will have received from the Dragons," said Murata, the eldest member of the council. "I vote 'no' to such an operation."

"Ryochi. Murata. That is where you both are wrong. I've had Dr. Ikegami construct a weapon so devastatingly powerful, that the 108 Dragons will have no choice other than to submit to my will. The good doctor constructed a psi-intensifier, which will give me the ability to use my powers of telepathy to manipulate the rival organization to do my bidding only."

"And what of Freeman, sir? Even he did not succumb to the Great Bear cult's leader. Not even when he called those ancient words and used his arcane powers to murder that entire branch of the Dragons did Crying Freeman succumb."

"Fool! That is because he had his ears, eyes, and mouth closed to prevent his soul from being ripped out. But the cult of the Great Bear underestimated the 108 Dragons. They did not anticipate that accursed Muramasa sword to be in herpossession." Alexian said "her" with utter contempt. Emu Hino would prove problematic when he attempted to deal with her husband. "By using the psi-intensifier, I will reconfigure the Muramasa's spirit to align with mine, thus the sword and her power will be stripped and bestowed upon me."

"Alexian!! By meddling with the affairs of such a spirit, you will recreate the Great Bear cult's downfall. Not even that master's power was arcane enough to prevent the Muramasa spirit from cutting off his head." Murata was shouting now; he couldn't help it. "How can he even hope to change the designs of such a malevolent entity as the Muramasa?!" His own angry thoughts were causing him to tremble madly.

Alexian walked towards him, an expression of calm seemingly plastered on his face. Securing his forefinger underneath Murata's chin, he titled his face up before pressing his lips against the insolent's. Alexian heard the moan his soft lips elicited, yet he ignored it. This was a kiss for defiance, not for pleasure. Focusing his telekinetic powers, he shot a bolt through his open lips, over his tongue, and down Murata's throat. The charge went deep into the man's gastrointestinal system, before beginning to spread itself, applying pressure on Murata's stomach. Alexian backed far away, and covered his face with his arms. Murata began to tremble wildly.

"Murata! I'm sure you know the punishment for such defiance!" Alexian was enjoying his familiar's slow demise at his own hand. There was something erotic about it, and he could feel his own erection pressing against his pants.

Then came the explosion, followed by the deluge of various organs and fluids. The council and Alexian were coated in a wave of blood; Murata law in bits throughout the room. Pointing to a woman, neatly dressed in a pinstripe business outfit, Alexian's otherworldly powers ceased their glare in his eyes.

"Keiko Tokuda, it's your show now. Try not to disappoint me."

"Yes sir," the woman bit her lip and drew a droplet of blood after she replied, courteously to her master. She curtsied then, bending down to his feet, her smart business attire ripping slightly at the rear when she executed the maneuver. Alexian left and walked to his private chambers.

He entered the lavish room in the offshore complex of the Red Tide organization. Closing the door behind him softly, he locked the two dead bolts with firm authority. Satisfied, Alexian proceeded toward the large bathroom suite, removing each article of clothing he was wearing as he drew closer to the door: cape, shirt, pants, and finally, boxers. The bath had already been prepared for him; the steam rose steadily from the hot waters. Alexian slid into the ornate marble tub.

"Mmmmnhhh, Kazuo knows how to prepare a good bath. He didn't forget the oils this time....feels good..." He leaned his head back and allowed the infused waters to wash over his tense muscles, slowly relaxing them. Breathing a sigh of utter ecstasy, he closed his eyes and murmured the name that had captivated him since he first saw the man in action, the leader of the 108 Dragons at his best killing nature.

"Hmmm....Crying Freeman.....ahhh....ohh....mmnnhhhh.....yes!" Alexian stroked himself faster and faster, enjoying the thoughts of the tattooed man posing, flexing, and killing his next target. Assassination was an art, and Freeman was most promising as an artist of guns, knives, bombs, and blood. "Ahhhh.....God!!!" He rose in time with his stroking as his mind continued to follow the imaginary exploits of his obsession. Finally, the orgasm overtook his body and he let out a great, erotic sigh that echoed through the massive marbleized bathroom. "Yo....,." he breathed as he lost all consciousness in the hot bath water. "So I have to jerk off like that bitch Nina Heaven did when she thought of Freeman. At least I can get my satisfaction where she failed."

"Good sirs, I am Om Thai Yeung, chief of the operations of the 108 Dragons. I am better known by my code name, 'Crying Freeman', which I use during assassinations and other businesses. I have called this conference to discuss gang activities since the last encounter with Kidnapper's Organization, better known to you and the world as K.O. Knockout. As you know, we were able to execute the mission of restoring Woh Pei Wong to her grandfather, assassinating the head of K.O., Nina Heaven, as well as completely destroying that crime syndicate. However, recent activities as in terms of the Red Tide organization have proved to be somewhat threatening to the welfare of the 108 Dragons. So far, our informants have gathered that their leader, Alexian Frost plans to make a strike against us. Hence, this meeting also serves a purpose of how to deal with the immediate threat. Gentlemen, I am open to all suggestions," said the leader of the 108 Dragons, plainly and succinctly. He once was Yo Hinomura, a sculptor, who was recognized by the world as a great modernist potter. Om Thai Yeung was still an artist, and remained open to the democratic decisions of the high council of dragons, yet he still held the power of ultimate veto.

"Most noble one, I speak for the committee of twelve when I say that it is necessary to take specific precautions against this organization. An immediate retaliation would prove fatal, as it did to our preceding council. The only survivors of that assault were yourself, Ivory Fan, Fu Ching Lan, and the mother and father dragons. What reconnaissance do we know of this 'Red Tide', this 'Alexian Frost', this desire to move against us?" Mamoru loved to protest such violent decisions, as they risked the livelihood of the 108 Dragons. It was for this very reason why he was employed by Freeman in the first place; he was a very careful man, often planning contingency after contingency.

"I agree with Mamoru, Om Thai Yeung. It would be an inefficient waste of resources to mount an assault on Red Tide. For their diminutive size, they seem to possess a great power, which lies in their leader, Alexian Frost. For the love of God, Freeman, he's a damned telepath!" Taisen, Freeman's eldest and most trusted vizier, was the only member of the committee allowed to refer to the leader of the 108 Dragons by his code name.

"Taisen, Mamoru...how is such a thing possible? Despite the fact that he is able to wield such mental powers, he cannot use them unless he is in close range. The same went for the leader of the Great Bear cult. His soul-siphonic powers didn't affect any of our offshore agents."

"That is where you are wrong, great sir. Unlike Nina Heaven or the African Tusk, Frost was intelligent enough to kidnap Dr. Ikegami, a world specialist in brain wave amplification. Red Tide could have him construct a device that would bolster their leader's telepathy to worldly levels," Mamoru's fear was evident now, in the trembling of his lower left eyelid. Freeman smiled.

"Then that's a risk we'll have to take. You understand of course, that if he starts using that device, we must move to strike as soon a possible. Better to kill Alexian Frost now than to wait for his power to reach maximum potential. You shall all receive my final decision regarding this matter by morning. Good night, gentlemen."

"Sleep well, sir."

"Have a pleasant evening, sir."

Freeman made his way to his quarters, where his wife, Fu Ching Lan waited for him patiently.

"Dear, what happened?" Her keen eyes pinpointed the stress in her husband's eyes and her voice exploited it.

"Emu," he called her by her original first name. "A new organization called Red Tide has surfaced and they pose a formidable threat."

"How can that be? African Tusk, K.O. Knockout, and the Great Bear cult seemed easy enough for us to defeat. How is this so different?" Emu was patient, but her mentality sought answers. She pressed gently.

"Their leader, Alexian Frost, is a telepath. He was the man who kidnapped Dr. Ikegami, the neurosurgeon and brain function specialist. Our spies tell us Frost has put Ikegami to work on a telepathic power-booster, which would maximize his powers," Freeman spoke without a trace of fear in his voice. With Freeman, there was only indifference in his normal speech, sometimes tinged with emotion. Though whenever he spoke to Emu, he could not suppress his love for her in his voice.

"That is a problem, Yo," only she was allowed to call him by his true name, a name erased a long time ago in his charge to save Emu and make her a part of the 108 Dragons; his wife. "However, I sense some hesitation about moving to strike. Usually, you don't have any reservations about attacking a rival organization if they pose a threat to the 108 Dragons." Emu's voice was filled with genuine concern now. "Why is he so indecisive lately? There must be something more to this Frost character, and the issue at hand," she thought to herself.

Disrobing herself, Fu Ching Lan was once more Emu Hino, a humble artist from Japan. The tiger cubs tattooed on her chest and her back indicated her allegiance to the 108 Dragons, and the code to which she must always abide: never to have children. Approaching Freeman, she slid her fingers inside the opening of his white cassock. Gently unbuttoning it, she helped him out of the long tunic. Pulling off his shirt and pants, she revealed everything: the entire dragon tattoo that covered his chest, leg, and back. Holding him in her arms, she kissed him, gently at first, the passionately, her tongue sliding into his mouth and probing that cavity. His arms slid down to his hip and pulled down the briefs he always wore. His cock stood erect and ready for her ministrations.

Carrying Emu over to the vast bed, he law her down, then crawled on top of her, easing himself into the tight, hot envelope of flesh he so often enjoyed. Despite the fact that Freeman always had sex with other females, that was meaningless sex. Sex with Emu was an act of love, and acceptance for his assassin's persona.

He agitated his pounding movements until she cried out, her fingernails carving shallow cuts into his back when she came. He sighed before climaxing himself, deeply into her body. Placing his arms around her, Freeman shifted Emu onto her side and they fell asleep in that position.

"So, Freeman in reality is none other than the famous artist, Yo Hinomura. That is definitely an interesting development. Perhaps I can use that to my advantage? What say you, Keiko?" Alexian was extremely aroused by what he saw in Freeman's mind while his obsession had sex. Colors and feelings and the overall eroticism of the scene served to ignite his passions even more.

"Ohhh.....it's so big......" he moaned suddenly as he replayed the scene is mind yet again.

"What is so big, sir? The size of the 180 Dragons, their flagship, their headquarters, their submarine perhaps?"

"Freeman....mmmmmm." he moaned as he reached another orgasm himself. "Oh!" he realized he had ignored Keiko's presence during his soiree with Freeman's mind. "I apologize for being so rude, Keiko. What would be most advisable at this point?"

"Well sir, it is clear to see your target will be most easily be captured by sexual manipulation. Perhaps you should use the device Dr. Ikegami constructed for you.....you could influence Freeman's sexuality through his dreams," she chose her words carefully, to please him. A long pause ensued, as if Alexian was taking her suggestion seriously.

"The girl does have some validity, but I'm not sure if subconscious manipulation would prove beneficial in the long run," he thought to himself as his eyes blankly returned the stare Keiko was rendering unto him. "Do you have any other suggestions?" Alexian asked her aloud. "I want to explore all possible methods of getting Freeman to do my bidding."

"Sir, there is another method. By controlling the Muramasa through your psychic powers, you will be able to kidnap his wife. Of course, Freeman won't come after his wife; his love doesn't take that sort of form. However, if you kill Fu Ching Lan, you will spark a desire for revenge in Freeman...such as what the African Tusk did early last year."

"An excellent plan, indeed Tokuda. I will use that one, but with one small variation. I will take the flagship of the 108 Dragons tonight and kidnap Freeman directly, while at the same time, I will uncouple the Muramasa's spirit from Fu Ching Lan's sword." Alexian sounded firm, decisive, and somewhat energetic. The members of his cabinet knew what he truly desired as his own: Om Thai Yeung....Crying Freeman.

Night. The flagship of the 108 Dragons was heading due south in the China Seas towards their offshore complex. However, their sonar failed to pick up the submarine of Red Tide, which was approaching at an alarmingly fast rate.

"Bearing seven-five-zero, sir."

"Ballast tanks are green for one-fourth release."

"Magnetic airlock engaged."

Alexian listened to the voices of the various seamen aboard one of Red Tide's many submarines. He rubbed his temples, slowly, in a desperate attempt to rid himself of the headache that was plaguing his cranium. "Call the medic. Tell him I need some aspirin. In the meantime, give me control of the submarine. I am going to dock it without them noticing. Assault team to scramble at airlock chamber two." He reached down and grabbed the controls. Pressing the drop-ballast button, he guided the submarine higher, towards the ivory bottom of the 108 Dragon's flagship. "Okay, we have lock on and we've cut a section out of the bottom of the boat. According to ship schematics, we have drilled directly into the wine cellar, which only has a handful of guards." Alexian pulled off his clothing and stepped into the black wet suit, ignoring the stares of the crewmen, who longed for his body and a night with it in his chambers. "I am going to join the assault team. While they disable the main guards, I shall make my way to Freeman's private chambers. Whereupon, I shall cripple his defenses by using a psychic shock wave and manipulate him into the sub. This plan will be executed within the time frame of five minutes. Anyone left aboard the flagship must use their cyanide caplet. There is no margin for error," finished Alexian as he pulled the wet suit over his muscular chest and affixed a rather formidable looking watch to his wrist. "Let's move out."

"Fiore, did you feel something hit the underside of the ship?" Freeman could feel the subtle bump against the vessel just then. All those years in training aboard that ship allowed him to become one with it; he knew when something was clogging the fuselage or if there was a breach in the hull. "There could be a breach?"

"Sir, I didn't feel anything. But in the event we did breach, our compartments would seal off and be ejected. I doubt it was anything more than a sandbar. I'll take her farther out to sea." Fiore was about to turn the helm to starboard side when he was hit, gently by his master.

"Did you hear that?" A head, shaken side to side indicated the captain's confused state. "They are....screams....from the wine cellar? Send down more guards to see if anything is wrong...or if they just dropped a bottle again," Freeman was nervous. This had happened before....and it brought about the deaths of the entire council of elders, and the near demise of his sister, Ivory Fan.

Something was very wrong in the wine cellar. The crimson liquid wasn't the fine wines with the glass shards in it...it was the blood of the second wave of guards that had been sent down to die. Red Tide was slowly spreading within the ship, killing off its first line of defenses while their leader could slip in and take the hostage.

Assorted body parts floated around in the muck; the screams and swiping of katana blades brought more waves of blood to spatter the dark wet suits of the invaders. The wine cellar was more a bordello of blood than a place to rack the various bottles of alcohol.

At the same time, Alexian had managed to sneak into Fu Ching Lan's private toilette and now awaited for her outside of her shower, much the same way Freeman had before she had captivated his love.

The shower door opened, and out stepped a wet, and very naked Emu Hino, carrying the Muramasa sword. Alexian never could understand why she carried the damned thing everywhere she went. Even to dinner parties, the Muramasa was firmly attached to her hand, like a second husband, or a child than she could never have.

"You!" She recognized the leader of Red Tide then, standing weapon less yet poised for something outside of her shower. Whipping out the Muramasa, she pointed the black blade directly at his throat and was prepared to run his jugular through, when a strange, bluish aura surrounded the dread katana, causing it to become extremely hot and unpleasant to hold. "No! Not the Muramasa!" She was defenseless without her sword as it feel to the floor and clanged with a defeated finality. But the sword continued to be surrounded by the strange aura. Emu Hino looked extremely surprised at this; she thought her attacker was only after the sword.

"Greetings Miss. Hino. As you know, I am Alexian, leader of Red Tide, a rival crime organization rival to the 108 Dragons. However, I am not after you nor the Muramasa," he spoke calmly, evenly. His prey posed no threat to him.

"What do you want then?!" Fu Ching Lan was angry, and such anger coupled with the embarrassment of dropping her weapon in the nude was extremely destructive. "I swear I am going to gouge out his eyes," she gleefully thought as he continued to speak.

"Your husband, Om Thai Yeung, Crying Freeman, Yo Hinomura."

"That isn't going to happen. Muramasa spirit, dispatch this villain to hell!!"

"That would be a bad idea." He concentrated harder, and a flash of brilliant light marked the departure of a black, willowy figure to the next life. "Your katana is nothing without its spirit guardian. Now that it is out of my way, you're next." Alexian hit her hard, with a bolt of psychic energies, temporarily rendering her unconscious. "You'll wake up in the morning, with a bad headache and no husband beside you. He's mine."

Quietly closing the door behind him, Alexian tracked Freeman's mental signature to the bridge. Flinging the door open, he looked his target directly in the eyes, and liked his lips.

"Hello, Yo. Your wife is out of the picture, so you will now come with me."

"No." Freeman threw a blade directly at Alexian's head. The metallic object was just about to enter his brain, when it was surrounded by a formidable blue aura, turned around, and hurled at Fiore's head. It oozed right in, blood spurted everywhere: on Alexian's cheek, on Freeman's white cassock.

"Come on, Freeman. You are defenseless against such power." He tired of this game.


"Very well then, my dear." Summoning his mental energies, he struck Freeman in the center of his autonomy. His target fell forward into Alexian's waiting arms. "There we go. Let's be off, shall we?"

They made their way to the waiting sub, recalling all the remaining soldiers. Five out of eleven were dead. "Hurry, back into the hatch before more guards come!" Each person and the captive made it safely inside, the latch closed, and the submarine unlatched itself from the hull of the flagship.

The minute the geyser of water surged through the bottom deck, klaxons were blaring. Evacuations were ordered. A crewman made his way to Fu Ching Lan's cabin, picked her up, and made his way to the lifeboats.

"Alexian....too powerful..took Yo........," Emu faded out of consciousness as the lifeboats paddled away from the ship.

Freeman was thrown on Alexian's king sized bed, and had his limbs shackled to the bedposts. He awoke to the sound of running water.

"Rain....? No......a shower," his dizzy mind had trouble computing his situation.

His second suspicion was confirmed when the sound ceased suddenly and door was slid open. Out stepped a figure. A very tall, pale, dark haired, muscular figure. Alexian walked towards the bed, completely nude, and sat next to Freeman. Running his fingers through his captive's shorter hair, he leaned down and gently kissed the semiconscious lips.

"Never....not with a male," came the low growl.

"I think you'll change your mind. You see, my incredible sexy prisoner, you must know of the powers at my vast disposal. I can make you mine simply by concentrating. Your heart.....and your libido will be under my control."

"Somehow, I think not.

"Really? Perhaps a demonstration is in order." Alexian put his hand on Freeman's tousled hair and concentrated. Delving into his captive's mind, he found the right button....and slammed his powerful mind on it. Now he was in the nerve core. "Ahh....yes," his voice echoed as he caressed the nerve responsible for the orgasm response. Freeman began to writhe on the bed in total pleasure, his hips bucking lightly. "Just because you think I can't stimulate you physically doesn't mean I can't make you come mentally."

"No....stop....I can't," begged the captive as he felt his nerves being stroked by a thousand fingers.

"You can...and you will."

With that, his captive thrust his hips into the air and let out a loud cry as his orgasm erupted from his hard cock. His eyes closed tightly, Freeman emitted a sigh and fell unconscious.

"See...you are mine after all."