Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon  

So you still want to more about Sailor Moon. Told you it was interesting. The names as you will notice are different from the NA version then the origanals, so I'll let you read and find out all you want. :-)

Sailor Moon

Nihongo name: Tsukino Usagi (Her name basically translates in to Rabbit of the Moon {Usagi meaning Rabbit and Tsuki means moon)

North American name: Serena

Birthday: June 30

Sign: Cancer

Favorite Color: Pink & White

Favorite subject: Home Economics

Worst subject: math, English

Strong point: clutzing up, crying

Favorite gemstone: diamond

Sailor Mercury
NIhongo Name: Mizuno Ami
North American name: Amy Anderson
Birthday: September 10
Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Blue & Aquamarine
Hobby: reading, chess
Favorite subject: mathematics
Strong point: calculating
Favorite gemstone: sapphire
Sailor Mars

Nohongo Name: Hino Rei

North American Name: Raye Hino

Birthday: April 17

Sign: Aries

Favorite Color: Red & Black

Hobby: fortunetelling (also reading in the SFC RPG)

Favorite subject: ancient writing

Strong point: meditation

Dream: to be a head priestess

Favorite gemstone: ruby

Sailor Jupiter
Nihongo Name: Kino Makoto
North American Name: Leita
Birthday: December 5
Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite Color: Green & Pink
Hobby: bargain-hunting
Favorite subject: Home Economics
Fears: airplanes (her parents were killed in a crash)
Strong point: cooking
Favorite gemstone: emerald
Sailor Venus

Nihongo Name: Aino Minako

North American Name: Mina

Birthday: October 22

Sign: Libra

Favorite Color: Yellow & Red

Hobby: chasing after idols

Favorite subject: Phys. Ed

Strong point: playing

Dream: being an star

Favorite gemstone: topaz


Tuxedo Mask
Nihongo Name: Chiba Mamoru
North American Name: Darien Sheilds
Alter Egos: Moon Light Knight
Prince Darien, King Edymnion
Birthday: August 3
Sign: Leo
Sailor Chibi-Moon

Nihongo Name: Chiba Usako (Chibi Usa)

North American Name: Reeni

Brithday: June 30

Sign: Cancer

Favorite color: red and pink

Hobby: Collecting things with rabbits

Favorite subject: drawing

Worst subject: languages

Strong point: Mooching off of people

Dream: becoming a lady

Favorite gemstone: diamond


Sailor Pluto
NIhongo Name: Meiou Setsuna
North American Name: Lady in Luna Ball
Birthday: October 29
Sign: Scorpio
Blood type: A
Favorite color: dark red
Hobby: shopping
Favorite subject: Physics
Worst subject: Music
Strong point: sewing
Dream: to be a designer
Favorite gemstone: garnet

Sailor Uranus

Nihongo  Name: Ten'ou Haruka

North American Name: Alex

Birthday: January 27

Sign: Aquarius

Blood type: B

Favorite color: gold

Hobby: driving

Favorite subject: Phys. Ed.

Worst subject: modern Japanese

Strong point: racing

Dream: to be a racer

Favorite gemstone: amber

Sailor Neptune
Nihongo Name: Kaiou Michiru
North American Name: Michelle
Birthday: March 6
Sign: Pisces
Blood type: O
Favorite color: marine blue
Hobby: collecting cosmetics
Favorite subject: Music
Has trouble with: sea cucumbers
Strong point: violins
Dream: to be a violinist
Favorite gemstone: aquamarine

Sailor Saturn

Nihongo Name: Tomoe Hotaru

Birthday: January 6

Sign: Capricorn

Blood type: AB

Favorite color: purple

Hobby: reading, collecting lamps

Favorite subject: World History

Worst subject: Phys Ed.

Has trouble with: marathons

Strong point: injury treatment

Dream: to be a doctor

Favorite gemstone: fluorite