Sailormoon: Dark Jewel by: Marie Kelly Chapter 7 By all ordinary considerations, it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, a warm breeze was wafting and other things that inspire poets and sunshine fresh laundry detergent commercials. Not that it mattered. She didn't even notice it. Her blinds were closed, the lights were off--the room was shrouded in darkness. There was no need for light. "Mako-chan..." she sobbed again, curling up tighter into a ball. "I--I'm sorry." Tears rushed down her face, and she didn't even bother to wipe them away. They rolled down her cheeks, landing on the bed and soaking the spread. {If I had asked Makoto to stay over,} she thought, filled with guilt, {then this wouldn't be happening. Makoto wouldn't have been framed.} For despite what her mother and the police might say, Usagi had no doubt as to Makoto's innocence. Her friend was not a murderer! The knock came. Usagi wasn't surprised. Her mother had been bothering her for the past day. She knew it was best to answer and get rid of her as soon as possible. "Yes, Mama?" Mrs. Tsukino's voice sounded concerned. "Usagi, dear, you haven't had anything to eat since yesterday. Why don't you come down and have some cake? I baked you cake, dear. You love cake." "I don't want any," Usagi said flatly. "Oh, dear. Would you please come outside? You've been moping too long. It's not healthy." "I don't care. I like it in here." That was a lie, but she had no intention of going outside and seeing her mother. She could talk to her, but she couldn't look at the woman who would so easily accuse her friend of being a murderer. "Usagi, I know this hurts, but you must accept facts." "They're wrong." "Usagi, dear, be reasonable." I AM REASONABLE!!! Usagi wanted to shout, but even less so did she want to get into an argument with her mother. Her mother was bound to never understand; Usagi accepted that as much as she hated it. "Go away," she merely said, in a quiet yet audible tone of voice. "What?" Mrs. Tsukino sounded shocked. "Usagi, there's no excuse for your behavior! I'm merely concerned about you." Usagi gave a soft chuckle. "No, you're not, Mama. If you were you'd listen to me," she whispered. Aloud she said, "I'm tired, Mama. I don't want to be disturbed. Please, don't bother me." Usagi heard sharp footsteps going quickly down the hallway. She had angered her mother, but she didn't care. {Mako-chan,} she thought. {You cheered me up. Where are you? I miss you. What happened?} There was a scratching on the window, and Usagi jumped up. "Who's there?" she said, slightly in fear. Her eyes narrowed, as she put her hands on her hips. "Shingo, if you're playing jokes on me I don't appreciate it." The scratching continued, and Usagi remembered. Shingo was to go over to Mika's house that day. Her heart quickened, and she began to feel fear. "Who's there?" she asked, slightly less brave. "Please, answer me." There was still no reply, and Usagi made her decision. The window was closed. She would merely open the blind to see who it was. If it was some criminal trying to get in...then she would merely forbid him enterance and perhaps call the police, though Usagi had no urge to deal with the police at that moment. "Mako-chan!" Usagi had to stifle a gasp of joy at what she saw. "I was so worried about you." She quickly opened the window and screen, tugging at the screen a bit. "Come in," she offered. The girl forced her way inside, and smiled at Usagi. "Thank you," she said weakly. Usagi felt sick as she stared at her friend, who was Sailorjupiter. Her body was covered in bruises, and a strange odor, as of burnt flesh, came from her body. Her uniform had been ripped apart, and the back had been burnt off, exposing raw, bleeding flesh beneath. "Sailorjupiter!" Usagi cried. "What's happened to you?" Sailorjupiter smiled. "I won," she said, cryptically. "Won?" Usagi was confused. "What do you mean?" Sailorjupiter opted not to answer that question. "What day is it?" "Day?" Usagi was caught slightly off guard. "It's Sunday." "Thank you," Sailorjupiter whispered. {Two days. I fought for two days.} "Mako-chan..." Usagi wasn't certain how to broach the subject of the murder, and was more concerned with whether or not her friend was going to be ok. "Is Rei here?" Despite the sharp tone of Sailorjupiter's voice, she sounded quite weak. "No," replied Usagi. "She's at the temple." "Then we're going to go see her." Sailorjupiter stood up, wincing. "Mako-chan," Usagi began, nervous. "Can you make it?" Sailorjupiter was standing weakly, clutching the windowsill so that her knuckles whitened. "Of course I can," she said in feigned cheerfulness. Her voice darkened as she spoke the next words. "Besides, I have to." She turned. "Let's go out the window. Nobody's out on the street now, and I'm in no mood to drip blood through your nice house." "Mako-chan!" screamed Usagi, yet still in a whisper for fear her mother would hear her, "Would you like me to get some bandages?" "No!" Sailorjupiter snapped. "I'm sorry, Usagi-chan, but I must speak with Rei." "Then why didn't you go to the shrine at first?" "Your house was closest, and I didn't know if I could make it on my own." She smiled weakly. "You'll help me, won't you?" "Of course," Usagi nodded. It took quite a while longer than normal for them to make it to the temple, due to Sailorjupiter's weakened condition. Rei stood alone, sweeping. "Rei-chan!" Usagi called, hoping to get her attention. It worked, as Rei lifted her head. "Usagi," she stopped whatever she was about to say, as she saw Sailorjupiter. "What's happened?" Sailorjupiter answered, "I was just going to tell you that, Rei." She stepped forward, wavering. "I--" A bright flash of light came from Sailorjupiter, and she--no, Kino Makoto--collapsed. "MAKO-CHAN!!!" screamed Usagi, and Rei dropped her brush to run over to them. "What happened?" "She reverted to Kino Makoto. She must have been too weak to remain Sailorjupiter." Rei's nose wrinkled as she smelled the burnt flesh. "Quick, help me. We must get her inside!" Normally Usagi would take that moment to argue with Rei and perhaps start a tongue war, but knew Makoto's condition warranted constructive action, not fighting. They worked together, and relatively quickly got her on a small cot on a private room in the shrine. Rei placed her fingers together and began doing ritual chants of good health. Usagi looked at Makoto. Her face was pale, and she still hadn't regained consciousness. "Excuse me," she whispered, though it was doubtful either Rei or Makoto heard her. Usagi exited the small room. It was obvious that Makoto needed a doctor. It was also obvious that any doctor would call the police. Usagi had no intention of that happening. So, in a rare burst of logic, she called a far better person. "Moshi moshi?" "Ami-chan?" Ami noticed instantly that something was wrong. "What is it, Usagi-chan?" "It's Mako-chan. She's been injured." "Injured?" Genuine concerned filled Ami's voice. "Is it--?" "It's bad. Please, come over here. And bring a doctor's kit or something. Please." Ami noticed the urgency in Usagi's voice. "I'll be right over, Usagi-chan." "WAIT!" "Hmmmm?" "I'm at Rei's temple." "I'm glad you told me thank. I'll see you shortly. Goodbye, Usagi-chan." Ami came over within two minutes, quite a feat since it usually took her at least ten to arrive at the shrine. Her face was red, and she was breathing heavily. Usagi noted in the back of her mind that this was the first time she had seen her friend running. "Is Mako-chan here?" she asked, panting. "Yeah," Usagi said. "Rei's with her." The two entered the room, where Rei still was praying. Ami walked expertly over to Makoto, undressed her, and inspected the body. "Thank goodness," she whispered. "What?" "The injuries aren't very serious. Mostly surface wounds. Though her heart has been weakened." She began expertly applying bandages. "Nani? What do you mean, Ami-chan?" Ami continued, "What with the burns, and the weakening of the heart, I could almost believe that she was--" she paused, and shook her head, as though unable to believe it herself. "Was what?" "Electrocuted," Ami replied gravely. Usagi and Rei both gasped. "How?" they asked. "I don't know," Ami replied, just as Makoto coughed and her eyes fluttered open. "Mako-chan! Are you all right?" "I'm fine. Thank you, Usagi-chan." Makoto smiled weakly. "I could use a bit more energy, though." Energy? Usagi zipped out of the room, and presently returned, carrying a bento box and some condiments. "Food, Usagi?" Rei rolled her eyes. "It's for Makoto. To help her get better." Usagi stuffed an egg roll into her mouth. "Yeah, right." It was obvious Rei didn't believe Usagi. "It is!" Usagi protested, spewing food. "She's hungry and needs energy!" "Then why are you eating it all, hmmm, Usagi?" "That's ok." Makoto smiled. "I'm not hungry." "What happened, Mako-chan?" It was Ami who offered the query. "Yeah," Usagi was terribly blunt. "You know you're wanted for first degree murder. What happened?" "USAGI!" Rei and Ami yelled at once. "It's ok," Makoto attempted to keep the peace, and it worked. She closed her eyes, trying not to cry. She never cried. "Senpai..." the words, dry and choked, forced themselves out of her mouth. "What?" All at once, Usagi, Ami, and Rei turned to face her. "Senpai killed me," Makoto's voice was choked up, despite her best efforts. "And then he killed himself. They must have blamed me." "" Usagi had a very peculiar expression on her face, as she inched away from Makoto. She reached into the basket, and pulled out a small pouch. She carefully opened it and flung the contents into Makoto's face. Makoto's nose wrinkled up and a loud noise was expelled from the recesses of her oral cavity. "Achoo! Achoo!" "What was that for?" Rei yelled. "Why'd you throw pepper at her?" Usagi seemed to get even smaller, if such a thing was possible. "I wanted to make sure she wasn't a zombie," she said in a tiny voice. "USAGI NO BAKA!" Rei shouted. "That's *salt*, not pepper!" She calmed down and continued, "It's the real Makoto. I'd be able to sense if it was a fake." "Then how come you're not dead?" Usagi asked, lacking in tact. "I won the battle." "Huh?" Makoto told the others of her fight with her double, a fight she won...though not without taking on serious injury to her body. "I don't think I've ever fought so hard," she whispered. "It was scary." Her eyes darkened, and she looked into space. "Minna..." "Nani?" "I know what happened to Minako." Her voice was dark and troubled. "What?" "She's gone." Deep sorrow filled the room at the sound of Makoto's voice. "A demon destroyed her soul, and took over her body." She shuddered, remembering seeing the being that looked so much like Minako yet was an entirely different entity. "I was able to win the battle against the demon's sister. I doubt Minako ever had a chance." Usagi dropped the brownie she was about to put in her mouth. "Minako's...gone?" she asked, disbelieving. Makoto wished she could say something different; she hated hurting Usagi, but only the truth could come. "There's just her body. And the demon that possesses it." There was pure hatred in Makoto's voice. "NOOO!!!! MINAKO-CHAAAN!!! She's gone! She's gone!" "No." Rei's voice was quiet, and low, yet it carried over Usagi's wailing. Everybody turned to face Rei, and even Usagi stopped crying. Rei continued. "I doubt she's gone." "But Mako-chan saw it." "No." Rei shook her head. "Souls are eternal. They are neither created nor destroyed. They always are." "What do you mean, Rei-chan?" "Minako's soul must be in captivity. The demon could very well have lied to Mako-chan. Or simply have captured her so thoroughly she is as good as dead." "You mean..." Usagi wiped her tears away. "She's still alive?" "Souls cannot die," Rei repeated. "So it must be so. Though I don't want to think what must be happening to her." "I know!" Usagi had a marvelous idea. "Let's rescue her!" "How? We don't know the entrance." Rei pointed out. "Well, can't you do a fire reading? Please?" Usagi was nearly begging. "We have to save her!" "I can't," Rei said darkly. "I've been wanting to do one for days, but Grandfather and Yuuichirou have forbidden it. They wouldn't let me in. There's no way I can find out any entrance." Usagi's face drooped, and she quickly turned to Ami. "Ami, can't you use your mini-computer or something to find an entrance?" "I'll try," Ami's voice was doubtful. She removed her mini- computer from her pocket, flicked it on, and began typing rapidly. Several minutes later she lifted her head. "There were no abnormal readings." She put the mini-computer away. "I'm sorry." "No...we have to save Minako-chan..." Usagi was deeply troubled. "I just can't let her stay prisoner of some demon! I have to find out where she is!" "Wait two weeks." "Huh?" The other girls turned to Makoto, who had spoken. "I said wait two weeks. The demon who wanted my body gave me life for two weeks. I'm certain she'll be back to claim me. You can get the entrance then." "NO!" Usagi cried. "We'll protect you! We're the Sailor Senshi! We won't let the demon get you?" "So?" Makoto snapped. "It didn't do any good for Minako-chan. She still died, and a demon still took over her body." "I agree," Ami spoke slowly. "Also, there seems to be a pattern in the deaths." "What do you mean, Ami-chan?" Ami cleared her throat. "Both Mako-chan and Minako-chan died in strictly mundane methods. Minako-chan was stabbed, and Mako-chan was poisoned. Things that would kill an ordinary person." "So that's our weakness," Rei added. "We can defeat any youma attack, but we're helpless against the ordinary, even in senshi form." "I'm afraid so," Ami agreed sadly. "NO!" Usagi protested. "We are *not* helpless! I'll protect Makoto, and keep her from dying! If she doesn't die, the demon can't claim her!" "Usagi!" The other three were surprised. "What's gotten into you? Usually you're so careless." Usagi glared at the others. "Minako-chan's gone," she replied, doggedly. "I'm not going to lose another friend." "But if I die, and am taken back," Makoto protested. "You can find the entrance." "No." Tears rolled down Usagi's face. "We'll find the entrance. But I'm not going to lose another friend because of it!" "Usagi..." "Father!" Again she sensed her father's presence and, even more disturbing, her sisters'. But that was impossible. They were all banished. There was no way she could be sensing them. There were more important things to worry about. She raised her voice, and called her most competent general at that time. "ZOISITE!" In a flurry of cherry blossom petals, he appeared. "Yes, my Queen?" He bowed in a slightly mocking manner. Queen Beryl was quite displeased. He was so arrogant! Someday, that arrogance would cause his death. But now she had more important matters to attend to. "Zoisite, I want you to capture Tuxedo Kamen and bring him to me." "Tuxedo Kamen?" Zoisite was surprised. "My Queen, why?" Queen Beryl showed her anger. "DARE YOU QUESTION MY ORDERS?!?!" she shrieked. Zoisite knew not to anger his queen further. "No, my Queen. I shall get what you request." "Good." Queen Beryl waved her hand. "You are dismissed." Zoisite teleported out, and Queen Beryl sat back with a smile on her face. Soon the prince would be hers once more. And then she would get the brat's head on a platter. "It's almost time." The words, innocent sounding, reverated through the four girls...three senshi and one civilian. For the past two weeks--almost--they had managed to keep Makoto hidden in the shrine, though it was difficult to continue to pretend they didn't know what it was. They knew better than to tell, for that would cause Makoto to be arrested, and if she was in jail they couldn't protect her. Sailormoon shivered, running her hands briskly up and down her goosebumpy arms. It wasn't particularly cold, only the fear of what might happen to Makoto if they could not prevent it was prevalent. She felt a light touch on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Usagi- chan." Makoto smiled at her. "I'm sure you'll do a great job protecting me. Thank you." Sailormoon took her head. "I won't let you die, Mako-chan," she swore. "I--" Sailormoon's words were cut off by a loud, piercing scream coming from above. "What was that?" The senshi looked up, though that might be considered rather silly, seeing as how there was only a ceiling above. "A MONSTER!!!" "HELP!!!" "AAAAAH!" Those words, and others blended into a symphony of fear. Makoto stood up, her hand in her pocket. "No!" Rei protested. "It's a trap!" Makoto sat back down, and continued to listen to the screams for several more seconds. "I don't care!" she finally cried. "I'm Sailorjupiter! I can't worry about myself any more! We have to save those people! Jupiter Power...MAKE UP!" Within a swirl of electricity, Sailorjupiter appeared. "Let's go!" she cried, running up the stairs. The others followed her, and she flung the door open. The youma laughed wickedly to itself. This was a marvelous plan! There was so much energy at the shrine. Queen Beryl would be most pleased. It threw another arm, which held the appearance of a vine, at a small older man. It encircled him, and his energy went into her. "Grandfather!" Rei was horrified, as Sailormoon spoke. "Stop it right there!" As always, the youma let go of the people to look at who was speaking. "We're the pretty sailor-suited champions of justice--" "Sailor Team!" "In the name of the moon--" "We'll punish you!" The youma was thoroughly unimpressed. "Sailor Senshi," it smiled, showing rows of pointed teeth. "Prepare to die!" It flung several arms, with razor sharp tips, out at the senshi. They all jumped to avoid it. Sailorjupiter crossed her arms, and drew her legs into her chest. "SUPREME...THUNDER!" she screamed, flinging her body open and sending down a powerful lightning bolt to strike the youma. The bolt had burnt off several arms. The youma was displeased. It was no matter, as it could quickly grow new ones, yet this one was acting far too brashly. "You think you can defeat me, Sailor wimps?" it laughed. "Think again." "Shabon Spray!" Sailormercury clouded the room in a cloak of bubbles, which usually gave the senshi the ability to fight better because it confused their enemies. Usually. However, things do not always work out as planned. The youma used the fog to its advantage. It knew where the senshi were, and also knew that it was far quicker than they could ever hope to be. The arms wrapped themselves around the senshi's bodies, and when the fog cleared, they were all captured and helpless. The youma smiled. "Queen Beryl will enjoy your energy." It began sucking out their energy, quite a painful process. "But she also wants you dead." More arms snaked towards the necks, and encircled. "So I will do both." The arms began tightening around the necks, causing the senshi to cough. Noticing that, the youma merely applied more pressure. Soon no air was going in or out, as they could not breathe. The youma was greatly pleased with itself. "Queen Beryl will be so pleased!" it shrieked, watching the senshi's eyes bulge out and their faces turn bright red, then purple. "Her accursed enemies will be dead!" It laughed wickedly, and squeezed tighter. "I am victorious!" {No...} Sailormoon was in pain, and she tried to free her arms. Her vision was blackening. If she could throw her tiara... The youma realized what was happening, and increased the tightness around Sailormoon's arms, locking them into place. "Oh, no you don't," it hissed. "Don't worry. Soon you'll be dead. And Queen Beryl will take over as rightful ruler of this world!" It happened, just as planned. A rose was thrown into the ground. As per usual, the youma let the senshi go to see who had dared to interrupt it when it was about to kill the senshi. The Sailor Senshi drew in great breaths of air. They had been without the substance for well over two minutes, and it was quite welcome. Tuxedo Kamen stood in a tree. "How dare you hurt these people, who came for a peaceful day at the shrine, and attempt to kill the Sailor Senshi! Your kind is not wanted here!" "So?" the youma laughed. "I'll kill you as well." "Moon Tiara... ACTION!" The youma turned to see the deadly disk flying towards it. It had only time for a partial scream before it was destroyed. "You did well, Sailormoon." Tuxedo Kamen doffed his hat. "I will be seeing you." He turned to leave, when a cherry blossom petal floated by him. That was only the first. Soon there were more, and they all circled around Tuxedo Kamen. They spun faster and faster, and the air between them and his body became less and less until there was no space. "TUXEDO KAMEN-SAMA!" cried Sailormoon, rushing towards him She was stopped by the familiar laughter. In a flurry of cherry blossom petals, Zoisite appeared. "Zoisite!" Sailormoon was furious. "What have you done with Tuxedo Kamen?" Zoisite raised an eyebrow. "I've merely wrapped him up. Queen Beryl wants him as a present. Also, these cherry blossom petals prevent him from moving. Wouldn't want him to escape, would we?" He casually leaned up against Tuxedo Kamen. "NO!" Sailormoon began running towards the two. "I won't let you have him!" Zoisite laughed mockingly, and teleported himself and Tuxedo Kamen out. "NO!!!" Sailormoon drove her fist into the dirt. "Tuxedo Kamen-sama!" In her mind, she still heard Zoisite's cruel, mocking laughter. The pink bowed senshi gave a painful cry, and fell to the ground. The other senshi quickly turned to face her. "Mako-chan?" Sailor moon asked. "Are you all right?" She ran over to her friend. "I'm..I'm fine," Sailorjupiter whispered, an expression of utter pain on her face. "I--" Whatever she had been about to say was lost as her body began convulsing. "Mako-chan..." Sailormoon was more worried than she had ever been. "What's happening?" Before their horrified eyes, they watched a pale white cloud float from above Sailorjupiter's body. As it left her, her body quit convulsing. Sailormars reached into her fuku, and pulled out a small tab of paper, with writings. She raised it to her face and began chanting. The cloud dissipated into nothingness, and Sailormars' had the greatest expression of horror on her face. "Sailorjupiter?" Sailormoon looked at her friend, who was standing straight with lifeless blank eyes. The eyes closed, and then reopened. Sailormars gasped. This evil she now sensed from Makoto; it was so similiar to the evil which she had sensed from Naru. Yet different. It did not come from the exact same creature. "I won." Jupiter's voice spoke. "She thought she had won, but I did." Sailormercury decided perhaps it would be best to question this one. "How did you gain possession of her body, if she was still alive?" The one with Sailorjupiter's body merely giggled. "Do you really think I'm going to tell you that?" She laughed, and waved her arm. "Bye-bye!" she said, in English, as she flashed out. "MAKO-CHAN!!!!" Sailormoon was utterly horrified at what she had seen. "I was wrong," Sailormars whispered weakly. "I was so wrong." She took a deep breath. "Souls can be destroyed."