ikuko's photo album

Momohara Momoko, one of Chibiusa's closest friends
Momoko was one of the first girls to befriend Chibiusa at school.. isn't she darling?

Sarashina Kyusuke, one of Chibiusa's guy friends
Kyusuke seems to like Chibiusa.. how cute ^^

Osaka Naruru  and Kobe Ruruna
Naruru and Ruruna.. such strange girls o_O;;

Hotaru.. such a sweetie
Hotaru is Chibiusa's best friend and the two are very close.. so cute together, no? ^^

Setsuna.. so pretty, no?
Setsuna is one of Chibiusa's oldest friends, and seems to have a special place in her heart for Chibiusa, almost like a second mother^^

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