The CyberWatch project

Well I have started a program called CyberWatch. It moniters homepages that have been registered with us. We look for people stealing pictures and any part or all of the site. This project in NEW and we hope it becomes a big success.

The program started from, when I heard that "The Watchers" maybe closing if they could not find someone to take it over. Also I thought if someont ook the spot could they cover ALL the pages that needed this service? So I ended up starting this. This is not meant to takeover "TheWatchers" but help out.

You can spot a site that is protected because there will be a

image on that page. If we catch someone copieing a protected page we notify the page owner, the person they stole the stuff from. From there we deal with it. Possibly we will not notify the stealer and let him find out himself when they see a nice THIS PAGE WAS STOLEN then we see the stealer panic :). I hate to see ripped off work.

To get your page protected email me;
1. Your site
2. Your site's name
3. Your name
4. Your email
5. A description of your site

I am also looking for people to help me with this project. To get in on this just email me;
1. Your name
2. Your email
3. Your site (if you have one)

click Here to get a list of protected sites.
Click HERE to get a list of thoose who protect your site.
To email me just click on this image