DragonBall news

I'm changing most of my pages into a new format now. It used to be done in Tripod html editor. I'm now using arachnophilia. I hope you like the change. Now on ot the news.

* Well this part was given to me by Geoff Quick to share with you. He is one of my main news givers. In this segment he said "There is a new T.V. network in canada. They may broadcast DragonBall Z. The Network is called Teletoon. By the way Geoff may be helping us with this page and taking over the news section.

The rest of these are by Kakarott
*Next is there may be a new video game out. Heard alittle word on this but not much. Nothing to start talking about.

*And also another is the new DragonBall Z is coming out in late September to Canada.

*On to another The new DragonBall toys well be showing up in your nearest Toys'r'us very soon. There already in Canada. Watch for these VERY NICE! JUST IN FROM ME- I picked 2 up and they are awsome. Watch closly for these there great!

*Looking for anime stuff go to http://www.bayside.net/Jebelva

*Well I got contact from FUNamation that the special movie will be aired in 3 half hour slots. The movie will be--> Movie #3. Watch for this it is the best movie of the first 3.

*Well there is a -MOVIE- supposed to be coming out. It is sadi to be the first 4 movies wrapped up in 1. I have heard it could be 1 of 2 names. DragonBall Z- The start, or DragonBall Z- The Arrival. I beleive it is DBZ- The Arrival. The movie in Canada will go from $15.99-$19.99.

*Canada maybe losing out on DragonBall Z. Well I have got this info from "The Saiyan's pride" homepage that Canada maybe in some spots can not get DragonBall Z. I can cause I have CABLE (FOX 31) and _another channel goes here_ Can't remember the other channel it's like WIPX. Anyway if you want YTV to pick this show up email them. I have emailed them ALOT. Just click HERE and write your message. YTV may get out point and take the show. And don't email htme once do it every week. There email is info@ytv.ca or just keep coming back here.

Got any news? Email it to me! I will give you full credit! Email me news