Megami wa Kurai Ichigou: Anrui!
Irasshai minna-sama wa omieninaru:

Megami wa Kurai Ichigou: Anrui!

Irasshai minna-sama wa omieninaru: Megami wa Kurai Ichigou: Anrui - Rajio engi!

Please read these rules, and follow what they say. If you do not, I will e-mail you back your auditions, and tell you why, and what needs correcting.
  • Record the lines specified, exactly as they are put.
  • Avoid ANY "ph's" or foreign noises invading your audition.
  • Make it so it is at least LOUD enough to hear, with out cranking up the speakers. To get this, and avoid the "ph's" at the same time, hold the microphone, so the recording end is about a few inches above and away from your mouth, and talk. ^^V
  • ZIP the file under 170KB please. Please make name your zip file (e.g:,
  • send it to: or ICQ it: #28784538

    Thank you...
