Byashi's Bio


History- My character or Byashi is a lab monkey combined with a few
humen cells to be smart and explore space. She lived with the lab for 20
years and finally destroyed the lab with a lot of intellegence and a few
chemicals.Now she lives in Japan, in the suberbs of Tokyo.She dosen't
have a job but hacks the bank for money.She remains in a apartment
watching T.V. and waiting for a sign of the lab Basterds who
destroyed her so she can get her Revenge
Player: Haji Gentleman
Sex: Female but acts like a male.
Race: none, because its a imbreed of a monkey mixed with a human.
Hometown:None (see history)
Weapon: claw and teeth
Armor: metal hair
Birthdate: unknown
Physical aperance: Blue eyes standing at 4'2 and weighs 75 pounds.
Covers in a dark metalic hair wich prevents serious damage to her flesh.
At first sight you'd think she was a monkey but up close you can clearly see human features.
Favorite freind: That black talk show host Ophra
Weaknesses: Perhaps to cocky in her abilities