Character name: Zediah Cammielium Krystaline La'Cross

Nick name: "Cammy"

Also Known As: Goddess of Everything Spiritual

Eyes: Deep royal blue

Hair: Straight brown hair that drapes to her knees.

Height: 5'7"

Skin: Her skin is white, but is extremely dark. (Kinda like the
sking of Uld on AH! MY GODDESS!)

Weight: A woman never reveals her TRUE weight! Let's just say she's
PRETTY skinny.

Backround History: "Cammy" was born on a distant planet named,
"Acrypolis". It was a planet of many wonderous things, and it was held
together by the planet's people's spiritual abilities, guidence, and
faith. Cammy was born of one of the two ruling families on the planet.
She was born, into the La'Cross family, the most spiritual of the two.
Each year, a goddess from heaven would come to Acrypolis and choose
around 5 children who showed to have a strong spiritual aura to be
goddesses and gods.
The year that they came, they chose Cammy as one of those
children. As she growed in spiritually and in her faith, she worked
mainly in the heavens perfecting flaws made by humans. At the age of
20, she was asked to go Earth and sever some of the mistakes made by
the Human Race which cannot be ammended from above. She gladly went,
being warned before she left of the dangers and trechorous things of
Earth and it's inhabitants. Living a life in the heaven's, Cammy had
never seen such chaos and disturbance as the gods had told her about.
They informed her that she could use her powers on Earth, everything,
but one thing. Her spell to come back to the heavens. Once she left
the heavens, she would be forced to stay upon the Earth for a long
while, it was her destiny. The gods then gave her choice of going or
staying. Cammy, being as brave as she could muster, agreed to go to
Earth and help out the human's in need. They then told her that they
would keep in contacht with her and that she must keep in contact with
them too. Cammy agreed once again. As she was bid farewell by her
dear and only friends, she walked into a blinding white light as she
was teleported to Earth....

Special Weapons: Her special bow and arrow which was legended to be
made by the great god Zeus himself. It would shoot a regular arrow,
but once it left the bow, it would transform into anything she called

Special Powers: Her magic and her faith. Her magic mostly includes:
Healing, Flying, Teleporting, and other magic skills that she will
learn along her journey on Earth.

Weakness(s): She is a goddess, and therefore she is EXTREMELY pure.
THAT is her weakness.

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Home Planet: Acrypolis

Maritial Status: She is a GODDESS, so... she IS single.

Favorite type of clothing: Dresses.

Favorite Color: Any shade of blue

Emial: Cammy