Characters name: Dargon
Description of appearance: 6'4, strong-muscular wizard, blond hair that flows
in the breeze, grey-blue eyes that are so deep that you could drownd in them
(They can suck the truth out of you), and so suductive that no one can resist.
Back Ground History: Dargon was A strange child. He was Born on December 30,
but was twice the normal size for an elvin child. He was also much stronger.
When the doctor tried to make him cry (to make sure he was alive), Dargon
killed him with his bare hands. After that, his parents sent him off (by
himslf) in the woods, for they feared their lives. He was suspected dead, but
came back fifteen years later. Elvin folk mature at the age of 170, but at
the age of 15, Dargon was a strong, matured, suductive and cunning (not to
mention tall and handsome) Elvin man. He came with the intention to get
food, and possibally barter. He, then, found out that thoes villigers were
his, and in a fit of rage, discovered that he had mystical magic powers. He
used these powers to distroy his family for abandoning him.
He met a beautifull woman named Alissa. He loved her, but her parents
were wiked folk, and killed her so that she would not be with him. This
angered him, and he, once again, was surprised by the powers he posessed. He
distroyed the village and took the body of his one and only beloved, Alissa.
He gave her a proper burial, but not before he took a lock of her silky-
brown hair. He left the village, and he practiced the magic he discovered,
untill he mastered it. He still had the lock of hair, and vowed to avenge the
killing of her with distroying every bit of evidence of the elvin tribe of
his orragin; the Ckelts.

Special weapons: His weapons of mind are. He has, with these, a sword and a
dagger. He will never use the Mytherill Dagger of which he posesses, because
it is the one of which he used to delicataly slice a lock of hair off of his

Any Special Powers(with in reason): Dargon has great mental capabilaties,
along with is a lust for blood. He has the powers of water, fire, lightning,
ice, flare, and poison. He also can summon thoes animals who helped him in
his early days. Thoes animals are: Shiva, Badhamhutt, Ravanga, and The Dragon.

Weaknesses: He has but two weaknesses. One of which is the rage he has
acquired. In a fight, the battle lingers, he will blank out and distroy
anything in his path. The other weakness he has is of woman. He will not
fight a woman. The memories of Alissa are much too vivid for him to do this,
even durring the rage.

Age: 15

Male/Female: Male

Home Country/Planet: Ckeltic-Ireland, Earth

Martial status: Single at the moment, but can suduce and lure any woman he
wishes. He will not do this, unless he must (I.E. in a fight with a woman),
because of the brutal murder of his beloved.
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