Name : Kinata Daemontah
Description of appearance:Tall. Long black hair with orange bangs.
Orange eyes, with a scar over his left eye.Cat-like ears on the top of
his head. Long fluffy brown tail too.
Back Ground History:He is the youngest of his (HUGE!!!) family. When he
was 5, his father died. At the age of 6, his mother was killed. He ran
away when he was 9, and lived with his friend Matajii. At the age of 13,
he was a powerful demon, with a reputation of kidnapping young girls,
burning villages to the ground, torturing male humans, killing children,
etc. However, none of this was true. He was a powerful demon, but he
didnt kidnap girls, or kill childer, or torture humans. He only burnt a
village once, on accident.(he was fighting with his 2nd in command at
the time). He developed feelings for Matajii, and when he was going to
tell her, Matajii was killed. So he left the warrior life for acouple
months. Then, when he was 15, he was captured by a group of savage
villagers, who wanted to kill him. He managed to escape, after 5 weeks
of being there. He lived on his own since then, and is now fighting
against evil.

Special weapons:The sword he has. It was given to him from his father,
and only with his touch, it can transform into much larger one (kinda
like Cloud`s,from FF7).

Any Special Powers(with in reason):No magical things, but his strength
is unnatural (from being half youkai).
Weaknesses:His ears and the necklace/curse. His ears are extremely
sensitive to loud noises and getting pulled. If noises are loud enough,
or someone pulled hard enough, he would start crying. The necklace/curse
is there to "keep him under control". If the word "sit" is said, he`ll
fall to the ground on his stomach, unable to get up for acouple minutes.
If "silence" is said, then he is unable to speak for acouple minutes.
This only works if someone who was given the power to have this control
over him says it.
Age: Human years - 18 / Youkai(demon) years - 2637
Home Country: Aceint Japan
Martial status: single