A Love Like No Other

Chapter 11- Healing

        That night I dreamt of Serena.  I had never met anyone like her and I guess she shocked me enough to make my mind make her into a character in a dream.  I could not often remember my dreams.  Sometimes I could see a woman that I called Wildman.  Sometimes I would dream about a book I was reading and I would be one of the characters.  I had never dreamt of someone I had seen though.  Maybe it was because she puzzled me so.  Or it could be that she is just the first person I had had a real conversation with since... since... ever.  She was the first person who had taken the time or even to have had the opportunity to talk to me face to face.  The strange thing was that even though I thought she might have a hidden agenda behind those innocent airs and those beautiful blue eyes, I found myself able to talk to her and easily trust her.
        "Maybe too easily." I said aloud while lying in bed.  I had shown her the blueprints of all the tunnels.  Now she could really get to me and I would never see an ambush coming.  I had let down my guard for a minute and she swindled me into showing her one of my most vulnerable assets.  I was kicking myself for the error now.  How could I have let my guard down like that?  Sure, talking was okay.  Even letting her know a little about my past.  But showing her my routes and telling her where I got my food and books from was just plain ignorant.  Somehow, deep down, I knew I could trust her, my instincts and conclusions about humanity had been wrong, at least in the way that not everyone was violent.  But still, I did not want to give too much too fast.  I didn't really know her.  I knew all ABOUT her, but I didn't know her.
        Still, I liked talking to Serena about things.  It was nice to hear what it was like to grow up in a situation where there was a family who loves you and having many friends to hang around with and talk to.  Up until now, I had never really much thought of who my mother and father were.  They were probably rich considering I was wearing such fine clothing the night of the crash.  I had put that outfit away in a chest when I outgrew it.  It was not really of any value to me considering I was not the sentimental type.  But I thought it unwise to throw it out because it was stained with my blood and there was always the possibility that someone could investigate where 'this mysterious piece of clothing came from.'
        But now I began to wonder who they were.  Lita's name had sounded so familiar.  Mina's not as much but still... Could I have been wrong and have not come from the Earth or Moon, but from Venus or Jupiter?  Is that why they struck me as such?
        I decided to stop pondering.  I could sit there for hours contemplating and still be no closer to finding any answers.  Nonetheless, I decided that tonight I would gather some books from the library on the other eight planet's royalty.  I had really only learned of the Moon's.  Maybe my memory would be jarred.  But for now I was content to just sit in bed and think about what I was going to do about the situation with Serena.  She seemed sweet enough.  She also appeared to be genuinely interested in me.  Imagine that!  The Princess of the Moon interested in something I had to say!!  It was comical!  She thinks of you as an inferior, Tux.  I reminded myself.  The only interest she has in you is pure amusement because you're of the lower class.
        I was glad her questions had not traveled to my eye patch.  There were certain things that I did not think I would ever be ready or able to discuss openly.
        I got out of bed.  I crossed the room to the bathroom and I got out the iodine.  Thanks to Serena's medicine, the laceration had been healing much better.  I changed the bandage carefully and got dressed.
        It had been decided the night before that Serena would come over again at what now seemed to be becoming her usual time.  I looked at the clock and discovered it was almost five in the evening!  I had managed to sleep away well over half the day.  I was unaccustomed to staying up until four in the morning, and now my body was retaliating.  I decided to watch Serena's rehearsal.  That way I at least could keep the conversation away from my personal life.  I knew if I gave her the chance to start asking questions again, I'd cave just as easily as I had done last night.  Well, maybe not just as easily.  Now I had regained my senses and put everything back in its proper perspective.  She was the Princess of the
Moon, and I, a penniless commoner.  I failed to see why she was even interested in talking to me, other than it might be amusing to see how the "other half" lives.
        Nonetheless, I felt myself begin to like her.  I did not know why she was able to do this to me.  It was annoying actually.  All my life, I have been trying to build up a defense against people, and here she was, undoing my entire life's work with her... her... everything!
        I opened the right door and crawled through the tunnels past the dance room and the kitchen.  I climbed the ladder (as difficult as that was thanks to my shoulder) and began to watch the rehearsal, hoping to see Serena.  I didn't. Maybe she wasn't rehearsing today?  Then I saw the characters that were supposed to be working with her.  But the girl playing her part was that of a green eyed, black haired girl.  She was short, slender, flat chested, and had cream colored skin.  She was pretty.  But nowhere near as beautiful as Serena.  Serena had the most gorgeous big blue eyes, long blonde hair that seemed to flow behind her, done up in a bon-bon shape (like her mother's).  Serena was thin but had all the right curves in all the right places.  It seemed as though she had an impossibly thin waist for the size of her chest.  She was in a word...Perfect.
        It was the sound of the scream of a character on-stage that snapped me out of my daydream.  It was also then that I realized how just thinking about Serena had caused my body to react.  Sure, I had seen pictures of barely clothed women in books that turned me on, but Serena did not even have to try.  I found it amazing that any man who laid eyes on her did not immediately fall in love, or at least in lust with her.
        It was not until later that I realized my body would not have responded like this if it was merely her body I was interested in.
        Serena came at her usual time.  This time, rather than casually reading a book when she came I had a stack of them on the table.  Most were of the royalty of the other planets, but I had not had a chance to read them.  I cleared enough room so that I could set down another pot of tea and teacups.
        When she reached the bottom of the stairs her face glowed.  I smiled.  She always looked so pretty.
        This time she needed no invitation.  She sat down next to me on the couch, a little closer than usual.  Get control of your mind and mouth Tux.  You don't want to spill any more information.  "So, I watched your rehearsal today.  I didn't see you though.  Care to explain?"
        Serena grinned, as if she knew a secret and wanted me to pry and drag it out. I didn't give in.  She looked up at me and began.
        "When I started the play, I used a disguise power of mine as to not be recognized.  I did not wish to be treated any differently because of my status.  I look like a short black haired girl.  Her name is Jasmine.  Did you see HER?"
        I realized that the girl I had been comparing to Serena WAS Serena.  I laughed nervously, remembering where my mind (and body) had taken me earlier.  "Yeah.  I saw you."
        Then she gasped and got a strange expression on her face.  "Wait!  My powers!  Oh why did I not think of this sooner?"
        I was about to ask her what she meant when before I knew it she had taken off my jacket and was now unbuttoning my shirt.  I did everything in my power to keep from losing my cool and letting my body react to this.  But when a beautiful princess starts spontaneously stripping you, you don't stop her and ask "why?"!
        She took off my shirt and turned me around.  She then unwrapped my laceration and gently placed her hand on it.  I saw a flash and I felt a strange sensation.  Then I heard her say, "That is better."
        I moved my arm with no pain.  I turned to her and looked at her questioningly.  "I have the power of telekinesis.  I healed you.  You are better now.  Sorry for not thinking of it sooner."
        She was right.  My shoulder had completely healed; scarless.  "If only I had known her when I hurt my eye'", I thought bitterly.
        "Thank you." I said to her, slightly bowing my head.
        "Of course, Tuxedo Mask." she replied, not making eye contact.  Was she staring at my bare chest?  I raised an eyebrow.  She seemed to snap back and look up at me.  She knew I had caught her staring.  Serena turned the deepest shade of red I had ever seen.  I smiled at her and broke the silence to her relief, "So tomorrow night is your performance?"
        She looked at me, almost grateful and said that it was.  "Can I see you the morning after my performance?  I should go home and rest now, and I fear I will be exhausted tomorrow night."
        I nodded yes that she could come and she seemed to light up.  "Will you watch Jasmine perform?  She is very pretty after all."
        "Not as pretty as you." I said before I could catch myself.  Great!  Now she knows I think she's attractive.  What will I say next?  Um... Princess, I really want to sleep with you.  What do you think?
        We said goodnight and I didn't sleep all night.

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