A Love Like No Other

Chapter 18- A Night to Remember

        It was seven.  I had been squirming all day.  I had drifted in and out of sleep until one in the afternoon.  I finally gave up on sleep and got up.  If someone had told me, a year ago, that I was going to fall in love, I would have laughed in their face.  I could have never pictured myself losing sleep over a girl, much less one that didn't even return my affection.  Finally I decided enough was enough.  I was going to head over to Serena's.  I opened my door and managed to slip out unnoticed.  I was no more than five minutes into my walk when a torrential downpour commenced.  I wondered if I should not turn back and wait for it to let up.  Then I thought that I was already wet, so what good was waiting.  I kept walking.
        I got colder and colder as I continued.  I felt my hands start to go numb.  This was terrible.  I was almost halfway to the palace, so there was no use turning back now.  I crossed my arms for warmth and kept on.  About twenty minutes passed and I was freezing.  The temperature had dropped dramatically and I was soaked.  I began to shiver and I struggled to keep warm.  Finally, the palace was in sight.  I was now shaking uncontrollably.  I could barely walk.
        After what seemed like an eternity, I reached the palace.  I went around back and slowly was able to scale the stairs.  I knocked on her window.

         I opened the bathroom door.  That is when I saw him.  He could barely stand up.  I quickly ran to the door to let him in.  He was soaked and freezing.  I have never seen anyone shake so badly.  I was worried.  He could have died out there from exposure.  His hands and face were red, a definite sign that he was nearly frostbitten.  I helped him into my room and led him to the bathroom
        "Tuxedo Mask, are you okay?  I am sorry!  I did not even think about the rain.  You could have died out there.  I do not know what I would do if you were no longer here.  I need you, Tuxedo Mask.  I cannot live without you!  I am so sorry!"  I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes as I said that he could have died.  I would never forgive myself if he were hurt because of me.  I helped him to the sitting chair in the bathroom.  I felt his cheek and forehead.  It was like touching ice itself.  I did not think it was possible to get that cold.  I walked to my shower and turned it on lukewarm.  As soon as the water felt like it was warming, I helped him take off his shirt and pants.  I took them out to dry in the dryer down the hall.  I wanted to do it myself so that none of the servants got suspicious.
        "Just take off your boxers, get in the shower, and turn up the water temperature as you warm up."  I shut the door behind me.  Then I realized I could dry them by using telekinesis.  It would be safer than risking a servant catching me.  I dried them and cracked the bathroom door enough so that I could slip the clothes onto the counter.  I then noticed his boxers were sitting at my feet.  I dried those quickly and set them on top of his pants.  I glanced up briefly and saw his nude form through the shower glass.  It had fogged up, but I saw the color of his skin and his slow movements as he tried to warm himself.  I quickly looked away and scolded myself for being so horrible.  Here the man was, almost dead, and all I could do was peek in on him during his shower?  I shut the door again and sat down on my bed.  Why would he walk through that big of a storm just to see me?  He could have come another day and just explained.  Surely he knew he could have done that.
        Then it occurred to me.  He had the same feelings for me and wanted to see me as badly as I wanted to see him.  I reached for my new nightgown.  Well, if the shower does not work, this sure will!


        She closed the door.  I stripped the rest of the way and felt the water.  It was scalding hot to my hand.  I knew that it was actually room temperature, but to my cold skin, it felt like liquid fire.  I eased my way into the water and slowly started to warm up.  If Serena were in here, I'd be sure to heat up fast..  I thought as I let the warm water run over me.  This was actually the first warm shower I could ever remember taking.  The community center had no water heater and so my showers were cold.  This was nice.
        Soon I was starting to feel like the water was cold.  I turned up the temperature and then started think clearly.  Serena had said she couldn't live without me.  Could it be that she returned my emotions?  She must!  Oh Serena, I love you, too!  I would never leave you!
        I was so happy.  But as usual, my mind did not let that last long.  I was beginning to dislike my sensible side.  Now I had the problem of committing treason.  If anyone found out about our love, I would be executed.  It did not take me long to realize that either way meant death.  I would also die if I were forced to face everyday alone, without Serena.  I decided I would rather die happy and with her, than to die alone without her.
        I picked up her shampoo bottle and turned the water heat up.  I smelled the shampoo.  It was coconut.  Her hair always smelled like this shampoo and it drove me crazy.  SHE drove me crazy.  I realized that I was warm again and turned the shower off.  I grabbed a towel and dried off.  My clothes were sitting on the counter by the door.  I picked up my boxers, which were also dry.  I had left them by the door so she could dry those, too.  I dressed and opened the door.
        When I saw what she was wearing, I could barely stand.  She was incredibly sexy.  She was wearing a nightgown that covered everything, but barely.  I walked over to her as soon as I was able.  I took her in my arms and just held her.  When she put her arms around my shoulders, I almost collapsed.
        "Thank you for helping me, Serena." I whispered in her ear.  She pulled away only far enough to look me in the face.  Still with my arms around her waist, she took her right hand and brushed my cheek.
        "You are welcome.  I was worried about you.  I was afraid that you might get sick and leave me."
        I looked at her, slowly resting my forehead against hers, now able to look directly into her gorgeous blue eyes.  "I would never leave you, Princess."
        "But if you lost your life, you would have no choice." she told me.  The beginnings of tears began to develop in her eyes.
        "Serena, the only way I would lose my life, is if I lost you."
        With that, I let my hand rise to her chin and held her face as I brought her lips to mine. I kissed her.  I felt a raging fire run through me.  First we started with little kisses.  Then she was the one to hold the kiss and slowly let her small tongue slip into my mouth.  I returned her affection.  Then she pulled away.
        "I love you, Tuxedo Mask."  She loved me!
        "I love you, Serena, my Princess."  I took her back into my arms and kissed her again.

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